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October 30, 1981 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-30
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Page 10-Friday, October 30, 1981-The Michigan Daily


fit, I

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Although John Giordano is beginning
only his first full year as the Michigan
head coach, his philosophies are
already well-instilled into the system.
The name of Giordano's game is
committment, discipline, practice
(practice, practice) and pride. His
techniques include more defense than a
Michigan team has been exposed to in a
long time (by necessity, in lieu of
proficient scorers), countless flow
systems, and physical "grind-it-out"

after the Wolverines were picked to
finish tenth.
As a result, Giordano was named.
collegiate coach-of-the-year by The
Hockey News, WCHA Coach-of-the-
Year by The Denver Post and WCHA
Co-Coach-of-the-Year along with
Michigan Tech's John Maclnnes by the
vote of the league coaches.
Giordano began his coaching career
at his alma mater, Harper Woods Notre
Dame High School, in 1969, leading the
Fighting Irish to the state champion-
ship in 1972. He joined former head

beginning -his first season in the
Michigan program.
Turner was also a very successful
high school coach, at Trenton (MI)
High School. In eight years, his teams
won three state championships ('76, '79
and '80) and finished second once ('77).
He was named Michigan Metro coach-
of-the-year three times ('76, '80 and '81)
and Detroit News'coach-of-the-year in
Giordano respects Turner, and their
coaching philosophies are basically
quite similar. "He's learning our
system, which takes awhile," said
Giordano. "He's coming here and lear-
ning how we want to coach these kids,
which is a lot different (from high
school systems)."
AT THIS point Turner is not a big for-

ce on the ice
basically con
of recruiting.
Terry Culle
coaching staf
his senior
Business Schc
Cullen cam
Guelph, Onta
Most Valuabl
neck injury i
freshman se
playing caree

The Michigan Daily-Friday, Oct<
Giordano and staff confront
challenge of their first full y'


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Veterans lead defense

'He's (Turner) learning
our system, which takes a
while. He's coming here
and learning how we
want to coach these kids,
which is a lot different
(than high school sys-
-John Giordano
on new assistant
Mike Turner

Losing two top defensemen such as
Tim Manning and John Blum is likely to
be a critical blow to any team's defen-
se. But, with four returning senior
blueliners, the strongest point for the
Michigan hockey team will once again
be its defense.
The Wolverine veteran defensemen
corps includes co-captains Dave
Richter and Steve Richmond along with
three year lettermen Brian Lundberg
and Mark Perry. In addition, two
newcomers, Mike Neff and John
Ilawkins, will be vying for ice time
with the senior squad.
"DEFENSE WILL definitely be our
key area," said Michigan coach John
Giordano, who begins his first full
season as head coach. "Having four
senior defensemen is very encouraging.
If they play the body 100 percent of the
time, that will be our strength because
they have experience handling the
puck, they're strong and they have been
through the situation before."

Richmond, who broke several tear
scoring records last year, will be th
defensive leader. During his juni(
year, he became the highest overa
scoring defenseman in Michigan histor
amassing 34 goals and 90 points in thre
seasons. Richmond also set the sing]
season scoring record for Wolverin
defensmen with 54 goals, breakin
teammate Manning's mark of 51 seti
the 1979-80 season.
"I DON'T KNOW if I'll score a
many goals this year," said the Chicag
native. "I'll certainly try. But, m
number one concern is defense. W
have plenty of good scorers in the fo
ward line. I'll just try to get the puc
out to them and worry about the defer
"Richmond should definitely be
team power," said Giordano. "Rig,
now he is very strong offensively, be
needs some improvement on defens
With a little work he'll be able to pla
both well simultaneously."
Richter, who was voted most improve

