OPINION 0 Page 4 Saturday, November 21, 1981 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan The first women at the 'U' Vol. XCII, No. 63 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board , Victory atDal The following May 16, 1925 Daily ar- ticle describes some of the experiences the first women students had at the Univer- sity. / LADIES DECLARE BAN AGAINST FIRST CO-ED ON MICHIGAN CAMPUS When we' look at the large number of Coeds who are at present attending the Replay.,, By Will McLean Greeley University it is almost impossible to believe that not so very long ago women came to Michigan for the first time. One might perhaps think that the entrance of the coed at Michigan would be heralded with shouts of joy. It would be rather natural to think that men would welcome bright clothes and feminine smiles where there had never been any women. But it most certainly was not the case. The reception committee which greeted Miss Stockwell, the first Michigan woman, was a long double line of jeering men who formed on either side of the diagonal down to State street, hoping to stare Miss Stockwell out of countenance as she ran the gamut of the long line of men. However, Miss Stockwell was wholly unconscious that the reception was in her honor, and walked serenely down the aisle of crestfallen men who turned shame-faced away. Marie Louise Hall Walker writes for the women's issue of the Inlander in 1896, twenty years after the first woman came to Michigan, "In the next few years after 1869 the number of girls increased slowly though surely, for it took brave hearts to be co-eds in those days. The landladies refused to admit them to boarding houses. Some of them felt that their reputations in Ann Arbor would be jeopar- dized so strong was the feeling against women in the University. Even certain church doors were closed to the brazen co-ed. One girl paid for a pew in church, but throughout the year no member of the congregation spoke to her, and-the minister gave scathing sermons on the invasion of halls of learning by women. Some of the professors were kind to the women in their classes, still others refused to recognize their presence in classes at all. Many of the women who were contemplating entering were advised by the more almighty members of the supreme sex that should they take such a step complete ostracization would result. Needless to say this horrible threat was never carried out and in spite of the in- tense opposition the co-ed prospered and has become a definite fixture on the Michigan Campus. * * * * NEXT WEEK: In The Aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Greeley's column appears every Satur- day. T HE NUCLEAR Regulatory Commission suspended the license for the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near San Luis Obispo, Calif., on Thursday. The suspension naturally came as a- great victory for the residents surrounding the plant. The suspension marks the first time they have found such decisive vindication from a governmental authority on their com- plaints that the plant endangers the environment. The suspension is not just a victory for the immediate neighbdrs of the plant. For several months, the plant has been a rallying point for most of the American anti-nuclear movement. The plant has been the cause celebre-the site of some of the largest anti-nuclear demonstrations ever wit- nessed in the nation. The NRC action on Thursday gives the movement an almost unprecedented victory. The commission finally suspended the license on grounds that had been suggested by anti-nuclear groups in- cluding the Abalone Alliance for mon- ths. The Diablo Canyon plant is built atop an active earthquake zone, and the Abalone Alliance had asserted that the engineers of the plant had failed to provide adequate protection against radioactive contamination in the event of an earthquake. The commission found the Alliance's arguments persuasive, and granted, for the time being at least, a suspen- sion of the license for Pacific Gas and Electric to load fuel and begin low- power testing at the facility. But beyond the significance to Californians and anti-nuclear groups, the NRC decision holds import for all Aiericans. It is, after all, the first time a license to load fuel has been suspended and shows a determination by the commission to protect the public from the hazards of nuclear power generation. It is a strong action, and will-with luck and continued pressure from groups like the Abalone Allian- ce-have strong consequences. It is a first step to a saner and more prudent nuclear energy program. a Wasserman FEMANOMAIO HA5 FROu&6{ RUN1AWAY PEFI(CITS, UN-O/MNT, AND A MP ~'WN& WH~AT fOEs REA&NT1 htOUT IT t ' W#~HAT Do WE PF(ose ~To 1D0 ABOUT IT ? K NoTHIN G a r N N W Y'' W V' C I A penchant for poison N YET ANOTHER example of