0 OPINION - A Page 4 Tuesday, November 3, 1981 The Michigan Daily " __________________________________________________________________________ 'I Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Business scratches its back Vol. XCII, No. 47 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board There's a new breed of television com- mericals radiating from our color screens lately. It used to be that companies would seek out famous personalities to endorse their products; now they're seeking out other com- panies. I suppose this trend was inevitable, what with Reaganomics firmly entrenched as the national fad and Big Business cast as the country's salvation. Corporate worship is in *Anything bi M OST STUDENTS probably haven't heard of him. His name is David Heebink and he's the Univer- sity's director of the Office of Federal Relations for the vice president for research. A typical, long, bureaucratic University title. What does it mean? In yesterday's issues of the University Record, Heebink was asked just that question, "What is your main job in the Capital: monitoring? sharing infor- mation? participating in the legislative process?" the Record asked. Heebink replied that his job consists of "talking U ta lobbyist with people, exchanging points of view, and sharing information." In short, Heebink's a lobbyist. But neither he nor the University Record could manage to eek that word out of the depths of their respective vocabularies. It's as if some evil, political curse surrounds the word "lobbyist." Aw, c'mon, Dave, say it. It's not that hard. It saves a lot of space and gives a much clearer picture of what your job is. Can you say "lobbyist"? There, we knew you could. Howard Witt carpeted steps into parking lots chock full of gleaming Caprices and Bonnevilles, extolling the virtues of the General Motors cars they use. I really wonder what will be next. "G.D. Searle talks with people who know drugs," perhaps? The camera zooms in on a prominent Harlem drug pusher (not exactly a big businessman, but certainly an en- trepreneur) and ... Too bad Elvis is dead. He was certainly big business. Or "Gallo talks with people who know wine." This could be a great commercial, really human and touching. Snow is falling, Christmas is near, and strains of "Jingle Bells" can be heard on a busy city street. The camera pans across the scene, stopping on a Salvation Army Santa collecting donations on a corner. He turns and chortles heartily, "When I was a wino, Gallo was my wino. Ho Ho." HOW ABOUT "Detroit Edison talks with people who know nukes"? They could get the president of Babcock & Wilcox (they built Three Mile Island, remember?). In a similar vein, we might see Barbra Streisand talking with people who know people. Or Planned Parenthood talking with people who know. Connecticut General Insurance Company is running a corporate booster campaign even more offensive than that of General Motors. In these commercials, the presidents of TWA and United Technologies sit behind their ex- pensive oak desks in their plush offices and praise their insurance company, Connecticut General. At least the GM ad was directed at the average consumer. These ads featuring one company endorsing a second company are targeted to other companies. THE NEW "you-scratch-my-annual-report- and-I'll-scratch-yours" commercials may be burgeoning, but alas, a few companies are destined to be frozen out of the fun. Like Hooker Chemical. You can bet you'll never see: "Hi, I'm the president of Hooker Chemical. You know, we at Hooker Chemical have been eating Starkisi tuna for years." People just don't want to hear that Charlie Tuna lives in Love Canal. No one's knocking down Chrysler's door, either. "Hello, I'm Lee Iacocca. I've trusted Merrill Lynch to invest my money; why don't you?"x$ Maybe this corporate commercial beit won't last too much longer-but it's boundto get worse before it gets better. Expect to see the federal government-that most trustwor- thy of all corporate institutions-get into the act soon. "Hi, Cap Weinberger here at the Pentagon. You know, we've been using Smith & Wesson products for years. They work for us. They'll work for you. Witt's column appears every Tuesday. 