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October 23, 1981 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-23

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 23, 1981-Page 17
- -ThL .*weekly DA.ILY*- - -

Thuib to sideline Nettles?


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Graig Nettles, the New York
Yankees' acrobatic third baseman, said yesterday he
lirobably would not start the third game of the World Series
at Dodger Stadium tonight because of a sprained left thumb.
Nettles, who made two outstanding plays in the Yankees' 5-
3 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game One at
Yankee Stadium Tuesday night, said he suffered the injury in
Wednesday nights's second game when he dove to his right
r a ground single by Bill Russell in the sixth inning.
"I DOVE, I just landed on my thumb," said Nettles yester-
day following 0 workout at Dodger Stadium. "It's very ten-
der and very swollen. It's a 'day-to-day thing."
Nettles said if he can't start, "I probably will be able to
pinch hit! But the thumb may improve enough for me to
start. I really won't know until just before the game."
If the 37-year-old veteran who has been one of baseball's
top fielding third basemen for several years cannot start, he
will probably be replaced by another veteran, Aurelio
Rodriquez appeared in only 27 games during the regular
season, batting .346 with 18 hits in 52 at-bats. He filled in ex-
nsively last year when Nettles was out with hepatitis.
Elia to manage Cubs
CHICAGO (AP)- Lee Elia, who stamped himself as a
"fringe ballplayer who kept: wanting to better himself,"
yesterday officially was named field manager of the Chicago
Cubs. -
Elia succeeds JoeyAmalfitano and will be working under a
ahree-year contract, which "I thought was necessary in this

"IT'S GOOD TO be back in Chicago, which was the only
place I had roots as a major league player," said Elia.
Elia, 44, a shortstop for the Cubs and Chicago White Sox in
the late 1960s, is the handpicked choice of Dallas Green, the
former Phillie manager and farm director who took over the
Cubs as general manager and executive vice president only
last week.
Elia said he would emphasize speed, pitching and defense
to put an end to the slugfests that opposing National League
teams like to engage in during visits to Wrigley Field, one of
the National League's smaller ballparks.
Torre to skipper Braves
ATLAI TA (AP)- The Atlanta Braves will announce today
that fired New York Mets manager Joe Torre will assume the
manager's job in Atlanta, The Associated Press learned
The Braves were expected to announce the scheduling of a
formal news conference Friday between 10 a.m. and noon.
-THERE HAS BEEN speculation for several days that
Torre, 41, was the choice of Braves owner Ted Turner to suc-
ceedBobby Cox as manager of the National League club.
Published reports here said Turner vetoed a recommen-
dation by front office'personnel that Eddie Haas, manager of
the Braves' Class AAA farm team at Richmond, be brought
to the parent club as field boss.
The Atlanta Journal reported Thursday that Torre had
agreed to a three-year contract calling for $100,000 the first
year and $150,000 in each of the second and third years.







DETROIT (AP) - Mark Kirton and
John Ogrodnick scored in a 6 -minute
span in the second period as the Detroit
Red Wings rallied to gain a 2-2 tie with
the Boston Buins last night in a
National Hockey League game.
The deadlock snapped a five-game
inning streak for the Bruins, who own
eNHL's best record at 5-1-2.
TERRY O'REILLY put the Bruins in
front 1-0 with his fourth goal of the
season at 8:12 of the first period on a set-
up pass from Peter McNab.
McNab also set up Rick Middleton, who
scored at 6:42 of the second period as
the Bruins raced to a 2-0 lead.
Detroit got on the board at 12:19 on a
screen shot by Kirton. Then Ogrodnick
drove one through goaltendler Rogie
Vachon's pads to tie the game at 18:42.
The Bruins failed to score against
etroit goalie Gilles Gilbert in the third
period while the Red Wings were short-
handed for more than three minutes.
Detroit was stymied by Vachon on a
five-minute power play when Norm
Leveille's high stick cut Detroit's Don
Murdoch and the Boston rookie went off
with a major penalty.
Vachon was playing his first game
gainst his former teammates. He had
keen traded to Boston for Gilbert at the
start of the 1979-80 season, but Olympic
goaltender Jim Craig was in the Boston
nets for all four games between the
teams last season.
Ann Arbor's fastest!
From 10-800 T-shirts screenprint-



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