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November 01, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-01

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Ninety- Two 'Years
Editorial Freedom



Cloudy today with a chance
of showers, highs in the 60s.

Vol. XCII, No. 46%

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 1, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


soars past Gophers,



Rose Bowl hopes alive
after Illini down Iowa

Special to the Daily
- MINNEAPOLIS- It was definitely
Halloween yesterday in Minneapolis.
Quarterback Steve Smith came
disguised as a prolific passer. Wide
receiver Anthony Carter had plenty to
spare in his bag of tricks. And
Michigan, in front of 52,875 at Memorial
Stadium, walked away with the treats
as the 15th-ranked Wolverines stifled
the Minnesota Gophers, 34-13, to retain
the Little Brown Jug and also stay in
the thick of the Big Ten title race.
For the second consecutive week,
Michigan's Rose Bowl hopes received a
jump-start from Illinois. Yesterday, the
Illini manhandled conference co-leader
Iowa, 24-7, in Champaign. Last week
Illinois dumped Wisconsin, 23-21.
"WE'VE GOT them (Illinois) next
week," said Michigan coach Bo
Schembechler. "It's unbelievable.
We've got the toughest schedule in the
conference over the final four weeks.

But we're still in the race, no question
about that. It was a good win today and
very satisfying."
What made the victory satisfying for
Schembecnler was the combined per-
formance of Smith and Carter.
Smith, in his finest day as a
Wolverine, completed 13 of 20 passes
for 237 yards, three touchdowns and no
interceptions. Carter, taking advantage
of single coverage in the Gopher secon-
dary, grabbed a season-high eight
receptions for 154 yards and one touch-
down. Counting his kickoff and punt
return yardage, the junior flyer from
Florida rambled for 213 yards total of-
"HE WAS sensational," said Schem-
bechler of Carter's showing, "Anthony
came back for an encore from last
year's game. We changed some things
around offensively, moving Carter
around and putting in a few new things
for him."

There may have been some new
"things," but the results were vintage
"A team like Minnesota plays a lot of
man to man," Carter said. "It's been
tough on me this season because of the
double coverage. Nine out of ten times
I've drawn double coverage. We feel a
lot better now."

quarterback who possessed a
cent completion 'rate.

like the
39.5 per-

"This was Smith's best game of the
year," added Schembechler. "It was
really encouraging. Smith has wonder-
ful ability and he was throwing to great
receivers. You combine those two and
you can see how he had such a good
game. We decided to turn him lose and
have him throw early because we knew
they (Minnesota) were going to key on
our running."
See1'M',Page 8

Zero problems for shuttle
as Wednesday launh nears

G oliath's cube? Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTRM
Eight LSA freshmen, members of the Regents' Cube Metamorphosis Group, decided to perform a little mischief early
Saturday by transforming the black cube into a colorful Rubik's Cube. Using colored paper and masking tape, the group
began the transformation at 2:30 a.m. Saturday, and finished at 5 a.m. "We've been planning it for a month," explained
a group spokesman who asked to remain unidentified. Group members, who live in West Quad, Bursley, and Betsey
Barbour dormitories, said they also did it to work out all their built-up tension from mid-term exams and papers.

Official: Nukes will destroy society

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Governmen-
ts talk increasingly of the "sur-'
vivability" of nuclear war. But disar-
mament advocates say that what would
survive would be a pain-wracked nation
stripped of modern civilization - a
return to the Dark Ages or worse.
"There'd be nothing left of gover-
nments - nothing left of the great social
orders we are arming ourselves to
protect and defend," said Thomas
Halsted, director of Physicians for

Social Responsibility.
4HOSE WHO speculate about the world
that would follow nuclear war conclude,
he said in an interview, "that if you're
optimistic, it's the world of the 14th
century. And if you're pessimistic you
picture roving bands of men ana
women trying to eke out an existence
from one day to the next, competing
with each other for what little food and
water might not be contaminated."
The physicians' group, along with the

Council for a Livable World, sponsored
a symposium Shturday called, "The
Medical Consequences of Nuclear
Weapons and Nuclear War."
Today's strategic nuclear warheads
- "9,000 of ours and 7,000 of theirs
mounted on the long-range missiles and
bombers that are aimed at each other's
country" - mean all-out war will claim
civilians in unimaginable numbers,
Halsted said.

Astronauts Joe Engle and Richard
Truly pored over their flight plans
yesterday with space shuttle controllers
who will guide their five-day journey.
The gleaming white ship, meanwhile,
sailed through day one of its countdown
to Wednesday's launch.
"Right now, we have zero problems,'
said countdown director Norm Carlson.
The astronauts, in Houston, were un-
dertaking a final review of the- thick
flight plan for the return mission to
IT'S A light weekend for them.
Nothing is organized," said John
Lawrence, a spokesman for the
National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration. "We are trying to back
off quite a bit'so they'll be refreshed.
and rested and not exhausted."