6 6 vogue, Brooks Brothers rules the waves, MBA's are hotter than Rubik's Cube, and children are forsaking Dr. Seuss for the Wall Street Journal and Joe Granville's newslet- ter. It was only natural that television adver- tising should follow suit. Besides, what could be more trustworthy than a big company to endorse another big company? YOU'VE UNDOUBTEDLY seen the com- mercials. "GM talks with people who know cars" is my favorite. The presidents of big car-rental companies like Hertz and Avis float from their luxurious offices down thickly Equivocation in Alpena LPENA STUDENTS will be going back to school. Voters in that district approved a millage renewal Friday-the fourth try by school of- ficials since May-which opened schools that have been closed since Oct. 16. But there's still a problem. Six thousand of Alpena's 6,800 students have no way to get to school. Although the voters approved the millage renewal, they did not approve a millage increase which would have funded buses and extra-curricular ac- tivities. It's easy to blame Alpena's elec- torate. By refusing to approve the millage in October, they forced a school district to close in Michigan for Tomorrow SINCE THE inception of the space shuttle program, it has been known that the technology developed in the process of launching the shuttle would have direct military applications. In fact, one of the primary users of the shuttle-accounting for more than half the scheduled payload in the next few years-is the United States military. But it's also been known for years that extensive military use of space could have dire consequences for those of us left on the earth. In spite of the dangers, however, the U.S. space program has come to be viewed in terms of its military ap- plications,- not in terms, of its humanitarian potential. While space exploration languishes, the government continues to pour billions of dollars into the military ex- ploitation of space. It almost seems like a chapter from Orwell's 1984; technology is being the first time since the Great Depression. Now, by refusing the millage increase, they will allow Alpena students to have only the most rudimentary education. But the real problem lies in Lansing. Too often students suffer because voters refuse to approve the only tax on which they can vote-school millages. Education suffers as a result. It seems unfair that while a school district such as Taylor is slated to close, while nearby Dearborn thrives. Alpena has barely made it through a nightmare. State legislators must come up with a more equitable distribuion of aid to public education before more school districts fall victim to Alpena's and Taylor's fate. 's shuttle viewed more and more by our gover- nment as valuable only if it has some military application. The pursuit of knowledge for the greater good of mankind or the development of means to enrich the human race are seemingly ignored. What counts is what the generals in the Pentagon want; what counts is what has the most destructive potential. The are some legitimate criticisms of the space program. It can be argued, for example, that to commit a large portion of the nation's resources to space exploration is unwise in an age of such great material scarcity in the world as a whole. Nevertheless, it appears that such criteria are not being used in the evaluation of the space program. It's the military applications the gover- nment is after, and the military ap- plications it ultimately will have. Wasserman WRAT 15 THE DIFFERENCE BTWEEN TOTALITAIW AND AVHORiTARIMW? ,f~it WELL A TOTALITARIAN! GOVERNMENT ARRESTS, TORVRE5AND MUWPER a - Jlrn AN AUTHO~tTARIN &OVERNMENT, ON ITflE OTHEFR NAND... v~ LEAVES MANWY OF TH~ESE FUNCTIONS~ TO THE 'PRIVATE SECTOR I JhY@ t ca ILp 0 0 With the ever-increasing possibility that the United States and some of its Western allies might undertake military action in Libya to overthrow the regime of Col. Muammar Khadafy, it is crucial for Americans to take stock of possible consequences. For the simple truth is that Khadafy is not perceived in the Middle East and Africa as he is portrayed in the United States. Massive propaganda efforts to discredit him well could backfire in a region already beset by political, economic and social turmoil. IN ADDITION, to ignore the view of Khadafy from Khadafy's own hemisphere is to ignore some of the more painful lessons in the history of U.S. foreign police over the past three decades. The habit of American presidents to pin- point special villains inthe Third World has had the regularity of a law of nature. Truman picked North Korea's Kim Il Sung as his arch-villain; Eisenhower