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January 08, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-08

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Page 2-Thursday, January 8, 1981 -The Michigan Daily


WASHINGTON (APKrPresident-elect
Ronald Reagan tapped Utah education
official Terrel Bell yesterday to be
education secretary, ending a long
segrch for someone to head an agency
that President Carter created and
Reagan has vowed to dismantle.
,,And Reagan told a meeting of
senators yesterday that he has infor-
med U.S. Ambassador to Japan Mike
Tdansfield that the former Senate
Democratic leader will be re-
nominated to his Tokyo post.

an nominates Bell

Bell, 59, was U.S. education com-
missioner during the Nixon and Ford
administrations. He is now Utah's
commissioner of higher education.
THE CHOICE of an education
secretary comes two weeks after
Reagan's earlier self-imposed goal of
completing his Cabinet selections by
Christmas. The president-elect admit-
ted publicly that some candidates tur-
ned down his offer of the educationjob.
As with the other Cabinet selections.
Reagan was not present for the Bell an-

nouncement, which was handled by
White House press secretary-to-be
James Brady. Neither was Bell present
at the announcement.
Brady said Bell would be available to
answer questions at a news conference
next week, when the new special trade
representative and the Council of
Economic Advisers are expected to be
BRADY SAID Reagan and Bell agree
on the administration's approach to the
department, but Brady would not
elaborate on whether Bell agrees
specifically with Reagan's oft-stated in-
tention to eliminate the agency, formed
only two years ago.
The naming of Bell left the final
makeup of the Reagan Cabinet with one
black, New York lawyer Samuel Pierce
Jr., nominated to be secretary of
housing and urban development. For
the first time in six years, there was no
female Cabinet secretary.
The only woman so far named to a
top-echelon job in the incoming ad-
mirlistration is Jeane Kirkpatrick., a
Georgetown University professor who

was named United Nations am-
bassador, a post Reagan has described
as Cabinet-level.
IN A SPEECH Nov. 27, Bell said he
was concerned about federal
domination of local education but did
not believe the Education Department
was in immediate danger of being
"Whether we keep education as a
department or just a free-standing
agency does not bother me." Bell said.
"It is important to keep it from
becoming or being swallowed by a
monolithic agency."
During the presidential campaign,
Reagan called the department un-
necessary. But there has been recent
speculation that the new president
might simply choose to downgrade its
status rather than eliminate it entirely.
Reagan, meanwhile, met yesterday
with members of Congress amid in-
dications he was pulling back from his
campaign pledge to abolish the Depar-
tment of Energy.




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Watt speaks in Senate
as opposition. rallies

nominated as interior secretary and
already under fire from conser-
vationists, said yesterday the nation
must adopt "a reasoned, environmen-
tally conscious program for developing
and utilizing" its resources or risk a
disastrous crash program in the future.
"All too often, the federal gover-
nment moves in a crisis not with the
precision of a surgeon's scalpel, but the
force of a meat ax," Watt said in his
opening statement to the Senate
Energy and Natural Resources Com-
mittee, which is considering his
"Those of us who live and are com-
mitted to preserving the beauty and
values of our environment fear this
possibility," he said. "We want the
right kind of development to come over
time, not the wrong kind of develop-
ment to come in a crisis."
ALTHOUGH WATT describes him-
self as an environmentalist, established
conservation organizations disagree
and are vigorously opposing .his
. The conservation groups base their
opposition on his service for the past 31/2
years as president and chief legal of-
ficer of the Mountain States Legal
Foundation in Denver. That conser-

