OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCII, No. 70 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Friday, December 4, 1981 Weasel 1: /ANT TO THANK You ALL FOR COMING T ZNI&HTI S COLY-PReALLY xos TNE MoNEY FcR MK( ALIMONY PAYMM6NT5. R 1 s, . r'"~ IL Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board The Michigan Daily By Robert Lence ALWAYS~ ASKC ME, 'PWVAYNE, WHjATS YW WWANT, TEN 60 FOR T/NO~ KaTRWOYUHAET TPO YOKE,'in - If MEFRT NOT Yu, -M1EEMUST tTS( 'L " NO./ c, 4 FiRST-1jM16FIRSTS IN TIME Vart C14RUST MAS- O. NO 01 A victory for labor O RGANIZED labor won a well- deserved victory Monday. The Supreme Court ruled that employees whose jobs give them access to con- fidential information do not lose the protections of federal labor law. A federal appellate Court in Chicago earlier had created a broad "confiden- tial employee" exclusion from the National Labor Relations Act, also known as the Wagner Act. Under the Wagner Act, workers are given the right to join unions or participate in other "concerted activity" with workers without threat of job ter- mination. However, the appellate court had made an exclusion for "con- fidential employees." The high court unanimously and wisely overturned that ruling. No em- ployee, regardless of his or her em- ployment status, should be barred from joining a union if he or she chooses. It was unfortunate, however, to see the court split, 5-4, in applying the decision to the employee in Monday's case. The court only narrowly rejected a lower court's decision that allowed a company to fire the chief executive's personal secretary because she signed a petition with other employees asking the company to reinstate a disabled person. It was unfortunate to see four of the justices-including recent ap- pointment Sandra O'Connor-go against, in practice, what they had just approved in theory. " f Defeat of a compromise TOWARD BAKER himself described x it as "one of the shortest-lived tial balloons in history." And it was. :Less than 24 hours after he launched his effort to get a simple 10-year exten- sion of the Voting Rights Act passed by the Senate, Majority Leader Baker gave up-defeated as well as dishear- tened by the intense opposition his pt-oposal stirred. The action by Baker stalls the drive to extend the Voting Rights Act, which has proven to be one of the most effec- tive civil rights laws passed in the 1960's. But though the action stalls the movement to extend the law, Baker's reasons for withdrawing the proposal s'ggests that there is at least some sentiment in the Senate for the passage of a meaningful extension. To be sure, the Baker proposal en- countered opposition not only from senators-like Strom Thurmond of South Carolina-who would just as soon gut the act all together, but from more progressive senators like Ed- ward Kennedy. Baker's proposal was a com- promise; it sought to obtain a simple extension of the act without the changes proposed by either Kennedy or Thurmond. In fact, Kennedy's in- sistence that the extension contain a provision eliminating a requirement that the government has to prove that a jurisdiction intended to violate the rights of minority voters may have doomed the compromise effort. It's a sad comment on the times when the Senate purposely avoids dealing with an issue such as the Voting Rights Act. But the fact that a proposal for compromise was drop- ped-at least in part--because of strong Senate support for propogation of civil rights is certainly encouraging. After hearing the likes of Jesse Jackson, Benjamin Hooks, and Carl Rowan accuse thb Reagan administrationof everything short of wanting to bring back slavery, the recent emergence of Thomas Sowell is a welcome relief for those of us who know that our President's economic policies are not racist in intent. Thomas Sowell, 51, is a black economist at Stanford Univer- sity's Hoover Institution and an advisor to President Reagan. In the words of syndicated colum- nist Joseph Sobran, "Sowell has taken his empirical ball-and- crane to liberal mythology." He does not attack the civil rights movement for removing some of the legal barriers to black oppor- tunity. However, he rejects racism as the sole explanation for the plight of minorities. He sees government action to help blacks as nothing more than a cosmetic move in the direction of "social- progress." Moreover, he shows that statist remedies for the "black problem" are doing positive harm. SOWELL'S HYPOTHESES deserves special con- sideration when one looks at the histories of other ethnic groups that immigrated to the United States. When the Jews, Irish, and Poles arrived in this country in the 19th century they did not find an easy life. They lived in subhuman dwellings, worked in sweatshops for a dollar a day, and faced rampant discrimination. Furthermore, many did not even speak English. There was no minimum wage, no rent controls, no compulsory at- tendance laws for schools, no af- firmative action, and no welfare. The attitude of the federal gover- nment was "sink or swim." For the most part, these minorities "swam." Despite all of the road blocks thrown up by the By Douglas bigots, there were no insurmoun- table economic barriers to op- portunity such as those that th- wart today's blacks. Through self-reliance, these groups even- tually moved out into affluent suburbs. Predominant ethnic populations-e.g. New York Jews, Chicago Poles, Boston Irish, New Orleans French-still remain. But these ethnic en- claves are de facto, not de jure. Certain groups simply prefer to "stick together." SOWELL POINTS OUR that those ethnic groups which have chosen the economic route to in- tegration have always fared bet- ter than those who have chosen the political route. Long ago, the Oriental and Jewish leaders deliberately chose to stay aloof from the political arena and rely on hard work and education in order to attain their goals. Hence, their rises from poverty to af- fluence have been the most dramatic. Conversely, the ethnic group with the closest in- volvement with the United States government-namely, the American Indians-has remained at the bottom of the economic ladder. "I don't havefaith in the market," says Sowell, "I have evidence about the mark believes that individuals,, on first-hand knowledge o own situations will almost, make more profitable de than bureaucrats who h, personal interest in then notion that blacks canno and get for themselves sug very patronizing attitude part of the current black1 ship and those who symj with it. Thus, Sowell opposes mi wages, rent controls cupational liscensure laws