a6 OPINIoN Tuesday, January 20, 1981 Page 4 The Michigan Daily, Now we need a left-wing Bob Hope A "Ronald Reagan: Fascist gun in the West" it says on a wall at East Quad. It says "Fuck a :Reagan" next to it, "and kill them too" beneath that. c One can envision how it all happened: A couple of those loveable nouveau nihilists living there were probably pulling each others' hair out over long hours trying to figure a way to cope with Reagan's ascendancy when the 'notion of graffiti came to light. So the paint was splashed on the walls, and afterwards the ,dissenters returned to their rooms, smoked a few joints, put the Dead on stereo, and asked each other, "Hey, who says the '60s are over": THAT MAY BE A little sharp, but it strikes me as accurate. There's a similar sentiment among some of the people around here, folks who, like me, never quite believed The.Cowboy would become president. There is a blanket dread, a sneering despondency that can only turn more ugly and cynical as time goes on. The day after the votes were in-shock. 'A lot if pasty faces on the streets, even a few black a'rm bands, and one could hear the fear a lot of folks had kept inside finally coming out. "I feel like I'm under attack as a woman now," one friend said. Another ghoulishly tacked up photos of McGovern, Gaylord Nelson, John Culver, Frank Church, and others, drawing a skull and crossbones next to a sign that read "1980 Gallery of Horrors." "The secret message behind the election of November 4th was that some people belong in this country, and some people don't; that some people are worthy, and some are worthless; that certain opinions are sanctified, and some are evil; and that, with the blessing of God, God's messengers will separate the one from the other," wrote Greil Marcus more than a month after the election. NOW MARCUS' words appear the best post- election pronouncement so far. On November 5th, however, as I was swapping doomy new- wave quotes with a friend, he grinned widely and said, "It all just goes to show you how little control we really have over our lives." Back then, those few words appeared to say-it all.: But the truth is they haven't said it all, unless we sit stunned by what's going on, and remain so for the next four years. The day after the Raygun got us all, WCBN played almost con- stantly for 24 hours Lesley Gore's "It's My Par- ty." In retrospect, it was a prophetic gesture. On its own terms it was a snotty punishment for any listeners who had voted Republican, and a self-indulgent, contemptuous slap at the rest of us, just for the hell of it.f It may have been the first display of cheap By RJ Smith and easy cynicism, but it was only the begin- ning. That same day this paper ran a silly editorial that said the end was near; since then there have been'scads of graffiti, handbills of Reagan with a cute little Hitleresque moustache, a campus screening of Failsafe planned for Inauguration Day, and much more. And that is just the more overt stuff - beneath it all is a sea of pessimism immobilizing some segments of the votership in a way far worse than during the Watergate era. It's good to put your head down and worry, and plan, when' something like this happens; it's important to call up friends and tell them of the forbodings one feels of an administration hell-bent 'on bringing the clamps down on lots of us. BUT WHEN certain private acts become public obsessions they can have a debilitating effect. Catty graffiti statements and trendy apocalyptic one-liners by disc jockeys ("Remember: 1984 is closer than you think" recites a familiar station announcement on WCBN) are really the least consequential kinds of cynicism, but because they are the most visible, they help legitimize far more troubling pessimism. And we're getting close now to a pessimism that will have the ability to squash meaningful protests and to certify our apathy. One has to question the grief that has already come from so many sources - nothing has happened yet. Even so, what we have all over the University is not trepidation but terror, and all before the good general has mustered support for unheard of amounts of military aid to El Salvador, before Caspar (The Unfriendly Ghost) Weinberger has committed us all to a draft, before Jerry Falwell has appeared as Time's Man of the Year. Some of what our imaginations tell us will happen in the next few years surely will, of course, and yeah, things that we haven't even thought of will happen too. But if we choose to hide from demonstrating our anger, if we let our disgust and feelings of helplessness overwhelm us, then the issue of how much power we have becomes academic; the terror of failure is avoided if we all become cynical and detached from each week's newspaper headlines. But in fact, our cynicism* will help create those headlines. WHAT TO DO? Well for starters, there are certainly a hell of a lot of people all over cam- pus today attending workshops, lectures, demonstrations, and all of them saying no. Loudly. Elsewise, there's a revitalization of the CIA that must be fought; a mess of back-to-the- nuclear-family folks that we have to do something about; and right here, a Women's Studies Program that will feel the force of the rise of the right needs