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November 07, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-07

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

E t.Cl t I


Clearly and mostly sunny
today with a high around

Vol. XCII, No. 51

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 7, 1981

Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Unemployment rate
highest in 6 years,-

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - A deepening
recession pushed bthe nations unem-
ployment rate to 8 percent in October,
the highest level in nearly six years.
The Reagan administration said it is
standing by its economic policies and
will not go for a "quick-fix" solution.
MEANWHILE, Michigan's unem-
ployment rate rose sharply from 10.7
percent in September to 11.5 percent in
October, the Michigan Employment.
Security Commission reported yester-
MESC Director S. Martin Taylor said
the number of unemployed workers in
October rose 43,000 to 512,000.
In October 1980, Michigan's unem-
ployment rate was 12.4 percent.
THE LABOR Department reported
the spurt from a 7.5 percent jobless rate
in September left more than 8.5 million
Americans out of work. It was the
highest rate since the 8.2 percent of
December 1975, but well below the 9
percent peak of the 1974-75 recession.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said
8.5 million people out of work is the
highest number since 9.5 million

average figure of 1939. The bureau did
not keep month-to-month jobless
figures then and analysts noted that
unemployment actually was much wor-
se 42 years ago because'the labor force
was only half its present size.
All time highs were set last month for
black unemployment and for the num-
ber of people forced to accept part-time
unemployment could climb even
higher. "We anticipate that the
(jobless) rate could move somewhat
higher over the next few months before
declining as the economy strengthens
in 1982," the president's Council of
Economic Advisers said.
The administration had been predic-
ting a short, mild recession with unem-
ployment peaking around 8 percent, but
now acknowledges that forecast was
too optimistic. Administration
economists believe the recession will be
deeper than anticipated and drag into
next spring.
AT THE WHITE House, deputy press
secretary Larry Speakes said, "The
rise in unemployment is a natural
short-term consequence of unwinding

the deeply rooting inflation that is im-
bedded in the economy.
"The administration will not adopt
any quick-fix measures to deal with the
short run movements in the unem-
ployment rate. The elements of the
president's economic program already
in place are sufficient ot provide the
basis for a strong and lasting recovery
which we anticipate will be evident in
The AFL-CIO and congressional
Democrats wasted no time assailing
President Reagan's economic policies
and lambasting the administration for
refusing to send any top policymakers
to a hearing on the problem yesterday
by the Joint Economic Committee.
At the congressional hearing, Sen.
Edward Kennedy, (D-Mass.) charged
that the administration's policies are
"likely to give us the worst economic
mess since the Great Depression."
Chiding Reagan for asserting in a
Labor Day address that his policies will
create "jobs, jobs, jobs," Kennedy said
more than a million people have been
thrown out of work through policies that
have resulted on in "lost jobs, lost jobs,
lost jobs."

H on red guest Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
President Harold Shapiro welcomes new Law School professor Wade McCree and his wife, Doris, to the University at a
reception held yesterday. The reception, held in the Lawyer's Club and sponsored by Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, was
given in honor of McCree who joined the faculty in September after he left his position as U.S. Solicitor General.

Ex-roommate recounts Chen's last night
. By JOHN ADAM said the Garrison Command confronted
Late during the hot, balmy night in him with tape-recordings and other
Taipei,Taiwan,adistressedChenWen- 'Chen was really not that optimistic that his school evidence of his correspondences with
Chen went up to the sixth floor apar- the Formosa magazine manager.
tment of his former University room= could help him if the (Taiwanese) government put They also produced a tape of a speech
iate, Teng Wei-Hsiang. Chen had given in Pittsburgh after the
Teng was in his nightclothes when he hE jail. Kaohsiung incident (an incident where
answered the door. Chen was quiet at e the Chinese nationalist government in
first, and visibly troubled, Teng said. Teng J ei-H sian Taiwan cracked down on a demon-
CHEN, A CARNEGIE-Mellon . stration sponsored by the Formosa
assistant professorbegan writing a let- magazine.)
e wrote. A short time late Chn to Chen's death has beent the topic of see Chen alive, is in Ann Arbor this to various persons about creating Chen also discussed the possible ac-
Ten wrteAhart a la Che tde. controversy in recent months. The weekend. In an interview with the democratic reforms in Taiwan. tions the Garrison Command could take
theng that dat Jye it- he gion t Chinese nationalist government in, Daily yesterday Teng told about his According to a Carnegie-Mellon and decided that the worst thing the
t0 oughan inte e interrogationc h Taiwan claims he committed suicide, meeting with Chen on that July night. University report, the military officials national security police could do was to
police -the Taiwan Garrison sCom- but several American university of- During the interrogation that day, the regarded the last offense as the most imprison him.
mlcd the aiwnigarrishen left ficials and members of Congress cbn- Taiwan Garrison Command serious because they were concerned ACCORDING TO Teng, Chen said,
Tand' a'dCtment.' tend that the Chinese nationalist gover; established that Chen sent funds to the that Chen returned to Taiwan to ex- "They might put me in jail for eight or
The next morning Chen was found nment was responsible for his death, general manager of the liberal For- press anti-government sentiments. 10 years."
dead. t TENG, THE LAST person reported to mosa magazine, and that he had spoken THAT NIGHT, Teng explained, Chen See ROOMMATE, Page 2

