Ninety-One Years
Editorial .Freedom
Expect sunny skies today
withe the high in the low to
mid 30s.
Ten Pages
,Vol. XCI, No. 97
Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 23, 1981
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Reagan 'outraged'by hostage tal
I: ~, jIran denies hostage abuse
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HAROLD Shapiro speaks to students on issues facing the University in the coming
decade at the Union last night. The event was sponsored by the University's senior honor society.
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Shairofears 'U' fiscal woes
WASHINGTON (AP)-Tales by the former
American hostages of brutal treatment at the
hands of their Iranian captors angered President
Reagan and Jimmy Carter yesterday, and
prompted plans for Senate hearings to lay the
story before the American public.
But Iran denied that the 52 American hostages
were abused by their Iranian captors and said
the U.S. government was using the allegations as
a pretext for breaking the agreement that ended
the 444-day crisis.
IN A HAND-WRITTEN report on him
emotional visit with the freed hostages Wed-
nesday in Wiesbaden, West Germany, Carter
urged Reagan to abide by the U.S. agreement
with Iran, "but never do any favors for the
hoodlums who persecuted innocent American
Vice President Walter Mondale delivered Car-
ter's report . to Reagan at the White House
yesterday morning. Reagan was said to be
"outraged" and "deeply upset" after reading it
ahd hearing Mondale's account of mistreatment
of the American captives.
In his report to his successor, Carter said the
hostages had been "abused more than I -had
previously known." He said the Iranians had
"acted like savages" to the end, and he termed
the hostage ordeal an "official criminal act of
THE STATE Department said the Reagan
administration was "very irate, very angry"
over mistreatment of the hostages, and planned
a formal reaction soon.
- Department spokesman William Dyess said
revelations of the Iranains' behavior "certainly
will not make it any easier" to carry out the Car-
ter administration's agreement with Iran for
release of the hostages.
Iran's chief government spokesman, Bahzad
Nabavi, called the freed Americans "comfort-
seeking diplomats" who were "ungrateful" and
did "not understand the meaning of kindness."
NABAVI, IN AN interview with the official
Iranian news agency Pars, called the brutality
allegations "baseless." He said "Carter and his
new successors would like to breach" the
agreement that provided for the transfer of
billions of dollars of frozen Iranian assets to Iran
in exchange for the hostages' release.
"If the United States of America does so, then
it means that U.S. gov.ernment, despite.all its.
commitments, does not respect its internal and
international laws as well," Nabavi said in the
interview that was carried by Tehran Radio.
He said failure to live up to the agreement
would show that the American government is
"openly trampling upon us."
Nabavi, who was Iran's chief hostage
negotiator, said the Iranians had videotapes of
the hostages "in which they all confessed that
they have been treated well and humanely and
they had no complaints."
FORMER AMERICAN HOSTAGE Robert C. Ode, is surrounded by well-
wishers at the U.S. Military Hospital in Wiesbaden. Ode, 64, is thge oldest of
the 52 former hostages.
Gifts galore await
the former hostages
Declining state support for higher education and
the imminent shrinkage of the University are two key
issues that will have a significant impact on the
University in the decade ahead, University President
Harold Shapiro said last night.
Shapiro, speaking to a large student crowd at the
Union, said delining enrollments will also affect
universities, as well as faculty planning. Universities
are not appointing new faculty members, and this
presents a concern, he said.
SINCE THE University is a research institution,
Shapiro said it will not feel the impact of declining
enrollments as heavily as institutions that focus
primarily on training. The University, however, must
deal with a diminishing budget due to a reduction in
state funding.
A realistic assessment of our resources have shown
that the University will have to be smaller, Shapiro
said. He added that smaller can mean better'
however, if the curriculum is reorganized.
"There is a proliferation of courses that are un-
necessary or dilute the education of students at the
University," he added.
According to Shapiro, the departments and units
will have to be more selective in whiat they offer, and
concentrate on offering "quality experiences" to
SHAPIRO SAID there are four keys to providing a
quality experience for students: high quality studen-
ts, high quality faculty, student feedback from
faculty, and individual responsibility.
In order to have a quality faculty, the University
must "provide an environment where they can be en-
thusiastic about their work," Shapiro said. He added
See SHAPIRO, Page 2
From the Associated Press
The showcase of gifts awaiting the 52
former hostages when they get home
would rival that of the richest television
giveaway show.
Already, live lobsters from Maine-
and pizzas from London have been sent
to the hospital in Wiesbaden, West
Germany where the hostages are
staying. And they are being offered a
further bonanza ranging from free
vacations to free psychiatric coun-
THE LIST OF gifts offers also in-
cludes tickets to the Super Bowl,
lifetime passes to major league
baseball games, free airline travel,
$1,000 Persian or oriental rugs, and
souvenir tray tables designed for
President Reagan's inaugural balls.
They can take advantage of expense-
paid stays at resorts in Florida,
Californa, Tahiti, or.Hawaii.
Several airlines have offered to fly
the families of the hostages to meet
them when they arrive in this country
and then provide free trips elsewhere
for up to a month.
IN ADDITION, the Hostage Relief
Act approved by Congress last fall
exempts the hostages from paying in-
See BONANZA, Page 2
Candidate wants out,
abut primary still on
9.8% dorm rate hike likely
Next month Ann Arbor will spend
$5,000-$7,000 on a Republican primary
for a Third Ward City Council seat
which one of the two candidates says he
no longer wants.
