OPINION ;Page 4 Twny-ieyer lo Twenty-five years ago this month, the abor- tive Hungarian Revolution shook the world. But instead of being a pretty footnote in history 0ooks, the events in Hungary in October 1956 dontinue to hold significance, especially in light f the recent developments in Poland. At the end of the Second World War, the "Big three," Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, divided up Europe into the American and Soviet spheres of influence. Eastern Europe was awarded to Stalin on the condition that he would hold free elections and allow democratic governments to flourish. IN HUNGARY, the Communist Party lost the lections; but the Soviet Armies and the collaborating natives eventually eradicated the opposition and puppet regimes were set up. These regimes were supported by the Kremlin and kept in power by brutal repression.. Between 1948 and 1956, sheer terror reigned in Hungary. Deportations, executions, beatings, torture, and mysterious "disap- pearances" were carried out by the secret police, the feared and hated AVO. In the autumn of 1956, workers rioted in Poland. Khrushchev's denunciation speech on Stalin had spread by word of mouth into Hungary. In Budapest on October 23, 1956, mass deminstrations broke out in support of the Poles, and greater liberties for Hungary. The demonstrators peacefully sang long- Wednesday, October 21, 1981 The Michigan Daily ok at Hungary 25 years later forbidden patriotic songs, recited poems, and cut out the red star from the center of the Hungarian flag. The flag-waving, singing masses converged on the radio building in downtown Budapest, demanding access to the airwaves. Here, from the rooftops, the AVO opened fire on the un- threatening and unarmed crowd. THAT WAS THE spark that exploded the people's hate of the AVO. Weapons were ob-' tained, and fire was returned by the crowd. The entire nation revolted. The army supported the workers and the students. Fierce fighting erup- ted when the besieged government called in Soviet troops. The demands of the freedom fighters were simple, yet echoed a universal tone. They were, briefly: independence and neutrality for Hungary, a free press, free elections, a multi- party system, free speech, the removal of all foreign troops from the nation, and the release of political prisoners. The Hungarians stared with disbelief as the Soviets withdrew from Budapest, some units even leaving the country. The nation enjoyed a brief burst of freedom. Scores of newspapers and political parties were founded. Negotiations for the final withdrawal of Soviet troops began. General Maleter, who turned his troops against the Soviets, headed the negotiations. During a bargaining session, the By Charles Jokay negotiators were abducted by the KGB and later tortured and killed. ON NOVEMBER 4, 6000 Soviet tanks reen- tered the country. They were accompanied by 15 divisions of the Red Army. The rag-tag, ill- armed students and workers, many of them in their teens, elected to fight until the last bullet and last drop of blood was expended. They hoped the United States would help them. The free radio stations broadcast continuous pleas for Western assistance in four languages, but Eisenhower's promises of "rolling back the Iron Curtain" went unfulfilled. When it was all over, 20,000 Hungarians had died in the fighting, while 200,000 fled to the West. Most of them ended up in the United States and Canada. Also on that fateful day the United Nations Security Council was to meet, but the Soviets naturally vetoed it. Thus the General Assembly passes a resolution calling for free elections and immediate Soviet withdrawal under UN supervision. (The same thing happened con- cerning the Afghanistan invasion.) Nothing ever came of the resolution. TODAY, HUNGARY is the best' off economically and politically among the eastern European satellites of the Soviet Union. Twenty percent of its gross national product is from trade with the West. The government uses a mix of c'apitalism and socialism to encourage peasants and craf- tsmen to produce more goods, if they can keep the profit. With this "New Economic Mechanism," Hungary's standard of living rivals East Germany's. . There are no shortages of food in Hungary, in fact, Hungary exports food to all of eastern Europe. Because of this some have suggested that Hungary lost the battle of 1956 but won the revolution. But the picture is not rosy. Walking in today's Budapest, one sees many bullet-riddled buildings, physical evidence of 1956. Speaking about what happened is taboo. All of the demands of the 1956 revolution are unmet. The Soviets still occupy the country; no civil liber- ties exist. HUNGARY IS afflicted with high alcoholism and suicide rates. The population