Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom
Altc I§UU
Mostly sunny with a high in
the mid-50s.,
Vol. XCII, No. 57
Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 14, 1981
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
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Shower facilities, bedrooms, and a
kitchen adjacent to a law firm's office
are a clear sign that the firm's em-
ployees are expected to put in a lot of
time at work. ,
Ask any University law student. He
or she should be able to tell more than
one wants to know about the finer points
of sizing up a prospective employer.
UNIVERSITY law students are a
sought-after group. When they
graduate after three years of law school
they know as much about being inter-
viewed for jobs as they know about
legal cases and precedents.
"About 700 firms, most offering more
than one job, come to the University,
each year to interview a total of about
500 second and third year law studen-
ts," said law student Peter Lieb.
"That's an average of more than two
jobs per student."
Law students are interviewed, wined
and dined, and sometimes flown to a
firm's home city (where they get a
chance to check whether there are
living facilities adjacent to the office).
PROSPECTIVE employers also try
to sell students on their location by
showing them the city and taking them
to sporting events. The firms pick up
the entire tab for transportation, hotel,
and food expenses.
It may all sound quite glamorous, but
law students say they quickly grow
tired of the endless interviews.
"It's a boost to one's ego to have a
firm spend $1,000 on you," said second-
year student Jdhn Shea. "But soon the
initial excitement wears off andthe in-
terviews aren't fun."
SECOND-YEAR law student Jeff
Eisenberg agreed: "After a day of 12
one-half hour interviews at a firm, you
are exhausted and your head is spin-
ning, but you still have to go out to din-
ner that night with firm representatives
and be charming and sober."
Last year, 711 law firms, cor-
porations, government agencies,
banks, and CPA firms conducted inter-
views at the law school, according to
placement office director Nancy
Any firm that wants to interview at
the law school must see all the students
who wish to be interviewed, Krieger
said. Firms are not allowed to see a
student's transcript until after the in-
"THE PLACEMENT office is for all
the law students, not just those in the
top 10 percent of their class," Krieger
The law school, she added, refuses to
ranks students by grade point 'average
because it believes such rankings give a
See 'U', Page 2
MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW Managing Editor Peter Lieb and Contributing Editor Mark Van Patten look over an article.
Some law students say Review staffers are vigorously pursued by law firm employers. Review editors, meanwhile, say
putting out the Review eight times a year is no treat. See story, Page 2.
U w
may have
to resign
From UPI and AP
WASHINGTON - David Stockman
remained on the job yesterday, nose-
deep in a budget review, but a key
Republican leader acknowledged that
despite the budget director's, abject
apology his days on the Reagan team
may be numbered.
The future of the "damaged" 35-year-
old economic whiz was a hot topic on
Capitol Hill where Democrats and said
Stockman had lost-his credibility for his
remarks in a magazine interview that
characterized President Reagan's tax
cuts as a "Trojan Horse" designed to
help the rich.
"OH SURE," said Office of
Management and Budget spokesman
Edwin Dale when asked if Stockman
came to work yesterday. "He's been at
work all day," spending part of the time
on a line-by-line "director's review of
the entire budget he submitted to
Congress in January.,
Stockman cancelled a scheduled ap-
pearance for tomorrow morning on a
network television interview show.
His office said he had agreed to appear
before the magazine article surfaced
but now "does not want to discuss the
incident further."
Stockman,, described by acquaintan-
ces as a bright and sometimes arrogant
economic planner, appeared humble,
his voice quavering with emotion at as
packed news conference Thursday,
revealing he had offered his resignation
for his "poor judgment and loose talk"
but that Reagan-although angry-
decided to give him a "second chance."
ONE WHITE House aide said "Ive
never seen the president more angry"
than after Reagan read the article writ-
ten for The Atlantic by William
Greider, an asistant managing editor of
The Washington Post.
The aide said Stockman was "pretty
shaky" after the meeting with Reagan,
and the budget director described the
Oval Office session as "more in the
nature of a visit to the woodshed."
Senate Republican leader Howard
Baker of Tennessee acknowledged
yesterday Stockman may prove too
much of a liability to stay in Reagan's
inner circle.
ASKED BY A reporter whether
See BAKER, Page 3
today following
shortened flight
From AP and UP[
Troubled from the start, the second
mission of space shuttle Columbia will
return to earth today, its objectives "90
percent" complete but its flight time
more than halved by an errant elec-
trical generator.
Astronauts Joe Engle and Richard
Truly are to land at 1:22 p.m:PST on a
parched desert runway in California.
Columbia's flight was smooth on its
second day yesterday and experiments
with a robot arm gave Columbia a solid
accomplishment to dull the disappoin-
tment of a forced early return. A failed
electrical part led NASA officials to
scrap the final three days of Columbia's
"We think it's the prudent thing to do
in this phase of the test program," said
Chris Kraft, director of the Johnson
Space Center which controls the
mission from Houston.
"We got 90 percent of what we flew
for," said Glynn Lunney, manager of
the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration's shuttle program. We
began to ask ourselves, is there enough
to be gained by continuing the flight?..
