Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom
14I i1Q
Mostly cloudy today with a
high in the mid 508.
Vol. XCI. No. 33
Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 17, 1981
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
'U' budget cut
will stay
The University Cellar will remain in the basement of the
Michigan Union, U-Cellar officials promised Union Director
Frank Cianicola yesterday.
Negotiations between U-Cellar and Union officials will con-
tinue in an attempt to iron out differences over a proposed
new contract with the University, but U-Cellar officials,
squeaking in just after the deadline set by Cianciola, gave an
official promise that they will not move from the Union
because of the disagreements.
CIANCIOLA HAD earlier declared some points in the con-
tract dispute "not negotiable," and had given U-Cellar of-
icials an Oct. 15 deadline to notify him if they intended to
remain in the Union. U-Cellar representatives have been up-
set over a number of points in the proposed contract, in-
cluding a sizable jump in the rental rate the bookstore pays
for its space in the Union.
But, representatives from the student-run bookstore
agreed yesterday to the 65 percent rental rate hike and will
start paying $9.07 per square foot of store space. But Cian-
ciola in turn agreed to charge the store only half that rate for
each square foot of the storage space U-Cellar rents from the
*Union. The store will resume paying the full rental rate for
storage, however, after it moves to a new location in the
Union following extensive renovations.
The cost of the planned renovations are another major
stumbling block to an agreeable contract. Cianciola wants U-
Cellar to pick up the tab for the massive renovations involved
in U-Cellar's move to a larger location in the Union, a cost
estimated between $250,000 and $350,000. But U-Cellar of-
ficials have balked at the $350,000 figure. Officials reported
that U-Cellar will pay the renovation costs, however.
IN ADDITION, construction of a fire wall and ventilation
system, and installation of a sprinkler system were part of
the disagreements concerning renovation costs. Caballero
See U-CELLAR, Page 5
_ _
Gov. Milliken
trims state aid
An expected executive order from the
governor, reducing the state's ap-
propriation to the University by more
than $4.5 million, will cause another
round of budget and program cuts at
the University, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye said
The executive order, which Gov.
William Milliken is expected to present
to the legislature Thursday, comes on
the heels of an earlier $6.1 million cut
last month in the University's funds
from the state.
FRYE SAID THE new cutback is
smaller than administrators expected,
but that it would nonetheless require
more program cutbacks at the Univer-
sity. He said he has "notions in my
mind" about what departments or
programs may now face discontinuan-
ce reviews as a result of the new state
Frye said he expects the University
will now have to embark on a new round
of cutbacks, making either across-the-
board budget cuts or, selective
elimination or cutbacks in some
programs. Frye said he favors a
program of selective discontinuance of
HE EXPLAINED that the University
will try to "weave" this latest state.
budget reduction into the University's
long range "smaller but better" plan of
University programs that are of "low
priority, low quality, and not central"
to the University's goals, will be the
hardest hit by the new retrenchment,
Frye said, echoing the criteria by which
the University's geography department
and physical therapy program were
targeted for elimination.
The governor's recommended
.. . warns of more program cuts
executive order budget reduction will
cut $20 million from Michigan's higher
education system and $270 million from
overall state spending.-
THE EXECUTIVE order recom-
mended that 3 percent of the $670
million given by the state to higher
education institutions be cut, said Doug
Roberts, assistant to the State Depar-
tment of Budget and Management.
The decision to cut only $20 million
from the state's higher education aid
was not based on any preconceived
formula; but was completely based on
Gov. Milliken's personal judgement,
Roberts said.
Roberts claimed that the governor is
concerned with the permanent harm
See MILLIKEN, Page 2
Bouncing for beats
Mark Nudelman and Alan Goldstein of Sigma Alpha Mu, bounce basketballs with their frater-
nity brothers to raise funds for the American Heart Association.
