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September 10, 1981 - Image 69

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-10

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 10, 1981--Page 9-C

Turning a buck in a

University town

its amazing what some people will
o to make a buck these days.
Sorge people opt for traditional desk,
jobs Others, like Ann Arbor freelance
advertising agent Nancy Anderson,
choose slightly more unconventional
lines of work.
WHEN NOT pursuing her normal
business routine, Anderson heads
Moody Balloons, a company that
delivers special occasion greetings-in
a d6zeh helium-filled balloons.
"It's really neat going in places
hEeI make people happy," Anderson
aid "of the business. Her customers
hair. used the messengers (who
costume themselves in Miss Piggy
outits, as mime clowns, or in bikinis)
to ask people out on dates, and to give
or acc.ept marriage proposals.
ODeUniversity student, who asked to
reiaii anonymous, found another way
to :plake people happy and pad his
o tbook as well. The art major said
qe;uid to pay for his art supplies by
maiufacturing and selling fake IDs.
The student said he began making the
doei3ents for himself and friends
wlin:he was 16, and found out there
was a market for the same service in
Art Arbor.

"I MADE $800 in 12 days," he
boasted. The art student quit the fake
ID trade after a near brush with local
authorities. "It's too dangerous," he ,
explained. "The money isn't worth get-
ting thrown in jail." In an ironic twist of
fate, he added, he currently checks IDs
in a local bar.
Those who couldn't get a copy of one
of the bogus documents to quaff a few
beers in a local bar can at least satisfy
their Sunday morning hunger cravings.
University graduate Curt Feldman
will deliver bagels, lox, cream cheese,
and The New York Times to customers'
doorsteps every Sunday for a 90a
delivery charge, plus the cost of the
food and the newspaper.
FELDMAN SAID HE bought the
bagel route last March from another
student because, "I thought it would be
profitable and kind of fun."
Bagels aren't Feldman's sole source
of income. He also publishes a guide to
local restaurants named I Eat,
Therefore I Am, along with a calendar
of the same name. In addition, he
designed a Rose Bowl t-shirt.
While bagels satisfy some hunger
cravings, Wiggy the Clown might
satisfy cravings for laughter. Wendy
Sheperd, 28, has been clowning around



holds "funny face" workshops at
schools and day-care centers.
"I go in, transform myself (into a
clown), and talk about clowning,"
Shepard said of the classes and
workshops. "I just don't entertain" the

children, she addes. "I interact with
Shepard does most of her clowning
for charities, although she said the
profession could be profitable. "I like to
do it for the fun," she explained. "If I do
too many jobs for pay, I have to stop
and do some for charity or else I'll feel
bad. It's a give-and-take type deal."
LSA SENIOR Ellen Guay also brings
smiles to faces after she's made them
"prettier." Guay, an English major,
has been conducting skin care and
make-up workshops in dormitories,
apartments and houses since last
summer. She reports to a manager
responsible for the products she sells,
but is in charge of her own presen-
"I was tired of waitressing and being
a secretary," she said of her decision to
enter the field. "I like being my own
boss." Guay said the job fits her time
schedule, and it allows her to make
money while having fun.
"I can never say I've left work feeling
tired or overworked," she added.
Another student who enjoys being his
own boss is engineering junior Andy

Ann Arbor parties, hospitals, and store
openings since 1977.
SHEPARD, WHO SAID being a clown
is something she has wanted to do all of
her life, also teaches a clown class for
the city's recreation department and

King, who "pretties up" term papers
instead of faces. King said he enjoys
typing term papers almost as much as
his student customers do. "I get to read
all about all kinds of different and
really interesting subjects," he said.
ANN AROBORITES who want the
fast, reliable, door-to-door service of a
bicycle courier service have Freewheel
Express at their disposal. The company
was founded in May 1977 by Reuben'
Chapman, an avid local bicyclist.
Chapman, who got the idea for a
bicycle delivery service when
discussing "small scale approaches to
the ecology program," contracts other
cyclists to deliver packages within Ann
Arbor city limits.
One cyclist is 23-year-old LSA
sophomore Debby Shields. She began -
working with Chapman last May, but
has also made bicycle deliveries in San
"It's a good way to be outdoors, have
fun, and make good money," she said.
Shields' equipment includes a 5-speed .
bicycle, a trailer to pull packages
(which can be as heavy as 200 pounds),
and warm, rain-proof clothing.
Then ex pore.
the Peoples ;
rFood Coop.
e to Shop.
)od Co-op
>ppmng facilities, plus--
!eds. (Quality cheeses,;
irect -from -farm products.;
a juices and nut butters
'old goods, organic garden
ppgfcti pl
esQalit cheses

'Traditional' employment levels down

Finding a job in this area isn't any easier than it is
in most other places, with thousands of students -
not to mention permanent residents - looking for
anything from eight to 40 hours per week.
And the difficulty is even more acute now. A survey
conducted last spring by the Office of Student Tem-
porary Employment showed that student temporary
employment at the University was down 10.6 percent
for fall and winter terms.
This year, "There may not be as many (jobs
vailable) as in the past," according to Nancy
onginate, the office's coordinator.
BU T IN addition to pounding the streets and poring
over the help wanted ads, the University offers
several resources worth looking into. One good place
to check for a part-time job is the dormitory system.
The dorms hire about 900 students throughout the
year, according to Leroy Williams, assistant director
of Housing Information. These jobs can be coor-
dinated to fit a student's schedule, and they are only
as' far as a walk down the stairs for many students,.
Williams said.
A student can get a job in the dorm cafeteria,
brary, at the desk, or in the housekeeping depar-
tment. Applications can be given directly to the
supervisors in each dorm. One of the benefits of
working in the dorms, Williams said, is "working
with friends."