is not growing. The nation lost its national pride and love of its history. Just last summer a new crackdown on dissidents began. In addition, the Hungarian government has totally neglected the 3 million to 4 million ethnic Hungarians living in the countries around Hungary. These people were separated. from their compatriots after World War I, and are subject to ongoing cultural genocide. Since the events of 1956 in Hungary were par- tially Polish inspired, the events of-1980 and 1981 deserve to be mentioned. Poland may be able to avoid Hungary's fate in 1956, if "Solidarity" and the reformers don't go as far as demanding secession from the Warsaw pact, or a multi-party democratic system. They cannot demand the fundamental rights of self-determination and national independence. HUNGARY SET the example of how valuable liberty and freedom is to those who don't have it. Hungary serves as a reminder of what the USSR. will do to nations wanting freedom. Poland and its Solidarity union are a perfect slap in the face of Soviet imperialism and the economic system it represents. The workers themselves refute the system that is supposed to "unite the workers of the world." Poland certainly is treading on hot coals, sin- ce the past and the present behavior of the Soviet Union has proven that they will stop at nothing to preserve and expand their empire. Hungary, Czechoslovadia, and Afghanistan have proven that point with their own blood. How many more times will this be allowed to happen? 0 Jokay, an LSA freshman, Hungarian descent. is of .r Sr41igan iai Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. XCII No. 36 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Toward a better fiscal plan U.S. slowly replaces warheads' that might explode accidentally T JUST COULD be that some Republicans in both the House and Senate are finally recognizing a few of the problems in President Reagan's fiscal program. Yesterday, GOP Representatives and Senators met with Vice President George Bush and Budget Director David Stockman to attempt to work out some alternatives to the newest budget reductions President Reagan has requested. - The new GOP Congressional plans would actually reduce the amount by which some federal programs are to be -cut and would increase taxes. The action by Republicans in :Congress may prove to be significant since it marks the first real opposition the president has received from his :own party to his severe cuts in federal spending. : The basis of the opposition is par- ticularly significant: Members of Congress seem to be becoming more sensitive to the plight of the needy who will suffer if the President's newest round of budget cuts are approved. It still seems rather likely that both Senate and House Republicans, nearly all of whom went along with Reagan's original reductions in federal spen- ding, will be willing to make additional damaging cuts in the federal budget. The Senate program, for example, would still cut more than $25 billion over three years from benefit programs such as food stamps. Nevertheless, the point remains. The president is finally encountering significant opposition to his ill-advised cuts in domestic programs. Republican members of both the Senate and the House may be finally realizing something of the true danger which inheres in the Reagan program. They may be seeing that lower tax rates do not necessarily increase tax revenues, and that gutting welfare programs does not necessarily put food into the mouths of the poor. By Norman Solomon Seven years ago, government scientists working on the U.S. nuclear weapons program discovered the disconcerting fact that an explosive substance used in warhead construction was so. unstable that it exploded half the times it was dropped from a height of less than 1 foot. Three years after that discovery three workers at the Pantex nuclear weapons plant. near Amarillo, Texas, were killed when a worker accidentally detonated the substance during normal machining procedures. After the accident, which caused $2.5 million damage and hurled debris more than 320 feet, use of the plastic-bonded explosive was halted. However, the substance, known as LX-09, remains in hundreds of nuclear warheads today, posing what some experts believe con- stitutes a very serious threat of accidental detonation and possible contamination of port cities in the United States and Europe. Maj. Gen. William Hoover, the Department of Energy's director of military application, confir- med that "several hundred" nuclear warheads presently deployed on Poseidon' sub- marines contain the volatile ex- plosive. Hoover said that the gover- nment has no safety concerns about the LX-09 warheads. He said it was only "a coincidence" that a special