or Ninety- Two Years Of# Editorial Freedom I E LIE 43UU Iai g STANDARD Partly cloudy again today with a high in the mid 40s' and a low tonight in the up- per 20s. Vol. XCII , No. 53 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesddy, November 10, 1981 Ten Cents twelve Pages obscenity law4 WASHINGTON (AP) -States and local communities cannot shut down stores or theaters displaying sexually explicit materials before proving in court that the materials are obscene, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday. By a 6-3 vote, the justices upheldj rulings that a Washington state law that in some cases would have allowed such f shutdowns without a court obscenity- hearing was an unconstitutional "prior restraint" on free speech. THE COURT'S :affirmance in' the Washington case was issued without ,a written opinion and without oral M arguments being held. Chief Justice Warren Burger, joined' by Justices Lewis Powell and William f Rehnquist, said the lower federal cour- ts and the Supreme Court should stay: outx of the case, until the law was. used and until state courts could rule on it.3 Similarly broad public nuisance laws apparently are rare. Accoring to .court papers filed in the Washington case, AP Photo Braonly Idh aasmlrlwo trdy 's'back I a o h s a s ml r l w n ,ibo k . It h s b e up ed b thtstate's courts but now m ay com e under Presidential Press Secretary Jam es Brady participates with President and n~ew. legal challenges. Mrs. Reagan in the ribbon cutting for the refurbished press room at the LAWS ALLOWING for similar 'White House yesterday. Brady, who was hit by gunfire last March in the at- closings have 'been.. struckdw in tempt on Reagan's life, has been confined in the hospital since the shooting * See SUPREME, Page 9 and this is his first official appearance. E x-AID1- offica w arns.. of inan foml dange Saudis claim Israeli planes. invaded airspace RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP)- Saudi Arabia claimed yesterday that Israeli warplanes invaded Saudi airspace over the kingdom's northwest regions and were driven back by Saudi jet fighters. Israel refused comment. THE LOCATION of the purported violation, about 105 miles from the kingdom's Red Sea coast, is near the, Tabuk military air base but hundreds of miles from Israel's southernmost bor- der. In Washington, President Reagan was informed about 9:30 a.m. EST that Israeli jets had entered Saudi airspace and left "on their own accord," Deputy White House press secretary' Larry Speakes said. He would not comment further. The incident comes at a time of in- creased tension in,. the Mideast over Saudi defense. On Oct. 28 the U.S. Congress, over the vehement protests of Israel, approved an $8.5 billion arms package to the oil-rich kingdom, which provides 20 percent of U.S.-imported oil. Israel regards the arms sale to a hardline Arab nation as a threat to its security. ANOTHER POINT of contention by the Israelis is a Mideast peace plan put forward by Saudi Prince Fahd, °calling for establishment of a Palestinian state on land now occupied by Israel, gover- ned by the Palestine- Liberation Organization, with East Jerusalem' as the capital. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin's government is con- cerned over Washington's expression of interest in the Fahd plan. % There was no Saudi description of the number or type of planes involved. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia use American- built aircraft. The Saudis fly F-5Es and the Israelis have the more advanced F- 15s and F-l6s-aircraft which 'Saudi Arabia is due to receive. A terse communique broadcast by the official Saudi state radio and tran- slated by The Associated Press, said: "AT 1400 TODAY, (6 a.m. EST) Nov. 9, 1981, aircraft of the Israeli enemy violated our airspace in the kingdom's northwestern regions.-Our fighter jets intercepted them and as a resut enemy planes returned to Arab-occupied lands (Israel)."x The first headline broadcast by state radio had called the incident an attack. In Tel Aviv, Israeli military com- mand spokesmen refused to comment on the Saudi report. "The military never, gives any details on its flights, not in the north, the south, the east or the west," said one Israeli spokesman. ISRAEL'S military chief of staff, Lt. Gen., Raphael Eytan, recently confir- med that Israeli planes have flown reconnaissance missions over Saudi Arabia in the past. The, Washington Post quoted a high Saudi official' as saying such vulnerability was a major reason for the .kingdom's insistence on buying AWACS radar planes from the United States,. In Washington, U.S. government sources said Israeli. military planes twice flew into Saudi Arabian air space yesterday but there was no report of any gun fire. The Pentagon refused comment. "They operate there lots of times,", said one source. "It is common knowledge that the Israelis fly across the border to check things out." * --,.;./. g tU, CfJi kil ,,., ~ *~'*1''~~V ' By DAVID SPAK Saying that the improper use of infant 9formula manufactured by Nestle Cor- poration and other firms cause an estimated 1 million infant deaths per year in the third world, a former official of the Federal Agency for International Development called last night for a con- tinuation of the boycott of Nestle products. Speaking before' about 100 people in the School of Public Health building, Dr. Stephen Joseph,who resigned from AID in protest of a U.S. vote against the World Health Organization's recoin- 0mendations, for reform of infant for- mula use in the Third World, said for- mula used in Asia and Africa .is a lethal weapon because the formula is often mixed with contaminated water. Lack of running water, hot water and proper refrigeration also contribute to the problem of Third World use of in-= fant formula. COMPANIES, such as ;Nestle, marketing infant formulas have hin- dered efforts to educate Third World women to the dangers the formula presents, Joseph said. Formula in- structions - and especially the misleading advertising campaigns - only have compounded the problems, he said. Joseph, a pediatrician who spent five years in Africa and Asia working in public health, said "breast feeding is necessary for infant survival" in the Third World and is superior to using in- fant :formula everywhere, but especially in the Third World." Nestle was 'chosen for the boycott because it leads in the production of the formula, he said. /He said the boycott will have little economic impact on the company, but it N611 "make, people aware of the (infant formula) issue."