* The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 10, 1981-Page 3 'UJapanese profs to~ study auto industry DETROIT (UPI)- Saying a continued slump by U.S. automakers ultimately will hurt Japan, scholars from the Universities of Michigan and Toyko yester- day announced a two-year, $1.2 million study of the nations' auto industries. Tokyo professor Keichi Oshima told reporters a partnership between U.S. and Japanese automakers is "very important for the future of the two coun- tries." "JAPAN CANNOT have a healthy automotive in- dustry if the United States continues to suffer declines in its industry," said Oshima, who is also vice-chairman of Technova, Inc., a research firm. "I have a very serious concern that the present situation would hurt both countries if it continues." Oshima will direct the study along with Robert Cole, director of the University's Center for Japanese Studies. COLE SAID the study will try to provide a long- term understanding of the industry's evolution in both countries within the context of their overall economic and political significance. He said the study will focus particularly on technological changes. The Tokyo professor said the two sides are being brought together by "idealism and practical common interests." He said each country depends on technology gleaned from the other. Oshima said, however, that he thinks the U.S. auto industry's slump is temporary. "WE IN JAPAN have a very strong feeling that the U.S. industry is very strong and now is in a transition period," he said. "We feel that the future for you is brighter than just this short-term period.", According to Cole, the study originated in the January 1981 Ann Arbor conference on the U.S. and Japanese auto industries. As a result of the conferen- ce, Oshima developed the idea for the research in Japan at the same time University faculty were ex- ploring similiar research possibilities. American participants include University economist and former presidential adviser Paul Mc- Cracken, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan Robert Ingersoll, United Auto Workers Vice President Donald Ephlin and General Motors Corp. director William Larsen. N; Japanese officials taking part include Shoichiro Toyoda, president, Toyota Motore Co., Nobuhiko Ushiba, a former U.S. ambassador who now serves as a foreign affairs adviser to the Japanese gover- nment, and Takashi Hosomi, president of the Over- seas Economic Cooperation Fund. The study-which will cost the University and the Tokyo school $300,000 each per year--is set to be fun- ded by contributions from GM, Ford Motor Co., the. UAW, Nissan Motor Co., Toyota, and other firms. Cole said funding for the first year is nearly secure but that money is still needed for the final half. 1 . .3:. .; Irael w, TEL AVIV, Israel (APB - Defense ;Minister Ariel Sharon warned yester- day that wavering U.S. support of the :Camp David Mideast accords was en- dangering negotiations on Palestinian self-rule in the occupied West Bank and :Gaza Strip. (Sharon, in his first news conference since taking over the Defense Ministry in August, kept up the drumbeat of criticism of UJ.S. policy that has been :eanating, from Israel since the :Reagan administration won its :congressional battle to sell advanced. ;weaponry to Saudi Arabia two weeks ag6. ISRAEl WANTS to reach agreement *witj Egypt and the United States on -Palestinian self-rule in.the Israeli oc- :cupied West Bank of the Jordan River yarns ofIU. S. It's hard to expect that Egy able to sick to Camp David i~ party (the United States) is s move away from it.' --A ri pyjj~cyshif t pt will be. Common Market. Saudi Crown Price Fahd issued the plan in August, calling -tet rfor total Israeli withdrawal from oc- S hrcupied Arab territories, establishment tarting to ofea Palestinian Arab state with East ,aa g t Jerusalem as its capital and recognition of the right of Mideast SSharon states to live in peace. THE CAMP DAVID accords, which 'e minister werethe bases for the Israel-Egypt peace treaty, call for limited ost concessions" for Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank uld reject pressure to and Gaza. basis of the Saudi said, terming it the Sharon told reporters, It's hard to n program." expect that Egypt will be able to stick to distressed at partial Camp David if the third party (the Saudi plan voiced in United States) is starting to move away d at the European fromit." M.C.A.T. Md-fTarnt tSto Eate s f - LSA. AptitudeTests K~~pna gamrn. O.M.A.T. C.P.A. Eam n, gar Eam DO THESE WORmDS AND LETTERS MAKE YOU CRINGE? if so, attend a TEST SUCCESS SEMINAR and find out how the safe, effective method of hypnosis can help you- Increase: concentration, memory, recall, confidence, test