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December 12, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-12-12

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom



Partly cloudy with a high in
the low 40s.

,Vol. XCII, No. 77

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Doily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 12, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


6 of 9 geography

profs relocated


At least six out of nine geography
ofessors, whose department will be
discontinued in July, have received
unofficial word of their relocation to
other positions in the University.
When the Regents voted to discon-
tinue the geography department last
June, the administration promised to
make "good faith" efforts to relocate
tenured professors in accordance with
University- program discontinuance
GEOGRAPHY Chairman Prof. John
Nystuen said he expected relocation of
all nine tenured professors, but added
that he himself had not officially found
to aid state
Molecular biology has a future in the
state of Michigan and the University
will likely play a major role i? its
development, according to University
Because of the on-going focus by the
University on the high technology area
of molecular biology, the state already
has an advantage over many other
states in recruiting firms to diversify
the economy, said University
Biochemistry Professor Dale Oxender.
GOVERNOR William Milliken set up
a High Technology Task Force earlier
this year to investigate ways to diver-
sify the state economy. It branched into
two separate committees, one devoted
to the development of robotics, the
other devoted to molecular biology.
Because the field of molecular
biology is so wide, it is unlikely that
research in the field would be cen-
tralized in the manner of the p'oposed.
robotics institute, said Alan Price,
University Assistant Vice President for
The Robotics Task Force has
proposed a $200 million robotics center
to be located in an appropriate area of
the state. Governor Milliken, although
he has not picked the location yet, has
said that Ann Arbor is the leading can-
ONE OF THE possibilities con-
sidered by the Molecular Biology Task
Force is to set up specialized centers at
universities already dominant in the
field, rather than at a single central
location, Price said.
The University, for example, 'is
presently well-established in'the area of
medical molecular biology, while

a position yet.
Regent's bylaws state that tenured
professors whose departments are
discontinued are eligible for dismissal.
Nystuen said there would be "wide
ramifications" throughout the Univer-
sity if a tenured professor was not
THE PROFESSORS said they plan to
relocate in various LSA departments,
the Residential College, and to a special
chair created for geography.
LSA ean Peter Steiner, who is coor-
dinating relocation efforts said he
hoped to announce within a month the
final results of the. relocation. He

'Having to be relocated is something
like having been shot and saying I'm
pleased with the surgery. '-John Kolars,
University geography professor

"There had to be some bums in the
tenured faculty in the department if it
was lousy enough to kill. They didn't
fire those bums. They fired the
assistant professors," Outcalt said.
THE ASSISTANT professors in any
department are the best people," Out-
calt said. "They're the most active;
they do the most."
Steiner said there have been no for-
mal relocation efforts for the three
assistant geography professors who do
not have tenure. None of their contracts
have been terminated, Steiner said, but
renewal of the contracts seems doub-
Some ill will remains among the
professors concerning the depar-

tment's discontinuance.
"HAVING TO be relocated is
something like having been shotdand
saying I'm pleased with the surgery,"
Kolars said.
The professors' salaries wilU remain
the same, Nystuen said. The University
is transferring money for salaries to the
departments where the professors
relocate, Nystuen added.
THE FOLLOWING professors say
they have received some confirmation
of their future plans:
Prof. George Kish was awarded the
William Hobbs Chair in geography and
will remain as a geography professor in
the LSA college at large;

declined to speculate on whether all
professors would be successfully
Geography Prof. George Kish said
the position of the tenured faculty in the
geography department-was still uncer-"
tain because none have received of-
ficial confirmation of a relocation.

"WE CAN'T jump the gun and say
we'll be teaching at department 'X' for
sure," Kish said. "But we have totally
reliable verbal statements that we'll be
Prof. Samuel Outcalt said the ad-
ministration lacked the "guts" to fire
tenured faculty members.

