Page 8-Tuesday, December 1, 1981-The Michigan Daily WCBN: Is anybody listening? uDaiy r Alan Winnacker and Stanley Pollack: Ready to help with anything in your Wheaties to housing troubles on 'Radio Free Lawyer.' noto by MAUL 4 from flies (Continued from Page 1) "My idea of CBN is the idea of freeform. At most college stations, it's "pulling records off the wall, or playing your favorites. the idea is to show the relationships between types of music that you usually classify separately." Freeforrn radio is like an entire spec- trum of music on one frequepcy; it is a musical education for listeners and the CBN staff alike. It's looking at where a piece of music came from-what other music influenced it. "You can go, for example, from a bluegrass piece with a lot of mandolin to a Vivaldi mandolin concerto, and it works," Freedman ex- listeners have. After playing "My Boy Lollipop" (It's a novelty," she tells the people eyeing her quizically in the studio) and "Goody Goody Gum Drops" ("What do you expect from me?" she asks, laughing hysterically), then a little new wave followed by reggae, she decides on "Bernadette" by the Four Tops. "I didn't even know what Motown was until I came to CBN," shesays with a hint of "how in- credible" in her voice. And where do you go from Motown? "I don't know," Regina says without concern when the song is nearly over. Well, how about a rockabilly cover of "You Can't Hurry Love." Myer, who has been at CBN for a year, spins around to Mike Kopka, a more seasoned veteran, and questions sar- castically, "Is this freeform enough for you?" She's totally at ease while the music is on, tensing up only slightly for the segues (transitions between sets). But this is the first time she's done a show that's followed by the news, and about 15 minutes before the end a question strikes her: "How do I get my music to stop exactly at 5:30?" Most of the people at CBN say they don't have any particular audience in mind when they're doing their shows. "Who listens to us?" Freedman thinks for a minute. "We don't know. Sometimes we feel like nobody listens." But the phone calls tell them, and the annual fundraiser proves to them that there are people out there listening. Program Director Saxe says he thinks the station gets most of its exposure in businesses devoted to playing CBN's music. And, as far as aiming at any audience in particular, the disc jockeys simply don't do it; they say they play for people who want to listen. "In my opinion, many members of the public have pretty crappy tastes," says General Manager Lisansky. "One of our purposes is not to follow the public taste, but to lead it." So, Freedman says, there are the let- ters that ask "Why do you always have to be so fucking esoteric? Why can't you just play good music for a few hours?" On the other hand, you have listeners like LSA senior Tim Murdoch. "I'll have to admit, I probably wouldn't like a lot of music I like now if it hadn't been for CBN. Sometimes the tastes get a lit- tle bizarre for my liking, but I guess that's what you'd expect." B UT NO STATION-not even CBN -can exist on freeform programming alone. If it did, it would be as predictable (in its own strange way) as a top 40 station. The people working in the windowless studios deep in the basement of the Student Ac- tivities Building are aware of this, and they have an impressive array of hour- long specialty programs to fill out their format. There are shows featuring R&B, Duke Ellington, rockabilly, soul, reggae, folk, bluegrass, dance music, gospel tunes, synthesized sound, local music, and classical pieces, among others. The specialty programs are, in a way, like magnifications of individual particles of a freeform show. Some of the specialty shows are focal points of a considerable controversy stirring between the University and the station. The University sees CBN's fun- ction as that of a learning laboratory, according to Chris Carlson, a con- sultant in the Student Organizations, Activities, and Programs office. "The number one priority is to provide a learning experience," says Carlson, CBN's primary link to the University administration. "The num- ber two priority is to have' quality programming." The administration considers the presence of non-students at the station a block in the learning process-they are doing jobs which students should be doing. This is where the controversy-Carlson says it is "one of the burning issues this year"-comes in. Many of the specialty shows are hosted by non-students who are experts in a given area. Lisansky says he has been feeling pressure to get those non- students off the air. But, he says, they provide expertise-and record collec- tions-that few students could begin to rival. The result? CBN staff people say they think it improves service to the listeners, while students at the station continue to gain radio experience through producing the shows. Dave Crippen, a non-student nearly 60 years old and an expert on swing music, has worked at CBN since 1974 without pay. "Each succeeding (station) manager