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October 29, 1981 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-29

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_ The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 29, 1981-Page 3
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'U' disciplines
employees over

The University has disciplined two employees who
allegedly killed several raccoons with a pitchfork and
sledgehammer last week, a spokesman for the
University's Plant Department said yesterday.
In addition, the Humane Society of Huron Valley
announced yesterday that it is investigating the'
possibility of filing criminal charges against the two
UNIVERSITY PLANT Operations Director Russell
Reister would not elaborate on the type of
disciplinary action taken and said he would not
release the names of the two men involved. Reister
said one reason disciplinary action was taken was
that the employees were not in their proper work

areas when they allegedly killed the raccoons in a
North Campus garbage dumpster.
As to whether there will be criminal charges again-
st the two, Delores Gibson, an animal welfare officer
with the humane society, said: "The matter is still
under investigation."
She said if there are grounds for prosecution "the
Humane Society would recommend - criminal
THE ANN ARBOR Police Department is still in-
vestigating the incident and the employees have yet
to be charged with any offense. If charges are
brought, they could be on grounds of either cruelty to
animals charges (a misdemeanor) or conservation
violations of hunting out of season.

"The people of Ann Arbor will not tolerate this type
of action," Gibson said. "People are upset about
this," she said.
Reister said he didn't think the University would be
involved in any criminal proceedings. He also said
that pressing hunting out of season charges would be
interesting "because it (raccoon hunting) is in
season." He added that he thought cruelty charges.
are generally hard to prove.
The two employees allegedly used a pitchfork and a
sledgehammer to kill several raccoons at the North- 9
wood V housing complex on North Campus. The rac-
coons had apparently climbed into a garbage dum-
pster and had become trapped when the two Univer->
sity maintenance employees found them.



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Reagan arm-twisting was key to AWACS Victory

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_ _ _ AC A UTC. Q I f1.

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON- The Reagan administration's come-
from-behind drive to salvage the president's $8.5 billion
arms sale to Saudi Arabia mixed high road appeals to sup-
port the presidency and world peace with the less lofty
pressures of raw political power.'
As the critical vote neared, one guest at the White House,
Democrat Edward Zorinsky of Nebraska, said he told
Reagan he has "never seen a full court press like this
It was a lobbying effort that participants on both sides
agree began in a hole dug by administration ineptness and
its total concentration on domestic policy to the point where
plentiful warnings of the impending storm were ignored.

months since Ronald
on taxes or budgetc
campaign, but on the
should sell more arm
ce planes, to Saudi A
Once again, the pr
frontation with Cong
52 to 48 to reject a mo
fight until the final ho
Aside from a regul
the congressional ar
labored relentlessly
victory. The officialv

e toughest, bitterest fight in the nine ch from "cautiously optimistic" to "optimistic" about the
Reagan became president focused not deal's chances.
cuts, major issues of his presidential In the end, the push for the deal boiled down to personal
question of whether the United States and political loyalties. The question of selling sophisticated
Zs, including five AWACS reconnaisan- arms to an Arab state-one that is a sworn enemy of
rabia. Israel-was almost secondary.
esident emerged victorious from a con- Reagan's pitch to his guests was simple: The sale will
ress, this time when the Senate voted bring the Saudis into the peace process. It will not risk the
ve to veto the sale. But it was an uphill security of Israel. It will enhance the U.S. standing in the
urs before that vote. Middle East and it will show the rest of the world Congress
ar meeting with top aides, nothing but has confidence in his foreign policy decisions.
m twisting was on Reagan's schedule. The pressure finally shifted the momentum away from
ENT the White House officials who opponents.
for acceptance of the package sensed DID HE OFFER any deals? "I don't make deals," said
word at the White House went up a not- the president, his voice hoarse from a two-day old head
cold, speaking to reporters late Tuesday.
Senate narrowly OKs
Reagan's A WACS deal......ii


U.S. cuts Indian
Ocean carrier force

United States has cut its carrier for-
ce in the Indian Ocean to a single
battle group for the first time in
nearly two years, defense officials
acknowledged yesterday.
Although the- apparent policy
change has been in the works for
some months, officials were reluc-
tant to discuss it because the reduc-
tion came at a time the Reagan ad-
ministration was fighting for its
proposed sale of five AWACS air-
borne surveillance and control
planes to Saudi Arabia.
A MAJOR administration
argument in favor of the AWACS
sale was that it was essential to
strengthen Saudi Arabia's security
and demonstrate U.S. resolve to
safeguard its friends and its oil sup-
plies in the Persian Gulf area.
Officials, who declined to be iden-
tified, said the reduction from two to
one carrier battle groups in the In-

dian Ocean area was dictated.to a
considerable extent by budgetary
problems and the strain place on
U.S Navy crewmen who have been
kept on long deployments in that
At the same time, however, the
Defense Department said in respon-
se to an inquiry that "this current
level does not indicate any lessening
of U.S. interest, determination or
resolve in the area." The Pentagon
stressed that U.S. naval forces can
be moved quickly from other areas
such as the Mediterranean and
Pacific into the Indian Ocean in
event of a new crisis.
"THE U.S. WILL maintain
adequate forces in the region to
protect our vital interests and those
of our friends," the Pentagon said.
The only carrier now in the Indian
Ocean area is the Coral Sea, which is
stationed in position to cover ap-
proaches to the Persian Gulf.