THE CONCLUSION, he said, was
that "we ought to plan to reenter ....
tomorrow and not take any subsequent
The landing sequence begins at 12:10
p.m. PST when the crew turns the shuttle
to a tail first position, and 15 minutes
later, in orbit over the Indian Ocean,
fire their engines for two minutes, 29
The ship then begins its descent from
157 miles and enters the atmosphere
north of Hawaii, 15 minutes later. The
ship then encgunters a tense, 17-minute
radio blackout, its tiles glowing with the
heat of friction. Then, onto California.
ENGLE AND TRULY got the word
that NASA had ordered a "minimum
mission" just as they were beginning
their second 24 hours in space.
"Gee. That's not so good," said
Engle. The astronauts offered, to work
longer hours in an already long day to
cram in as much work as possible.
The decision came after Engle and
Truly had completed the first space test
of Columbia's space arm - a crucial
step in preparing the shuttle for even-
tual work missions deploying and
retrieving satellites.
ONCE NASA discovered the post-
launch failure of one of Columbia's
three fuel cells, reducing the mission
seemed inevitable. Agency guidelines
call for a "minimum mission' of 54
hours when a fuel cell is shut down.
The astronauts spent much of their
second day in space running tests on the
$100 million, Canadian-built crane that
has shoulder, elbow and wrist joints
just like a human arm. But it is 50 feet
long and designed to pick satellites out
of the shuttle's bay and plant them in
Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
Environmental art
Trees on North Campus have been recently decorated with environmental
sculptures made by University art students.
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battle features
top receivers
Special to the Daily
WEST LAFAYETTE - One' may be
the loneliest number, but don't tell An-
thony Carter and Purdue wide receiver
Steve Bryant that. These two pass cat-
chers, who both wear number one on
their jerseys, should draw the company
of several defenders as first-place
Michigan battles Purdue on the grass at
Ross-Ade Stadium today at 1:30 p.m.
Today's game, which the Wolverines
(5-2 conference, 7-2 overall) must win to
stay in the Rose Bowl picture, features
two of the nation's finest receivers in
Carter and Bryant. Bryant, a 6-3, 187-
lb. senior from Los Angeles, cherishes
the opportunity to match talents with
Michigan's number one. "All the talk
I've heard has been about number one
(Carter) and that gets me more pum-
ped for the game," said Bryant, Pur-
due's leading scorer with 10 touch-
SO FAR, BRYANT is enjoying
statistically a better year than the All-
American Carter. The Purdue senior
has 51 catches for 858 yards and a 16.8
yards-per-reception average, while
Michigan's junior star counters with a
1981 record of 33 catches for 670 yards, a
20.3 yard average, and seven touch-
downs of his own.
"The beginning of the year was
rough," said Bryant. "But as the
season went along we got our timing
down and things have been going well."
Things have been going so well for the
Purdue receiver that Michigan's coach
Bo Schembechler claims Bryant
"might very well- be the most
dangerous offensive player we've faced
all year."
MICHIGAN'S counterpart to Bryant
is hitting his stride as well. After a
gimpy start ("early in the season he
was running on a bad wheel" said Bo),
Carter has exploded with 545 total yar-
ds in his last two games. Bo mentioned
that the Wolverines plan to turn the now
healthy Carter loose, and they have
done just that.
.Carter is currently returning punts as
well as kickoffs, and the offensive
sparkplug accounted for 309 total yards
and two touchdowns against Illinois, his.
finest all-around statistical day as a
The players who will be catching
passes this afternoon are not the only
talented ones, however. Those who
throw are also among the best. Purdue
sophomore quarterback Scott Cam-
pbell, who conducted a 516-yard aerial
circus against Ohio State two weeks
ago, ranks among the nation's top
See CRTERPage7
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Oh, for a ride!
Sorry, Biff
It is occasionally
humorous, often offensive,
and right in time for Muf-
fy's Christmas stocking.
101 Uses for a Dead Preppie
is a pocket-size book that
includes 101 illustrations
showing creative new uses
for preppies as.
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, i ,~ ___ c 1 r l
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Moments before the second launch of the space
shuttle, television newsman Walter Cron-
kite said he'd give just about anything for a
chance to fly on Columbia's next mission.
"The thing I'm most unhappy over, what with these delays
in the development of the shuttle over the last three or four
years, is that I may miss my chance," Cronkite said. "But
believe me, I keep my fingers crossed-keep hoping."
Cronkite, former CBS Evening News anchorman and now
host of the Network's program "Universe" has long been a
petition that he was drunk when the wedding allegedly took
place in South Carolina seven years ago .and he cannot
remember a ceremony. He does, however, remember the
trip. The petition said Janet Powell "has told the plaintiff
they are married, but the defendant will not let the plaintiff
see a dopy of the marriage license." If they are legally
married, Whitley said, Powell is asking the court to grant
him a divorce. Whitley said the unusual court action was
taken after Janet Powell repeatedly refused her to show her
alleged husband a marriage license.