~ During the speech, sponsored by the School of Public Health Student Organization and Political Action Committee, Joseph said the Reagan administration's decision to be the lone ''no'' vote last May on the World Health Organization's code of recommen- dations for the use of infant formulas was "a political decision based on, political grounds" and showed, no regard for the. scientific evidence of the dangers of infant formula. The final vote was 118 - with three abstentions. Photo by Jeff Schrier DR. STEPHEN JOSEPH, former ranking medical official of the Agency for International Development, said the use of infant formulas leads to about 1 million infant deaths each year in the third world. Joseph spoke before about 100 people in the Public Health Building last night. onbudget questions, By BARRY WITT 'University, secretaries may have been annoyed somewhat at the phone calls, but LSA student government leaders were pleased with the response to an advertisement they placed in last Friday's Daily. .The full-page advertisement urged readers to telephone University President Harold Shapiro and Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye to ask them the following questions: " Why are classes overcrowded? " Why are departments being eliminated? " Why is research more important than teaching " Why, as tuition increases, does the quality of education decrease?. «1 ,THINK IT was successful. It struck a nerve ini some people,' Jamie Moeller, a member of the LSA-SG executive council. LSA-SG officials- bought the adver- tisement "out of frustration," Moeller said. '"Last year, we had a lot of questions (on University budget issues), and they (administration of- ficials) didn't answer them." NEITHER FRYE. nor Shapiro an- swered the calls, which totaled about 30 on Friday, secretaries said. "We weren't inundated with phone calls- but we, had enough to keep us busy," said Carolyn' Copley, an ad- ministrative secretary to Frye. "It's not something we would like everyday." Moeller said between 50 and 10 people telephoned Frye and Shapiro, adding that he based hi estimateon the number of people who told, him that See 'U', Page 9, VP Overberge r, hitbycar. University Vice President for Research Charles Overberger was listed in good condition at University Hospital, yesterday' after he was admitted for injuries he incurred when hit by a car on Saturday. His injuries included a hairline skull fracture, a con- cussion, a shoulder separation and bruises. Overberger, 61, of 436 Huntington Road, was running along Fuller Road, west of Huron Parkway, when he Eran into the side of an auto driven-by 25-year-old Mary Jo Fahnestiel of 1533 McIntyre, Drive. Police said Fahnestiel swerved off the road, but was unable to avoid hitting Overberger. Police did. not issue a ticket to Fahnestiel for the accident. Role of 1ST explained By ANDREW CHAPMAN The University's Institute of Science and Technology must bring together separate elements of the academic research community in order to successfully promote research at the University, IST Director George Gamota said yesterday. Gamota, 'who spoke at a meeting of the faculty's Senate Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs, explained that one of.IST's primary goals is to allow researchers to cooperate with each other on projects. In many cases, the University's size and diversity make this goal difficult to attain, he said. ANOTHER OF the institute's roles, Gamota said, is to permit professors and researchers from numerous fields to conduct research without a "bureaucratic albatross" hanging over them. IST also must provide "homes" for research projects that might not ordinarily receive funds or attention from other areas of the University, Gamota said. The institute, which was founded in 1957, was established to mobilize University and state resources for the betterment of science and technology, Gamota said. THE IST, which currently has a budget of $13 million, includes six departments: highway safety, Great Lake marine and water sciences, biophysics research, macromolecular biology, industrial development and the merit computer network.J Gamota said his responsibilities as director of the IST range over a wide variety of activities. Part of his job is to insure the high quality of the research units within the IST, and keep those areas closely involved with the academic com- munity as well:- See ROLE, Page 2 .Gam ota ..stresses ',,1ST unity -TODAY The directories hit the streets m.r HE STUDENT TELEPHONE directories for the 1981-82 academic year have been compiled, prin- cigarettes-even under some pretty trying circumstances. Police said a young woman bought a carton Sunday during the middle of a robbery, and departed none the wiser. Ac- cording to police, a bandit entered the station office at about 1:20 p.m., flashed a handgun and ordered the atten- dant,.Sean Lally, 17, to lie on the floor behind the counter. As the robber was emptying the cash register, the uniden- tified woman walked in to buy cigarettes. The robber asked Lally the price, then sold her the carton. The woman left with her purchase, and the robber fled moments later with $200-and the money from his sale. D Venezuelan ports, before any crew members could locate Red's owner. After a couple-.of days, Heath began putting pip "lost dog" notices. "I thought for sure I was never going to see him again," he said. But when the Andrea returned to New Orleans, the captain called the Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals, which used Red's vaccination tag number to track down Heath. The captain, whose crew grew fond of Red during the voyage, had just one request. He wants a puppy from any litter Red might sire.Q