supporters. And Jesus, Jesse Helms. Jesse Helms. I had a song lyric going through my head for days after Jellybeans got elected. It's by The Melodians, a half-remembered Jamaican reggae group: "In times like these, when sur- vival is the game, play on." And for some people, survival is to be the only game-for folks on Social Security and food stamps, for inner-city teenagers with CETA jobs, for children in grade schools who might not want to pray in class. For better off student-types like you and me, the survival is more oblique, less of a bread= and-butter sort. It makes apprehensiveness no less real. .. but it makes the accompanying current gloom seem a lot less sincere. "Tle worst thing about that asshole getting elected is that now we have to develop a left-wing bd Hope," a friend said the other day. I like tiei reassuring sense of humor. It's something that leaves more room for action than all the pessimism now on view. RJ Smith is aformer Daily Arts editor. ,0 y - ._ ....... . , - _1-. _- . r ___ .. .. _ _ __ U , Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCI, No. 94 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Feiffer I AM C*)N6P V_ AT1VE. ZX A C'lMvc,. r~ II Ii t., 7( Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board :I AN ME(. 1r t T ASA$WNWV l. i~ ,' t lfMQW6 CI Iran: The end is in sight S THE DEADLINE for this page relating to funds that were Iranian to approaches, it appears that the begin with. His stalwartness on this merican hostages may be on their point has most likely served ,to deter Wvay home within the next few days. any future embassy seizures. 'resident Carter, speaking through Still, Reagan would do well to take envoy Warren Christopher, has agreed preventive measures against the do conditions posted by the Iranians. possibility that some other country will e Tehran governnent has lessened imitate the:Iranians' criminal s demands consideraly froi earlier _behavior._Other than threats of for- rnmuniques. Donald Reagan, who ce-Ah option we would rather not see will be inaugurated today, has in- employed-the opening up of dicated a willingness to go along with diplomatic channels, including the the provisions of the deal worked out World Court and the United Nations, to , y his predecessor. Overall, the rectify past injustices is indicated. It ation's hopes are -higher than ever would be in America's interests, both Oefore. long and short term, to make clear our i The mood of the country may be receptiveness to the examination of faking a turn for the infectiously happy foreign countries' claims against the in the next few weeks: Not only is our U.S, so long as they are pursued in an longest-term worry coming to an end, acceptable and civilized manner. but a president is assuming office who As for our relations with Iran itself, has a strong mandate and, by and we believe the nation's temper and large, the confidence of the nation tolerance to have been so severely behind him. Indeed, Reagan must be tested by the hostage crisis that any delighted -over the progress in the immediate attempt to normalize hostage situation. He can hardly have relations would be futile. Perhaps in a relished the idea of taking office with few years, when Iran has established such a controversial situation already itself among its surrounding nations, on his hands. and -Americans have been able to put There was fear among some pundits some of the anguish and humiliation ghat making any concessions to the behind them, talks of diplomacy can 4ranians might prod other Third World resume. countries to try similarly illegal means In the meantime, we can only ex- > publicize past wrongdoing on press hope that in the very near future America's part. But President Carter, we will be able to join in' a hearty quite rightly, refused to grant any welcome home to the 52 patient women ranian demands other than one and men in Tehran. I AM L-eAV4J6. WHtO. AM? 1j.' T AM G4I A&. -it K ~ A ~Y(11C x A TuJHf1AS 0 111I, Ht! 14 ,, i asr PRO NM4PAf W- 9+nuvrov r ®t ? S i ,7tl 1 5 .r t1l p s I'll take it in a Do Ronald Reagan's'inauguration I'll leave to the many political pundits who seem more numerous than the sperm cells contained in a single human ejaculation (I'm taking Bio 123-"Human Sexuality"-and wanted to exercise my new-found knowledge). (There are 300-500 million, in case you're in- terested.) The release of the hostages I'll leave to the many journalists so desperate for a "new" angle that they will be telling you.in intimate detail about every breath the 52 patriots take as they arrive home ("Two hostages wheezed Witticisms By Howard Witt Higgins slightly tonight as they stepped off their plane onto American soil, while several others blew their until-now-held-captive noses ... "). What I want to write about today is a sub- ject far more profound and eternal in its im- plications than the release of the hostages or the ascendancy of President Reagan. It's a subject as old as civilization, dating back to the antediluvian time when a few of our ape- like ancestors first gathered in one cave to order raw venison and bludgeoned the chef when it was served overcooked. I want to write about restaurants. I was in a fancy restaurant in Detroit recen- tly that typified what