Severe cuts
expected in
state, budget

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS

From the North Pole . .
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without trees to put the presents under. Al Taylor (left) and Dutch Geisler guarantee
a merry one with their Balsam and Red Pines, which they sell on the corner of Detroit and.Division streets.
Reagan,.to deeide o-n diraft

Gov. William Milliken, facing huge
state revenue losses for the months of
October and November, may be forced
to issue another executive order budget
cut before this summer, officials in
Lansing said yesterday.
A $300 million executive order budget
cut can be expected by late Februray or
early March, state representative
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) said.
MILLIKEN'S last executive order
cut, which came Oct. 22, slashed $4.5
million from the University's budget.
That order eliminated a total $22
million from the state's funds for higher
Bullard said a budget reduction of
approximately 5 percent could be ex-
pected for Michigan's colleges and
universities. This would amount to
about a $7 million cut in state funds to
the University.
The reason for the possible reduction
is the state's revenue shortfalls ir the
first two months of its 1981-82 fiscal
year. The shortfall for October alone
was $30 million, said Doug Roberts,
deputy director of the office of
management and the budget.
THE REVENUE intake for Novem-
ber was just as bad, if not-worse, said
Thomas Clay, state budget director.
Bob Sauve, budget assistant to Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy,
Frye, said there was little the Univer-
sity administration could do to an-
ticipate the cuts except worry.
Sauve said the administration is

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan is expected to
decide "within a few days" whether young American men will
have to sign up for a peacetime draft, an administration
spokesman said yesterday.
Reagan campaigned firmly against the draft, and aides
hinted he will keep his word when a special committee
studying defense manpower need submits its report. Anti-
draft leaders say any such decision would be politically ex-
pedient and temporary.
"WHAT WE'VE got is a presidential position in the cam-
paign anal a commission studying it," said Larry Speakes,
deputy press secretary. "He will make a decision within a few
HE SAID THE decision will be made "in light of
the needs of the armed services" after the president receives
the study.
"The draft has caught the administration in a bind,"
responded Jack Calhoun of the Committee Against

Registration and the Draft.
"THE LOGIC of the administration's massive military
buildup and interventionist foreign policy makes the draft
inevitable at some point in the not too distant future," Calhoun
Reagan announced formation of the Defense Manpower
Task Force in May during a speech to West Point cadets.
He said then military manpower needs could be met with
volunteers if adequate pay and benefits were available. He
later approved a payhike for armed forces personnel and said
in November both enlistments and morale were up.
More than 800,000 draft-age young men have not complied
with the registration program, which began in the summer of
1980 as part of President -Carter's response to the Soviet in-
vasion of Afghanistan.
The Selective Service recently sent the natnes of some 185
non-registrants to the Justice Department for prosecution, but
the agency Thursday decided to put off any such legal action
pending the president's decision.

... says state funds low
preparing to make selective cutbacks
at the University, but he added, "we
haven't put together any figures yet
(for specific program reductions)."
"WE HAVE A reallocation plan,
working on the assumption that this is
not going to be a very good year for the
state," Sauve said.
Frye will send a set of long range
retrenchment, plans to the University
community in January, Sauve added.
Roberts explained that if the state's
revenue collection continued at the
See SEVERE, Page 5

Molecular biology

f f ers hug
Scientists, who as a group are known
to be rather staid and cautious in their
predictions, are using words like
"astronomical" and "awfully exciting"
to describe the potentials of
One University researcher even said
"you kind of get the feeling that almost
anything is possible."
Biotechnology involves the
manipulatiort of genes within a living
organism to create an inherently dif-
ferent organism which may be helpful
to humans.
PROGRESS already is being made
toward modifying the genetics of plan-
ts, animals and even human beings.