The University has begun its push to
make Ann Arbor and the University of
*kichigan the world center of excellence
in both robotics and molecular biology
Within the University's College of
Engineering, Dean James Duderstadt
has established the Center for Robotics
and Integrated Manufacturing, which
is expected to play an important role in
the proposed $200 million robotics in-
stitute and industrial park.
IT IS HOPED by many University
administrators that a robotics center
will be established in Ann Arbor during
the next 10 years.
0 General Motors, the Army Research
Office, and the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research have already ex-
pressed interest in the CRIM project,
officials said.
ea chin
There have been proposals in the
vicinity of $1.5 million a year in basic
research already drawn up by these
companies for the CRIM project,
Duderstadt said.
"Quiet negotiations" are being made
to bring more robotics experts to the
f University by the fall of 1982, Duder-
stadt said.
DUDERSTADT added that they are
recruitig scholars from Europe and
Japan as well as the United States to in-
crease the staff of 30 faculty members
which currently makes up the CRIM
The molecular genetics research
within the University already involves
more than 35 faculty members and en-
compasses six different departments
within the Medical School and LSA. It
would be impossible to consolidate the
molecular genetics research at the
for robotics
University within a single department
or program such as CRIM, Dale Oxen-
der, professor of biological chemistry,
However, the recently formed
molecular genetics steering commit-
tee, of which Oxender is chairman, is
attempting to establish a genetic
engineering institute connected with
the University. Oxender is working
closely with leaders of Bendix, Dow
Chemical, and Upjohn corporations,
and has recently been approached by
several Ann Arbor firms for possible
joint ventures with the University.
THE UNIVERSITY is also looking
for eight or ten senior faculty mnembers
in molecular genetics, Oxender said.
At the University the CRIM project
already has an initial funding of $2
million over two years which is the
same level the Carnegie-Mellon
robotics center started at. According to
Bartell, the CMU center now has an
operating budget of $3.5 million and
several more grants of more than $1
milliongre possibly forthcoming.
THE CMU CENTER, receives most
of its funding from the Westinghouse
Corporation and the Office of Naval
Reasearch, both of which maintain
several representatives working in
robotics research.
Like Stanford and MIT, Carnegie-
Mellon has a pod of industrial affiliates
which contribute $10,000 to $50,000 to
maintain closer ties with universities
A similar arrangement is being set up
at this university, Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering Chariman George
Haddad said.
Moshe Dayan di ,es
of heart attack at. 66
Regents approve robotics funding
The University Regents yesterday
gave the go-ahead for the establish-
ment of a new engineering school
research program in robotics that could
seve as a base for the creation of a
massive $200 million "world class"
robotics center.
The Regents approved the allocation
of an initial $1 million over the next two
years, to start the new Center for
R obotics and Integrated Manufac-
Most of the money for the project will
be provided by the state.
ENGINEERING College Dean James
Duderstadt said his office has already
initiated a world-wide search to find
eight top-quality scholars to staff the
The new center could be the seed for a
huge robotics research park that an
aide to Gov. William Milliken said
would be funded by a $25 million grant
from the state and an additional $200
million in private investments. The
aide, Robert Law, said Ann Arbor is the
leading condidate as a site for the
research center.
Speaking before the Regents 'at their
regular monthly meeting yesterday,
Duderstadt said the center will work
closely with other departments in the
University to study the economic,
social, and political ramifications of in-
dustry's conversion to robotics, as well
as the technological and scientific
DUDERSTADT also told the Regents
that Associate Engineering Dean Dan
Atkins, who was appointed Thursday by
the Regents, will serve as acting direc-
tor of the center.
In other business, University Viced
President for Academic Affairs Billy
Frye, updating- the Regents on the
progress of the review of the Univer-
sity's physical therapy program, said
he expected to present his recommen-
dation on the program's proposed
elimination by the Regents' meeting
next month.
