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January 07, 1981 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-07

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While you were away...

The Michioan Daily-Wdnesday, January 7, 1981-Page 9
Registration: Part 2

'Cabbie slain
A 39-year-old convict, charged in the
Dec. 22 stabbing of his girlfriend in Pin-
*ckney, is a suspect in the stabbing mur-
der of a 19-year-old Ann Arbor woman
cab driver, a Livingston County
Sheriff's department detective said
Timothy Hughes is "certainly a
suspect" in the death of Eleanor Bailey,
a 1979 graduate of Community High
School, Detective Michael Smith said.
Bailey's stabbed body was found early
Dec. 23 on Silver Hill Road, about five
miles south of Pinckney.
Hughes has been arraigned on a
charge of assault with intent to commit
murder stemming from the Dec. 22
knife assault on his girlfriend, Marilyn
Creekmore, 32, in front of her Pinckney
Bailey, a driver for the Yellow Cab
-Co., picked up Hughes at 1124 E. Ann
St., a halfway house for convicts from
Jackson State Prison. He was living at
the rehabilitation center while serving
a sentence for a 1972 murder convic-
Polive found Bailey's empty cab near
the house and a search led to the
discovery of her body at approximately
2:30 a.m. Dec. 23, in Putnam Township,
jgst north of the Washtenaw County
Hughes remains in McPherson
Hospital recovering from a gunshot
wound received when a Pinckney police
officer tried to break up what appeared
to be an argument between Hughes and
his girlfriend, Smith said.
Detective Smith said the Ann Arbor
police have made no connections bet-
ween Bailey's murder and the stabbing
deaths of three young Ann Arbor
women during the past 10 months.
New law prof
U.S. Solicitor General Wade McCree,
Jr. Will join the University Law School
faculty in the fall of 1981. McCree, who
* was appointed by President Carter in
1977 to represent the United States in
Supreme Court cases, will leave his
post Jan. 20, with the inauguration of
President-elect Ronald Reagan.
Despite recent budget cuts, and the
fact that there is no opening on the Law
School staff, Law School Dean Terran-
ce Sandalow described McCree as "so

distinguished that you don't worry if he.
fills a particular slot on the faculty."
Sandalow said McCree, 60, had a
variety of academic and personal op-
portunities from other institutions, but
he declined to comment on specific of-
McCree's teaching schedule has not
been determined yet, but Sandalow said
the former judge has expressed interest
in a first year course entitled "Lawyers
and Clients," which deals with
professional ethics. Regardless of his
particular teaching schedule, Sandalow
said, "We will build on his unique
background as Solicitor General and a
McCree has strong personal and
professional ties in the Detroit area,
where he served as a lawyer and a
judge for 29 years. A practicing lawyer
until 1952, McCree was a commissioner
on the state Workmen's Compensation
Board for two years before serving as a
Wayne County circuit court judge until
1961. A District Court judge in the
state's eastern district from 1961-66,
McCree sat on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals bench from 1966-77.
Theater company
The Michigan Ensemble Theatre, a
resident Equity theater company,
recently was created at the University
under the guidance of Walter Eysselin-
ck, chairman of the Department of
Theatre and Drama and director of the
Professional Theatre Program.
Eysselink called MET "a regional
theater as well as a University en-
Bruce Ives, publicist for MET, said
the company will "bring professionals
into the University environment so they
can practice their art. University
students can see how a professional
company actually operates."
MET's first production will be per-
formances of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll
House March 25-29 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Members of the company include
professional members of the acting and
directing faculty, other professional ar-
tists, and a few select advanced theater
students. Also working on the first
production will be internationally-ac-
claimed scenic designer W. Orem

Parker and stage combat
choreographer Erik Fredricksen.
ISR scholar Campbell dies
Angus Campbell, a founder and
program director of the University's
Institute for Social Research died of
heart failure Dec. 15 in his Ann Arbor
home. The reknowned author was
scheduled to retire at the end of the
academic year from the institute where
he served as director from 1970-75.
Considered a founding father in the
field of political surveys, Campbell, 70,
was the author of many books and ar-
ticles about American attitudes.
He wrote The American Voter, a book
which underlies the work of well known
pollsters George Gallup and Louis
Leslie Kish, a founding member of
ISR and friend of Campbell for 39
years, said the researcher was
a prominent statistician and also a
"free-thinking humanist with a very
good eye for the visual arts-painting,
ballet and theater."
Campbell was described by Kish as a
strong family man who, along with his
wife, Jean, was a very knowledgable
football and basketball fan.I
Campbell is survived by his wife, two
daughters and one son.
Nurses still negotiating
University Hospital nurses and ad-
ministrators will meet with a state
mediator again today in an effort to
reach a contract agreement, now three
months overdue.
The more than 1,000 registered nur-
ses represented by the Professional
Nurses' Council have been working un-
der an extension of last year's contract
since September 30 when the previous
contract expired.
Fleetwood Diner burns
Overheated grease caused a fire at
the Fleetwood Diner, 300 S. Ashley St.,
Dec. 11. Approximately $5,000 in
damages to the cafe have since been
repaired and the popular eaterie
reopened after nine days, according to
owner Kaye Dumsick.
Because of its age, the small yellow
building, built in 1947, did not conform
to fire regulations, Dumsick said.

