Now% A terrifying look into the Beast months in the early '60s, and you have the sum of Jack Henry Abbott's life out of prison since his childhood. Last year, while serving a term for the 1965 murder of a fellow inmate, Abbott wrote a series of letters to author Nor- man Mailer detailing the unseen violence and injustice of American prisons. At the time, Mailer was working on The Executioner's Song, a description of the life of convicted mur- In the Belly of the Beast By Jack Henry Abbott Random House; 166 pages; $11.95 derer Gary Gilmore, who was executed at his own request. In the Belly of the Beast, the edited compilation of these personal accounts (with the introduction by Mailer), brings before the public dark and im- passioned testimony on a controversial and uncomfortable subject. The book consists of a series of letter excerpts, arranged according to selec- ted topics. The first six chapters deal primarily with Abbott's actual prison experiences, while the last six concen- trate on his political convictions. It is his vivid and penetrating descriptions-of the barbarity of prison punishment or the tense convict-guard "non-relations" that Abbott excels. His ability to shock and reveal instinctive truisms carries the reader into strange, unknown places. We see the nightmare world of the "blackout cell," a room of absolute darkness where the prisoner is brought and put on a diet of a bowl of broth and a hard biscuit a day. Without revealing specifics-names, places, dates-Ab- bott recreates in his prose an utterly real environment of terror, pain, and torture. The novelty of Abbott's perspectve makes his words live. Here is a man who spent fourteen of his prison years in solitary confinement because he refused to conform, to sublimate his personal will to the forces which op- pressed him. The "hole," as Abbott calls it, brings self-discipline to a crucial test. Some-the strong-resist and rebel, even to the point of refusing the meager food offered them, preferring to eat cockroaches picked off the stone floor. Any act of defiance, even a certain "look" or way of walking, brings the convict this sentence: an almost in- finite time alone, spent dwelling not on his transgressions, but on his basic, all- consuming hatred of his jailers, the "pigs.", Abbott's instinctive reactions against the prison system prove an important base for the ideological preferences he details in the book's later chapters. Seeing and feeling the constant op- pression around him fired his belief in the value and necessity of Marxism. And without his Marxist tendencies, Abbott's powerful descriptions of prison brutality and suffering would become merely an adventure story, a lone man's heroic perseverance through peril, with no logical progression or goal. It is in the political discussioris however, that In the Belly of the Beast' becomes hard to swallow. In leapiig from a convict's objections about con- ditions to blanket denunciations against democracy in favor of communism, Abbott often oversteps his reade''s credulity. It is one thing to say, "This is how things are in prison." It is another to claim, "This is how things should lie in society." We trust Abbott's account of convict life partly because we have few other examples of writing from his perspective. But his opinions on the "free" world, formed on the basis of ex- tensive reading as well as prison ex- perience, prove easily disputable. Nevertheless, Abbott's observations are at all times thought-provoking. Even through the limitations imposed by using excerpts of his letters, Abbott maintains a high level of tension, clarity, and brutal honesty. The stub- born persistence which carried him. thorugh acts of violence (his own and those of others) and imposed starvation and solitude pervades all of In tlhe Belly. The determination to preserve dignity and exert will accompanied Jack Abbott into freedom. The quarrel which ended in Richard Adan's death allegedly began with Adan's refusal to let Abbott use the employee's bathroom in the restaurant where Adan worked. At the time of his arrest for Adan's stabbing, Abbott was working ona new novel about a convict's return to society. 'Vaults of Memory (Continued from Page 5)- The problem with the photography is that it isolates the images too much. One photograph (No. 17) shows the ragged walls incised by gaping tombs and black shadows. This is a thought- provoking image; there should be more architectural photographs such as this, capturing the spirit of the chambers. Instead, there are many stills of single images from the walls. And while these wallpaintings are very in- teresting in context, when taken out of their surroundings, too much of their primitiveness comes out and they lack vitality. Thus aesthetically the exhibit can be uninteresting, suffering from comparison with the genuine artifacts displayed at the Kelsey Museum. It is true that Bret- tman created the exhibit to tell the viewer something about the history and the problems of the catacombs, not to replace the real thing. Yet perhaps she would have been more successful if the photographs were better represen- tations of the catacombs themselves. The Kelsey Musum of Archeology received this exhibit intact, but curators there chose not to set up the exhibit in a room by itself. Instead, they intermingled many artifacts from the museum's collection that are unconnec- ted with the exhibit's theme. And since the exhibit is entirely photographic, the Kelsey's fragments, from real tombs and like objects, are a positive reinfor- cement. This arrangement of some of the museum's collection with the exhibit was done by Prof. Elaine Gaz- da. One photograph dating from about 1866 is an especially good addition to the exhibit. Entitled "Man Contemplating a Skull From the Catacombs of Oomatilla," it shows a man seated enticing alone in a chamber of the catacombs, holding a single human skull in his han- ds. The wonderfully Hamlet-like image helps to supply some of the personal. drama that the other photographs lack Due to the rather dispassionate: nature of the photography, "Vaults of Memory" does not immerse the viewer' in the mystery of the Italian Catacom- bs. But it does whet the appetite for more. The exhibit continues at the Kelsey Museum until December 15. 'Prince boring (Continued from Page 5) the hype the film has received. It had the potential to take the corruption story we've heard before and go a step further with it. Lumet seems to have tried to do that, tried to emphasize the theme of guilt, but the attempts flounder in scenes that are too long and, in many cases, far more boring than they ought to be. - t h. village Apothecary i ndays and holidaysr 1112 South University 663-55.33 "A gorgeous filmof glowing "Absorbing, moving, deeply felt. scenes. Transcends the ordinary." Brilliantly photographed. The -Gene Shalit, NBC-TV "Today Show" battle sequences' rank with "Could well be the movie of the those in Kubrick's 'Paths of year. As colorful as 'Raiders of Glory'." -Jack Kroll, Newswee k the LostArk;Exciting, involving and splendidly acted" -Dave Sterritt, Christian Science Monitor "It is beautifully made and should be waltzing with Oscar next spring! -Liz Smith, Syndicated Columnist "Sweeping. Uncommon beauty, warmth and emotional power." -Janet Maslin, New York Times "The best picture of the year. A must see. -Marilyn Beck, Syndicated Columnist "Ambitious. Sweeping. A singu- larly intelligent entertainment. "Can take its place with pride A milestone in the career of the next to another World War I talented Peter Weir." classic, 'All Quiet On The West- -Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times ern Front'. Poignant, vividly told' -Edwin Miller, Seventeen RO8ERSII6OOD-UPERMUR0 OOChASSOCIAIE" FlAl PI plj" EL G aIBSN e FPRI2 f l 'RPIN SC flAVff WAII I IAMfM i