a6 OPINION Sunday, January 18, 1981 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Palestine: The answer is statehood " Whatever observers from afar might think, there are two distinct and upique nations living within the borders of the land called Israel. Each has its own language, dress, political and cultural traditions, and each a sense of national pride and unity. There is a fundamental dif- ference, though; the Jews of Israel have a state they can call their own; the Arabs of Palestine, Obiquit y By Joshua Peck lasting and memorable an impression as the brief time I spent in the-Arab city of Ramallah, a stopping point on the way to Bir Zeit Univer- sity. Ramallah is no Jerusalem, no melting pot. Though it is but a 20-minute cab ride from the gates of the Old City, the vestiges of cosmopolitanism are nowhere to be found here. In Jerusalem, one finds indications of dozens of cultures and nations that have reigned and dwelled at various times in the city's history, including the Turks, Egyptians, Persians, Ar- menians, British, a handful of Christian sects, and of course, the Jews, both ancient and modern. RAMALLAH, HOWEVER, is strictly an Arab city, and it looks the part. Unlike most cities within Israel's borders, Ramallah's street signs and advertisements are written only in the Arabic alphabet. Shopkeepers, often as not, have a minimal or non-existent knowledge of any language other than their native one; they don't need any other. The music one hears blaring forth from storefronts is no mix of East and West either: just that largely monotonal drone exclusive to the Arab world. The faces one sees in the throngs that cover the streets in the hot midday are Arab faces-I think my hazel eyes might have been the only ones lighter than dark brown on the en- tire main street of Ramallah. Perhaps none of this sounds remarkable; what would one expect of a city but to reflect the culture of its people? The striking thing about Ramallah is not its character, but the government from which it grudgingly takes its orders. Standing in the central square of town, the thorough injustice of the current Palestinian plight struck me as never before. Here is an Arab city populated by Arabs, living an Arab life graced with centuries-old Arab culture, yet bound by the rule of a government peopled with a culture and lifestyle more European than Asian, and catering primarily to the interests of its own. THE SIGNS OF restlessness are everywhere in the West Bank: A people is coming alive with an angry and nationalistic fervor that has unified them and put them on a road that can only end in Palestinian statehood or. an- nihilation. It is foolish, perhaps, to make any predictions just as the Israeli government is about to come back into. Labor Party control, but the cool and reasoned determination of the Arabs I met in the West Bank convinced me that Ramallah will one day again be an Arab city with regard to sovereignty as well as with regard to population, and that that will happen long before the millenium is out. Imagine Harold Shapiro running the Univer- sity from his native Toronto, or from the Soviet Union. The ludicrousness of that notion is a reality at Bir Zeit University, northwest of Ramallah. Dr. Hana Nasser, appointed univer- sity president several years ago, was forced to leave the West Bank because of his refusal to "play policeman" for the Israeli military. Vice President Gabi Baramki now runs Bir Zeit on a day-to-day basis, but Nasser is still the chief executive officer. His office is in Amman, Jor- dan. Bir Zeit made its way into international news reports two months ago when the Israeli military government unilaterally shut it down. The faculty and students had planned and begun celebrating an event they called "Palestine Week," meant primarily to celebrate Palestinian arts and culture, though it certainly had political elements as well. Though the university administration attem- pted to comply with the military governor's cautionary warnings about certain parts of the exhibit, the military was not satisfied. Bir Zeit was locked up for a week. NAZMI EL JOUBEH, a member of Bir Zeit's student council, says he has been arrested 15 or 20 times. The frequent demonstrations and strikes at the university clearly worry the Israelis, and student council members are of- ten herded up and detained when there is a political demonstration on the campus. The military rule with which Israel controls the West Bank allows the army to arrest Palestinians for up to 14 days without bringing charges. In fact, this deadline can be extended and often is, according to students and faculty at both Palestinian universities. At the offices of Al-Fajr, a Palestinian daily newspaper published in East Jerusalem, I saw files full of material censored in daily inspec- tions by the Israeli government, ranging from vaguely political poetry to editorials calling for Israeli recognition of the Palestinian nation. At Bethlehem University I saw the bullet holes left by Israeli Defense Forces gunfire in response to stones lobbed over the university's surrounding wall. Several unarmed students werewounded in the incident. At Dheisheh refugee camp, I spoke to Arab students and leaders who clearly wanted not to live lives of violence, but only to live under their own rule, in a land they perceive as having been stolen from them. ONE DHEISHEH resident, who insisted that he not be identified, spoke of his aspirations in a somewhat halting