Reagan prefers deficit
The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 5, 1981-Page 7
Profs petition for union
.... .. « .f. i rai tl in MCU f t yl
ever tncrec
WASHINGTON (AP) - By rejecting
;proposal by his budget director and a
WkeySenate Republican to raise up to $80
billion in new taxes over the next three
years, President Reagan has virtually
pbandoned his promise to balance the
government's books by 1984.
- Administration sources said yester-
day the president told his economic ad-
visers that he opposes major new tax
increases even if the alternative is a
red-ink budget in the final year of his
current term. Those same advisers
concede a deficit is inevitable without
new revenues to close a widening gap
Swrought by recession.
INSTEAD, Reagan will continue to
pressure Congress for deep spending
cuts to deflate a deficit that could
balloon to as much as $90 billion in 1982
and $150 billion by 1984 without further
isea taxes
budget savings, according to the sour-
ces, who did not wanttto be identified.
White House deputy press secretary
Larry Speakes confirmed the
president's position as to larger tax in-
creases, saying, "It's certainly not our
decision to add new taxes to those in our
Sept. 24 package." That package called
for gaining $22 billion through 1984 by
narrowing several business and per-
sonal deductions.
The president's economic advisers
have begun to admit in recent weeks
that their original plan for a record
boost in defense spending, a record cut
in taxes and a balanced budget - all by
1984- will no longer succeed because of
the deteriorating economy. But the ad-
visers have been at odds over what
elements of the program shouldwbe
scaled back.
(Continued from Page 1)
had been for years "vaguely" in favor
of unionization. Sanders said faculty
salaries appeared to be "not a very
high priority for the state or for. the
Whether or not the issue reaches a
binding vote, Sander said, "the ad-
ministration should be aware of our
PHYSICS PROF. Joachim Janecke,
who is undecided about faculty
unionization, said he signed the petition
because of concern over small salary
increases. He added, however, that
statements attributed to LSA Dean
Peter Steiner concerning "academic
hotshots" who would benefit dispropor-
tionately from future salary increases
also disturbed him.
Janecke said there was "a con-
siderable amount of unhappiness" over
implications in Steiner's statements.
Faculty unionization currently is an
issue at Michigan State University,
where a formal union election is expec-
ted in April, accoring to Gladys Beck-
with, president of the MSU faculty
associates. Beckwith said the drive for
unionization at the East Lansing
university stems from faculty problems
with an "autocratic" administration.
Beckwith said the unions interested
in representing Sa iacwlty currently
are working out an agreement with the
administration on which faculty
members would be included in the
bargaining unit. The MSU ad-
ministration is pushing for a limited
definition of "faculty," Beckwith said.
A Michigan Employment Relations
Commission hearing on the matter is
set for early December.
Lmns I
Needs ride
out of town?
Check the aiHt
classifieds under
... abandons balanced budget
a dismal
for MET
(Continued from Page 5)
this otherwise oppressive production.
In their respective roles as Mrs. Tim-
_.ons and a nurse they have less than a
dozen lines, but when they speak, they
give a sense that they uniderstand what
they're saying. It's a nice surprise con-
sidering the awkward performances
that surround them..
But where MET should be held most
accountable is its association with the
Wnewly-created Master of Fine Arts
(MFA) program in acting. MET and
the MFA program are meant to sup-
plement one another: MFA students
are supposed to appear in MET produc-
tions in supporting roles and receive in-
structions from the visiting
professionals who make up MET.
I emphasize supposed to.
In Wings the four graduate students
\*ho appear are mere stage dressing: a
couple of nurses who change bedpans
j and some doctors. It's nothing too
rigorous where one might be forced to
apply Stanislavskian be-a-caterpilar-
o type exercises or other strenuous ac-
ting technique. Two graduate students
a had supporting roles in Mirandolina,
but there were none at all in The Blood
Knot. A handful of other advanced
students have worked behind the
,Jheoretically, the MET professionals
tre supposed' to teach supplementary
*lasses while they are on campus. The
±_ehearsal schedule has been so tight,
iowever, that such instruction has been
deduced mainly to one informal "chat"
between cast members and students for
,ach production. There's also the mat-
4er of the two theatre instructors who
.were not available to their students the
lirst few weeks of the semester because
ihey were "in production."
Ah, the benefits of education.
Under its current method of
operation, MET isn't benefiting
anyone: neither the theatre-going
public, the grad students in the
program, nor the student body at large.
*(These two groups are somewhat
mutually exclusive; students only
receive a discount if they subscribe to
the entire MET season; no student
discount is available for individual
shows.) Joint MFA/professional
theatre programs have achieved great
success on other campuses, giving ad-
vanced students the opportunity to
work with seasoned actors and winning
:'national acclaim by the superior level
;of performance-the Guthrie Theatre
in Minneapolis and the Yale Repertory
Theatre, for example.
The presence of professionals does
not grant undeniable success to the
future of MET or to the education of the
,graduate students. Acting is not as
Osmotic process; apprentice actors
learn from practice, and they are not
getting this from MET. The University
has given MET funding for the first
three seasons to give it time to prove
that it is a positive asset to the com-
munity. One season is over. We're
The University of Michigan
Professional Theatre Program
Michigan Ensemble Theatre
A magnificent adventure into the mind
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