Ninety-Two Years of Editorial Freedom E Litv 1atI i1Q NOT BAD Partly cloudy, highs near 40. Vol. XCII, No. 72 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 6, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages Stress: A necessary evil By FANNIE WEINSTEIN Headaches, insomnia, shortness of breath, and feelings of nausea. Those who experience these symptoms on the night before a big exam (or during the week five papers are due) shouldn't worry-they're not alone. And, according to authorities on stress, these feelings are perfectly normal and can be controlled easily. "A CERTAIN amount of stress is necessary to get by. You can't really survive without it," said a Thomas Morson, a senior counselor at University Counseling Services. The problem begins when people start to feel "distress rather than stress," which he said has a spiraling effect. "It affects everyone at some levels and the more isolated you feel the more stress you'll experience," Morson said. Anxiety is a serious problem among students who tend to "isolate themselves because they think that everyone else is find and they're a mess."S According to Morson, university life lends itself to feelings of anxiety. "Being here (in college) is to be anxious. If you're not feeling anxious, there's something wrong." MANY FRESHPERSONS, especially those in a honors programs, Morson said, are affected by stress because they come to college with false ex- pectations of college life and unrealistic notions about how much work they can do. "Some students get incredibly anxious because they identify themselves with a grade. If they get a C on a test then they're a C person." Others have more difficulty dealing with the ex- pectations of parents and friends. "A response to a 'should' can cause monster anxiety," he said. NON-ACADEMIC factors, such as financial problems, also can cause a great deal of stress. Many students are worried about cutback4in finan- cial aid, Morson said, and more are having to work and attend school at the same time. Many also realize that their parents are concerned about the high cost of their educations and are affected by this. To help students combat these feelings of pressure, the counseling center conducts informal workshops which "provide a forum for people to connect with other people," Morson said. During a workshop held last week at East Quad, students shared with each other their personal anxieties and were advised on how they could han- dle their problems. About 25 people attended the workshop run by GUIDE, a peer counseling unit of the counseling office. ACCORDING TO Peer Counselor Tom Gilber- tson, the goals of the workshop were to teach students how to use their time better, to offer study hints, and to help students identify, reduce and con- trol anxiety. See STRESS, Page 5 b. i 1 4 High school mar quana use down, study says WASHINGTON (UPI) - Heavy marijuana use among high school seniors is declining, and a large num- ber of those giving up the drug cite health factors as the major reason, ac- cording to specialists in the field of drug abuse. Lloyd Johnston, program director of the University's Institute for Social Research, told the American Council on Marijuana Friday that "the proportion of high school seniors who report smoking pot on a daily or near-daily basis has begun to decline" after, reaching a peak in 1978. AT THAT time, according to John- ston, 11 percent - or one in nine high school seniors - reported they were smoking pot daily or near daily. In 1980, he said, the percentage had dropped to 9.1 percent. He said neither availability nor price of marijuana appeared to be deterrents to marijuana's use. Instead, the belefs young people hold about, the potential harmfulness of using marijuana are changing. "ACROSS RECENT graduating classes we have observed a substantial increase in the harmfulness perceived to be associated with regular marijuana use," he said. "From 1978 to 1980, the proportion of See USE, Page 2 U-Cellar, Union lease not yet final By JANET RAE The University Cellar and the Michigan Union are nearing agreement on a new lease for the bookstore, following several months of discussions to iron out disagreements between the University and the store's board of directors. "We're just trying to clear up language," said Union Director Frank Cianciola. LEASE discussions have been going on since U-Cellar representatives promised Cianciola last October they would continue to rent space in the Union. Cianciola had set an Oct. 15 deadline for the bookstore to notify him of any anticipated move so that plans for the Union renovation project could stay on schedule. U-Cellar