Engle and Truly are staying at their
homes in Houston, rather than in the
crew trailers normally used during the
countdown stage of a flight. They'll fly
their own T-38 trainers to the cape
The number of "primary contacts"
who can get close to the men has been
cut from 700 people for the first shuttle
flight to 200. Doctors try to limit con-
tact to cut down on chances of colds and
other communicable diseases.
LIFTOFF is scheduled for 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, just a few minutes after
dawn at the cape. If all goes well,
Engle and Truly will fly the Columbia
for 83 orbits, landing on Rogers Dry
Lake on the Mojave Desert in Califor-
Early yesterday, engineers in 65 dif-
ferent shuttle operations were polled
for the readiness of their systems and

at 1 a.m., as scheduled, the shift direc-
tor announced "the launch countdown
is now in progress."
The countdown includes 73 hours of
scheduled work and 29 hours' hold
time, designed to allow crews to rest
and for catchup duties if necessary.
Engineers were ,optimistic that the
lessons learned on the maiden flight of
Columbia last April will smooth the
way for Launch II. "We are better off"
this time, said Carlson.
The April countdown was marred by
problems - the last of which stopped the
clock at the 9-minute-to-launch mark,
delaying liftoff for two days.
.Success of the five-day, four-hour
journey designed to expand and test
more of the rocket's capabilities would
show the shuttle can be reused over and

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. Prof says New Deal,

Architects overcome
problems for library

altered so(

The tremendous increase in the size
of the national government, beginning
with the New Deal, drastically altered
* the structure and source of power in
society, Cornell Prof. Theodore Lowi'
said yesterday during a portion of the
new Law School library dedication.
Lowi, professor of American in-
stitutions at Cornell University, present
ed his paper, "Law, Power, and
Knowledge" before an audience of
about 300 people in the third session of a
symposium commemorating the
library addition..
THE SECOND republic, Low!! said,
began with Franklin Roosevelt's New
Deal when the government experienced
a "fundamental change of regime." It
altered the structure of power by in-
creasing tremendously the size of the
national government.
"The national government
discovered... police power," Lowi said.

vial powers
Congress remained the source of power
but the executive branch took over the
utilization of this power, he added.
"You call it delegation of power. I call
it 'legislide'."
By 1961 he esimated, government
changes had occurred in institutional
reality (what is done), constitutional.
reality (what may-be done) and
ideological reality (what should be
done). These changes, said Lowi, com-
pleted the break with the first and more
state-oriented republic of the 19th cen-
THE NEW REGIME changed the
role of the law profession most
drastically, Lowi said. Lawyers are not
officers of the court any more.
"They're hardly advocates at all.
They're functionaries," he said.
Lowi also discussed the impact the
larger government has had on the
public. He noted that many laws
See PROF, Page 2

Architects were faced with a special
problem in drawing up plans for a new
library for the University's law school.
It would be far too expensive to build
the new structure in the same gothic
style as the original law library, but a
more modern design would not be com-
patable with the stately atmosphere of
the Law - Quad. The logical answer:
Build the new library underground.
But architects were also faced with
special problems in designing an un-
dergound structure. Innovative design
must be able to counteract the
psychological effects an underground
building has on its inhabitants. In ad-
dition, if it is possible for an un-
derground building to be flashy, the
new University law library achieves
just that effect.
HUGE GLASS panels jut up from a.
three-story deep crevise in a grassy lot

next to the Law Quad. Opposite the
panels is an imposing sloping beige
limestone wall which ieflects sunlight
into the library.
Architecture Prof. Gunnar Birkerts
who studies the design of similar un-
derground structures at Harvard,
Columbia,' and Illinois universities
before drawing up his plan, said his
chief architectural concerns were "the
need to admit light at great quantity
and the con ern of the psychological ef-
fects of an underground building."
In trying to brighten the atmosphere
of the $9.5 million library, which sinks'
three stories deep into the ground,
bright greens and reds were used in the
carpeting/. Planters line the hallway,
which extends along the L-shaped floor
plan opposite the sloping skylight, and
ivy climbs up the sides of the limestone

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
FORMER SUPREME COURT Justice Potter Stewart speaks at yesterday's
law library dedication.


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Doggie bagged
ESNICK IS A NICE friendly dog. Just ask
anyone who lives near the corner of State St.
and Packard. But Resnick's good reputation
didn't do Resnick's owner Dave Sharken much
good when an Ann Arbor policeman on a bicycle stopped
them yesterday, and gave Sharken a ticket for walking
Resnick without a leash. According to Sharken, the officer

recent months. According to Union Director Frank Cian-
ciola, several items, including a Persian rug and a $200
lamp, have been returned by some guilty individuals. It all
started two months ago when a women returned some
towels she swiped from an old Union motel room several
years ago. Then three weeks ago, a woman returned a $200,
lamp that she says her husband had stolen earlier. She's
divorcing him now, Cianciola said. Two days later, a man
returned an expensive Persian rug. Most of the items had
been stolen years ago, Cianciola said. "We're pleased to
have the stuff back." Why the sudden burst of redemption?

flooded with calls and letters from people as far away as
California. "I, received only one negative letter. That was
from a constituent who said he thought tax money should go
for humans," Neary said. "But he also said that all dogs.
and cats should be shot." Neary's plan is to impose a one-
cent tax on every pound of pet food sold by wholesalers to
retailers. "It will be people who love dogs and cats who will
be supporting it," he said. The tax would yield $2.23 million
a year, he said, to be distributed to Indiana's 92 counties ac-
cording to a population formula. Neary said he came up
with the idea when he saw that the budget crunch in cities

submitted identical bids to the school board for plowing
snow from the Derby Elementary School yard. The three-
member school board, not wanting to show favoritism,
assigned each man a team in the World Series, leaving the
selection up to fate and the baseball players. "It was the
only way to-do it," said Susan Watson, school board chair-
woman in the town of 4,220. "We had to find some way that
took the decision totally out of our hands." Benoit and
Fournier offered to clear the snow for $18.50 an hour, up 50
cents from last year. "I thought the Yankees would win, but
they didn't," said Benoit. Last year, the board used the
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