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September 10, 1981 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-10

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 10, 1981-Page 5
other voices

University 'redeplo
Last July, Daily summer Editor-in-Chief challenge to us. We could always lower our ex-
David Meyer asked University President penses to any desirable level if the outcome
Harold Shapiro to explain the University's were of no concern to us. If there were fewer
policy of redirection toward "smaller but books in the library, then there would be fewer
better, "and to comment on how he thinks books in the library; and if we did not have new
the University will fare under the Reagan laboratory equipment, we would do less
. Un t wl flaboratory instruction and research-etc.
administration 's budget cuts. The It's not hard simply to balance a smaller
*following. are segments of President budget. What is hard is to balance a smaller
Shapiro's responses. budget and maintain a quality University in
that context. We could always manage. But can
The primary force governing all our actions we manage to be a distinguished University?
with respect to the "redirection of the Univer- That is an entirely different matter. So the first
sity" is not fiscal, but the desire to maintain a thing to understand is that our challenge arises
quality University, an extremely high quality because we care about quality-the 'quality of
University. If this weren't the case, the current our students, the quality of our faculty, and the
fiscal situation would present no special quality of what we do.

Second, although there
standards, a significant a
or change in a relativel
students' choices and op
not be sharply affected by
ther, we will make eve:
modate the needs of al
currently participating in
be considered for reduction
I would like to point out t
of Michigan, students h
paralleled spectrum of co
decreasing the width
somewhat is hardly notice
the spectrum to that of oth
in a speech I gave to the

f- , 0 1

Belch er: City,

'U' close'

its resources'-S
will be, by historial year and a half ago. It is widely misunderstood. per timei
mount of redirection I used it at that time to indicate that perhaps justments
ly short time, most one way in which we could make ourselves bet- THE CC
portunities here will ter, given external circumstances, would be by federal a
these changes. Fur- getting smaller. I see nothing intrinsically at- Reagan,s
ry effort to accom- tractive about smaller. What I am after is bet- impact in
1 students who 'are ter. It was meant to be a suggestion, that sciences.
programs that may perhaps by getting smaller, by doing fewer proposals
n, redirection-etc. things, we can actually improve the quality of and incre
that at the University the University. That was the idea. as the ph
ave an almost un- We must always consider redeploying our in the soc
urse offerings. Thus, resources into areas that represent important ces, verys
of that spectrum new initiatives. Another example we are The Un
able, if you compare currently studying is financial aid for students. one of tt
er universities. Despite large ctirrent expenditures in this programs
is a phrase I coined area, a further expansion may be desirable. If distinguis
Senate Assembly a this is the case, we will have to take some sciences.
resources which are currently being spent in rather ne
another area, be it academic or nonacademic, course, is
and redirect them into student financial aid. the Congr
Such changes are not easy for the University And I ha
since they are almost certain to disappoint proposed
some valued members of the University com- there is s
munity. When we decide to make dramatic cuts program,
overall re
has propo
The quest
the progra
I am a
a science e
Harold Shapiro k administr
sed cuts r+
University a few diffi
President We haN
* This is be
needed st
But this j
with job d

The following is a transcribed rec-
ord of a July interview with Ann
Arbor Mayor Louis Belcher. The
mayor, now in his second full term,
discussed the city's relationship with
the University with Steve Hook,
summer term editorial director.
*Do you believe University students
ski adequately involved in city gover-

Belcher: I don't think
whatever reason, they have

so. For
not been

than-average rents and low vacancy
rate, do you foresee any relief in this
area? What can students do to improve
the situation?
Belcher: Well, we have seen quite a
loosening up of the market in the past
eight months, for student housing. I'm
not sure, but I think it's because of two
factors. First, I think students are
doubling up or tripling up or quadding
up, and not using as many units. I don't
know that it's happening because some
of the big campus landlords are now
dropping their requirements for first
and last month's rent, and in some
Louis Belcher
Ann Arbor Mayor
cases damage deposits. The market it-
self, because of this, probably is.
becoming far more competitive. In the
long run, the downscaling of the
University of Michigan-by about 5,000
students-is going to have a tremen-
dous impact on rental properties.
I think the other thing that's going to
help is the viability of the Ann Arbor
Transportation Authority, so students
can afford to live out a little ways and
free up some of the campus market,
using a good transit system to get back
and forth.
What fundamental changes do you
foresee for the city in the next decade?
Do you expect an improving city, or one
that will be struggling to maintain its
present quality?,
Belcher: I'm very optimistic for the
city of Ann Arbor, for several reasons.
Number one, Ann Arbor has made a
commitment to limit its size-by fixing
its borders. I think people can expect a
mature city-a lot more renovation of
assets, buildings and parks and so for-
th. You can see that downtown now,
there's hardly an old building left that
hasn't been renovated.
I think the city will remain very
financially viable in the next ten years.

