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October 17, 1981 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-17

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday,_October 17, 1981-Page 5
New rift opensA$j50 WED. SAT.
in Arab ran ks til 600PM

STUDENTS BEN HELMS (left) and Andy Crawford (right), and cashier Tobin Nellhaus complete a transaction it the
University Cellar in the.Michigan Union.
UCellr to stay in Union




(Continued from Page 1)
said a tentative agreement had been
reached in which the Cellar and the
UUmon would split the costs of the first
two but the Cellar would still be respon-
sible for installation of the sprinkler
'All that is open to further
clirification," Cianciola said.
,,.The issues of Cianciola's control of
tlie Cellar's line of merchandise is still
begin negotiated, Caballero said.
"WE WANT 'TO make sure all the
operations downstairs work together
and compliment each other," Cianciola
__said. "We are not trying to be a mini-

mall. We need to maintain a proper
balance" between retail operations in
the the Union.
The Cellar is looking at several op-
tions to absorb the rent increase, in-
cluding renting storage space off-
campus, expanding and diversifying
merchandise lines, renting a smaller
space in the Union and raising prices.
"The people in the store are going to
have to work awful hard to try to keep
costs down and get merchandise with
higher margins," Caballero said.
"We're optimistic and we're going to
work together."

During negotiations, the Cellar had
been requesting a deferment of the
higher rent rate until they moved into
their new site; they said the higher rate
on top of a renovation bill of some
$250,000 would be financially
"Deferment was not discussed,
period," Caballero said of yesterday af-
ternoon's negotiations. She said ar-
chitects working on the renovation
project would do what they could to
keep costs within specification

BEIRUT, lebanon (UPI) - A new rift
opened in ASrab ranks yesterday when
Syrian and radical Palestinian officials
rejected a Saudi Arabian peace plan for
the Middle East praised by PLO leader
Yasser Arafat.
In remarks published by the leftist
Beirut newspaper As Safir, Syria and
Palestinians groups rejected the plan
as being against Arab aspirations, and
an unacceptable approach to a set-
tlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The plan, unveiled by Saudi Crown
Prince Fahd in August, calls for the
establishment of an independent
Palestinian state, withdrawal of Israeli
forces from occupied Arab territory,
and the right of all states in the region
to live in peace.
THE LATTER point appeared to be
the key to the plan. because it implied
acceptance of Israel's right to exist.
Just as significantly, Arafat praised
the plan during a visit to Japan earlier
in the week, calling the Saudi proposals
a "constructive step" toward peace in
the Middle East.
But interviewed by As Safir, a
ranking member of the Syria's ruling
Baath Party said the Saudi approach
was wrong and unacceptable.
MOHAMMED Haidar, a former
Syrian deputy Prime Minister, said the
Baath' Party had discussed the Saudi
plan and found it "in conflict with out
He said Syria rejected the plan,
because "it was a mistake from the
Dayan dies
after years
of service
to Israel
(Continued from Page 1)
celerated withdrawal of Israeli forces
from the Sinai, seized by his soldiers,
from Egypt in the 1967 war, and the
peace talks surged forward.
His stepdaughter, Nurit Hermon,
said Dayan died at 8:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.
EDT shortly after Israelis began ob-
serving the Jewish sabbath, and the
streets were virtually deserted. Israel
television interruped its regular
program to announce the death, but
there were no public displays of mour-
ning because most Jews were
celebrating the sabbath in temples or
their homes.
The television broadcast gave the
time of death as 8:15 p.m. It said
Dayan's condition deteriorated sharply
in the afternoon when his blood
pressureddropped and breathing dif-
ficulties developed.
THE HOSPITAL'S heart unit "im-
proved his condition but it remained
unstable," according to a medical
bulletin read overetelevision.a"In the
early hours of the evening a further
deterioration occurred in his general
condition. Various treatments were of
no avail and Knesset Parliament mem-
ber Moshe Dayan died this evening at
Proud and straight-talking, Dayan
was born a native Palestinian in May
1915 - the first child at Kibbutz Degania,
first of the communal farms that
pioneered modern Jewish settlement in
what was then part of the Ottoman
Turkish Empire.
DAYAN'S FIRST ministerial posts
were in the former Labor Party gover-
nment, but he was foreign minister in
Begin's conservative Cabinet from 1977
to 1979 when he resigned and became an