its rush to accommodate business at the expense of the environment, the In- terior Department this week fulfilled tl wishes of cattle and sheep ranchers or. what, -in the business, is called "predator control." For the uninitiated, predator control is a fancy way of saying killing coyotes. There is little debate that coyotes cause problems on the range. However, this week's decision by the U.S. fish and wildlife service to rein- state the use of the lethal toxicant 1080, a chemical banned in the early 1970s because of its penchant for poisoning animals other than coyotes, is par- ticularly galling to environmentalists and animal welfare advocates. Another aspect of the new policy is a return to denning, which is the practice of killing baby coyotes in their dens, frequently simply by setting the entire nest on fire. Never mind that a baby coyote couldn't possibly kill a cow or a sheep, it's simply an easy way for the ranchers to dispose of a perceived pest. Denning had been stopped in 1979, when then-Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus decided it was inhumane and an inappropriate way to deal with the predator problem. Because Andrus' ruling was not officially set into law, the FWS had every legal opportunity to overturn it. Unfortunately, this decision, like so many others under In- terior Secretary James Watt, came down as _a complete surpriseto en- vironmentalists, who had not been consulted in the matter. There are literally volumes of technical reports that show that not only is 1080 a particularly brutal and painful poison, it is also toxic to other forms of wildlife and is secondarily toxic, which means that an animal that eats an animal that dies of 1080 poisoning is also likely to be poisoned. Nevertheless, the ruling is in keeping with the Interior Department's tunnel vision. This action was justified, ac- cording to the FWS, because of the "serious economic losses" being suf- fered by ranchers. If the Interior Department had solicited comments from the environmental and animal welfare communities, it might have found that there are safer, more effec- tive, and even less expensive predator, control programs showing success, in- cluding the use of sheepdogs. Under the present administration, however, it seems unlikely that wildlife will get a fair deal. If we're lucky, by the time Watt leaves office, we may have some wildlife left to save. BOSTON-Five years ago, khe Fenway district was an urban in- ferno. More than a third of the 74 buildings that lined two streets here were seriously damaged by or destroyed by fire in just one three-year period. Fenway had turned "hot," fire officialsand some property owners said, because of random torchings by local vandals or irresponsible tenants who smoked in bed. But residents of this predominantly low-income community on Boston's north side simply were not buying the idea that they were burning down their own neighborhood. In 1976, as Fenwaycontinued to burn, they established the Symphony Tenants Organizing Project (STOP), which launched an un- precedented grass-roots in- vestigation into the fire wave. TODAY FENWAY isn't bur- ning anymore, and what its residents learned in putting out the fires may help to put a major illegal enterprise-arson-for- prgfit-out of business all over the country. Using the public record, STOP began by researching the histories of buildings that had burned, and turned up a clear pattern: None was owner- occupied; all were run-down and had numerous code violations; many had changed ownership frequently in the few years prior to the fires; and many owners were in arrears on mortgage payments and propertytaxes. To test the pattern, the group then measured the condition of existing buildings against those which had burned, and publicly predicted which structures would burn next. AFTER SEVERAL such predictions proved accurate, a massive investigation by the Massachusetts attorney general's office, prompted by STOP'S research, led to the arrests of 33 people. Among them were the former head of the Boston arson squad, retired police and fire officials, landlords, insurance adjusters, and attorneys. Eventually, 31 were convicted, in what state At- torney General Francis Bellotti called "a huge conspiracy to burn Suffolk County for profit." Since the 1977 indictments, Protecting neighborhoods' from arson By Elizabeth Lafferty there has been only one major fire in Fenway, and arson fires in the Boston area have been reduced by 50 percent. Elsewhere, however, ar- son-which kills approximately 1,000 people per year-continues to flourish. Experts believe that up to half of the 600,000 arson fires reported in the United States in 1979 were set for profit. "EVERYBODY blames arson fire on kids out for a kick," said Ernie Garneau of Urban Education Systems, a Boston- based arson