I will call the "Etiquette of an Evening in any Eminent Eating Establishment." Now, most of what I have to say will probably be old hat to all you bourgeois diners who frequently eat in fine restaurants. Me, well, I'm an old HoJo veteran. If I have a little extra money, sometimes I'll treat myself to a dinner with the elderly at Bill Knapp's Asnackorameal. So anyway, I walk into this fancy restaurant. Just inside the door I encountered the coat check counter. Seeing that no one had a coat draped over the back of a chair, I decided I should check my coat. On the coun- ter was a dish with two quarters in it; I star- ted to anticipate my bill for the evening-50 cents for the coat check woman. Then I walked into the "Gentlemen's Lounge" and encountered my first burly gave the washroom attendant a dollar. It made sense, I reasoned: After all, handing out towels is more difficult than hanging coats, so the washroom -attendant deserves more than the coat check woman.. My table was not yet ready, so the maitre d' directed me to the cocktail lounge area. This presented me with a host of problems. By way of background, let me say that I am not yet of legal drinking age in Michigan. I hate going into a restaurant and trying to act "grown-up," ordering a "St. Pauli Girl" beer to sound sophisticated and experienced and "old enough," getting carded, and ending up sheepishly asking for a Coke. It always feels like the whole world is wat- ching my humiliation; half the time I expect ABC World News Tonight to lead off their broadcast with, "A naughty boy was carded in Ann Arbor today as he attempted;.." It is such an embarrassing situation that I have learned to avoid it by not ordering anything alcoholic in the first place. So here I am in this cocktail lounge. I decide not to sit at the bar for fear of creating a news event; I walk over to a cocktail table. Nobody told me that when you sit at a cocktail table you are supposed to order a cocktail. When the waiter came to take my drink order, I had to think fast., "Oh, I just had a heart seizure and thought I'd rest here a minute. I'd better not drink anything," I said. "Perhaps you might like to go to the Gen- tlemen's Lounge?" the waiter asked me. "You certainly can't sit here if you're not going to order a drink," he cautioned. Not wanting to pay the washroom gorilla any more money, I ruled out the lounge idea. I explained my dilemma to the waiter. "Look, sir," I said. "The maitre d' told me to wait in the cocktail lounge. You tell me I have to order a drink if I'm in the cocktail lounge. But I'm only 20. If I order a drink, you will card me and then I will be mortified and embarrassed. So what am I supposed to do?" "Why don't you just try ordering a drink. Maybe I won't card you," the waiter said, winking and smiling. Oh goody, I thought, he won't card me. I can order a real live drink without being em- barrassed. "Okay, then," I asserted confiden- tly, "I'll have an Amaretto Sour." "Do you have an ID?" the waiter demanded in a voicejust loud enough to be heard across the street. - gge Bag- Well, the waiter came and recommended the fish, so I ordered the fish. As I waited for my expensive fish that I .knew I would hate, I started to ponder the for- ce of restaurant laws. You can jaywalk and nobody will bother you. You can spit where it ways "No spitting" and no policeman will- arrest you. You can even evade your taxes and the IRS probably won't get you. But God. forbid you should fail to tip a washroom at- tendant or order a drink at a cocktail table. Needless to say, I didn't eat much of the fish. I did eat the parsley on my plate (your know, the green stuff they always give you), which caused the people sitting at the next table to stare at me in disbelief. Not wanting to waste a $20 fish, I resolved to ask the waiter for a container to use for tran- sporting my leftovers home-I have a friend who loves fish. Most restaurants'call leftover, containers "Doggie Bags," a term I hate. I mean, here you are in a fancy restaurant,: using such haughty vocabulary as "maitre d' motel" and "chateau beyond" and "filet minyan" and then you're supposed to ask for- a Doggie Bag? Besides, it is such an inappropriate name.. You'd never bring home cold, greasy lef- tovers from Burger King, right? You only: bring home cold, greasy leftovers from ex- pensive restaurants, to "get your money's worth." Well, certainly after spending a for- tune for your dinn'r and driving the . mess. home on your lap (it will probably leave, a stain on your pants), you're not going to give; it to your dog. So why the hell do they call it a "Doggie Bag"? I asked the waiter for a container to use for* transporting my leftovers, consciously. avoiding the loathsome term, and he looked at me like I was crazy. "You want a what?" he asked., "I want a leftover bag I can use for this fish," I said. "What kind of bag?" the waiter pressed. I resolved to describe a "Doggie Bag" to him without saying "Doggie Bag." "You know, a bag I can put the fish in to take home," I said. "The fish is dead, sir. Why do you want to take it home?" the waiter questioned, an in- nocent look on his face. "I want it to eat," I blurted. "I don't want it for a pet." "Pet? Pet?" the waiter nerked un. "Why * I I