scores, mental control, and relaxation; docrees.: test "anxiety, stress. Conductod by TERRI WHITE RN, MS. Hypnotherapist PLACE: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LEAGUE N. University Fletcher 3rd F r ibrary DATES: Elthr -- Nov. 16, December 2, December , or Decenber 14. TiMES: 7:00-8:30 p. FEE: $18.00 (Register in advance or at the door.) PHONE: fas-M3 (for information) FREE CASSETME MOR RENFORCEMENfT Israeli defens and Gaza Strip before next April,: Sharon said. "The only thing en- dangering this hope is direct or indirect American support to the Saudi plan," he said. Price Minister Menachem Begin, speaking at a technology exhibit in Jerusalem, said Israel already had made "the utm peace. Israel woi negotiate on the peace plan, he ". Saudi liquidatio Israel has been acceptance of the Washington'an No traffi f .or study By ROSEMARY LARK The next time a Washtenaw County Sheriff's car pulls you over, you may be inluck. Instead of being issued a ticket, you may be h& nded a chance to par- ticipate in a" University research project designed to study why poor dr'versbehave as theydo.- The road safety research project is part of a nationwide study sponsored by the National Highway Safety Ad- ministration.' University project director Mary' Beth Marks said the University study will focus on driving. behavior such as speeding, tailgating, ignoring stop signs and making unsafe turns. THESEACTS account for 80 percentt to 85 percent of all traffic acidents, MoAs saidl. The aimof 'tie University Styiys' i'to help reduce these unsafe c tickets Socialists make gains olunteers driving actions. To help the niversity pick a sample of drivers, the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department agreed to waive tickets for drivers, who eonsent to be in- terviewed about their behavior. "Our cooperation (in not issuing tickets) makes the program a little more succesfull... and responses a little more candid," said Washtenaw County Sheriff Thomas Minick. Both safe and, unsafe drivers are chosen for the study, Marks said. The project will attempt to describe the reasons drivers engage, or fail te engage' in unsafe driving behavior. For example, if a driver runs a red light, researchers want to know whether he or she-was late for an ap- pointment, carelessly disregarding the lightbf influenced by other factors. in Belgian BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Socialists were, tied with the long- dominant centrist Christian Democrats in Parliament seats as a result of national elections, but it was not clear yesterday if they could set aside their regional rivalries to form a new coalition government. Sunday's election, called because of the collapse ofthe center-left coalition over economic issues, gave the Socialists a gain of three seats for a total of 61 in the 212-seat Parliament. That is the same number of seats 'now held by the Christian Democrats, whose losses in the industrialized, Dutch- speaking, north and economically sluping, French-speaking south totaled 21 seats. CONSERVATIVESrscored big-gains nationwide- 15 more seats from the previous Parliament for a total of 52, to be the next major force behind the election Socialists and Christian Democrats. The new distribution of legislative seats indicated Belgium's 32nd gover- nment since 1944 will be either center- left or center-right coalitions, political observers said yesterday. Conservatives and Socialists disagree on ways to deal with Belgium's serious financial problems, including a forecase 1982 budget deficit of $5 billion and 12.8 percent jobless rate. TONIGHT STEVE KING and the DITTILIES 5 for 1 Prices on Some Dritks the suds Ifuctiy . 731 N. Huron, Ypsilanti 485-0240 In my job at the first National Bank of Chicago. I am constantly using the knowledge acquired through my paralegal training at Roosewli.'" -AmnyBrill Etuzues, Wilsand uis Graduaw LAWYER'S ASSISTANT: A GROW ThCRER FORTHE 8' Training as a lawyer's Assistant can give today's college graduate a valuable edge in the job market. Entry-level positions in the Chicago area pay as much as 512,0() to $15,0()-and some paralegals are nowv earning as much as $32,0(). It takes just three months of daytime study (six months in the evening) to prepare for a career as a Lawyer's Assistant. The program at Roosevelt University is the largest A.B.A.