English: "Every people, when (its land) is occupied, will try every means to free itself. If we can't do it peacefully, we will do it by war." And what of the terrorist attacks by El Fatah and other factions of the PLO? "These things are against humanity, but we are attacked (too)." The Palestinians of Israel are not snarling, unthinking Jew-haters. They are a proud but battered people, better-educated than most of their Arab brothers, ,who have been thrust through no fault of their own into a situation that veritably demands armed resistance. They do not hate Jews. They hate the political movement called Zionism that has cost them slf-determination and dignity. Peace is not an impossibility in the Mideast, but the road to it will remain hindered as long as the Israeli establishment refuses to call the Palestinian people a nation. Even if the view of some Israeli Jews that the Palestinians are all the same with foreign Arabs was once true, it is no longer. The sufferings and indignity forced upon the Arab population of the Jewish state has made the Palestinians a nation that will some day control their own state, or die trying. Next week: Paths to peace and harbingers of war. Joshua Peck is the co-editor of the Daily 's Opinion Page. His column appears every Sunday. furious for lack of one, do not. During the last weeks of December and the first week of this month, I visited Israel, spen- ding several days in Jerusalem and in the Oc- l1pied West Bank. I met dozens of Palestinians, most of them educated and fluent 1to various degrees) in English. p MY TRAVELS TOOK me to the Arab quarter 4t the Old City of Jerusalem, to the offices of a llestinian newspaper in East Jerusalem, to Pe city of Bethlehem, to a refugee camp a few miles from Jesus' putative birthplace, and to ab universities in Bethlehem and Bir Zeit. Though. I heard many stories of oppression 4iffered at the hands of the Israeli gover- rinent-and especially at the hands of military authorities-none of my experiences made so .1 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Weasel by Robert Lence 0 ;. _' Vol. XCI,, No. 93 420 Moynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Yes' to the halfway house NOBODY L!WK 5 T F! You AN Z GT WRKI&L-E RAPES! LEAVEI AND' YOUK INEPTNESS AN4D T EEL BETTER . AXYF NMSELF! BY FlNulh o FAULT IN~ YOL) AND PU iTiN& Y.)J OWNz (ET'A C~Z T ELht' Or SELF... (ThI! 1 PAILY (96+ GEE THANKS = sn f is TVE. NEVER BEF-t1 Ni+E¢ 7 EFQRE:. , r J A HALFWAY HOUSEproposed for Broadway fRear'the Unitversiy's orth, Campus, has become victim to the same narrow minded thinking that ten accompanies such reform. ' In prisons across the country, in- mates are exposed to overcrowded conditions and violence, hardened, and dltimately thrust back into a society wvhere they often commit violent, more serious crimes. A facility like the one planned for Broadway can help prisoners become Oiroductive members of society. But several city officials have expressed their reluctance to rezone the land for this use, and Thursday, the Regents passed a resolution opposing the plan- nied facility. University President Harold Shapiro, speaking at the Regents' meeting, said the University normally Would not interfere with an activity which would "be beneficial to the mmunity," but that the safety of the Audents and their parents' concerns must also be considered. m This "fine, but not in my neigh- borhood" attitude is typical of the --..-. '. - U aw m m : a problenis 'prison officials face- when they attempt to develop analtern~ative facility. For a penal reform system to be successful, halfway houses must be accepted in any neighborhood. A progressive university community like Ann Arbor should provide a better than average place for a prisoner to read- just to society. Certainly, if a halfway house is to be tolerated in a neighborhood, strong guidelines must be followed. Prisoners must be carefully screened and super- vised. The recent murder of a cab- driver - allegedly by a local halfway house inmate - clearly demonstrates the need for such precautions. But the benefits of this kind of rehabilitation program should not be overshadowed by one isolated exam- ple. Convicts must learn to fit into society before they are released on a full-time basis in order to help them become full-time citizens and not repeat offen- ders. Despite the understandable fears of community residents, Ann Arbor can and should do its part to break the vicious cycle of criminal recidivism. Peace = The world has entered 1981 on a glum and fearful note. Our own economy and those of other nations are faltering. Inflation erodes the social fabric and conflicts proliferate from street corners to national frontiers. And the dread spectre of war arises as Soviet ar- mies stand poised on Poland's frontier and the United States inches toward military in- volvements in the Middle East and Central America. Yet history suggests there may yet be hope for peace. Long-range historical development shows definite patterns and cycles. During the last 2,500 years of civilized human life, in both East and West, periods of prolonged worldwide peace have alternated with equally prolonged periods of conflict. Our world could now be in the opening stretches of a prolonged period of conflict that began with World War I in 1914. On the other hand, the wars from 1914 until now might very well turn out to be interruptions in a more general period of peace, progress and growth that began in