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October 29, 1981 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-29

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 29, 1981--Page 7



A champion in ife...
... a victor valiant

When former President Gerald Ford
decided to open his 1976 presidential
campaign at Crisler Arena, he de-
manded that Ufer be his keynote speak-
er. One of the few times Ufer ever took
*econd billing.

Ufer fires up his Wolverines before the
1981 Rose Bowl at a pep rally. Many
who attended felt that it was the most
inspired speech Ufer ever gave.



"Besides my family, there are two things
which are important in my life: Michigan and
Michigan football. And I've had the privilege and
pleasure of broadcasting games for 37 years.
It's been a true labor of love."
-Robert Poorman Ufer


Ufer's athletic prowess made him a
known celebrity around campus as
evidenced by this cover shot on the
April, 1942 Gargoyle magazine (left).
The Wolverines show their support for
Ufer (below) with the ceremonial
touching of the 'M' Club banner.

Ufer the track star (above). Ufer enjoy-
, ing a pleasant stroll along the beach
near his cottage.

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