Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
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Cloudy with a .chance, of
rain or snow, lows in the
mid-30's, hi's in the lower
12 Pages
Vol. XCII, No. 37
Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 22, 1981
Ten Cents
12 Pages
Loved and
keep flppig
These 12 acrobats have a lot in common with
politicians. Sometimes they're treated like celebrities
and other times they're targets for unruly fans.
* Last year at the Rose Bowl, for example, the squad
was wined and dined by Playboy magnate Hugh Hef-
ner at his ostentatious mansion;
BUT WHEN THE cheerleaders visit East Lansing
for the Michigan State game, they are often pelted with
beer bottles, food and toilet paper. At least they say
they can take heart in the fact that State fans bombard
their own cheerleaders as well..
On the road and in the friendly confines of Michigan
stadium, Michigan Male Cheerleaders have been en-
tertaining fans with their double somersaults and flips
for 102 years.
"I get hyped up on Thursdays just thinking of the
week's game," said cheerleader Dave Cowan.
*"Cheerleading is an outlet for the fans' energy."
"WE KEEP THE level of excitement up when the
game is slow, we are also a source of entertainment for
those alumni wives who aren't especially interested in
football," said Co-Captain Bob Seymour.
After the game, however, the aches and pains set in.
"I want food, fluid and sleep in that order," said
cheerleader Rick Winston.
For road games, the squad piles into a white van and
may truck for as long as 12 hours to reach the visiting
*field. The trips have been "wild, extremely wild," the
cheerleaders say, without further elaboration.
SOME TEAM members have been known to dance
on picnic tables and outside hamburger stands during'
rest stops on trips, Cowan said. "These are guys who'
are not afraid to get out in front of people," he said.
A cheerleader has to be an extrovert, Seymour ex-
plained. "In addition to their tumbling skills, the
prospective cheerleaders are judged on the safety of
See 'M', Page 5
From UPI and staff reports
EAST LANSING - Gov William
Milliken, suggesting Michigan is
"fighting for its economic life,"
took the battle for his business
recovery program to the people
in a televised address yesterday.
In a speech broadcast across
the state, Milliken urged viewers
to lobby their legislators as part
of a "coalition for jobs in
THE GOVERNOR, in remarks
prepared for the half-hour ad-
dress, discussed the impact of the
recordi $270 million 1981-82
budget cutting order scheduled
for delivery to the Legislature
this morning..
He said they will hit colleges,
mental health, state police, state
parks, welfare and other
programs in some cases affecting
people "who have nowhere else to
"They are made because we
simply have no alternatives" he
THE LATEST round of cuts
will reduce the state ap-
propriation to the University by
more than $4.5 million. Univer-
sity Vice President for Academic
Affairs Bill Frye said. last week
the reduction in state aid will
cause another round of program
cutbacks at the University.
The speech was the '10th live
statewide televised address
Milliken has made in his record
tenure as governor. He has made
three during the last 13 months,
however, all on the recession-
bound economy and the budget
woes which have resulted from it.
The governor recapped his
economic recovery package
delivered to the Legislature in
September, saying Michigan
needs to build "a new economic
momentum." The package in-
cludes worker's compensation
and unemployment compen-
-sation reforms, business tax cuts
and other provisions.
HE REITERATED his call for
special committees in the House
and Senate to deal with his
proposals - a recommendation
which received a cold shoulder
from Democrats earlier in the
"This is no time for partisan
political maneuverings,"
Milliken said, without
specifically criticizing the
"The test for your legislator...is
simple - does he or she support an
economic recovery program for
Michigan? Did he or she help or
hinder our efforts to turn
Michigan economy around?" he
said, adopting a tone struck by
President Reagan in his recent
dealings with Congress.
"The stake for all of us in this
effort is immeasurable because
we are talking about the future,"
he said.
"It is not an overstatement to
say that Michigan is fighting for
its economic life."
But the governor noted the
reductions will mean elimination
of 20,000 persons from general
assistance, greater difficulty in
maintaining staffing at mental
institutions, a delay in the hiring
and training of a new state police
.recruit class and reduced park
'staffing and the closing of all but
the most heavily used cam-
The governor said the "funds
simply do not exist" for the
property tax cut he had proposed
earlier this year.
Photo courtesy of LEE WALDROP
'M' CHEERLEADERS display their talents for an enthusiastic crowd at last
week's game.
.Homecoming events start tonight
What do Gerald Ford, jazz artist Bob James, Bob
Ufer, a car bash and the Mud Bowl have in common?
They're all part of this year's homecoming
festivities, which ,begin today at 5 p.m. with a
progressive bar party and end Saturday night with an
i-campus bash at the Michigan Union.
Tonight, students, alumni and friends will consume
inordinate amounts of alcohol at local bars, including
the Count of Antipasto, Village Bell, Rick's American
Cafe, and Good Time Charley's:
The progressive bar party is a gimmick to promote
the next two days' events, said Keith Kowalski, 1981
homecoming chairperson. T-shirts and buttons
promoting the affair will be given away at each bar, he
THE 1981 homecoming theme, "Michigan, Center of
the World," was selected because Michigan alumni
have had a tremendous impact on the world and con-
,inue to make world-wide contributions every day,
owalski said.
One of the University's more prominent alumni,
former President Gerald Ford, is expected to attend
Saturday's Michigan-Northwestern game, Kowalski
said. For security reasons, Ford declined an invitation
to be the homecoming parade's Grand Marshal,
Kowalski said.
