OPINION Page 4 Friday, November 6, 1981 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan J-sWAt VI Vol. XCII, No. 50 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board L lll - - I. 4 Reagan makes yet another lousy nomination THERE IS SOIP1ETHING IN THE WIND? 0 - VS#MWA fRE 1II Coby of Eaxw M, a j 61r REFERRING TO the nominee for the office in charge of directing the government's efforts to fight discrimination, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- Utah) called William Bell a "decent man, an honest man, certainly an in- telligent man." Unfortunately, the one (thing Hatch could not say about Bell is that he is "a qualified man." Certainly he is not. Bell, a black businessman from' Detroit, is the owner and sole em- ployee of Bold Concepts Inc., a failing Detroit business. By Bell's own ad- mission, Bold Concepts Inc. has been incapable. of placing a single job- seeker in an opening for more than a year. Bell's competence in business need not further be elaborated. Bell's ability in business sadly seems to reflect his potential in government work. Reagan's rationale for nominating Bell to the' position of director of the federal government's _Equal Em- ployment Opportunity Commission seems to be that Bell happens to be black. While affirmative action is often admirable, race should never be a sole consideration when examing the U.S. forelgn F THERE WERE a prize offered for Most Bizarre Foreign Policy, the Reagan administration surely would win it. Never mind the difficulties the United States may encounter in the Mideast with the AWACS sale. Never mind the mess that the United States is cultivating in El Salvador, or for that iatter, in the rest of the Third World. The latest tidbit of news from the ad- ministration puts those mistakes to Shame and, indeed, ranks as nothing short of truly "bizarre." The United States, Secretary of State Alexander Haig has announced, has contingency plans that, in the event of p conventional war in Europe, call for the detonation of a nuclear bomb as a "demonstration" to dissuade the Soviet Union from attempting to take over Western Europe. And, not only does the United States hiave the plan, but the Secretary of State, the nation's highest foreign policy official next to the president himself, seems to be particularly enamored with the idea. The revelation of the contingency qualifications of a job applicant. In short, Bell is entirely unqualified to head the government's chief agency for enforcing laws that prohibit discrimination in hiring. Justifiably, a coalition of groups- ranging from civil rights advocates to feminist organizations - has spoken out against the Bell nomination. Bell's nomination is sadly typical of the sorts of choices the Reagan ad- ministration has made in appointing its civil servants. The injustice is clear in the appointments of James Watt to head the Interior Department, or. Terrance Bell for the Department of Education, or Ernest Lefever for Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights. The president almost seems to decide upon his nomination on the basis of their offensiveness. Certianly now, as many of the civil rights gains of the 1960s and 70s are being eroded by the backward thinking of the Reagan administration, strong leadership is needed in the EEOC. Clearly, the nomination of William Bell is a slap in the face of all those who are truly concerned about the progress of civil rights in the United States. poli*cy Bizarre plan came at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, at which the secretary suggested some policies that were not- altogether ridiculous. He asserted, for example, that a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union "would be a no-win proposition," and that the administration would press for arms control agreements with the' Russians in coming months.. But then the secretary said that the United States might seek to avoid a nuclear war by setting off an atomic warhead. It's not so clear, however, exactly what the secretary would hope to ac- complish with this maneuver. He hin- ted, vaguely, at some sort of psychological advantage that might accrue to the United States. Maybe he thinks that Soviets aren't quite sure that our bombs will go off. Maybe he wants to display some sort of bravado by stating that the United States might just initiate a nuclear exchange. Whatever his real reasoning is, however, it remains bizarre . . . and frightening. Dangerous vold at the core of Sadat 's accomplishments By William Beeman The shock of losing yet another major international political ally should not prevent Americans from facing up to a lesson that has yet to somehow penetrate the Washington foreign policy com- munity. This is, simply stated, that no interests to foreign policy in- terests and survive. ANWAR SADAT'S assassins were immediately characterized as extremists, not allied with any group or foreign nation. This may be true, but focusing the blame on the specific perpetrators of the act may be beside the point. For the facts suggest that the motivation for the assassination sprang from the roots Egyp- tian popular national sentiment. The death of Sadat, in short, was not so much a question of terrorism and extremism as it was a question of Egypt's identity as a nation and future direction as a civilization. Perhaps the easiest way to point this out is to contrast Sadat and the style of his rule with that of his predecessor Gamal Abdul Nasser. Nasser was the first native Egyptian to rule that nation in five centuries. Though he was a devout Muslim he firmly believed in the necessity of secular rule. He rejected the Muslim Brotherhood, a strong force in the revolution that brought him to power, and dealt it a blow from which it did not recover