(Continued from Page 1)
ned his way at the 5 p.m. EST
EARLIER, the president told the
Senate in a letter that the sale is in-
valuable to U.S. security interests "by
improving both our strategic posture
and the prospects for peace in the Mid-
dle East."
But opponents called it a threat to
Israel, fuel for a Middle East arms race
and a risk of losing secret AWACS and
missile technology to the Soviets or
radical Arab nations if the Saudi gover-
nment is overthrown.
"It's just about a perfect photo finish,
" said Sen. Charles Percy, (R-Ill.),
Reagan's floor leader on the issue, as
the climactic vote approached.
REAGAN CALLED it a test of his
command of American Foreign policy.
Opponents saw it as a threat to the
security of Israel and to the sanctity of
America's most advanced military
The $8.5-billion package involved not
only sale of five Airborne Warning and
Control Systems radar planes to Saudi
Arabia, but also 1,177 Sidewinder
missiles, 101 fuel pods and six flying
tankers to stretch the range and
firepower of F-15 jets already in

possession of the Arab kingdom.
The president devoted the day to but-
tonholing senators, two summoned for
private persuasion in the intimacy of
the small study in the White House
residence. His lobbying campaign on
the first major foreign policy debate of
his presidency rivaled the intensity of
his successful effort to cut government
spending and taxes.
"HE MAKES persuasive arguments
based on the fact that we only have one
president of the United States at a
time," said Sen Edward Zorinsky, a
conservative Democrat from Nebraska
after 40 minutes with Reagan. "He in-
dicated that it is difficult for him to
conduct foreign policy with a defeat of
this nature."
Hours before the vote, Reagan
declared in a letter to the Senate that
the sale of AWACS radar planes and F-
15 jet fighters are no threat to Israel
and that Americans will be involved in
the Saudi operations "well into the
.He is showing awesome power,"
said O'Neill.
The senators debated the issue right*
until the bells rang out summoning
them to the vote.

Do a Tree
a Favor:
Your Daily


" I

Break-in at the Law Quad'
A room in the Law Quadrangle, 551S.
State, was broken-into Tuesday
evening, police reported yesterday. The
thief stole a portable TV and clothing
after going through the resident's closet
and drawers. It is unknown how entry
was gained to the room.

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"Everybody's Dancin'!" Candescence, a local shoe store, presents an
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pact Outriggers's, Checkmate, Bivouac and Candescence. Tickets are $9.50 in
advance, $10.50 at the door and are available at all Hudson's, CTC Outlets,
Peaches, Schoolkid's Records and all participating stores.
Cinema Guild-Annie Hall, Lorch Hall, 7,8:40, 10:20 p.m.
Public Health-Noontime Film Fest, Green Valley Grandparents, Old
Women, & What We Have, SPH II Aud., 12:10 p.m.
Medicinal Chemistry-Sem., Linda Wotring, "Cellular Metabolism &
Mechanism of Cytotoxicty of a Tricyclic Analog of Adenosine and its 5'-
Phosphate," Rm 3554, CC Little Bldg., 4 p.m.
Vision Hearing-William Uttal, "Recent Thoughts on Nuero Reduction or
Dots pattern Detection," 2055 MHRI, 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
Public Policy Studies - Barry Blechman, "Soviet Military Activities in
the Third World: Capabilities and Intention," Rackham (3rd floor), 2 p.m.
Latin American Solidarity - Julio Quan & Reps. of the Guatemalan Chur-
ch in Exile, "Repression in Guatemala and the U.S. role," St. Mary's Lower
Chapel (corner Thompson and Williams), 7:30 p.m.
SYDA Foundation-Lec., Swami Girijanda, "Kundalini: The Power of
Creativity," Henderson Rm., League, 7:30 p.m.
Society of Women Engineers-Mtg., Chevron, "Women in the Oil In-
dustry," 229 W. Eng., 6:30 p.m.
Biological Sciences - (speaker to be announced), "The Differentiated
Nucleus as in Polymorphs," 1139 Nat. Sci., noon.
Communication - Joey Reagan, "Community Integration, Media Use, &
Political Participation," Reading Rm., Frieze Bldg., noon.
Computing Center-Chalk Talk, "PL/C & PL/I Debugging," CC Coun-
seling Staff, 1011 NUBS, 12:10-1 p.m. Lec., "Introduction to SPIRES IV",
Steve Tolkin, 3400 Frieze Bldg., 2:30 p.m.
Med. Center Bible Study-Rm. F2230 Mott Children's Hospital.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship-Union, 7 p.m.
Sailing Club-311 W. Eng., 7:45 p.m.
Botticelli Game Players-Dominick's, noon.
Campus Crusade for Christ-2003 Angell 7 p.m.
Transcendental Meditation Program-Intro., Rm. 4313, Union, noon.
Economics Society-Lansing Lounge (2nd fl.), Econ. Bldg., 5 p.m.
Musical Society - Nathan Milstein, Violinist, Hill Aud.,8:30 p.m.
Professional Theater-Wings, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 8 p.m.
UAC-Soundstage/Eclipse jazz jam session, Univ. Club, Union, 8 p.m.
Canterbury Loft-"Sundance" a play by Meir Ribalow, 332 S. State, 8 p.m.



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