renewal programs, etc. as fering with transaction would, in the long run, blacks. Jews, Irish, and Or were left to their own d and, as a result, have inte very smoothly into the Am socio-economic mainstreai IT IS INTERESTING t that while a plurality of Americans favor tuitio credits for schools an minimum wages for teen the black leadership ar Congressional Black Cau pose both. To illustrate Sowell's th there is no better place to than with the minimum w, the 1940's when blacks So well: Racism as my th ology Newman northward into the cities looking for their day in the sun, there was a minimum wage, but it was at such a level that employers in poor neighborhoods could afford to pay it. In 1948, the unem- ployment rate among black teenagers was lower than that among whites! But successive increases in the minimum wage have simply priced countless jobs out of the market! Not even the most strident black activist would say that racial prejudice has increased fivefold since 1948. It is worth mentioning Sowell's life story, which Time magazine has termed "an advertisement et." He for the American Dream." based Sowell was born poor in North f their Carolina where he attended a always segregated school ("We never cisions wondered why there weren't any ave no white kids there.") He moved to n. The Harlem at age 13 and eventually t think quit high school. He later joined gests a the Marines and used his GI Bill on the money (the government can do leader- some good) to attend Howard pathize University in Washington. He performed so well there that he nimum transferred to Harvard where he oc- obtained his B.A. in economics , urban He received graduate degrees s inter- from Columbia and the Univer- s that sity of Chicago. He has taught at benefit several universities and last fall 'ientals he rejected an offer to become devices President Reagan's Secretary of grated Education. He is the author of ierican eight books. in. The chief value of Sowell's o note work is his demonstration that black good laws do not always make )n tax good men, and that "racism" is, d sub- literally, nothing more than a iagers, skin-deep explanation for the nd the plight of black Americans. The cus op- chief value of Thomas Sowell is the courage he displays in being a inking, lone thinker pitting himself begin agains a swarm of demagogues. age. In moved Newman is an LSA sopho- more. "SORRY, KI, WUT THAT'S SHOW IZ" r AEI ---V M Ys a \, LETTERS TO THE DAILY: NASA needs, deserves more funds To the Daily: I would like to correct one false impression in the article you ran on November 25 entitled " 'U' lecturer brings outer space odysseys alive." President Reagan has (I think deliberately) not taken any position about the value of future space exploration. The horror stories about a possible cessation of all future U.S. planetary ex- ploration, or a turning off of Voyager 22 before it can become the first spacecraft to reach Uranus and Neptune, are-so far-just rumors about what Stockman's Office of Management and Budget might do; they aren't yet facts. The terrible danger is that they might become self-fulfilling prophecies, if people are led to believe they're inevitable. Fortunately, a president whose very fame came from films on the exploration of the American West hasn't yet actually said publicly that he's against further exploration. It's very important, for the sake of whole futire of the human race, to write the president now, in care of the White House, Washington, D.C. 20500, to urge an expanded space program before he's been forced to state a public position on it. The obvious question is: Why shouldn't NASA be cut when so many other programs have been? Fortunately, there are good answers. First, NASA is the only federal expenditure of its size (just one percent of the federal budget) that makes the U.S. economy a huge profit (at least $14 for every $1 spent). In the long run, it reduces both inflation and unem- ployment, instead of just trading off one for the other. Second, NASA, unlike all the rest, has already been cut-every year for the past decade and more. Third, the U.S. public realizes these differences; opinion polls show that Americans support in- creased space spending at the same time they (rightly or wrongly) support decreased federal expenditures in general. Reagan has already received more than 50,000 letters suppor- ting an expanded space program-more than he has received on any other single issue in his economic program. I men- tion that fact to you because it is the greatest single fact space supporters need to learn: You're not only not alone-you're the great majority. -Jim Loudon November 25 Stones were pebbles To the Daily: If one got the impression from the Daily's coverage that the recent Rolling Stones concerts at the Pontiac Silverdome were "crowd pleasing," we sould like to speak for a substantial portion of the crowd which wasn't too pleased. The evening was off to a great start before we even entered the Silverdome. The parking was a real bargain at $6. We then walked along the now infamous barrel-lined entrance gates only to be greeted by a sneering policeman who frisked us from head to toe. Once inside the intimate con- fines of the Silverdome, we were treated to 2 and a half hours of watching a video screen with binoculars amidst torrential win- ds. The sound was so horrible that we literally could not under- stand one phrase that Mick Jagger said. For example, a gem The main pebble, Mick, was con- stantly in motion. Let it not be said that this Stone is out of shape. Preparing for this tour, Mick ran ten miles a day around his rented Massachusetts man- sion, while other lazy slobs around the country were just sit- ting behind desks and working in factories 8 hours a day. Though many fans obviously relished - Mick's movements, we foundy them a tad frantic. However, Mick and Ron's fran- tic behavior was better than the boredom conveyed by the rest of the group. Question: how can they play "Satisfaction" for the millionth time and still remain sane? Answer: Thirty-five: million dollars. Well at least we , learned two valuable lessons from this experience: 1) If you.- can avoid Pontiac in your future travels, by all means do so. 2) Limit yourself to concerts with attendance of, oh, say, less than A llocation un warran ted To the Daily: I am writing in response to your article entitled, "Banner Protests 'U' Research," which appeared in the Daily on Novem- during the Ohio State game. I feel that it is extremely im- portant that the students in the College of LS&A are aware of how nrt of nur mnnev is being i