/' a6 age 6-Thursday, January 22,1981-The Michigan Daily it you find your name and ad dress in todays Mchgon Daiy classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of CAMPUS or STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies CLOCKIORK Quadrophenia ORANRO~ii Listitgqof movies for a contest sponsoored by STATE THEATER MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sot. Jan. 2324 S WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Jucc' aok through 'odor s(lono frnj Ads. Fn.0,U of M. "vdecc'f.'.-if f'd , Homes h~ddttr, ,, -1-irif y, I coame and addrss appearcoma 'cou bccms,, ti,. dof7Mccvord 5' ..dt..n 40 hours. Two freeWa, , .i or o. Campus. or a Stat f-334 Mdnigt veo.,f you chicecwill11ba p'ac'rtd you.