(Continued from Page 1)
and allowed the Selective Service to on-
ce again require registrants to fill in the
number. The November ruling said the
request for social security information
was a violation of the 1974 Privacy Act.
But because many thousand
registrants completed the form bet-
ween the two rulings without entering
their social security numbers,
prosecution of those who neglected to
enter their numbers this week is
David Landau, an attorney for the
American Civil Liberties Union, m'ain-
tains that the social security number

requirement is a violation of the
Privacy Act. However, he warns that
registrants "have a legal obligation" to
include their social security numbers
until the Appeals Court makes a final
MEMBERS OF the Washtenaw
Committee Against Registration and
the Draft (CARD) asked men entering
Ann Arbor post offices to register to
reconsider the possibility of registering
as conscientious objectors (CO).
CARD volunteer Darcy Gingerich
said, "We aren't telling people not to
register, we're just giving them their

Although Selective Service officials
said registering as a conscientious ob-
jector does not affect a man's draft
status, CARD and American Friends
ServiceCCommittee draft counselors
say registering as a CO helps to build a
case for one's status as a CO in the
event of an actual draft.
Paul Keller, a Music School freshman
who was considering registering as a
CO, said he showed up at the East
Liberty Street post office yesterday
because he felt it was his "duty as a
citizen." But, he added, "I refuse to go
to war. No country is so valuable that
I'd giye up my life for it."

Controversial editor retires after
28-year newspaper career

mit "Red" Salyer has been cursed,
threatened, sued, offered bribes and
sent to jail during his 28 years as editor
and published of The Franklin News-
But Salyer's caustic front-page
editorials also have won him his share
of admirers, such as the editorial writer
at a rival newspaper who dubbed him
the "conscience of Franklin County.";
"Why do people either love me or
hate me?" Salyer asked with a chuckle
as a reporter started to ask him the
"BECAUSE I believe there are no
shades of gray to an issue. Either it's
black or white, a lie or the truth. If
everybody agreed with me, I'd tack a
mirror on the wall and look in it every
day to see what's wrong with me."
Salyer, 66, and spry, has decided to
trade typewriter for fishing pole. Tem-
porarily, at least.
He said Monday he's selling the
News-Post to a corporation whose
directors are the top executives of The
Martinsville Bulletin in Martinsville,
"IT WAS AN offer I couldn't refuse,"'
Salyer said. "I'm going fishing."
Salyer'sa departure caps a career
spent mostly in lively competition with
the weekly Franklin County Times
established by former employees who
are now bitter rivals at a time when
one-newspaper towns abound.
Salyer says his philosophy of "telling
it like it is, regardless of who it hurts"
has cost him friends, advertising
dollars, and legal expense.
BY HIS COUNT he has been sued six
.times for libel (never :successfully).,
sentenced to jail by a judge who took of-
fense -at a front-page editorial
describing him as gutless (he won the
appeal), and threatened by moon-
"When I came in '52 moonshine was a
taboo subject," said Salyer. "Right
away we put it front and center. People
threatened to burn me up or blow me off
the face of the map."

After a suspicious-looking showbox
was found at the newspaper five years
ago, Salyer warned in an editorial the
responsible "moron" would spent the
next six months picking buckshot out of
his behind" if caught in the act.
THEN THERE was the time he took a
local politician to task for his campaign
statements, calling him a liar in a front-
page editorial. And the time he
headlined a story about a Ku Klux Klan
meeting, "Kowardly Killers Konvene."

Salyer concedes the editorials are
"what gets us in trouble" but adds they
also have been the strength of the
newspaper, which is published three
times a week by a staff of 15 that in-
cludes his wife and two sons.
He plans to do a lot of fishing in the
Floride Keys, although he hasn't com-
pletely washed his hands of the news
"I hope to buy a small daily in
Florida-if I can find one," Salyer said.

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* American scientists helping with
Soviet space robot project

TOROTO (PI)American sc en:
tists . are helping Russian researchers
find the most productive landing spots
for a pair of advanced Soviet robots to
land on the planet Venus next year and
obtain soil samples for on-site analysis.
9:The cooperation is expected to pay off
for scientists around the world seeking
answers to some of the questions raised
by previous Soviet landing missions
and the American Pioneer-Venus radar
Harold Masursky of the U.S.
Geological Survey said at the annual
meeting of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science Mon-
day, the Pioneer satellite has produced
a topographic map of most of the cloud-
shrouded planet. It will complete its
studies March 19.
MASURSKY AND other project
scientists recently met with their Soviet
counterparts to discuss landing areas
the radar maps suggest would produce
the most useful scientific information.
He said the two Soviet spacecraft will
be launched next December and are to
land on Venus in mid-March next year.
Each will carry a device to either
reach out and take a sample of the
planet's soil or drill material from the
surface. In addition, each craft will
carry an x-ray composition detector.
"That's the most complicated
mission they've tried to fly so far, and
we hope it will work," Masursky said.
"We'd like very much to know what the
chemistry is at several different poin-
ts on the Venus surface."
to ask Congress for funds to start a new
Venus radar satellite project that will
vastly improve mapping of the planet's
surface. Masursky said the Soviets plan
to follow up next year's landing mission
with even more advanced probes in
He said the different approaches
taken by the two nations in exploring
Venus are complementary.
Although Venus is considered a twin
of Earth. scientist have determined the
two planets have followed different
evolutionary paths. Venus is blanketed
,by a thick, hot atmosphere of CO2 and[
the radar maps indicate the planet has
not undergone the crustal shifting
processes that occur on Earth.
IN ANOTHER report, Tobias Owen
of the State University of New York at
Stony Brook said Saturn's intriguing

moon Tital may srv' as a deep freeze
for the chemical remnants of early
stages of life development.
Voyager 1, which passed Saturn last
November and is now en route to a 1986
rendevous .with Uranus, found Titan
has a surface temperature of minus 283
degrees Fahrenheit.
He said the extreme cold has halted

'organic chemistry processes of the type
that presumably ledto life on Earth.
But Owen said Titan must have been
warmer billions of years ago.
Owen said the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration is con-
sidering development of a robot
spacecraft to land on Titan in the 1990's,
drill into the surface ice and look for
any chemical precursors to life.



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