Chen Wen-Chen
... was worried, friend says

at Soviet
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (,AP) -
Soviet submarine believed armed with
nuclear tipped torpedos left Swedish
waters yesterday but the storm of con-
troversy caused by the intrusion
lingered. A U.S. official accused the
Soviet Union of using the sub for
"hostile espionage."
At a protest rally 6f 4,000 people in
downtown Stockholm, Socialist opposition
leader Olof Palme said, "It is incon-
ceivable why Soviet military
authorities would jeopardize friendly
neighboring relations by an action
which was sure to outrage the entire
Swedish people."
HE SAID THE sub's grounding Oct.
27 in a restricted zone near a major
Swedish naval base was "a frightening
reminder how close we are to the
See SWEDES, Page 9

FBI to investigate
Ypsi shooting death

The FBI has begun an investigation
to determine whether any federal civil
rights laws were violated in last Sun-
day's shooting death of an Ypsilanti
man by an off-duty police officer.
FBI special Agent John Anthony said
yesterday the FBI began a preliminary,
investigation Tuesday following
newspaper reports of the alleged
shooting death of 18-year-old Michael
O'Neill by off-duty Ypsilanti Patrolhpan
Michael Rae early Sunday morning.
THE FBI WILL present the results of
the investigation to federal Justice'
Department officials who will decide
whether or not to prosecute, Anthony
After reviewing the. FBI's in-
vestigation, he said the Justice Depar-
tment can:
" decide there was no civil rights
* decide there was a civil rights
violation and call for additional in-
" ask for additional investigation before
reaching a decision.

THE PRELIMINARY investigation
should take about 20 days, he said. He
added that it is not unusual for the FBI
to decide to look into a case based on
media accounts of the incident.
The inquiry will involve interviewing
witnesses and any officers involved,
and checking the police and autopsy
reports, Anthony said.
If the FBI uncovers any evidence it
feels could be helpful in the state
criminal proceedings, the information
will be released, whether or not the
Justice Department decides to take ac-
tion, Anthony said.
According to witnesses, Rae shot
O'Neill twice early Sunday morning af-
ter the two had argued in the street at
Michigan Avenue and Hamilton in Yp-
Rae, 28, was arraigned Thursday on
charges of manslaughter in 14th
District Court. His preliminary
examination is set for Nov. 12.
Rae, a 1975 Eastern Michigan
University graduate, was suspended
from the Ypsilanti police force without
pay when the shooting incident oc-

Photo by DAVID GAL
Studies in syimetr
Andi Boulette and Debbie Thomas squeeze in extra study time between classes in the corridors of Angell Hall.

Don't honk at the cops
Cornhuskers fan, tooted his musical car horn
while passing an Iowa Stgte Patrol trooper
issuing a ticket to a wayward motorist. Minutes
later, Kunkel, a photocopying machine salesman, was
pulled to the side of the road by the officer who annarently


tossing a package off the Troy-Menands Bridge into the
Hudson River in New York. Officers telephoned William
Biette of suburban Wynantskill, but didn't believe his story.
A tugboat was called and firefighters went after the
package. The effort paid off inl red faces. His story proved
true. Biette, 36, said he had had a "real bad-night," bowling
604 for four games, 29 pins off his average. He said he threw
his bowling ball off the bridge because it "let me down." O
Hang-it-yourself museum

custodians. Mays, who was jailed in lieu of $1,500 bond, said
he "wasn't trying to hurt anyone. I was just trying to donate
some art." O
A cure for leadfoots
Richard Schulman wants to help drivers who suffer from
chronic lead foot overcome what he considers a behavior
problem. Schulman, a doctoral student in psychology, has
invented a device that makes it harder to push down an ac-
celerator when traveling over the speed limit-making the.

John Seiberling (D-Ohio) has expressed an interest in the
deaccelerator and may recommend it to government safety
agencies for study as a possible means of slowing truck
drivers. . O
On the inside
Arts previews Hal Holbrook's Mark Twain Tonight! and
reviews; Musket's production of Fiddler on the


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