Although the research is still in its in-
fancy, it promises to have a profound
effect on medical science, human
health, and food production.
Research using recombinant DNA
technology-one of the fields of
biotechnplogy-has already produced
such valuable hormones and potential
drugs as insulin, interferon, and human
growth hormones, said Dale Oxender,
professor of biochemistry at the
In the future-as early as five to ten
years, contends Oxender-applications
of genetic engineering will produce
"super breeds" of animals which will
raise the yields of beef, hog, poultry,



is aGSL?

A number of University students have had good
cause this year to question just how guaranteed a
Guaranteed Student Loan is.
Last March, 156 students sent loan applications for
spring/summer term to Chase Manhattan Bank in
New York, and about 60 of those loans still have not
come through, according to Elaine Nowak, a senior
officer in the University's Office of Financial Aid.
"SOMEWHERE along the line, Chase completely
blew it," Nowak said. "It's amazing that an in-
stitution like Chase Manhattan can get itself in so
Because of the problems it has had with Chase, the
University now sends its students' GSL applications
to Lincoln #irst Bank in Rochester, N.Y.
"As early as mid-May, we began suspecting
something was really wrong (with Chase's
processing),"-Nowak explained. She called Chase to
try to find out what was wrong, but this attempt and
dozens of subsequent calls and letters yielded no,
results, she said.
"IT'S A VERY unfortunate situation," said Harvey
Grotrian, director of the Office of Financial Aid.

"We've been working with the students, forwarding
money to many of them."
But the advances are beginning to fall due, accor-
ding to Nowak, and "it's a real mess. People are just
now getting paid for loans they applied for last Mar-
The loan applications sent to Chase were for
students who are ineligible for state aid, and whose
hometown banks could not provide them with loans.
THE UNIVERSITY used to guarantee such loans
itself. But last year Nowak explained, University of-
ficials decided the University could no longer afford
its $2 million per year direct loan program so it star-
ted working with the United Student Aid Fund.
USAF is a non-profit, New York-based guarantor
serving universities and other organizations around
the country. For every dollar the University deposits
in a bank associated with USAF, the aid fund guaran-
tees that $50 worth of loans will reach the University
students who applied for them.
"We're encouraging the schools that have accounts
to,use our other lenders," said Bob Moore, USAF
See SOME, Page 2

See you in '82
GOODBYE FOR AWHILE. The Daily won't pub-
lish again until January 6, 1982 when classes re-
sume. Happenings for the rest of December start
on Page 3. Good luck on your finals, and have a'
happy New Year.e
Try, try again
A billboard Romeo who tried unsuccessfully to snare a

days after they met. But she turned him down, saying "I
-was too pushy," he said. Acklen said he rented the movable
sign because his work hours prevented him from meeting
women interested in marriage and raising a family. On his
next campaign, Acklen said, he plans to advertise in
magazines, move the sign to another area and raise his
minimum age requirement from 18 to 22. Q
Where the trees are-
Money doesn't grow on trees, but a couple of trees in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla. are growing on a lot of money. The pair of

pany agreed to the 1978 tree resolution. But that was before'
he wanted to build the tower there. "I like trees, too," said
City Zoning Inspector Dick Van Wyk. "I can remember
delivering papers near there 50 years ago. They are nice
trees, but we're talking about a $25 million building." City
commissioners could pass a new resolution to bring on the
chain laws, and Commissioner Rober Cox said he and his
colleagues will study whether the trees can be moved. E
Food fight
School cafeteria manager Marian Lockaby says her

wake of Anne's protest, brown bags were popping up
everywhere. The protest was dubbed the "Brown Bag
Society," and it has had an impact. On Wednesday, for
example, sales of the once-popular spaghetti were down
from the usual 400-500 to 195. "The boycott's not going to
stop," said student activist Bill Latham, 14. "Whether
we're successful or not, a lot of people are going to continue
to bring their lunches.",But Lockaby thinks she's getting a
bum rap. "Today we had hamburgers, french fries, lettuce,
tomato, pickle and onion for 85 cents," she said Thursday.
"Where else can you buy a hamburger for 85 cents?" 0



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