Not because of the new industry in the
area, but because of the consistent cash
flow moving through the business
community,' and of course the
stabilizing influence of the Univorsity
of Michigan. Business in the area, even
through this down season, has held up
fairly well. I'm sure as we move into
better economic times, Ann Arbor will
enjoy a very prosperous decade.
What makes Ann Arbor politics dif-
ferent from politics in other cities its
Belcher: Basically, partisan politics,
and the diversity of the population.
While we've been very concerned about
voter apathy, citizen involvement isn't
dead in Ann Arbor by any means.
People come down and voice their
Andadd to that partisan politics.
There's only two cities in the whole
state of Michigan-Ann Arbor and Yp-
silanti-that hold partisan elections. So
that adds an extra dimension, and of
course an extra battle line in the
political process.
What are the pros and cons of the Ann
Arbor-University of Michigan relation-
Well, the good points are easier to
talk about, simply because there are
far more of them. The University and
city are very close. We meet a lot
together, our planning staffs meet
together. I have open access to all
University officials, and they to us.
I think that one of the main reasons
that the relationship between the,
University and city is so much better
than other such towns is that we share
the samebmunicipal services. I think
where it becomes testy, with Univer-
sities and cities, is where the University
will have its own police force and fire
department, and the city does the
same, and you get this competitive
The other factor between Ann Arbor
and the University of Michigan is that
they grew up together, and there is
really a hard line sometimes to draw
between campus buildings and public
buildings and residential areas. I don't
think there is this isolation, like there
is, say, at Michigan State, where the
campus is on one side of the
street-fenced off-and the city is on
the other-and it's 'us and them."
To be very honest with you, the only
problems we have with the University
are problems we mutually .have-get-
ting the new hospital built, getting the
roads built out there, I can honestly
say, at this particular time, that we
don't have any problems with the
University of Michigan.

interval, but there still are more ad-
ahead of us than we have behind us.
UTS in the research budgets of certain
gencies, as proposed by President
would have their primary negative
the social, biological, and behavioral
The Reagan administration, in its
,has dramatically cut those budgets
ased the budgets in other areas, such
ysical sciences and engineering. But
ial, biological, and behavioral scien-
severe cuts are proposed.
iversity of Michigan happens to have
:he largest social science reseirch
in the country, and some of our most
hed departments are in the social
So these proposals could have a
gative impact on us. That issue, of
not yet resolved. It is being argued in
ave some hope that at least part of the
cuts in those areas will be restored. If
omewhat more balance to the final
then I think we can avoid any
U include all research elements, the
search budget that President Reagan
osed is not an unreasonable pool of
at this time in our economic history.
tion is, can we get more balance into.
lso very concerned about funds for
ducation and the National Science
on Fellowship program for graduate
I believe that the Congress and the
ation will rebuild some of these prop-
elatively quickly. But there might be
cult years ahead.
ve been trying to strengthen our
in the natural sciences within LSA.
cause we felt, on the whole, that we
rengthening in some of those areas.
udgment had nothing directly to do
demand. In the case of engineering, I
are having trouble with a very high
acher ratio, and we would like to
hat because we just do not think we
a quality education unless we lower
nt-teacher ratio.. .
eployment is not driven solely by job
It is partly responsive to the idea that
want to study in those areas, but I do
nything inappropriate in that, as long
not merely move in response to
me, these redirection changes will be
. I am sure if you look at the year 1990
are it to 1980, you will see a lot of'
t changes. But if you take a student
oving through the system, he or she
almost everything that was expected.
ace and, if anything, it will be better.
expect it to have a major impact on
It'll look radical to the students who
find themselves in a program that
scontinued, but there simply are not
e that many, in my judgment. So, I
'll be in good shape.

in a particular program, it will be very disap-
pointing for some very good people who may
have devoted long careers to the University of
UNFORTUNATELY, we are at that time
when we are facing such difficult decisions.
And we may have to say what is a very difficult
thing to say: "Yes, you have done a gopd job
but, in our judgment, this particular area is not
central to maintaining the quality of this
University and we no longer support it."
I think we are over the hump in the sense of
large, extremely rapid reallocations. We are
not over the hump in the sense that there are
more adjustments ahead of us than behind us.
But I hope that these adjustments will not have
to be accomplished in such a rapid time frame.
Because of last year's state budget we had to
move fairly rapidly. And you never do as well if
you move rapidly as you do with if you have
time for a more thoughtful approach. So I think
we are over the hump in terms of adjustments

think wea
readjust t
can offer<
that stude
Our red
demand. 1
students v
not see an
as we do
Over tir
and comp
who is mo
will find a
to be in pl
I don't
happen to
may be di
going to b
think they

for the past several years. I don't kn6w
whether it's because they feel apart
from the community, or whether
they're so involved with their studies
that they don't want to get involved
politically. But I've noticed quite a drop
off in student participation in local
government in the last several years.
Should students be more involved in
cjry politics? In what areas?
a Belcher:' Obviously I do, and in
teveral areas. Certainly the energy
,commission would be one, because it
has a lot to do with what utility bills are
going to be, especially for renters. In
the area of pedestrian and bicycle
safety, certainly. I think the students
can consider themselves the targets,
-basically, of a lot of bad drivers. There
are a lot of areas that we could use their
expertise and their enthusiasm.
Students tend to bring in new ideas.
They tend to explore many areas that
we tend to get complacent about. I think
there's a lot of involvement that would
be beneficial both to the city and the
Tenants issues are probably the most
vital for students, in terms of city
government involvement. With higher-

Coping with college life.