the 1600s. There have been three distinct periods of world peace during these 2,500 years-an- cient, medieval and modern. Each one has been characterized by global economies-vast networks of production, ex- change and consumption covering very large parts of the world. They have been periods of exchange, of economic and cultural enmesh- ment of peoples. Conflict, sometimes bloody, often erupted, but always was quickly smothered so that the overall reign of stability-and profitable, exchange-could continue. AS THE LATE British historian Arnold Toynbee recognized, even in ancient times the world was far more interconnected than is commonly believed. If one part of the world achieved peace, prosperity, and unity, it gradually spread and affected others. Or if one part broke down, so did the others. Two-and-a-half thousand years ago, East and West were locked in bloody and fruitless wars that lasted almost to the beginning of the Christian era. China came out first. Peace, unity, and a stunning prosperity developed around the middle of the third century B.C. For four cen- turies, China prospered under the rule of the Han Dynasty. ' A global By Fran/z'Schurman Rome and Roman coins appeared in the Far East. In the West, this period of peace came to an end when Rome started to crumble. Trade dried up and a period of slaughter resumed, symbolized by the savaging of the great city of Rome in 410 A.D. Iran and India again sank into war. And China underwent a massive depopulation that has left its signs of trauma in Chinese literature. THE SECOND great period of world peace began in the seventh century. In the East, China emerged from warfare into the glorious civilization of the Tang and Sung dynasties. In India, a Hindu revival ousted a Buddhism that had become too closely identified with kingly power and monasticism, and a period of peace and cultural flowering ensued. Europe entered its "Dark Ages," charac- terized by a return to learning and general freedom from war. However, it was the brilliance of Muslim civilization, stretching from Cordoba in Spain to Samarkand in Cen- tral Asia, that gave peace and prosperity to much of the West and Middle East as well. The world economy took a quantum leap with regular maritime trade between the Muslim West, and the Sinic East. Then in the 1200s the Mongols surged forth from their forest-steppe interface to conquer .most of the civilized world from the tip of Korea to central Germany, and ranging deep into India and North Africa. Yet they also created the world's first truly global trading system, evident in the travels of Marco Polo. It was,'a period both of war and peace. But as the various Mongol empires crumbled in the 1300s, world trade broke down and another period of combat began. WARFARE RAGED interminably in Japan. China in the 1500s suffered some of the worst carnage of its history. India suffered invasion upon invasion, and farther west the unending conflict between Muslim Turk and Christian European devastated great tracts of land. Western Europe's condition was aptly described by the 100 Years War between Britain and France. Then again it all ended, fairly abruptly in the 1600s and the third period of world peace began. It came to Japan and shortly thereaf- econ omy of the first atomic bomb in 1945. In World War II alone, 55 million people died. YET UNLIKE earlier periods of war when economies shriveled, trade dried up and global misery spread, the world economy did not crumble in the post-1914 period. It boun- ced back nimbly after World War L. ended. It seemed to be mortally threatened in the 1930s by the Great Depression, Nazi autarchy and Soviet economic isolationism. Yet hardly was the war over but that the world economy resumed its development, and in a scant 35 years has come to form a globe-spanning network that is making nationaleconomics, including our own, redundant. Yet now in the 1980s, pressures are again mounting to break up the world economy. Demands grow in many capitalist countries to keep out foreign goods, nationalize giant corporations and give the state greater powers to direct investment. In the socialist countries there is fear among hard-liners that they have become too involved with the capitalist world. And many developing coun- ' tries are using their new-found national sovereignties to turn themselves into miniature industrial states. But the rub, as the economic historian Karl Polanyi pointed out in despair during World War II, is that the nationalization of economies tends to mean massive warfare as well as massive welfare. It was the confluen- ce of these tendencies, Polanyi argued, that brought about the carnage of 1914 and 1939. As 1981 begins, it is not hard to find signs of nations opting again for the national economic route, with powerful governments, huge armies, and massive bureaucracies running the people. The Soviets, soured on detente and mired in a Vietnam-style war in Afghanistan, are crawling back into their old militant isolationism with frontiers bristling with troops. In Western Europe, left and right demand a break-up of the Common Market. Islamic Iran ponders becoming a self- sufficient nation cut off from the West. And as the Reagan Administration takes office, there, are pressures for bigger military budgets from the right and demands for relief and reindustrialization for American industry. from the left. Such sgns do not augur well for: a peaceful future. On the other hand if the world economy, for+