The parade, which in previous years took place on
Saturday morning, has been scheduled for a 6 p.m.
start tomorrow night. The procession will travel from
Catherine and Main through town and end at the
Michigan Union. This year's Grand Marshal is alum-
nus and jazz musician Bob James, who will also play a
benefit concert for Eclipse Jazz Saturday night at Hill
THE PARADE was switched to Friday night this
year to accommodate more ,people, Kowalski said.
Noting the poor turnout for last year's homecoming
parade, Kowalski said, "hopefully, we'll have a lot
more people watching it this year because the pep rally
will be at the end of the parade."
The rally starts at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow night in front
of the Union and will feature Bob Ufer, the Michigan
Marching Band, pom pon girls, cheerleaders, Bo
Schembechler, and the Men's Glee Club.
Although the University continues to entertain a
strong'sense of tradition, homecoming now plays a less
significant role on this campus than it has in past
years. Kowalski attributes this decline of interest in
part to the increasing growth and diversification of the
University. "It's difficult to attract broad sentiment to
something like homecoming," he said.
KOWALSKI, however, said he sees a slow reversal in
this trend. He noted that for the first time in several
years, a residence hall-Bursley-has built a float for
the parade. Acknowledging that the Greek system
traditionally dominates homecoming activities,
Kowalski said, "We're delighted we could drum up
enough support for a dorm to build a float. Bursley is
really fired up : . . I'm sure it will be one of the best
floats in the parade.
''It's always nice to win the homecoming game,"
Kowalski added. He said that there is no deliberate at-
tempt to schedule easy opponents, such as North-
western, for homecoming Saturdays. The game date is
set four years in advance and is always the last home
game in October, Kowalski said.
Homecoming events scheduled for tomorrow include
the Evans Scholar Car Bash at 3 p.m. on the Diag and a
pizza-eating contest at 5 p.m. at the Count of Antipasto.
On Saturday, the annual Mudbowl kicks off at 10 a.m.
at South University and Washtenaw. The Homecoming
Party, featuring a French Riviera Casino, a German
Octoberfest, game films of last year's Rose Bowl, and
video highlights of the Mudbowl, Parade, and pep rally
begins at 8:30 p.m. at the University Club in the Union.
A group of handicapped students is
seeking funds to establish a $500
scholarship for permanently disabled
University students.
Breakthrough, a student group con-
cerned with the needs of the .han-
dicapped on campus, is attempting to
set up the first scholarship especially
for handicapped students, Project
Coordinator Margie Minor said.
MINOR, A SENIOR in political
science and history, told the Michigan
Student Assembly Tuesday night that
the scholarship would be awarded to
handicapped students demonstrating
financial need and high academic and
extracurricular achievement.
The Smount of money presently
available for handicapped students is
iradequate, Mirnor said, because
federal and state financial aid
programs often don't take into con-
sideration the special financial needs
of handicapped people, such as the
cost of both caring for leader dogs and
hiring readers for the blind.
MSA passed a resolution in support
of Breakthrough's efforts to fund the
MINOR SAID Breakthrough hopes
to persuade University student groups
to raise money for the scholarship.
"There are just not enough of us to
organize funding projects," Minor
James Kubaiko, director of the Of-
fice of Disabled Student Services, said
the office has established an
emergency needs fund with
maximum awards of $100, but added
that no student has applied for the
money this year.
"It really wasn't well-publicized,
and it wasn't that much money,"
Kubaiko said. "This year we are just
beginning to advertise the fact that
it's available again."
There are several outside scholar-
ships and private funding programs
available for blind students, Kubaiko
Kubaikq said that state and federal
funding "has never been what it
should be" for disabled students.
Minor said Breakthrough has lob-
bied the University in the past for
handicapped student transportation
services. Breakthrough is currently
attempting to change rules that
require handicapped students to buy
permits to park in University spaces
designated for the handicapped.
MSA did not allocate any funds to
Breakthrough Tuesday, but promised
to aid the group in its effort to raise
Daily Photo by KIM HILL
When the rain comes
Realizing they're never gonna stop the rain by complaining, these campus
crossers don umbrellas to protect themselves from yesterday's downpour.
Dull driving
ASTRETCH of Kansas highway received an un-
flattering vote in a Detroit contest, sending the
Emporia Gazette on an editorial tirade against
the Michigan city. Neal Shine, managing editor of
the Detroit Free Press, entered the stretch of road between
Emporia and Wichita in a newspaper contest seeking the
.n..nf,".Ile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in mnson hrnrrala ipfmpdttdiv
Despite the brouhaha over Kansas' alleged dullness, the
Flint Hills did not win the Free Press' contest for most
boring roadway. A 36-mile stretch in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan took that honor. Q
Law of the road
A trucker angered by another driver who pulled in front of
his rig apparently decided the man was not fit to drive-so
he stole his license at gunpoint, investigators say. Deputies
charged Michael Michiels, 26, of Alexandria with armed
robbery, sayin he pulled a .38-caliber revolver on Burt
nCI..a 2rof aerk>emil . ana nrdar-a h- im'f ad
that. And it made him mad because the guy Dauzat nearly
caused him to get killed, I guess. But a tongue-lashing
would have been better." El
Splittin' kids
American educators used to have a problem with teen-
agers sneaking off to the bathroom to smoke cigarettes. In
Oklahoma, however, the kids have found a new vice: snuff.
"Oh mercy, it's terrible as far as I'm concerned," said An-
cmi Vng- vie nrincinn nf Norman High School in
swallow." Vernon Belcher, assistant principal of Putnam
City High School, said the Garrison commerical has caused
an upsurge in snuff use among students. "Every football
player wants to use it."
On the inside
Sports covers last night's volleyball match against
Kellogg Community College. . . Arts reviews True Cnn-