player by his teammates last year, for 229 minutes. The-6-0, 195 pounder
m totaled 15 points in 1980-81. The 6-5, 217 has a total of 36 career points in three
he pound veteran blueliner also has the seasons.
11 dubious distinction of receiving 68 v "Lundberg has been playing with a
y penalties for 145 minutes, third among lot of enthusiasm," said Giordano. "He
y, active players. Giordano maintains has really improved defensively and
Be that "Richter is the team's, biggest should be playing right point on the
e question mark this season." power play."
g Giordano said he was pleased with ROOKIES NEFF and Hawkins will
in the defensive skills of both Mark both be trying to break into the veteran
Perry and Brian Lundberg. Wolverine defense. Hawkins, a 6-2, 195
s Perry is one of three e-Ann Arbor native of North Tonawanda, New York,
Pioneer High School players on the played with the Junior Sabres in Buf-
y° Michigan roster, joining Ted Speers falo last year. Neff, who hails from
e and Rick LaCombe. The 6-0, 200 pound West Byoomfield, played for the Pad-
r- senior collected five assists during last dock Pool Saints.
k year's season. "We have a solid defensive team,"
n- "PERRY IS very good defensively," said Richmond. "The two young ones
said Giordano. "He is working towards still need to gain experience, but this
a playing point in power play. He showed will come with time.:I think already we
ht much improvement over the summer have the best six defensemen in the
ut and should be an asset." league."
e. Lundberg, who hails from Lake what looks to be a very
y Cowichan, British Columbia, will also powerful blue line, Giordano con-
y add experienced leadership to the~oeflbu ie iraocn
bdueriecs.e ledsin all th tinually stresses the need for defensive
d blueline corps. He played in all 40 improvement.
games as a junior and has missed just
three games during his three-year "We don't have people who can just
career, playing in 111 games. He has take the puck and score, so our strength
played in 62 straight games which ties has to be in our defense," he said. "I am
senior right wing Dennis May for the spending more and more time with the
best active streak. Lundberg enters the defensive zone coverage. We have to
season ranking fifth on Michigan's all- continue to improve, because defense is
time penalty charts with 105 penalties still our key area."
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AND WITH LESS than a year to im-
plement them, he has enjoyed con-
siderable success. Giordano coached
Michigan to a 23-17 record and a fifth
place finish in the Western Collegiate
Hockey Association (WCHA) in 1980-81

coach Dan Farrell's Michigan staff for
the 1979-80 season and molded the
power play into a highly successful
GIORDANO IS joined this year by
assistant coach Mike Turner, who is


... new to Michigan hockey

'M' abandons WCHA for CCHA


The Michigan hockey team has said
so long to the big boys of college
hockey. No longer will it have to do bat-
tle with the teams that have captured
the NCAA crown of seven of the last ten
years, at least not during the regular
The Wolverines, along with former
Western Collegiate Hockey Association
(WCHA) counterparts Michigan Tech,
Michigan State and Notre Dame, have
all made the jump to the Central
Collegiate Hockey Association (CCHA).
The move increases the number of
teams in the CCHA to eleven and leaves
six teams in the WCHA, including the
NCAA champions from the last three
made by Michigan athletic director
Don Canham to cut down on exorbitant
travel costs. Trips to take on opponents
in Denver and North Dakota would cost
the Athletic Department upwards of
$10,000 for a weekend series, far too
much for a team that couldn't cover its
own costs.
The new league should also boost the
attendance throughout the CCHA as it
consists of four other Michigan schools
(Ferris State, Lake Superior State,
Northern Michigan and. Western
Michigan) and three Ohio universities
(Bowling 'Green State University.

Miami and Wolverine arch-rival Ohio
State). The University of Illinois-
Chicago Circle is a probationary mem-
ber this year and will apply for per-
manent membership for next season.
"Whenever you have a conference
that is geographically close, it in-
creases your fan support and
everything else that goes with it," said
Michigan head coach John Giordano.
within the state should help
(make the league competitive). Even-
tually it will be as competitive as the
WCHA, but it may take a year."
The 11 teams in the CCHA will play
either 30 or 28 games and the standings
will be determined on a percentage

basis. The first eight teams will make
the playoffs, with the first four teams
having the home ice advantage for the
two-game total-goals series.
The four surviving teams will meet in
a one game semifinals and final at the
Joe Louis Arena in Detroit.
GIORDANO HAS A good feeling
about the new league which has never
had an NCAA champion since being
established in 1971.
"I'm not pessimistic at all about the
move to the new league. I think
whatever league we're in we will try to
win the championship. If we-didn't,
then you know something is wrong,''
said Giordano.


From 10-8
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$2. each.e

Editor ................................................. MARTHA CRALL
Staff Writers .................. Barb Barker, Mark Borowski, Kent Walley
Senior Editor-..............................................Greg DeGulis
Sales Manager..........................................Barbara Forslund
Business Manager .........................................Randi Cigelnik
Sales Representatives .......................... Joe Broda, Aida Eisenstat,
Wendy Fox, Kathy Hendrick,
Karen Silverstein, Adrienne
Strambi, Nancy Thompson
Cover photo by Daily photographer Brian Masck

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