Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom.
1~a iI
Fair with decreasing
cloudiness today. A high in
the mid-50s and a low
tonight in the mid-30s.
Vol. XCII, No. 42
Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
10 votes
From AP and UPI
President Reagan, combining
tenacity with "quiet persuasion,"
1pulled within striking distance yester-
day of victory in the showdown Senate
vote on the Saudi AWACS sale
scheduled for 5 p.m. EST today.
Reagan, who argues the $8.5 billion
arms deal is needed for Mideast
security, switched three opponents and
picked up seven, other votes from
among the uncommitted yesterday.
THE GAINS put the president within
two votes of a come-from-behind vic-
tory for the sale of AWACS radar planes
and F-15 jet fighter weaponry and left
Senate Democratic Whip Alan Cranston
of California conceding, "We may well
Cranston, who was saying last week
he expected the opponents to score a
strong victory, was taking a different
tack 23 hours before this afternoon's
showdown vote. "The odds have shifted
in favor of the White House," he said.
"We may well lose. We have not lost
He spoke as latest counts had 52
senators declared against the sale, and
47 announced or leaning in favor of the
deal. John Melcher (D-Mont.), who had
remained undecided until late yester-
day afternoon, declared his support of
the sale shortly after the final tally;
swinging the number in favor to 48.
SOURCES CLOSE to the leading
Senate opponents of the sale indicated
yesterday two more Republicans-now
inclined to vote against the sale-may
ultimately switch their positions and
support Reagan.
They were identified as Sens. Slade
Gorton of Washington and Mark An-
drews of North Dakota. They are
among the 18 Republicans who
originally sponsored the resolution of
That could .make the final Senate
tally 50-50 and give Reagan the victory
he has been fighting for with "quiet
persuasion." The disapproval effort
will die unless it wins a majority vote.
SWITCHING IN favor of the sale
were Sen. Roger Jepsen (R-Iowa), who
had been a declared opponent, and
Sens. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and J.
James Exon (D-Neb.), both of whom
had been leaning against it.
See SENATE, Page 2
P otby ULD ,c-.Lt~
Masked momt
No Star Wars' Darth Vader didn't make an impromptu visit to Ann Arbor for Halloween, but at the request of son Marc, Erica Paslick modeled the ever-
popular Darth Vader costume at the Campus Bike and Toy Center at 514 E. William Street.
Arms sale may lead to
Mideast instability
If the Senate accepts today the
proposed $8.5 million arms sale to Saudi
Arabia, the spread of Soviet influence
in the Middle East region may be-
4revented, according to a White House
official. However, Senate acceptance
of the sale may also destablize the area,
say University experts and Washington
. Senate rejection of the arms sale,
proponents say, may lead to insecurity
in U.S. access to Saudi oil, while arms
sale critics maintain that blockage of
the deal would eliminate any chance.
that the weapons could be used against
U.S. allies, such as Israel.
The United States has four primary
objectives in completing the-sale,-ex-
plained White House official Lou Gerig.
These are the continuation of stable and
secure access to Saudi oil, the preven-
tion of the spread of Soviet influence,
the security of friendly states in the
region and a demonstration of support of
overall Middle East security.,
CRITICS OF the proposed sale say
selling arms to the Saudis is unwise
because the weapons pose a threat to
Israeli security. In addition, although
the present Saudi regime is friendly, to.
the United States, the potential exists
that the Saudi government doild be
overthrown by internal dissidents un-
friendly to the United States. This new
government would then have access to
U.S. weapons.
Incidents such as the Iranian
revolution and the Iran-Iraq war have
increased U.S. interest in stabilizing
the area, Gerig said.
"The planes are strictly for defensive
purposes. They will help them protect
their territory, especially their oil
fields," he said.
GERIG SAID the Saudis have
assured the United States that the arms
will not be used offensively against
Israel. Despite Israel's strong objection
to the sale, he said he does not see it af-
fecting U.S,-Israeli relations.
U.S. Senators Carl Levin and Don
Riegle of Michigan plan to vote against
the sale, said congressional aides.
"It's too much of a threat to
American security to have these
weapons in the hands of another coun-
try if we don't know if they're going to
be secure-or not," said Burt Hoffman,
press secretary to Levin. Hoffman said
Levin believes threats to Saudi Arabia,
particularly to its oil fields, are internal
rather than external, and that the
Saudis have little use for the arms.
DONALD Billingsley, an aide to
Riegle, said Riegle also believes the
sale would not be in the best interests of,
the United States and would "do more
to increase instability in the area than
diminish it."
He said.Riegle did not see oil playing
a large role in the sale but that
proponents are using it as an excuse to
complete the deal.
Saudi Arabia has been a friend for its
own self-interest, Billingsley said.
"They have exercised a moderating in-
fluence on other members of OPEC,"
he said, but added the Saudis were most
interested in continuing the sale of oil.
If the price of oil continues to increase,
Billingsley said, alternatives to oil
begin to look more attractive.
According to Political Science
Professor Jerrold Green-who termed
the deal a "symbolic gesture"-the
single feasible rerason for the sale is
that the Carter administration commit-
ted itself to the Saudis and that the
United States would seem an
"unreliable and unattractive ally" if it
backed out now.