THE STUDENT Temporary Employment office's
bulletin boards, located in the Michigan Union and on
the second floor of the Student Activities Building,
are also useful resources for job listings. The office
updates the boards every day with both University
and off-campus listings.
Clerical, technical, service/maintenance, and
research-related jobs are among those regularly
Interspersed among the typical
babysitting and waitressing jobs
are openings for sound
technicians, bagel deliverers, and
posted on the office's job-opening boards. Students
choose the jobs that interest them, and then make
contact with the employers.
Many of the departments and schools in the
University also list available jobs outside their of-
fices. They are usually looking for students within the

department, and these jobs can provide an excellent
chance to work with a professor or gain some job
skills in a specific field.
AREA RESTAURANTS, businesses, and
bookstores normally add on extra help for the fall and
winter terms. Some advertise in the papers, but
others may just put a sign in a window - this is where
pounding the streets is useful.
Students eligible for financial aid may also be able
to obtain a work-study job by applying at the Finan-
cial Aid Office. Many businesses are eager to employ
work-study students because the federal government
covers most of their pay.
However, "I think work-study funds might be tight
again this year," said Longmate, of the Employment
THIS FALL, THERE will be a job fair for all work-
study students. They will have a chance to talk to
prospective employers and set up interviews, thus
saving time looking through the work-study listings.
Some of the more bizarre jobs can be found in the
classified ads of local newspapers. Interspersed
among the typical babysitting and waitressing jobs
are openings for sound technicians, bagel deliverers,
and models. One ad last summer sought "NEW AND
EXPECTANT mothers ... for modeling. . . $200 per
half day."
Whatever the job, Longmate says seekers should
"be aggressive. on t give up the first week or two."

There IS life after Dooley's

(Continued from Page 4)
to explore. What follows is a mini
guided tour of just a handful of off-
campus spots of interest.
David's Book Store - David has done
a little bit of everything over the years,
including running an earlier edition of
his book store. Located at the corner of
Liberty and State, the place provides
what other used book stores, like the
Wooden. Spoon, merely promise. It
looks like an explosion in a library, and
~ut, of the wreckage any number of
0rasures are liable to be plucked. But
it takes a bit of hunting.
Fast Food Forever - Take
Washtenaw out in the direction of
Packard and you'll see a vista of all-
night burger shacks and pizzerias that
is a neon sign-maker's dream. There
are the usual biggies like McDonald's
and Taco Bell, but wedged in at un-
suspected moments are unique one-
*hots, where the best eating of all is
found. And thank God for A&W, the per-
fect place to go after a jaunt on the putt-
putt course, also found in this junk food
-Vbterans Park - A half dozen
baseball fields, haloed at night by
banks of ample bright lights. On certain
days in the summertime this place,
ldcated on Maple between Jackson and
Dexter, is like a circus ringmastered by
Rube Goldberg. Those are the best
times - when every diamond is filled
Cith ballplayers, the whole stretch of
the parkway a wonder of colorful, ant-
like movement.
Briarwood - You think you've seen
Dawn of the Dead? Welcome to the land
of the living dead: a monument to

seventies mall construction, with a nice
little babbling brook that provides
natural muzak. Some of the highlight:
of the mall: Farrell's Ice Cream
Parlour, where the people who wor
will gladly spill ice cream on the floo
any hour of the day,
Ypsilanti - Many locals would like
you to believe Ypsilanti is one of those
places you just don't talk about. A black
sheep. The idiot next door you just
ignore. Don't believe them! Ypsi has
better pizzerias than Ann Arbor, lots o

e good little theatre and music projects,
s and a lack of the kind of pretentiousness
s which makes the head hurt when one
n encounters it in Ann Arbor. All this,
k plus a giant phallic tower greeting you
r on your way in!
One could go on. Something might be
said about the splendid skateboarding
hills on the West Side of town, about the
e pleasures of the Blixt Gallery. But
enough is enough. The best way to find
'tout about this town is to take it on your-
s self, to look in the corners and crevices
f that interest you most.


This ultra thin quartz watch
sweep second hand. Superbly
crafted, supremely accurate.
~. _
44-7026-80 (yellow, leather strap)

Only five
more to go ...
and you'll have all your books.
Just a little more fighting through
crowds, searching shelves, and 0
running around, and you'll be done.
Of course, the people who went to Ulrich's are home drinking coffee. An
Urlich's helper took their class lists, got their books, and handed them over.
It didn't cost them ary more, either.
Maybe you should try Ulrich's, too.








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