The Regents also approved salary
hikes for the University's top ad-
ministrators. The raises, which are
comparable to the 5.5 percent pay raise
faculty members received earlier this
fall, are as follows:
President Harold Shapiro, $84,447 up
from $79,950 last year; ,Chief Financial
Officer James Brinkerhoff, $78,400, up
from $74,666; Vice President for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye, $76,300 as
compared to $72,000 last year; Vice
President for Student Services, Henry
Johnson, $54,330 up from $51,7421/2 Vice
President for Research, Charles Over-
berger, now receives $71,500, up from
$67,748; and Vice President for State
Relations .Richard Kennedy's salary
climbed from $53,498 to $57,175. Only
Harvey Jacobsen, who was appointed
acting vice president for university
relations last summer, did not receive a
pay raise. His salary remains $50,000
I From AP and UPI
Moshe Dayan, soldier-statesman of
Israel, died of a heart attack yesterday
in a suburban Tel Aviv hospital. He
was 66.
Dayan as foreign minister was a key
figure in molding the historic Egyptian-
Israeli peace accords with Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat, and died 10
days after Sadat was assassinated by
Moslem extremists while watching a
military paradein Cairo.
DAYAN, WHO was treated for cancer
two years ago, was admitted to Tel
HashomersHospital Thursday suffering
chest pains.
Egypt's minister of state for foreign
affairs, Butros Ghali, said in Cairo that
Dayan "played a main role" in the
peace negotiations. He added, "He was
among the Israeli politicians who
believed in the possibility of achieving a
peaceful coexistence and peace bet-
ween the Palestinians and Israel."
At home, Dayan was a hero in war
and a statesman in peace, serving first
as defense and then foreign minister.
BUT TO THE world, Moshe Dayan,
with his famous black eyepatch, was a
symbol of the Jewish state and its
struggle to exist in a hostile Arab world.
Dayan's wife Rachel said he had not
felt well after dinner Thursday and was
taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
Before becoming a peacemaker,
Dayan was a soldier - a bold batallion
commander in the 1948 war for in-
dependence, chief of staff in the 1956
... former Israeli Defense Minister
Sinai campaign and defense minister in
the 1967 and 1973 Arab Israeli wars.
HE ONCE described himself as a
man who reacted to changes' and
sometimes helped "create them." That
occurred in 1979 when then President
Jimmy Carter flew to Israel in a last-
ditch attempt to win the Egyptian-
Israeli agreement. Dayan suggested
concessions that included an ac-
See DAYAN, Page 5
Smashing solution
WO BROTHERS from Menlo Park are market-
ing a way to break the mind-boggling Rubik's
Cube puzzle in record time. The answer, they say,
is to take their small, mallet like club and smash
the multi-colored cube to smitherines. The Cube Smasher,
"r .. ^Y- - si-sa hacihtctacof tha rhPbutit s ins ef-
like to sneak up on it when it's not looking and smash it,"
Hill said. The Hills say they have orders for 25,000 smashers
and hope to sell a million, at $4 each, by Christmas. D
Their right to go
"You can't tell us where to go," is the latest slogan of
about 800 students at the University of Massachusetts.
Scantily clad in bathrobes and towels, the crowd gathered
outside a faculty meeting to protest the recent elimination
of nnal hathrnnms from the oamnus nrms "Coed . ned.
noon Monday to meet their demands. They threatened to
take over the administrationbuilding if the ban on coed
bathrooms was not lifted by then. D E
What a way to go
James Johnson, 26, says Illinois' reports of his death are
greatly exaggerated. Johnson and passenger Janice Rich,.
24, were injured when their car went out of control and tur-
ned over Sept. 26. They were both treated for cuts and
bruises at a hospital and released. The original copy of the
It's tough to uphold
West Virginia University student Andrew Mergler has
been dismissed as the school's official mascot-the "Moun-
taineer." The action stems from Mergler's arrest for public
intoxication last week. "I'm sorry.I wish I could have lived
up to the legend of the Mountaineer," Mergler was quoted
in the campus newspaper. "I thought I had, but I guess I
didn't. I guess this is my punishment. I regret what I did."