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December 01, 1981 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-12-01

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, December 1, 1981-Page 7
Rock stars combine music

have been unthinkable
To buy one of the two of
the Rollings Stones'
American tour, you ha
bottle of Jovan perfume
And if you wear t
Stewart T-shirt being;
current concerts, you
around with the Sony 1
on your back.
paraphrase Bob Dylan
are indeed 'a chang
relations go betweenA
and rock'n'roll. To
whose 5-year-old New
firm Rockbill played n
AP Photo. to the Stones-Jovan a]
matches, the change is
"When I started Ro
the 31-year-old for
l a student, "MadisonNv4
corporations had no it
themselves in with roc
Hey, with there was still this ima
the Gulf being a countercultur
There's no question tha
ed in the stock was as much
y skies in statement of your pollt
d most of for the entertainment.'
But more than a deca
n the 20s Music - with the poss
states, in the anti-establishment
,st and in punk and new-wave ba
being plain old enterta
ation at 2 Woodstock generation h

advertising for
P) - It would "SOMEONE who went to Woodstock Rabbitt is
a few years ago. today could be an advertising executive and the lis
ficial posters for in his mid-30s making decisions on how Ronrico ru
current North to spend millions of dollars," Coleman Band, Cam
ve to purchase a said. "They understand that rock Brothers B
e as well. music is a very positive part of Since ro
he official Rod someone's lifestyle. It's a great way to their imag
sold outside his communicate to teens, not something to varied as
u'll be walking be afraid of." example,c
ogo emblazoned Teen-agers have also changed, poster for
Coleman added. , band mem
times, and to "Ten years ago a kid had an anti- few bottl
, the times they business attitude. You go to college visible; bu
ing' as far as today, they're not picketing against big on the ba
Madison Avenue companies, they're trying to get a job." poster.
Jay Coleman, SIMILARLY, rock stars who once In an un
York marketing feared that "if the kids think they're too Sneaker
marriage broker commercial, they may not be con- Athletic W
nd Stewart-Sony sidered hip any more" have recon- tually putt
nothing short of sidered their attitudes in light of cover of i
skyrocketing tour costs, the soft music I,0o pairs
ckbill," recalled market of recent years, and - for all an estima
rmer pre-med but the biggest of superstars - the station pro
reurn major' problem of maintaining public ex-
interest in -tying posure.- AT THE
k'n'roll because When an artist doesn't have a hit are the p
ge of rock'n'roll record out, they're generally not get- Stones ar
re movement. ting a lot of airplay," Coleman ex- act endors
it going to Wood- plained. "The primary reason the ar-
for making a tists do it (make advertising deals) is In fact,
tical feelings as not so much for the dollars, but for the contribute
visibility." Jovan dea
ade has gone by. So over the last few years, Earth at the mo
ible exception of Wind & Fire have become national rock star
output of some spokesmen for Panasonic's Platinum Wasserma
nds - is back to Series of portable radio cassette recor- were just
inment, and the ders; Charlie Daniels has endorsed sublimina
has grow nu. Busch beer and Skoal tobacco; Eddie amounts o

singing a Miller's beer ad;
t goes on, with tie-ins betwen
um and the Marshall Tucker
mel cigarettes and the Allman
ock bands are so sensitive to
ges, the deals are almost as
they are numberous. For
on the free Rockbill concert
the Marshall Tucker Band,
mebers pose casually with a
es of Ronrico rum quite
ut Camel was limited to an ad
ack of the Allman Brothers
usual deal, a new band called
not only wears Jordache
Near attire in a poster but ac-
the Jordache logo on the back
ts debut album. The payoff,
s of Jordache sneakers worth
ted $20,000, was used in radio
omotions for the band.
OTHER end of the spectrum
recedent-setting Stewart and
rangements, in which neither
sed the sponsoring product.
when asked what the Stones
ed to the multimillion-dollar
al, described by all concerned
ost lucrative tie-in involving
rs, band spokesman Paul
an replied, "Nothing. They
lending Jovan some sort of
1 association in return for X
of money."

SNOWY SCENES like this one in northern Arizona greeted residents throughout the Midwest last weekend.
Storm dumps snow on Arizon

By The Associated Press
A storm approaching blizzard
ferocity assaulted the Midwest yester-
day as some Arizona cities struggled
out from under 15 inches of snow and
thunderstorms pounded North Texas
with hail and 50mph winds.
Dense fog that descended on much of
Texas was blamed for, the crash of a
light plane in Dallas that killed two
people late Sunday. I
The fog also caused several chain-
reaction traffic accidents on a Dallas
expressway Monday morning.
NEBRASKA'S first major snowstorm
of the season brought warnings from
the National Weather Service of "near-
blizzard conditions" in the central and
eastern parts of the state. The snow was
coming down at the rate of an inch an
hour in Valentine, Neb.

Curt Holderbach of the weather ser-
vice in Nebraska warned of blowing,
drifting snow and said, "The only
question right now is the path of the
"Somebody's going to get heavy snow
out of it, and it could be eastern
Nebraska," he said.
A COUPLE of inches of snow also
covered much of northwest Kansas,
with rain and freezing rain in Min-
nesota expected to change to snow in
"significant amounts" in some regions.
The forecast for today called for snow
continuing in the central Plains and up-

per half of the Mississippi Val
rain from the Ohio Valley to
Coast states.
Rain showers will be scatter
Pacific Northwest, with sunny
the Rockies, the Southwest an
the Eastern Seaboard.
Temperatures will range in
and 30s in the north-centrals
the 50s in the Pacific Northwe
the 60s and 70s in the South.
Temperatures around the na
p.m. EST ranged from a low
Bismarck, N.D., to a high
Brownsville, Texas.

&Ica ga vw as uy.

of 21 in
of 90 in

Alumni Office, Michigan Union
(Ground Level) ,

' Win passes to see ABSENCE OF MALICE by entering
' the films of SYDNEY POLLOCK photo quiz
"ABSENCE OF MALICE," Columbia Pictues' explosive new drama starring Paul Newman and Sally
Field was produced and directed by one of America's foremost filmmakers ... SYDNEY POLLACK.
Based on the photos and clues below, how many of these hit films which he directed can you recall?
- I
I * * **I
pearance as the best friend of Robert Jne Fondo and Michael Sarrazin as de- Barbara Streisnd and Robert Redford
Redford, an ex-rodeo star on the run pression-era marathon dancers in: __ as starcrossed lovers in:_______
* in:_____________I
I If you can correctly Identify those films you may wins Fill in ,answers and submit to the
I Michigan Daily office by Dec. 3.
Phone Number
I. = = = = = ===== =====mmm mm mmmmmm m m

Classifieds Get
Call 764-0557

Daily 8-5


c .: _ - - -




lot about the




seconds to



The Equal Rights Amendment
(The Complete Text)
Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by ap-
propriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This Amendment shall take effect two years after the
date of ratification.

That's all there




We, the undersigned, urge you to HELP PASS ERA
before it's too late

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