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October 30, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-30

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Are these offers too

good to be true?

More than $135 million in college scholar-
ships goes unclaimed each year, accor-
ding to scholarship locator services
around the country. With their help you
can find some of it.
Sound too good to be true? University
and federal financial aid officials think-
FOR FEES ranging from $45 to $60,
students subscribers fill out data forms
with family background information.
@rcator companies, using computers,
then match students with appropriate
There are 250,000 sources of non-
governmental aid available, said Bob
Freede founder of Scholarship Search
in New York. His company and similar
firms guarantee students a certain
number of scholarship sources or
promise to return the initial fee.
But there is no guarantee that studen-
ts will find money.'

EVEN THOUGH company represen-
tatives contend their locator services
are well worth the fee, financial aid of-
ficials say the scholarship searches are
a gamble.
Financial aid officials said they
usually do not recommend scholarship
searches to students for three reasons:
the information is available free, the
typical student usually does not qualify
for these hard-to-find funds, and the
companies' literature is misleading.
"They send me a lot of their
literature and I toss it in the garbage,"
said Harvey Grotrian, University
Financial Aid Director. He said he
would not want a frustrated student to
see the information posted and resort to
what most often is a futile search.
RISHA Rothberger, founder of
Student Financial and Guidance Ser-
vices in Southfield, said she believes
financial aid counselors are in-
timidated by companies such as hers.

"I had one tell me that she may
someday lose her job if our services are
successful." she said.
Rotherberger's company,
established six months ago, is still too
new to know how successful it is, she
said. Freede said 40 percent of those
who responded to a survey he conduc-
ted however, actually received some
money. Ed Rosenwasser, founder of
Student College Aid in Houston, said he
claimed at one time, a 40 percent suc-
cess rate. Now he is not so sure, since
only a few people responded to his most
recent survey.
Financial aid officials meanwhile,
said they do not believe that many stuf-
dents actually end up with any money.
"These funds are the hard-to-
find ones, but if you have a real
dramatic background, perhaps with in-
ternational ties, you may be eligible
for some,"said Lee Peterson, financial
See ARE, Page 9

1 the G .,pmen °L ^ The Pr ,,, r nr.,! 7vnn v -

Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

\J' P

LIE ian


A high of 70 today. Mostly
sunny and breezy, too.

~Vol. XCI1, N

lo. 44

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 30, 1981

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pages plus Supplement

S _____________________________________________

Ufer receives
tribute from
his beloved
More than 1,000 friends and well-wishers made the
pilgrimage to Crisler Arena last night to pay homage to
the late Michigan football broadcaster Bob Ufer.
The public memorial service, designed to accommodate
the large numbers of Ufer supporters unable to attend
yesterday's closed funeral services, included speeches by
Rev. Terry Smith of the First Congregational Church, Bob
Ufer Jr., and Wolverine football coach Bo Schembechler.
The Michigan Marching Band and a videotape of a Ufer
pep rally were also part of the memorial service.
THE SERVICE began with a short speech by Rev.
Smith of-Ufer's First Congregational Church. "We are
gathered tonight to honor Bob Ufer in a more personal
way," Smith said. "We are here because Bob Ufer, in
some way, touched our lives."
Bob Ufer Jr. then addressed the crowd from the
podium, which was decorated with yellow flowers and a
block 'M' flag. The broadcaster's son recalled a few
moments in which his father was truly touched by the kin-
dness of others.
"Bob Ufer will never forget the game ball he was awar-
ded after the Notre Dame game," Ufer said.
The Iowa halftime tribute performed by the Michigan
Band was also mentioned as a special occasion in Ufer's
life. After the broadcaster realized that the band was
arranging itself to spell 'Ufer' on the field, "Dad fell
silent. It wasn't often that Bob Ufer fell silent on a football-
Saturday," his son said.
Schembechler also took to the podium to address friends
See FANS, Page 12

Israel shows
reaction to
AWACS vote

Daily Photo by JAMIE BE LL
BO SCHEMBECHLER praises Michigan broadcaster Bob Ufer during last night's memorial
tribute held in Crisler Arena. Ufer, who died of cancer on Monday, was buried yesterday afternoon.

Faculty to get involved in budget

WASHINGTON - President Reagan
and his top aides, still basking in the
glow of the Senate victory on the Saudi
AWACS sale, worked yesterday to
reassure a worried Israel and press
ahead in the Middle East peace
Israel reacted with restraint yester-
day to U.S. Senate approval of the Saudi
Arabian arms sale and said it expects
Reagan to ensure the Jewish state's
security. Saudi rulers expressed "deep
gratitude" and said relations with
America will improve.
THERE WAS NO comment from
West European allies, and most Arab
states were silent.
The Soviets claimed the $8.5 billion
package, which includes the world's
most sophisticated spy planes, will spur
a new Mideast arms race and is part of
a U.S. preparation for possible seizure
of the region's oil fields.
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin, in a statement devoid of har-
shness, indicated he expected Reagan
to hold to his pledge to "help Israel
retain its military and technoligical ad-
vantages in the Middle East." Reagan
made the assurance in a note after the
Senate voted 52-48 Wednesday night to
approve the sale, the largest single U.S.
arms export package ever.
Begin read the Reagan note and then
told reporters: "We hope that these
words of the president will be carried
into realization."
THE OFFICIAL Cabinet statement
expressed its "regret" over the sale to
Saudi Arabia, "which is in a state of
war with Israel, rejects the Camp
David accords and finances terror in
our region. A new and serious danger
now faces Israel - new since the
restoration of our statehood."
Reagan's national security adviser
Richard Allen, in a television interview
yesterday said,"I think it (the sale) will
lend significant momentum to his
movement toward peace."