vative public-interest law firm has op-
posed many federal land management
policies in the courts.
Watt said about 20 percent of the
firm's cases were filed against the In-
terior Department, although the foun-
dation supported the department in
other cases.
IN A JOINT statement issued yester-
day by The Wilderness Society, Friends
of the Earth, the Sierra Club, the En-
vironmental Policy Center, and the
National Audubon Society, conser-
vationists said Watt's record "is one of
consistent and unbending advocacy for
the destructive exploitation of the
public lands.
"It is unlikely that an individual with
such a narrow record of special interest
representation could make the reorien-
tation required to be the Cabinet's chief
conservationist and guardian of the
nation's public land," the statement
However, Sen. Pete Domenici (R-
N.M.) a member of the Energy Com-
mittee, said the environmentalist op-
position was "a phony issue." He noted
while that environmental organizations
often sue the Interior Department over
adverse rulings, many of their mem-
bers served in the department during
the Carter administration with no out-
cry about-conflicts of interest.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Northeast hit by snow, cold
New-Yorkers, plagued by a flu epidemic, shivered yesterday through an
Arctic assault that dumped 7 inches of snow on the area, closed schools and
forced some people to flee heatless apartments and take shelter in an ar-
Up to 14 inches of snow buried parts of Ohio. Blowing and drifting snow
swept parts of Indiana and Pennsylvania and pushed through New England.
Snow, sleet and ice stretched over Tennessee and Georgia. Schools shut
down by the scores in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Ten-
Influenza deaths up;
nearing epidemic levels
ATLANTA-Preliminary data from around the nation indicated yesterday
that influenza is nearing epidemic levels in some areas, with deaths from flu
and pneumonia surging above expected levels for a fourth consecutive week.
Officials at the national Centers for Disease Control said they were
studying still incomplete data collected by its extensive influenza sur-
veillance network, which includes state health departments, hospitals and
"sentinel physicians."
Another black youth
reported missing in Atlanta
ATLANTA-The count of missing and slain black children in Atlanta rose
to 16 yesterday when a 14-year-old boy was added to the list of missing,
rekindling fears that had begun to ebb since the most recent slaying two
months ago.
Lubie "Chuck" Geter was last seen Saturday when his stepbrother drop-
ped him at a shopping center where he planned to sell car deodorizers,
Public Safety Commissioner Lee Brown said yesterday.
But Browrrcautioned reporters at a news conference that "we should not
assume there is a relationship between this'case and other cases."
Contempt charges leveled
in school integration case
BUCKEYE, La.-A federal judge yesterday began contempt proceedings
against the parents of three white girls, school officials and a state jdge
who has been escorting the girls to all-white Buckeye High School in defiane
of a desegregation plan.
U.S. District Judge Nauman Scott, who wants the girls bused 15 miles to a.
racially integrated school, signed a charge of contempt of court two hours
after state District Judge Richard Lee bucked federal authorities for the
third straight day.
U.S. Attorney Ransdell Keene had asked Scott to deal with such defiance
by imposing a $1,000-a-day find on Lee and heavy fines on others involved.
Signed without comment, Scott's "show-cause" order set a hearing for
Jan. 15 at his court in Alexandria, 20 miles from Buckeye.
Big Three auto sales
down sharply in 1980
Domestic car sales by U.S. automakers in 1980 declined 20.3 percent to 6.6
million from 1979 for the industry's lowest total since 1961, while imports
claimed a record 26.4 percent of the U.S. car market.
Reports from the Big Three auto companies showed they sold 6,251,731
U.S.-built cars in 1980, down 21.1 percent from 7,897, 856 the previous year.
Ford Motor Co. sales declined 30 percent, the biggest drop among the Big
Foreign car makers sold 2,368,400 cars in the U.S. in 1980, up four percent
from last year.
Snow socks Austria, Italy
VIENNA, Austria-Ten feet of snow stranded thousands of people yester-
day in the mountains of western Austria where four tourists have died in
"white death" avalanches.
Authorities said the blizzard-like conditions in the Arlberg mountains
stranded some 6,000 winter tourists, including Canadian Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau, who was flown out of the Lech ski resort by helicopter after
waiting three days.
The icy winter weather, moving into Italy, dropped a foot of snow on the
southern Italian mountains east of Naples, bringing more hardship to the
tens of thousands of victims of the Nov. 23 earthquake still living in tents and
house trailers.
Stocks set record volume,
plummet almost 24 points

NEW YORK-The stock market suffered a sharp drop in record-breaking
trading yesterday and the Dow Jones average of 30 industrials fell 23.80 to
980.89-its biggest drop since it lost 26.45 points last Oct. 9.
In the first three sessions of the year the average climbed 40.70 points to
1004.69, its highest level in more than four years.
New York Stock Exchange volume reached 92.89 million shares, breaking
the old record of 84.08 million set last Nov. 5.
Vol. XCI, No. 84
Thursday, January 8, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semestert); 13 by mail
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Editor-in-Chief...................MARK PARRENT
Managing Editor.......... ...MITCH CANTOR
City Editor....................... PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editors................ TOMAS MIRGA
Features Editor . . ........ ADRIENNE LYONS
Opinion Page Editors..............JOSHUA PECK
Arts Editors. . . . ....... ...... MARK COLEMAN
Sports Editor ... ..ALAN FANGER
NEWS STAFF WRITERS: Arlyn Afremow. Beth Allen.
Sora Anspach. Lorenzo Benet. Nancy Bilyeou. Doug
BriceJulie Brown. Mauro Carry. Claudia Centomini.

Business Manager..........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Soles Manager ......-.........KRISTINA PETERSON
Operations Manager.. ....... ...KATHLEEN CULVER
Co.Disploy Manager ........ DONNA DREBIN
Co-Display Manager .ROBERT THOMPSON
Classified Manager.. . . SUSAN KLING
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Circulation Manager..........TERRY DEAN REDDING
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BUSINESS STAFF: Cathy Boer, Glenn Becker.Joe
Brodo, Randi Cigelnik, Maureen DeLove, Barb
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Guszynski. Gayle Halperin. Rosemary Hayes. Kathryn




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