Last week Mayor Louis Belcher
vetoed a City Council decision that
would have saved the money by
allowing Kenneth Newble to withdraw
his name from the ballot, thus
.elimimating the primary - even though
the state-imposed deadline for with-
drawal had already passed. .
BELCH ER SAID he vetoed the
resolution because he did not want to
:see the election tangled up in a lawsuit
;that might be brought aginst the city for
-violation of the state law.
Republican councilmembers said
they voted for the resolution because
they think it is pointless to hold a
:primary in which one of the candidates
does not want to participate, especially
when the cost to taxpayers is so high.,
Bh"It's a totally superfluous election,"
aBelcher said. "~Mr. Newble has thrown
his support behind Jennie Johannsen
(the other Republican candidate in the
Third Ward). He pleaded for his name
to be taken off the ballot. Seven
thousand dollars is a lot of money, and
we could spend it in other areas," he
BUT THE FOUR Democrats on the
council held out in opposition to the
resolution, saying the council is not
authorized to pass something which
would violate state law.
The Democrats vigorously deny ac-
cusations that politicking was behind
their criticism of the resolution.
The state election law is very well
outlined," said Susan Greenberg (D-
First Ward). "If you can begin to
violate that law, you have to wonder
what the next set of laws to be violated
will be."
AFTER THE resolution was passed
by the council earlier this month, the
State Elections Division was notified.
"An election specialist informed me
that out council had acted illegally,"
said Winifred Northcross, acting City
... vetoes council vote
"He said the state would not officially
intervene, but would tell the Democrat
involved that a lawsuit would be the
proper course (if action were
desired)," she said.
said that if the resolution had not been
vetoed and a suit had been filed; the city
would have a good chance of winning.
"Usually it is a requirement for any
See MISSED, Page 3
A 9.8 percent averageincrease in dorm rates and a 9.5 per-
cent average rate increase for family housing units for the
1981-1982 school year have been recommended by the
University Housing Division rate study committee.
The recommendations are the result of a semester-long in-
vestigation conducted by \the committees, comprised of a
handful of students and housing officials.
FOR A STUDENT living in a double room in a campus
dormitory, this will mean forking over $2,281.29 for room and
board, up $204.24 from the 1980-1981 year, if the committee
recommendations are approved by the Regents.
The rate for single dorm rooms will undergo a $242.04 in-
crease under the committee's recommendation, rising from
$2462.95 to $2704.99.
Family housing units include all five Northwood buildings
and the University Terrace apartments. For Northwood II
residents living in a two bedroom apartment, the present
rate of $211 may be hiked by $23, to $234 per month.
ACCORDING TO Associate Director of Housing Norm
Sunstad, who chaired both committees, the increases cover
the projected inflation rate for the coming year, and do not
include any additional price increases.
In addition to studying dorm rooms and board rates, com-
mittee members investigated the cost feasibuity of switching
the brand of yogurt served in the dorm cafeterias from Farm
Maid to Dannon. Dormitories had served Dannon until last
spring, when they started buying Farm Maid to save money.
Despite the additional $12,000 in costs projected by the com-
mittee that would be involved in the switch, the group
recommended that University Food Stores begin buying
Dannon again. Food stores will make the decision later this
year, officials said. - -
The committee based the yogurt suggestion largely on a
study conducted last November on 2,775 dorm residents by
the University Residence Hall Council. The study indicated
that more than 80 percent of those polled perferred Dannon to
Farm Maid.
THE COMMITTEE also discussed deconverting converted
triples and instituting a dorm-wide breakfast program.
However, the cost increases necessitated by both options and
the results of a breakfast survey conducted by the Housing
staff led to the committee decision not to advise in favor of
these suggestions.
Options discussed by .the Family Housing Rate Study
Committee included a possible increase in washer/dryeF
rates, budgeting vacancy rates for the upcoming school year.
See FAMILY, Page 2
F YOU'RE THINKING about dropping that Russian
literature class with the 30-page term paper, you only
have a few more days to procrastinate. Officials at
CRISP say the last day for most students to drop and
add classes is Tues., Jan. 27. Engineering students have a
said tower carillonneur
Hudson Ladd. The giant-
size edition of the Stars and
Stripes was donated to the
School of Music by the Ann
Arbor Veterans of Foreign
Wars. In addition to the
brand new flag, the
hostages' freedom was
celebrated in song with the
plaving of such patriotic
Record offers subscriptions
University administrators may be busy reducing funds
for various programs, but officials at The University
Record, the newsletter for faculty and staff, aren't about to
sit still while their budget is cut. Faced with the possibility
of lower quality because of less money, Record editor Lou
Cartier came up with the idea of offering subscriptions to
the parents of freshpersons and sophomores at the Univer-
sity. The Record sent out 9,000 subscription notices
Tuesday, and Cartier expects to hear from prospective sub-
Daily readers could experience an eerie sensation of deja
vu. Don't let it worry you.. . you have seen it before, right
in this very space. From its place on the bottom of the page,
to the small boxes which follow each article, to the headline
"On the inside" at the end, the Lantern's "Footnotes"
column is a flattering repeat of our very own "Today."
"We'd seen it and we'd always liked it," explained Lantern
Editor-In-Chief Sue Maney. After trying out the column at
the top of the page, they later decided to follow the "Today"
example and move it to the bottom. "Everyone around here
loves it," said Maney. Their football may be sub-par but
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