officials. had hesitated to commit themselves to stay in the Union after they reviewed a proposed lease, which included a 65 percent rent hike and an expenditure by the bookstore of between $250,000 and $350,000 in renovation costs for a new, larger ren- tal space in the Union. Among the issues blocking agreement at this point is an increase in the original renovation cost estimates. U-Cellar architects recently presented estimates ranging from $450,000 to $600,000-substantially higher than the bookstore's board of directors has been anticipating. BUT LORRI Sipes, an architect with the company designing the store renovations, said such estimates were only "preliminary." "We don't know what the cost is going to be yet," she said. "We have a budget of $350,000 to $400,000. We've been hired to meet that." Sipes said preliminary cost estimates are frequently "fat" so the client will not be overly surprised by unan- ticipated cost hikes. "A BUILDING project takes months because it has to be refined and changed. We have to look at all sorts of alternatives," she said. "We make a preliminary figure and then we look at it and say, OK. That's too much. Let's try it a different way.'," As presently proposed, the Cellar's lease with the Michigan Union would lead the University Cellar into bankruptcy, said Engineering Prof. Frederick Beutler, a faculty represen- tative to the Cellar's board of directors. "A rapid slide into bankruptcy ap- pears inevitable, with the consequent loss of equity provided by students and faculty, and the loss of the Cellar's ser- vices to the University community," Beutler said. BEUTLER NOTED that even lower estimates of renovation costs would place an "onerous" burden on the U- Cellar, because the payments that would be required each year to cover loans would "approximate or exceed the rental expense."~ U-Cellar Board President Mary Ann Caballero said the board is looking at a number of ways to meet the increased costs, including making a refundable assessment on the entire student body, renewing demands for the right to sell insignia items, renting storage space off-campus, and expanding and diver- sifying merchandise lines. If approved, which U-Cellar officials say is doubtful, the fee assessment would be similar to that levied to raise the original capital for the store. Upon entering the University, students would pay a fee which would be refunded to them when they left school. "THAT'S something that's out of my hands," Cianciola said. "(Vie0 President for Student Services Henry) Johnson said, due to the present economic climate of the University, it would not be feasible." "With the tuition escalating as fast as it is for students, another fee added on top of that would not be received favorably by the executive officers or the Regents," said Toth Easthope, associate vice -president for student services. The insignia issue has been a recurring theme in the lease discussions. Under the U-Cellar's present agreement, no insignia items See U-CELLAR, Page 5 Santa's helpers Photo by JEFF SCHRIER Muffie Biddle and Marcy Robertson are busy ringing their bells to help raise money for the Salvation Army Christmas fund drive. Cary Moon makes a drop in the bucket to help the charity. - ~~~~1 State's student leaders Nine profs at EMU receive salary bonus __ _ __ J map ou By DAVID MEYER Student government presidents from six state colleges - including the University - met yesterday to come up with strategies for pressuring state of- ficials to increase their support for higher education. The six presidents are members of a coalition of student government leaders from all 15 of the state's public colleges, who joined together to coordinate the lobbying activities of students across the state. THE GROUP, meeting yesterday at Oakland University in Rochester, map- ped out plans for a statewide letter- writing campaign, trips to Lansing to lobby state officials, and a rally in Detroit in February to protest the decline of higher education in the state. "Basically, higher education is in a lot of trouble in Michigan," said .1 lobbyinglans Michigan Student Assembly President Friday with Richard Kennedy, Univer- Jon Feiger, who represented the sity vice president for state relations, to University at yesterday's meeting. lay the groundwork for more "Everyone's been hit hard. Tuition has cooperation between student and been going up; financial aid has been University lobbyists, Feiger said. This cut. And there's no organized student cooperation might include help from response to it." the University in financing a massive "We just want to let legislators know MSA mailing to students