Allen also bolstered speculation that
more'U.S. aid to the Jewish state may
flow from the Saudi deal - a call also
heard in Congress.
"WE HAVE NO specific plans," he
said. But based on "new levels" of
cooperation between United States and
Israel, Allen said he anticipates "ad-
ditional sales of some type of equip-
The president, in wooing the Senate,
argued that selling the sophisticated Air-
borne Warning and Control Systems
planes to the oil-rich monarchy would
give America more influence in
House Democratic leader Jim Wright
of Texas said yesterday he hopes
Reagan will be able to leap through the
"window of opportunity" the Senate
vote opened.
"IF HE IS willing to use this as a
means of pressing the Saudis to join the
peace process, it would be the most
wonderful thing in the world," Wright
But Sheik Faisal Alehelan, Saudi
See AWACS, Page 8

The Budget Priorities Committee is
painfully aware of the awful climate in
which it is operating, Mary Ann Swain,
committee chairwoman, said yester-
Swain told a local chapter meeting of
the American Association of University
Professors at the Michigan League that
the Budget Priorities Committee has
decided that if the University wants to
increase the size of any unit within its
confines it will have to cut into other
units to pay for it.
"THE UNIVERSITY'S budget has not
grown at the rate of inflation," Swain
Swain, a University nursing school
professor, said the Budget Priorities
Committee is trying to find an effective
way to participate in the University's
budget planning and will take an active

he University's budget has not
grown at the rate of inflation.'
-Mary Ann Swain
Budget priorities
committee chairwoman

role in solving budget problems in the
One of the major problems facing the
committee, Swain said, is that the
University operates on a decentralized
and at the same time centralized basis,
making information hard to ac-
SWAIN ALSO told those present at
the AAUP meeting that there was little
hope that the University will get ad-
ditional discretionary funds to deal with

its current budget crisis.
The committee will attempt to act on
problems mentioned by Bill Frye, vice
president for academic affairs, at the
September Senate Assembly meeting,
Swain said.
Swain said the problems Frye men-
tioned, and which the BPC would try to
prioritize, were the need to increase
faculty salaries, the need for better
student financial aid support systems,
the need to provide better incentives for

research, and the need to replace in-
creasingly limited discretionary funds.
ANOTHER MAJOR issue that must
be faced by therbudget committee is the
extent of faculty discussion in possible
future University retrenchment
programs, Swain said.
She explained that if the ad-
ministration decides to save large
"chunks" of money, program cuts of
sizeable amounts will have to make up
that sum.
Swain also said the faculty should at-
tempt to discuss what is and what is not
"central" to the University. The ad-
ministration has emphasized the im-
portance of "centrality" in considering
program reductions.
The Budget Priorities Committee.ad-
vises the University administration on
budget decisions and is comprised of
faculty, administrators and student

... expects continued support

No more dead cats
A 1982 CAT HATER's Calendar that features color
photos of cats being hanged and wrapped in
foil on a grill that has been withdrawn by its
publisher following outcries by animal lovers and

and priced at $4.95, had prompted a call for a national
boycott by the American Humane Association. "We're op-
posed to that kind of sick humor," said Martin Passaglia
Jr., executive director of the association in Denver. "That
is contrary to everything we stand for. That hardly
represents the humane ethic." Edgar would not comment
on whether the outcry by animal lovers played a role in
halting its distribution. However, he said the animals were
not mistreated during the photographing sessions. "Not one
cat was hurt. In fact, the cat featured in several of these
photographs is the personal pet of a close friend of the
..i,.f - .ai ,a ..Wriar um. 6Tho .AtAt hnli.gPPmad M n-.

money's locked in the safe," the attendant, Benjamin
Misan, 24, told the would-be robber. "Oh, nuts!" the robber
said and turned to go. Misan then picked up a can of oil and
hurled it at the robber but missed. The robber then turned
and fired a shot as Misan, which also missed. The robber
muttered something else and fled. Misan summoned police.
"Got any idea who the robber was?"' police asked. "No, but
that's his car over there," Misan said. "He forgot it."
Police checked the car and found out it was registered to
Kallio. A child support notice found in Kallico's car listed
his mother's address. Police went to the mother's home and
found allio.is _38-cmalibrr evoliver was confiscated and

"I guess they got caught up in the campaign." Sgt. John
Hook of the Southfield police said Fracassi's sons David, 19,
and Roddy, 15, were stopped by police Monday night wih
four of Lantz's signs in their car. "The youths said they took
the signs as a prank," Hood said. A representative forLantz
said he would not press charges. Fracassi, a nine-year in-
cumbent, finished first with 37 percent of the votes in the
September primary election. Lantz finished second out of
five candidates with 16 percent.



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