"It's a response to a Soviet threat
that does not exist or lhas been blown
out of proportion," Green said. There is
no evidence of a possible Soviet in-
vasion of the Persian Gulf, he said.
Green also said he thought com-
pletion of the deal would not pose an
immediate threat to Israel but "it
would make Israel wonder how com-
mitted the United States is to Israeli
Job hunt '82
Outlook improves in liberal arts
An endowment fund of $1.2 million
has been awarded to the University for
the establishment of a faculty chair in
any area of the University's choosing.
The fund is expected. to yield some
$200,000 annually.
Stipulations for the grant, one of nine
awarded to University research in-{
stitutions nationwide, say only that the
chair must be named after the donating
organization, the John D. and Catherine
T.MacArthur Foundation.
ACCORDING TO foundation of-
ficials, the purpose of the $15.6 million
grant, which also is providing smaller
endowments to 16 liberal arts colleges
See $1.2 MILLION, Page 7
NEW YORK (UPI) - Job prospects
for 1982 college graduates are expected
to continue to be excellent for the
"golden degrees" - engineering,,
business and computer science, a
College Placement Council official said
Judith O'Flynn Kayser, manager of
CPC statistical=services said a recent
survey based on 551 employers also
found the job outlook good for most
other fields-including a 5 percent in-
crease in positions- for liberal arts
THE EXCEPTION: federal gover-
nment jobs.
"Federal government hiring for en-
try-level positions (except in
engineering) is expected to decrease,
primarily due to hiring limitations im-
posed by President Reagan in January
1981, as part of his anti-inflation
economic program," she said.
Kayser said the predicted 5 percent
upturn in jobs for liberal arts graduates,
comes after three years of decline.
"WE ARE PLEASED that things are
expected to look up for liberal arts
graduates," she said. "They really
have suffered."
Highlights of the survey:
Engineering: At the bachelor's level,
placements to go up 12 percent over last
year; at the master's level, 32 percent;
at the doctoral, 37 percent.
Science, math, other technical
categories: A 23 percent increase in
hirings at the bachelor's level; a 29 per-
cent gain at the master's level; a 32
percent increase at the doctoral.
Business: Bachelor level jobs, up 13
percent; at the master's up 15 percent.
Other non-technical category: A 5
percent increase in anticipated hiring
compared with last year. Liberal arts
graduates dominate the non-technical
category. Increased job opportunities
for such graduates - poetry, language,
music majors and such- were expected
especially in merchandising and ser-
vice fields.
The survey, based on responses from
551 of 729 public and private employing
organizations, was taken at the end of
September during the recent
recessionary slump.
Bob Ufer
tomorro w
Because of the anticipated num-
ber of people who are planning to at-
tend tomorrow's funeral of longtime
Michigan football radio broadcaster
Bob Ufer, the Ufer family has an-
nounced that a memorial service for
friends, well-wishers, Michigan fans
and students has been set for 7 p.m
tomorrow at Crisler Arena.
The 1 p.m. service tomorow at the
First Congregational Church in Ann
Arbor will be for the family and
friends of the Ufers.
Harold Shapiro
.. says private support
makes the difference
Mayberry memoirs
NGLISH PROFESSOR Richard Kelly says TV
viewers got to know more about the mythical
North Carolina town of Mayberry in "The Andy
GrfihShow" than about their own hometowns.
Kelly, a professor at the University of Tennessee in Knox
ville. has made a study of the show which he says merits a
He said each character-from Andy Taylor, played by Grif-
fith, to Aunt Bea, Opie and Barney Fife, Taylor's sidekick-
was three-dimensional, with a past, present and future. In
that sense, the show is like a good novel, he says. The show
ranked among the top 10 shows during each of its prime-
time seasons. It was the top program in the nation when
Griffith left. The episodes are repeated today through syn-
dication. Like any diehard Mayberry fan, Kelly hopes the
series can be revived. "I finally got Andy to think about it.
it. I don't know if it will ever come to pass but at least he's
thinking of that." El
where he met his first female gorilla. He was intimidated,
zoo officials said, and wouldn't stand up to other males. His
sperm count was low, apparently due to his inability to be
accepted by his kind. In 1978, he was sent to the
Philadelphia Zoo. "He's a gorgeous animal," said Jeanne
Segal, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia Zoo. "But
nothing ever happened between him and the females." Ex-
perts hope the warm weather and roomier surroundings
will relax Ramar, said Metrozoo spokeswoman Kate
Zwerin. "Whatever happens, he'll be a star attraction,"
Zwerin said. O
state legislatures in those states have rejected the amen-
dment but will be asked again to ratify it when they meet in
January. The proposed amendment has been approved by
35 states but needs the ratification of three more by June 30
if it is to become part of the Constitution. The commercials
were played at a news conference yesterday by the ERA
Communications Task Force, formed by the National
Business Council for ERA and the League of Women
Voters. One, for example, contains a dialogue in which one
woman tells another: "Take right here in Georgia. If a
married couple own property together, the law says it
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