or their paren- that we're watching them and that we ts urging them to write their care what they're doing," he said. legislators. MSA, however, has not yet THE GROUP of presidents planned discussed the possibility of financial to return to their respective colleges af- assistance with University ad- ter the meeting yesterday to begin ministrators, Feiger added. organizing a massive campaign en- The six student presidents also couraging students and parents to ask agreed at yesterday's meeting to send legislators for more financial assistan- delegations of students from each ce to state colleges. college to Lansing in January to lobby Feiger said MSA also has begun with state officials and lobbyists, ac- working more closely with University cording to David Yesh, president of the administrators for cooperation on lob- student government at the University bying efforts in Lansing. MSA's of Michigan-Dearborn, who also atten- Legislative Relations Committee met ded the meeting. Feiger said MSA By DAN OBERROTMAN Raises averaging $3,548 were ap- proved for nine Eastern Michigan University professors last week. The salary adjustments-which were made beyond the salary in- creases received by the entire faculty-are designed to attract and hold on to faculty in certain com- petitive fields, said EMU Vice President for Academic Affairs An- thony Evans. ACCORDING TO Evans, these "market salary adjustments" were limited to two highly competitive fields-computer science and business. Evans also said the ad- justments are limited to those in- dividuals who have received offers from other institutions. Seven of the nine increases were for professors in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Scien- ce. "It's very difficult for us to attract people in the computer science field," Evans said: "People who have doctorates are usually attrac- ted to industry." THE RAISES make the salaries "more competitive with those in in- dustry," said Mary Rhodes, one of the computer science professors who received a salary increase. Karen Brown, a professor of social work, received what she called "a small historical adjustment" to bring her salary in line with those of her colleagues. Also receiving pay increases were John Anderson, associate professor of economics, and Andrew Dem- pster, Alan Heezen, Hartmut Hoft, Kurt Lauckner, John Remmers, and Sushil Sachdev, associate professors of mathematics and computer science. Feiger ... will pressure legislators wouldsend a number of students from the University to the capital next mon- th. FOUR OF the presidents - from Oakland University, Eastern Michigan See STATE'S, Page 3 TODAY, $50, 000 diet AFTER YEARS OF being fat, all it took for pizza maker Richard Mueller to lose 100 pounds andshape up for yesterday's 26-mile marathon was the promise of $50,000. Nueller trimmed his 265-pound, 5-foot-9 frame in 10 months for a chance to win a $50,000 bet. All he has to do is finish the Baton Rouge Mr-ahnnk rnnecn't Pvon have to win Tom Monahann. double take. After all, it's not everyday a naked man and a nude woman streak by during morning rush hour-in near freezing temperatures. "We had a report from two subway ticket agents that riders saw a naked man running on the platform," Don Yabush, spokesman for the Chicago Tran- sit Authority, said. "He was running southbound from T-' a street," Yabush said. "One of the ticket agents who is guue a jokester, said 'Did the man have any identification?' " Police dispatcher Raymond Maszka said the nude man "disappeared, they never did catch him. They don't know for sure where he disappeared to - unless he found his ting transactions for marijuana were taking place on CB radio," Caddo Parish Sheriff Don Hathaway said Friday. "We simply sent an undercover agent out there with a CB radio and he was able to successfully make three transac- tions on the radio." Arrested and charged with possession and distribution of narcotics were Howard Ross, 39, of Granbury, Texas; James Park, 23, of Texarkana, Ark., and Tony Smity, 25, of Fairview, N.C. Only small amounts of marijuana and other controlled substances were recovered in the arrest Thursday, Hathaway said. The men were held in the parish jail in lieu of $7,581 bond each. 0 player Earl Campbell and boxer Sugar Ray Leonard. The rest consisted of entertainers, most of them from television. The top 10 were Reynolds, actors Richard Prior, Alan Alda, Brooke Shields, John Ritter, Scott Baio, Bo Derek and George Burns, Leonard and comedian Steve Martin. Only three musicians made the top 30-Kenny Rogers at No. 21, Olivia Newton-John at No. 26, and Billy Joel, No. 30. G /71 t.L . a I ;i I