research center. "That's absurd. Are these kids checking the public record to find out which areas are earmarked for redevelopment, or which lan- dlords are in tax arrears, before they decide where to set fires? Arson-for-profit is a big business and far more common than most people want to believe.'' STOP's success at ending its neighborhood's arson wave has inspired some 30 community organizations nationwide to form the National Arson Prevention and Action Coalition (NAPAC). Because most municipal fire departments concentrate their money and time on fire sup- pression, neighborhood groups from New York to San Francisco are instead working toward preventing fires by organizing grass-roots arson early warning systems, based on the strategies developed by STOP. "ARSON-FOR-profit is predic- table because it has a pattern," explained Garneau, whose Urban Education System sponsors NAPAC. "The duty of the com- munity is not to become involved in criminal investigations. The idea of a community-based arson early warning system is to stop fires, not to put people in jail." Garneau and representatives from NAPAN conduct training seminars in 10 cities a year to help communities start such early warning systems, which identifyarson-prone buildings and then work to deter the possibility of fire. "Take, for example." he said, "a building worth $200,000 which is insured for $500,000-a likely target. for insurance fraud. A building profile would reveal that it's rundown, has a high vacancy rate and turnover of building managers, and is not owner- occupied. The owner might be in tax arrears. The building might have a lot of small fires in a short period of time. These are what we call early warning fires, set to scare tenants into moving out to clear the way for the big fire." THE BUILDING typically would be sold several times in a few years, though little money would change hands, and the paper value of the property would be inflated with each transaction explained Garneau. Thus, after a major fire the owner collects in- surance on the inflated value of the property, and is exempt from paying taxes on the building. Although insurance fraud ar- son is just one of many arson-for- profit schemes, it generally is considered the most prevalent and destructive. Of the estimated $1.2 billion in property tax loss caused by arson in 1979, experts say that insurance fraud fires ac- counted for 30 to 50 percent of the total loss. Another common arson-for'. profit ploy is the "condominium conversion fire." The target often is a masonry structure which will. withstand a major blaze, in a neighborhood undergoing gen trification. In the typical pattern, a long-term owner of such a building sells to a developer who has a history= of buying buildings., which experience fires a few . r months later, and then are con- verted to condominiums. In the meantime, often there is a %z noticeable decline in the building's maintenance, since the real priority is not managing property, but burning, converting and selling the units as quickly as possible. "CONVERTERS hate publicity," said Garneua. "They often consider themselves respectable developers, and rely on investors who don't want to be associated with slumlords, so organized tenants who publicize the deteriorating condition of their building can make the con- verter back off." "When you've done your research and have the facts to validate suspicions," advised Felice Jergens, an organizer for the People's Firehouse in Brooklyn, "the worst thing you can do is accusesthe owner of being an arsonist. If, you do, you've not only lost your credibility, but you've lost your fight against arson. Simply call the owner 'fire-prone.' "Set up 24-hour security programs, with tenants and community groups taking shifts to watch that no one is in the building who doesn't belong there. Do what you can to make that building visible, and to let the owner and the public know that the local arson prevention organization is watching very closely, and will continue to do so until the conditions in the building are such that it no longer is fire-prone." 0 6 0 6 I 6 0 0 Lafferty wrote this article for Pacific News Service. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: LSA-SG elections important for all To the Daily: As president of the Michigan Student Assembly, I feel it is my responsibility to inform fellow only input we have into the decisions affecting our education. In the late sixties, students literally fought for renresentation As a resit. ISA didates who exhibit not only energy, enthusiasm, and interest, but those who understand the issues and are most experienced with college government. We experience in college gover- nment. They have definite plans for action on college issues and they have the knowledge of the LSA Colleges administrative E A