has encouraged me to stay on," says the announcer for the popular Duke Ellington show. "And I've loved every minute of it." A possible solution to the non- student controversy, Carlson says, is to hire a paid, three-quarter-time general manager to provide some kind of guidance and expertise. Overall, she says she agrees with Program Director Saxe: University-CBN relations have been more positive lately than in the past. Last January, a complaint against the station filed with the Federal Com- munications Commission grabbed the attention of the administration. The complaint charged that the station has maintained an illegal relationship with Eclipse Jazz by providing free promotions; that disc jockeys have repeatedly broadcast obscene material; that the station illegally broadcast news from the ABC news line; and that WCBN announcers have not always been properly licensed. The incident wore heavily on Freed- man, who was program director at the time. He describes the complaint as a "demoralizing" action taken by people within the Campus Broadcasting Net- work who didn't like what the station was doing. They "vandalized (the of- fices) and finally went to the FCC with half-truths and outright, lies," Freed- man says. The FCC acquitted CBN but the incident forced the University to acknowledge that it has a student radio station somewhere in the basement of one of its buildings. It pointed out, Freedman says wearily, that "we need their help." Since then, CBN's board of directors has been revised so that, instead of being made up entirely of students, there will be five students, one faculty member, one alumnus (all elected by staff), and two administration-appoin- ted representatives. "The intention is still not to be in control, but to be in con- tact with them," Carlson says. "The basic thing we've done is to pay more attention to their accounting situation." M ONEY IS a growing problem for CBN now, as it is for most University organizations. And, as disc jockey and AM Program Director Joe Tibone points out, "With whole depar- tments curling up and dying around here, there's not much chance CBN will get more." The station receives $9,000 for part- time salaries (Lisansky, for instance, is a one-quarter-time employee, working for minimum wage), and $11,000 for operating expenses from the Univer- sity's General Fund through the Office of Student Services. CBN also holds a major fundraiser each year (last year's brought in more than $8,000), but this is not enough for the station to accomplish all that it wants to do. "Broadcasting local music festivals costs a lot of money," Lisansky ex- plains. "To me, that's the kind of stuff radio should be doing." But it's a struggle to keep the station on the air. "We're trying to work with smaller but better, too," Lisansky explains. "We've cut our AP (news wire), but we're hoping that will cause us to do great local news. "We've got a long way to go, but we're trying," says News Director Mary Wood. The news broadcasts serve both CBN and WJJX-AM (see box) Monday through Friday with five- minute broadcasts twice each day and the half-hour "5:30 Report." "We've had to focus more on local happenings in Ann Arbor, doing more phone stories and sending reporters out," Wood says shortly before air, time. "We're trying to work it out for. students to get credit. You learn a lot. There's more experience doing real journalism rather than ripping and reading AP." Already there is increasing emphasis on the special-issues programming on topics such as labor, women's affairs, tenants' rights, and the environment. One of the newer shows, "Radio Free Lawyer," is a phone-in program hosted by second-year law student Alan Win- nacker and lawyer Stanley Pollack. "Although we do get some odd ones-last week a guy called up, had a lot of flies in his Wheaties-about half of them are about landlord-tenant problems," Winnacker says. The show's major problem, he says, is that not too many people call. "We have three theories about this," he says. "One, that people don't have problems. Two, people have problems and don't want to talk about them. And three, they aren't listening at all." But "Radio Free Lawyer" is trying to provide an'alternative service, right in line with the station's philosophy. And, if the people at CBN have their way, they'll soon be able to do that for people who are outside of their half- mile broadcast radius. The FCC last year promised to hand down a decision on a power increase some time this fall. The hold-up has been a little problem down on CBN's end of the dial: A power increase to spread the gospel freeform would run into interference with television Channel 6 air waves. The folks at CBN are waiting as patiently as can be expected for the FCC to come up with a solution. It just wouldn't do for small children to tune in to Captain Kangaroo some morning only to find the Dancing Bear jamming to a cricket concerto. 0 0 0 0 Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM Charlie Saxe, WCBN program director. m 9' __________________________,.___