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September 10, 1981 - Image 66

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-10

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Page 6-C-Thursday, September 10, 1981--The Michigan Daily

Defending law
Students beware!'U'
is a magnet for thieves

Ann- Arbor: educational center,
cultural oasis, burglar's paradise. The
sheer number of stereos in town, com-
bined with the traditional youthful

naivete of students, makes this town
virtually impossible for a burglar to
There were 1,357 reported cases of
private residence burglaries last year,

oriental food to take out
1232 PACKARD 994-3151
open Alon-Sat, 11-9 Sun,3-9

according to Ann Arbor Police Depar-
tment crime statistics. Most occurred
at night.
The statistics record only 731 arrests
during the same period, for crimes that
include not only burglary, but larceny,
motor vehicle theft, and robbery.
security shift supervisor, said the
primary problem in the area of campus
security is not with large scale
breaking and entering, but with petty
"Burglaries per se are not the main
campus problem, but simple theft is,"
Davenport said.
According to Davenport, most thefts
occur when students leave property
unattended, allowing an individual to
easily "walk off" with their belongings.
COMPLICATING matters, the reluc-
tance of students to report thefts and
"suspicious individuals" that prowl
campus buildings make property
recovery even more difficult, he said.
"We have people roaming the cam-
pus area who are in no way affiliated
with the University, that recognize the
fact that they can make a living by
stealing from students," Davenport
He added, "Keep property locked,
even if you plan to be away for short
periods, and above all else, when a
crime occurs, be sure to report it."
DAVENPORT SAID students should
also take some 'common sense"
responsibility for their own
possessions. One way to possibly insure
the recovery of belongings is to mark
each item with a social security num-
ber; the Office of Campus Security will
loan students free marking pencils.
"The main problem is identifying
belongings, and secondly returning
them to their proper owner," Daven-
port said. "We have had many cases of
recovering articles, and then not being
able to return them to their proper
owner because they were not marked
by some type of identification."
For combating crime on a city-wide
basis, the Ann Arbor Police Depar-
tment operates a comprehensive Crime
Prevention Unit headed by Detective
Bernie Price.
See TIPS, Page 8

VP . cou

Cera m cs d o
o tls se
oCO t

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
POLICE-STUDENT relations have improved considerably during the last several years, but the boys in blue can still
find something to do every once in a while, like confront students at the annual Hash Bash.
AAPD students ormin'
congenial relati~onship,

Back in the sixties, University
students and the city's police depar-
tment had a pretty rocky relationship.
Those days were "unsettled" and a
"very difficult period of time for
everyone," especially on this campus,
according to Executive Major Walter
Hawkins of the Ann Arbor Police
But the force matured during that
period by having to deal with such
strong dissent, said Police Chief
William Corbett. He added that the
police enjoy a much better reputation

One reason for this, he explained, is
that hiring someone who has had more
learning experience "means that the
guy you're hiring is willing to learn."
on, a police officer with some college
experience has a better understanding
of what types of pressures a student
"If you flunked biology and I flunked
biology, then we have something to talk
about," Hawkins explained. "And I
think everyone has flunked biology," he
Between 50 and 60 percent of the of-
ficers have a college -degree in areas


No I I - MOF

natural foods

'There is a different type of student on campus
today, and a different type of officer.'
-Walter Hawkins, AAPD

justed well to his relatively nel
position, and that his new department
has adjusted well to him.
"THINGS ARE running pretty
smoothly," said Hawkins, second-in-
command. "He's blending right in."
One thing helping Corbett settle in is
what he considers a good relationship
between the police and the citizens of
Ann Arbor.
One of the biggest problems plaguing
students is larceny, according to Cap-
tain Kenneth Klinge, head of the
University Division of the department.
ONE OF the ways to solve- thi
problem, he said, is to "make sure they
keep their rooms locked."
But "you'll never convince students
to lock their doors," Hawkins said..
He said that because of budgetary
constraints, there are fewer officers-on
the force now Lhan there were last year.
But, he added, he doesn't think the cut-
back has hurt the service.
The work of an Ann Arbor police.
ficer doesn't differ significantly from
that of an officer in a non-college town,
Hawkins said. The fact that there is a
massive influx of new people each Sep-
tember, and that a good number .of
them leave each May doesn't have a
very great effect on his work, he said.
One other aspect of local crime
prevention involves the AAPD's Crime
Prevention Unit. The program is a "one
man show" until the department's
budget problems ease, according to its
sole staff member, Detective Bernic
The unit consists basically of presen-
tations, given by Price, on crime
prevention: Neighborhood Watch,
Operation Identification, and a security
survey. There is also a rape prevention
program, consisting of one film that
Price will show to a group on request-
A similar program was tried in 1974,
which was funded by a federal grant
When the money ran out, however, the
program ended.

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A natural foods restaurant (entrance thru the alley)
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"Home of the chapati"

among students than they did during
what he calls the "days of rage."
MANY THINGS have changed since
the riotous sixties. The attitude on
campus is "more sedate" than it has
been in the past, according to Hawkins,
second-in-command at the department.
The police force today is much more
"conversant" with the community, he
said, and has a "good rapport with
There is a different type of student on
campus today, and a different type of
officer, according to Hawkins. One of
the characteristics of this "new of-
ficer" is a high level of academic
training. Since about 1966, the depar-
tment has been pressing to get more
highly-educated police officers, he said.

such as criminal justice, sociology, and
"just about everything you can think
of," Hawkins said. Most of the others
are currently attending college or have
had some college experience.
CORBETT, WHO has been heading
the department for just over a year,
earned a master's degree in Public
Education from the University.
He said he feels a higher level of
education among officers has made the
city's police department a better force.
"Ann Arbor police officers are very
professional and extremely capable,"
he said, adding that they are
"superior" to the officers who worked
under him in Detroit's inner-city 14th
City officers say that Corbett has ad-

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(Continued from Page 4)
"It is unfortunate yet well-known that
the city has been quite comfortable in
low growth," Stephanz said. "This

somewhat provincial attitude has not
allowed any aggressive development."
Belcher, however, said that although
the city should become more

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aggressive, its role is not that of a
prime mover in development situations
for new business.
Chamber of Commerce director
Frenza agreed. "The city should not be
a professional developer. The Univer
sity and industry can do very well.
"The city must walk two sides," 'he
said. "It has to look out for the quality
of life, therefore (its role) is almost ad-
versarial," he explained.
In response to earlier criticisms from
Stephanz and others, the city created
an informal Economic Steering Com-
mittee comprised of members from the
Chamber of Commerce, the University
the Michigan Technology Council, in-
dustry, the mayor's office, and the
city's Economic, Development Cor-
The committee is designed to sell Ann
Arbor to prospective businesses across
the country.
According to Belcher, city expansion
will not go beyond the present boun-
daries, which set aside 4,000 acres for
development. He expressed some con-
cern for Ann Arbor's neighboring town-
ships, but emphasized that they are.

* Yogurt, kefir, ice cream, popsicles and snacks D
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