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October 29, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-29

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Ufe,,r pictorial

memorial tribute inside


Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir a


Partly sunny today, highs
in the 60s. Lows tonight in
the mid.-40s.

Vol. XCI, t

No. 43

Copyright 1981, Ihe Michigan Daily.

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 29, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


wins on



AcS deal
Narrow Senate vote
OKs sale to Saudis

WASHINGTON (AP) - The senate
upheld President Reagan's record $8.5
billion AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia on a
vote of 52 to 48 yesterday, crowning an
intensive lobbying effort that reversed
long odds and delivered victory in his-
first major foreign policy test.
At the White House, an exultant
Reagan declared the decision meant
"the cause of peace is on the march
again in the Middle East."
WITH ITS VOTE, the Senate rejec-
ted a veto resolution that would have
scrapped the sale of the sophisticated
radar planes and F15 jetfighter
weaponry to the Arab kingdom. The
president needed 50 votes, since a tie
would have gone to him.
The roll call was piped into the office
of White House chief of staff James
Baker, where Secretary of State
Alexander Haig, national security ad-
viser Richard Allen, and Deputy Chief
of Staff Michael Deaver had gathered
around a conference table.
When the count got to Edward Zorin-
sky, a Nebraska Democrat who had a
meeting with Reagan earlier in the day,
the senator voted with the president.

"THAT'S IT" said Haig, slapping the
table. Baker said later the Zorinsky
vote was the one surprise.
Another of the deciding votes was
that of Sen. William Cohen, a Maine
Republican and the son of a Jewish
He said he is not happy with the sale
but if it were rejected, Israel would
become "scapegoats" and give creden-
ce to those who say American foreign
policy is shaped by the Israeli lobby in
A THIRD CRITICAL vote came from
Sen. Russell Long, (D-La), who had
played his cards close to the vest to the
very end. He said he was swayed by the
thought that Congress should "support
the president in this most crucial
foreign-policy and natonal-defense
The House had voted 301-111 against
the package two weeks ago, and, as late
as Tuesday, Senate opponents
remained confident they had more than
enough support to do the same.
But Reagan's personal powers of per-
suasion produced a nail-biter than tur-
See SENATE, Page 3

Twilight Zone
A Thompson street resident is silhouetted as evening threatens to overshadow his work repairing the roof of his house.

Daily Photo by KIM HILL

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life as 'Moonie'

An attractive sign caught Steve Kemperman's at-
tentiontin the fall of his freshman year at the Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley. "Ideal City Project," it
The friendly people behind the sign explained that
their community action group recycled papers and
bottles, and conducted seminars and job placement
programs. Membership in the group, they said, was
"a step toward human development."
During high school in Rochester, New York, Kem-
perman, ambitious and idealistic, had participated in
social reform projects. He had invested time in coun-
seling youths and cared for a cerebral palsy patient.
"Ideal City Project" appeared to be a new worth-
while cause.
The college-aged committee members of the
Project were receptive to Kemperman's interest, and
asked him to join them for dinner. Kemperman had
made no friends at college until this encounter, and,

he said, the invitation was irresistible.
THAT INITIAL meeting in 1973 led Kemperman to
become a member of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's
Unification Church. Four years later, Kemperman
was kidnapped by his parents from a shopping center
parking lot in Massillon, Ohio where he was soliciting
donations for the church, ending what he describes as
his ordeal with the so-called "moonies."
Since then, Kemperman, who later returned to
school at the University of Michigan and graduated
last May, wrote a book about his experience with
Moon's church, The Lord of the Second Advent. The
26-year-old graduate, who is now back in Ann Arbor,
will speak about his experiences in the church tonight
at 7:30 in the Michigan Student Assembly chanbers
in the Michigan Union.
In an interview Tuesday night, Kemperman
described the principles of Moon's church and what
he claims are the methods they used to indoctrinate
new members.
THE MEMBERS of the church believe Moon is the

Messiah, who camne to earth to complete Christ's
failed mission, Kemperman explained. Moon, the
alleged "perfect man," found the alleged "perfect
woman," and they married. Together, they spread
Moon's doctrines to followers who marry each other
and produce sinless children. This "Kingdom of God
on earth," he said, wishes to ultimately perfect the
human race.
But the members of the "Ideal City Project," who
were followers of Moon, spared Kemperman the
jargon-packed dogma during his first visits and
workshops. Not until he moved into the Unification
Church home off campus was he bombarded with
what he termed their suspicious claims.
Like the other three million young people who join
religious cults, Kemperman fit the composite per-
sonality picture described by the Rev. George Swope,
operator of a deprogramming rehabilitation center in
New Hampshire. According to Swope, recruits are
See 'U', Page 2

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'U' project may show matter disintegrates