-approved,. program in Illinois, and its record of graduate employment assistance is the best there is. FOR INFORMATION AND A FREE BROCHURE CALL (312) 341-3a12 OR MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! RECRUITER WILL BE ON CAMPUS NOVEMBER 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - O E E TU I E ST - ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY. Lawyer's Assistant Program 430 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60605 In cooperation with The Nation4 :enter for Parlegal 'Training Please send me a copy of the Roosemit Lawyer's Assistant Program catalog. I am interested in the 0 Chicago orEO Arlington Heights location. Name Address City state zip FimePhone BuinKu mone Approved for VA. andll: State Guaranteed IAans Roosevelt University admits all students on the basis of individual mnerit and without regard to race, color, sex or age., HAPPENINGS- HIGHLIGHT Jim Lafferty, an Ann Arbor attorney, will speak on the "Legal Ramifications of Non-Registration" for the draft. The forum, which is free, is sponsored by the Washtenaw County Committee Against Registration and the Draft and is scheduled for 7:30 tonight at the Ann Arbor Public Library. I GRADUATIE GEOPHYSCISTS Find out why we call ourselves SUPERIOR FILMS 4 AAFC-Dirty Harry, 9 p.m.; Detour, 7 p.m., Angell Aud. A. C2-Misfits, 7 p.m.; We're Not The Jet Set, 9:15 p.m.,!MLB 3. CFT-A Midsummer Night's Dream, 4,7 & 9:15 p.m., Michigan Theater. CG-Potemkin, 7 & 9:45 p.m.; Faust, 8:15, Lorch Hall. Women's Studies-It Happens To Us; Your Pelvis & Breast Examina- tions, noon, 2235 Angell.,t SPEAKERS AAPL-Daniel Leyine speaks on Jacobo Timmerman's Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number, 12:10 p.m., Ann Arbor Public Library. Ecumenical Campus Center-Lemuel Johnson, "The Artist and the' Politician in Modern Africa," noon, International Center. Geology-Margaret Leinen, "Cenozoic History of Hydrothermal Ac- tivity at Pacific Spreading Centers," 4 p.m., 4001 C.C. Little Bldg. Center for Chinese Studies-Anthony Kane, "Lu Xun and the League of Left-Wing Writers: A Re-examination of the Relationship Between China's Writers and the Chinese Communist Party During the Crucial Decade of the 1930s," noon, lane Hall Commons Room. Committee Concerned With World Hunger-t-John Nystuen, "California Agriculture," 8p.m., Union Conference Room5. Bioengineering-Monty Vincent, "Structure and Opportunity in the Biomedical Industry," 4 p.m., 1213 E. Engineering. Classical Studies-Bernard Knox, "Homer and History," 4 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Chemistry-Mertin Blank, "The Mechanism of Ion Flow in Excitable Membrances," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg. Alumni-Alan Merten, "The Comput r: Master or Servant?" 9:30-11:30 a.m., Graduate School of Business Administration, second floor. Ehgineering in Medicine & Biology Group-John Strohbehn, "The Use of Electromagnetic Energy in Cencar Cancer Therapy," 8 p.m., White Aud., Cooley Bldg., Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "DOCGEN-A SPIRES Prepor- fiessor," 3:30-5 p.m., B120, MLB. Women's Caucus-Susan Kaufman, "Sexual Harrassment & The University of Michigan," noon, 3050 Frieze Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS Ann Arbor Go Club-Mts., 7 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall. UAC Impact Dance-Free Workshop, 7-9 p.m., Union Ballroom. Libertarian Leaague-Discussion, Count of Antipasto, 7 p.m. Students for ERA-Mtg., 7 p.m., 4108 Michigan Union. TM Program-Introduction. noon. 4313 Michigan Union. b; Superior Oil is generally regarded as the largest independent oil and gas producer in the United States. That doesn't mean we're famous-just good! We're good because of our people. Innovative, aggressive people have made us the envy of the industry with accomplishments such as: a wildcat success ratio of more than 50% and replacement of more hydrocarbon than we have produced cumulatively over the last five years. We expect a lot from our people, but in return we offer a lot. Education doesn't end on Graduation Day. At Superior, it continues through intensive on-the-job training, industry seminars, company training programs, 'educational assistaice and job rotation. We want you to grow with us. We're a Company large enough to offer you sophisticated technology and small enough so your contribu- tions can make a big difference. Our job-rotationl:and training programs, together with flexible career paths, insure your continued development. Geoscientists play a vital role in our operations and hold key positions throughout the organization.If you're ready to commit yourself to a standard of excellence with an industry leader, let's talk. INTERVIEWS ON CAMPUS Wednesday, November 1 8th e /I7TrTTi _ To arrange a campus interview, contact your Placement Office. If you are unable to interview with us on campus, forward your resume to: J.R. Tobin, Superior Oil, P.O. Box 1521, Houston, Texas 77001. . '. . two NOW zle .000 "+' "'~r. / .. ._ - - ' wir"' .'r rr" ~ i . %" s+ " ~ ."..s7 :w. ' . . . r- rw. - i