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beginning to present such a plan.
"The timing was wrong and its
unilateral presentation by Saudi Arabia
was also wrong," Haidar said.
THE SYRIAN official said he was
specifically opposed to the section gran-
ting "recognition of the right of all states
in the region to live in peace."
Ehile Haidar avoided naming
Palestine Liberation Organization chief
Arafat, at least one hardline guerrilla
official was more explicit.
Ahmed al Yamani, a leader of the.
Marxist Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, said the Saudi
plan "ultimately constitutes an exit for
the Camp David process to get out of its
"It, is therefore an American
initiative with a Saudi Arabian cover,"
al Yamani said.


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calls for
laws on

WASHINGTON (AP) - Asserting that
citizens are inadequately protected from
rising police brutality, the Civil Rights
Commission called yesterday . for
tougher federal penalties and said
President Reagan's proposed budget
cuts would hamper enforcement of
existing laws against police miscon-
After a three-year study, the bipar
tisan federal fact-finding agency also
called for stronger internal in-
vestigative units in local police depar-
tments and proposed that they be sub-
ject to some review by outsiders.
THE COMMISSION said more per-
sonnel are needed in the Justice Depar-
tment's Civil Rights Divison, its Com-

munity Relations Service and in U.S. At-
torney's offices to handle the more than
10,000 police brutality complaints
received each year.
Reagan has proposed a 6 percent
budget cut in 1982 for the Civil Rights
Division and U.S. Attorneys and a 12
percent cut for the Community
Relations Service.
"I'm not going to tailor my recom-
mendations to the climate existing at a
particular time," Commission Chair-
man Arthur Flemming told a news con-
ference. "Even a period of economic
difficulty does not constitute a reason
for moving backward in civil rights."
He estimated the cost of additional
federal enforcement at $300 million to
$500 million.

Official doubts surgeon training


Fri. & Sat. H FAT

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - About 2,000
U.S. surgeons, or nearly two in seven,
are insufficiently trained and would not
meet current competency standards,
the president of the American College
of Surgeons says.
'Consequently, surgery is performed
in many approved hospitals by un-
trained and unqualified individuals,"
Dr. Thomas Shires said in his address
'Ihursday to the 67th Annual Clinical
Congress meeting of the Joint Com-
mission on the Accreditation of
THE INCOMING president of the
43,000 member college criticized JOAH

for failing to develop a means of
assessing professional standards for
hospital surgery.
"In the United States we have no
regulatory mechanism for requiring a
given degree of training for a given
level of performance," Shires said.
When asked to estimate how many
surgeons are inadequately trained,
Shires said two in seven surgeons
would not meet competency standards
set by American College of Surgeons
and by boards that certify doctors in
their specialties.
"THERE ARE about 90,000 people in
the United States who consider them-

selves surgeons," he said. "Of that
group, yu subtract the number who are
in training, you come down to about
"Out of that 70,000 about 20,000 are
untrained...or have had variable
amounts of training.
"There is no secret...that number is
not declining significantly," said
Shires, chief of surgery at the Cornell
University Medical College in New
York. There are still people entering
the field and doing surgery, even in
modern times in this decade, that have
had little or no training.

George Segal
Jack Warden
Susan St. James

Fri. & Sat.


_ _",


"ost my jobVILLAGE 4
my house, my Rolls Royce, 375 N. MAPLE
my family left me... 769-1300
what else can "HiDad!"
possibly go wrong?"

U - ~ I

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