chose Nasser of Egypt; Kennedy's nemesis was Fidel Castro; Johnson's was Ho Chi Minh; Nixon settled on Allen- de of Chile; and Carter on Khomeini. Now Ronald Reagan has his Khadafy. All of these villains in one way or another indeed have challenged U.S. policies in their own regions. But none of them seriously posed a security threat to the United' States. Never- theless, they have been presented consistently to the American public as though their power was deeply dangerous to U.S. survival and to world peace-and that their removal was essential for the good of humankind. THIS GREAT paradox, however, is that invariable these villains also happened to be ex- tremely popular in their own countries, and in their respective regions as well. In fact, it now has become axiomatic that if a leader is fanatically villified by the United States, he must be good for his people. Conversely, those political figures who are favored by the United States more often than not Kh adafy: A villain here but a hero" at home By A. M. Babu Goukouni Oueddei of Chad suggests a, continuing Western* strategy to embarrass and isolate Khadafy in preparation for his forcible ouster. It is an open secret that the United States is readying its Rapid Deployment Force for potential use .in such a move in conjunction with Egypt and Sudan. As early as. July of this year the U.S. press was discussing a CIA project to set up a "large-scale operation" for toppling Khadafy. The Sadat assassination and the shaky con- dition of Sudanese president Gaafar Nimeiri have provided an ideal pretext for action. But unlike the assassination of Sadat, any attempt on Khadafy's life would be bound to set off civil strife, not only in Libya but in Egypt, Sudan and probably throughout most of the region. It is well to remember the con- sequences of Western aggression on Egypt in 1956, when the con- servative Anthony Eden, of England and socialist Guy Mollet of France attempted to oust Nasser over the Suez issue. Instead, both Eden and Mollet were thrown out of power in their own countries, and Nasser emerged as the leading figure in the Middle East and Africa for more than a decade. Babu is the former Minister for Economic Development for Tanzania. He wrote this article for Pacific News Ser' vice. ump -IN-moNO/ TN AT WEVE FE; wIT L "JUMPBE FRIMPL'C .ff --- .. . d .. 4J 4.. ww,.Y .. .. - m mtfr~AR-^.l/t. . ~~~~~~~~. ....... .... ...'r .......... .....". . .. x~~ris y A-- 3' -1 myr,. J f .^4 .w~ W r~ry J+ !t I-M." SI Ye- ^jyrY( u ! s / r .,.f.' l .. .. . . . "fr...frr..- ~ IN RECENT months par- ticularly, Muammar Khadafy has been characterized by the U.S. government and the American press as the most dangerous man on earth, the primary cause of all its evils: hijacking, kidnapipg, re- volution. Thus,- any tyrant in Africa or the Middle East today who wants to remain in power despite the popular will need only invoke the threat of Khadafy to qualify for U.S. military supplies. Much too often, these arms are used for suppressing their own people. Sudan has recently locked away more than 10,000 of its civilians. And the new leader- ship in Egypt is credited with rounding up over 30,000 gover- nment critics. The fact is that Khadafy's real threat does not spring from his military might but from his genuine popularity among the inhabitants of neighboring coun- tries. His progressive social and economic policies-and his general support for the op- pressed-have enormous appeal with ordinary people, especially when they compare the Libyan* colonel with their own leaders who so frequently are ex- ploitative at home and subser- vient to the West. among African heads of state to oppose Khadafy's election to the presidency of that organization next year. But to no avail: Khadafy will be the OAU president for 1982-3, after all, and host its summit in Tripoli. At Nairobi, both France and the United States attempted to make a major issue of the in- vasion of Chad by Libya's ar- .my-again without success. In fact, the OAU acknowledged that. Libya's army has helped reestablish peace in Chad after 20 years of a French-manipulated civil war which was terribly costly in lives and property. FRENCH PRESIDENT Fran- cois Mitterrand's assertion at Cancun to the effect that Khadafy is about to overthrow President ' l. 3' .t + . ' U t ; .. a " d _. _- .. _ - - - - . .. i ... c x. _. _ - . -" Q . ! K J + v- a a r.uhs _ . } c o d a. e g r " - ~Y