I learned to drink coffee my Fresh-
man year in college. I learned a lot of
other things freshman year, but
somehow, learning to swallow that bit-
ter black stuff seemed to be of momen-
tous importance. My roommate and I
kept expensive coffee in our dorm
refrigerator and each morning one of us
would pour water from my K-mart hot
pot through the filter and ground beans
into our mugs. We would sip the brew
cautiously at first, discuss what we
knew of the world, and then gulp the
rest before making the trek to our nine
o'clocks. I learned to take mine hot and
It was a first step into the adult
world-albeit a small one. You, too, will
have your own rites of passage this

Campus government open to new students

To the Freshmen and Transfer Students:
* The Michigan Student Assembly welcomes you to
the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Campus.
Familiarly known as MSA, the Michigan Student
Assembly is designated to represent the student body
in the context of student government. MSA interprets
such a charge to simply mean-action.
An incoming enrollee at the U of M is immediately
an active member of the University community, a
student whose needs are as important as the next
'person in line at Crisp. A single student's voice can
be, as effective as any other in making sure those
needs are met by this university. In essence this is the,
action that MSA promotes. Yet action assumes
meanings proportionate to the size of the student
' As a dorm resident, one encounters opportunities to.
become an active force at this university. Each dorm
has its own student government. These bodies are
reponsible for planning and scheduling social ac-
fivities. However, individual residents can motivate
certain activities, also. Last year a group of Bursley
residents worked with their dorm government to
prevent a University decision to cut North Campus
__post-midnight bus hours. The group succeeded in

organizations that are recognized by MSA. MSA
grants office space in the student union and funds for
various projects. For instance, international groups
have put on cultural displays for the entire University
community. Becoming active in a group with at least
five other students gives one -the opportunity to
initiate and to participate in University-wide ac-
In addition to student organizations, MSA oversees
and funds the Student Tenants Union and Student
Legal Services. A shortage of housing on campus and
off makes tenants rights a prominent issue. Many
students volunteer at both offices to research and ad-
vise tenants of their rights. With the help of TU and
SLS, a group of students refused to pay their rent un-
til the landlord improved their living conditions. This
action proved successful.
Volunteering at the SLS, TU and at MSA offers a
student "hands on" training. Last winter MSA of-
fered income tax assistance. A group of students with
some business background helped fellow students file
their income tax forms. Another student on the MSA
external committee for the Board in Control of Inter-
Collegiate Athletics almost single-handedly preven-
ted a severe budget cut in recreational sports. Such
vounters in exnerienc a nd exrtis; in ,,r sof

year as you join the thousands of fresh-
persons fighting to survive at the
IF YOU ARE NOT an accomplished
fighter already, you soon will be. The
basics essential to life in a university
community-food, shelter, books, study
space-do not come easy in Ann Arbor.
And those who don't learn to tackle the
University bureaucracy sink slowly in-
to oblivion. During the course of your
four years here-probably within the
first few months-the University will
bungle at least one of your tuition
statements, academic transcripts, or
financial aid loans. Don't worry. You'll
emerge from the battle a stronger per-
And if you want to enjoy the good
things in life in Ann Arbor, you'll have
to learn to wait in line. Some things
come relatively easy; gaining a good
spot in a different dormitory usually
only takes one night of standing in line.
Other luxuries are more difficult; get-
ting tickets to the Bruce Springsteen
concert last year meant pitching a tent
and camping out for at least three days
outside of Crisler Arena.
University students learn to make the
best of things, however. A 45-minute
wait in line to pick up your student
verification form can mean a chance to
get to know the person standing next to
you, to read a book, or to plan out next
year's schedule. My roommate met her
boyfriend camping out at the
Springsteen line.
But there is a word of academic ad-
vice: Don't muck up your grade point
freshman year. Don't let some well-
meaning but sorely ignorant professor
tell you that grades aren't that impor-
tant. In the majority of fields, a good
GPA is the first pre-requisite to suc-
cess. It's an unfortunate reality that
truly messes up the business of lear-
If you want to be a doctor, dentist,

Sara Anspach
Michigan Daily

freshman schedule with Calc 115,
Spanish 102, Freshman Comp., and
chem 123. All are fine, often necessary
courses,; but taken together they are too
reminiscent of a high school schedule.
These classes have one right answer;
the teacher gives it to you, and it's your
job to repeat it back. Try to take a
history course, anthropology course,
freshman seminar, or anything that
will' start you thinking about all the dif-
ferent ways there are to look at this
world and its people.
In spite of all the masses attending
college here, you don't have to feel like
one of a large crowd. If you want that
special attention, demand it. Don't be
intimidated by the 699 other people in
your freshman intro courses. If the
professor seems like a pretty in-
teresting person, go up and introduce
yourself; he or she will enjoy talking to
you, and getting to know you.
An the hs tis nut a,, arop ,, e

Amy Hartmann
Michigan Student
Assembly Vice-President
proved. A large network of students led by the group

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