University researchers are making
final preparations for an 'experiment
which may show that all matter - and
thus the universe itself - is slowly
The project, designed to test current
theories on the basic forces of nature,
could turn out to be a major scientific
Wachievement of the century, said
University Prof. John van der Velde,
Ann Arbor spokesman for the project.
several projects throughout the world
searching for decay of the proton - one
of nature's basic building blocks.
The outcome of the experiment will
allow physicists to "see whether
matter as we know it is stable or un-
stable in a long term sense," van der
Velde said.
Protons are known to be fairly stable.
If protons were not stable, van der
Velde said, even human bodies would
disintegrate as protons decayed.
Physicists have described three fun-
damental forces in nature: gravity, the
strong force (which binds the atomic
nucleus together), and the electro-weak
force (electromagnetism and the force

which governs some forms of radioac-
tive decay).
THIS YEAR'S Nobel Prize was awar-
ded to physicists who combined the
theories of electromagnetism and weak
forces into a single theory. Physicists
believe the new electro-weak force
theory and the law of strong forces may
also be united into a single theory. The
combination of these laws requires that
protons decay, so the University ex-
periment could support or refute this
single theory.
The project may be a major step
toward completing a single theory
which explains all of nature's interac-
Theories predict that the lifetime of a
proton is between 10" and 10" years
(about '100,000 billion billion billion
years). . The age of the universe is
estimated to be 10" years.
IT WOULD.BE impossible to watch a
single proton for its entire lifespan, so
researchers instead plan to watch 101
protons for one year. If an average
proton lifespan is 10", years, then
researchers would find approximately
100 decays in one year among 10s
see 'U' PROJECT, Page 2

Black rep. hired for
minority se'rvices o ffice

After more than a year of controversy,
the University has hired a black coun-,
seling representative for the Minority3
Student Services office.
Budget problems and uncertainty,
about what the representative's role
should be contributed to the delay in,
filling the position, said Thomas
Moorehead, University -community
services director.
THE POSITION had been vacant since1
June, 1980 when then Black Represen-
tative Richard Garland was discharged
for "behavioral problems," Moorehead
MSS is an office that offers a variety
of counseling services to the Univer-
sity's minority students. It is staffed by
four representatives, each of whom
specializes in a particular area such as
financial aid or research on minority
In addition, each staff member
represents a different ethnic

background. Currently the office is
staffed by Asian American, Native
American, hispanic, and black
WHEN THE position was vacated in
June, 1980, the director of Trotter
House - a campus minority student
center - and the student services
program analysis director were hired
on a part-time basis in the interim.
At that time students went before the
University Regents and requested that
the University fill 'the position with a
full-time black representative.
In spite of student protests, the
University decided not to hire a full-
time representative after a task-force
review of student services said the
duties of the black representative could
be filled by the other three staff
IN AUGUST 1981, however
Moorehead said another review showed
that the office- could use an additional
See BLACK, Page 2

Daily Photo by KIM HILL
PROFESSORS DAN SINCLAIR (left) and Jack van der Velde discuss a
University research project which may prove that the universe is disin-

X-rated classt
WHEN PSYCHOLOGY Prof. James Papsdorf
arrived at MLB Auditorium 3 yesterday to
teach his Psychology 474 "Behavior
Modification" class, he discovered that twice
the usual number of people were in attendance. Why? Pap-
sdorf was showing the sexually explicit Squeeze Technique,
a 15-minute film dealing with premature ejaculation. "I'd

bees overturned on the freeway. One lane of traffic was
closed after the morning accident and most of the bees were
killed after experts from the state Environmental Safety
Dept. covered the truck with a large sheet of plastic and
then pumped a harmful element from below. But several
hours later, officers said there were still thousands of bees
flying around. A man was transporting the 180 colonies of
bees when the trailer suddenly overturned, releasing the
bees, state troopers said. Highway Patrolman Wallace
Bachman said each colony contained about 60,000 bees.
State troopers -directed traffic while Bachman and local

Wrap them in mink. Not a lot of mink, just a small
rhinestone-studded collar. Dr. J. Dewitt Fox introduced the
mink neckwear Tues. at the American Surgical Trade
Assoc. Show. It was one version of a new collar designed by
Fox, medical director for the Neurological Center. The
collars force snorers to close their mouths, preventing
mouth breathing which causes the noise that keeps others
awake, Fox said. "Always a mate buys them for a mate, not
for themselves," Fox said. The collars sell for $37.50 each
for the standard model and $100 for the mink version. Fox
said 2.000 have already been sold.

Banford, a waitress, and bellman Roger Griffin. Karen and
Jeff Maddy were on their way to the LDS Hospital delivery
room about 11 p.m. Sunday, when they decided the baby
was on its way. They stopped at the hotel and asked for
help. They were given a room and paramedics were called,
but the paramedics didn't make it in time either. Kacie
Maddy, 81/2 pounds, and her mother were reported doing
fine Monday at LDS Hospital.





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