after his death. NASSER MADE secular nationalism work by investing it with a spiritual philosophy. This was pan-Arabism, virtually Nasser's own invention. He tur- ned it into a quasi-religion with himself as head priest. Under his rule, Cairo assumed what most Egyptians felt to be its rightful position as capital of the Arab world. Nasser also was a man of the army. He believed that Egypt could stay strong as a nation only if it were strong militarily. Under his rule Egypt's troops led in confronting Israel in the 1950s and 1960s and humiliated the Saudi Arabian government in the Yemeni royalist faction. MOREOVER, Nasser was a principle leader of the world non- aligned movement, joining Tito and Nehru in its founding. He was Sadat kisses his grandson in a 1978 photograph. -prepared to use and political method to ensure Egypt's in- dependence and dignity as a nation. Sadat, also a military man, was, with Nasser, one of the. original founders of the Free- Officers, the revolutionary organization which toppled the monarchy in 1952. When Sadat succeeded Nasser in 1970, it seemed that he would continue the Nasserist political line. In fact, however, during his tenure as president, Sadat managed to reverse the nation's political philosophy and cultural direction, undoing virtually all that Nasser had established. THE MOST striking accom- plishment of Sadat's ad- ministration in terms of foreign policy was, of course, the cease- fire with Israel and the ongoing movement toward a final set- tlement of Arab-Israeli differen- ces. The immediate domestic con- sequences were positive for the Egyptian president. The nation was jubiliant at the reduction in the loss of its young men and relieved as the economic stringencies of the was gradually began to ease. In the -long run, however, the price of peace became greater than Sadat had anticipated Egypt immediately was ostracized from the pan-Arab community it had helped create. Saudi Arabia, once again, quickly rose to assume Egypt's pre- eminence as the econoz of Riyadh began to don politics of the region. SADAT'S PEACE wi opened the nation to lu vestments from the We: brought a degree of prosperity but it ci spiritual vacuum on th pan-Arabism died civilizational driving Egypt. The nation, starved ideological support, tur only other major spi stitution left to them-re Islamic fundamentali a revival almost as so ink on the Camp Davi was dry. Sadat's reacti crack down on even harmless fundamentali which he believed threE the central political oz fall of the Shah or Ira; creased his anxiety degree of his repression THE ISRAELI pe greatly reduced the r Egyptian army in the life of the nation. After 2 war, it was difficult military to stand by a their old enemy, Israe its settlements into the N and continue to launch Lebanon and Syria, so easier now that it did n< contend with the Egypt Somehow it must hav that Sadat, their old co arms in 1948, had military down the Nile. Sadat's lifestyle certainly seemed to prove that he had left military life far behind him. His Westernized ways, tailored suits, globe-trotting, and hobnobbing,, with Western leaders made him}a suspicious figure in his own nation. In Cairo, citizens would point out ironically that Nasser wore khaki uniforms while Sadat. was decked out by Pierre Cardin. The final contribution by Nasser, Egypt's non-aligned stance, also seemed to be crum- bligtuncdr Sadat. TheUnit States and its Westei-n allies moved into Cairo with a vengeance after Camp David. * American built a new em- bassy-the largest in the world; luxury hotels owned by foreign concessionaires popped up like AP Photo mushrooms everywhere. In the midst of all'this wealth, the life of the average Egyptian changed nic might little.' int the THUS] IT IT not surprising that inate the Sadat's assassination contained ith Israel both military and religious crative in- elements. The military and st. Thus it religion were the two nstitutiona material areas of Egyptian lire on which;@ reated a the nation, hungry for the reNied a renewal of its spiritual core, felt e Nile as most deprived. Sadat's attempt fore fr to ignore pan-Arabism while for;- force for.cibly working to eradicate' for basic religious revival was a fatal ned t the mistake.- rtual in Although Sadat's successor, Hosni Mubarek, has pledged con eligion. tinuation of Sadat's policies, itis sion as the likely that the nation's mood will d accords force him to move in one of two ion ws to alternate directions. The first on was to would. be to grant increased t groups power to religious forces in the stenrigto nation's political life. The second tening T would be to backtrack on the rder The Camp David accords and restore and the Egypt to reputability if not renewed pre-eminence among the Arab nations. mce also These are unpleasant realities ole of the for the United States. Never- political theless, Washington should ap- years of prise itself of them and adjust ac- for the cordingly. To do otherwise, nd watch pressing on as if nothing had l, spread happened, would be to invite fur- West bank ther unrest in a region vital to raids into Americas own national security. ,,.uv 221 1, Aeiasow ainl euiy "~ri600OPMhTjvt&u NOWA LET'S TRY IT MAI WITHOUT THE SAFETY NETS K/u"4.J J1 /4" mucn the ot have to ian army. e seemed imrade in sold the Beeman is a professor of an- thropology at Brown Univer- sity. He wrote this article for Pacific News Service. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Don't take study days too far To the Daily; I'm writing regarding a letter are general business and science courses, which are required for fIII4.ar fdu i tAal s.'.4L.---------- class, there is plenty of time to prepare, if your time is put to days. Next students will ask for major paper days. The list could