program was un- dertaken about one year after the fatal accident to gradually ' replacd the Poseidon- warheads with ones which do not contain LX-09. Removal of the warheads is scheduled to take about six years. Hoover said some warheads con- taining LX-09 will remain in development for another "three to five years." He added that the phase-out of the LX-09 warheads is due to a "deterioration problem" with the explosive's bonding material, and not because of safety concer- ns. He stressed that reliability of the LX-09 warheads as nuclear weapons will not be impaired during the remaining years of deployment. However, an investigation sup-v ported by the Center for In- vestigative Reporting revealed that concerns over accidental detonation of the explosive have been expressed by scientists at AP Photo A U.S. nuclear missile at its underground launch pad in Kansas. radiation effects. Cancer of lungs and bone marrow could be among the long-term health effects; he said. In addition, an accidental detonation inside a warhead could be of immediate danger to the 140 crew members aboard Poseidon submarines. If a detonation occurred while a submarine was in port, plutonium contamination of residents in the vicinity could be severe. Perhaps the most outspoken critic of the continued deployment of the LX-09 warheads is Melvin Morgan, a Dallas physician and attorney for relatives of the three men killed at the Pantex plant in 1977. (On October 1 a U.S. District Court in Amarillo dismissed the suit by the dead workers' relatives on technical legal grounds.) Morgan, who has discovered much of the evidence about LX- 09, said he was "personally horrified" to learn details of LX- 09's role in weapons production. His long involvement in the legal proceedings on the fatal LX-09 blast has convinced him that the government "covered up" a potential "major disaster." ". Everything I have seen leads me to believe that LX-09 is not safe to have in a warhead," he said. Alex DeVolpi, an author and physicist at the Argonne National Laboratory, said he could "see why people would be very ner- vous about LX-09" after he reviewed the test results on the substance at the request of Pacific News Service. "The public has a legitimate concern about the safety of nuclear weapons," he adde4, "par- ticularly because of the potential hazard associated with possible accidental detonation. Without giving away technical details that could be improperly applied, the general information should be made available in order to satisfy this typeof inquiry." Solomon is the author of a forthcoming book on the U.S. nuclear arsenal. He wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. 1TIE NOWT EL 'NIC Z- C0MMISSORER FOR buildup to violent reaction. Any accidental mechanical ignition has a large probability of building to a violent deflagration or detonation." In the aftermath of the 1977 Pantex accident, Livermore Laboratory deputy director Duane Sewall conceded in a "priority" memo to high-ranking nuclear weapons program of- ficials that the test which found the "very undesirable proper- ties" in LX-09 was "closely related to weapons operational safety." Sewell went on to become DOE assistant secretary for defense programs. If there were indeed a serious safety problem raised by the laboratory tests, andconfirmed by the Pantax accident, the Pen- tagon faced a stark choice: Either "recall" the LX-09 warheads for immediate replacement, or play down the significance of the problem and replace them over a gradual period. The first option would have meant a potential disruption to the deployment of some or all of the 19 Poseidon submarines which represent most of the present U.S. sea-based nuclear weapons capability. "If it were true, you'd have to tate the solution-gradual replacement. The Poseidon submarine have routinely docked in Charleston, S.C.; New London, Conn.; Nor- folk, Va.; and Holy Loch, Scotland. They also dock oc- casionally at San Diego; Pearl Harbor; and Bangor, Wash., ac- cording to a Navy spokesman. Some informed sources also believe that LX-09 warheads may have been deployed on other missile systems, including the ground-based Lance and the short-range attack missiles aboard B-52s and FB-ills. The Pentagon denies this. The safety concerns raised about accidental detonation of LX-09 do not extend to possible detonation of the nuclear material in the warhead itself. Rather, a detonation of the ex- plosive could result in widespread dispersal of plutonium, which "could be a quite serious problem from a public health standpoint," said Dr. Edward Radfors, chairman of the National Academy of Science's latest committee on k/ r .: :., r...;... . . . ..a.." .->.;a,.;".ty. _.. lb YZW m [Am WA ; I ill jw. AW 121,11, 1