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*exams delay
Leo Kelly, defendant in the Bursley Hall mur-
ders case, has been ordered to undergo a series of
forensic examinations before his trial begins. The
examinations, ordered by Circuit Court Judge
Ross Campbell, are necessary in a defense of not
guilty by reason of insanity. .
Kelly, a former University student, is on trial
for the shooting deaths of students Douglas
McGreaham, 21, and Edward Siwik, 19, which oc-
cured on the morning of April 17 in a hallway at
Bursley dormitory.
THE INSANITY defense requires the forensic
examinations, which need 30 days to be com-
pleted. The trial has been indefinitely adjourned
pending the outcome of tlhe examinations.
"Forensic examination" is the generic term
used by law enforcement officials. It refers to an
exam that attempts to determine the mental state
of the patient at the time the individual allegedly
committed the crime. It is a mental status exam
and focuses on a specific legal issue, such as
criminal responsibility.
USING INSANITY as a defense, Waterman will
have to prove that his client was not responsible
for any action he committed at the time of the
crime. He will try to. convince the jury that Kelly
did not know the difference between right and
wrong due to mental impairment and disease, he
Waterman said he is using this defense because
he believes Kelly was "incapable of making a
decision" about his actions the night of the mur-
The Michigin P ly-Friday, October 16, 1981-Page 3
Kelly will be given a formal mental statusABO
examination, said William Meyers, director of the INDIVIDUAL THEATRES
Center for Forensic Psychiatry, where the tests A ve, f i eryro7
will be given. $150
HIS EXAMINERS will attempt to reconstruct WED. SAT.
his mental state at the time of the slayings so that SUN.
they may form an opinion about his criminal6 P
responsibility at the time. The current mental
status of the patient is irrelevant, he added.
The examiners probably will be asked to testifyMeseJ
in court on the results of their tests.
The majority of the 30 days allowed for the exam fpc tn s h h a t
is spent conducting research on the patient,
scheduling an examiner and scoring the exam and
evaluating the results, Meyers said. (R)
murder trial
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Carillonneur revives 'U' bells
Subscribe to
:After a change of carillonneurs, Bur-
ton Tower is back in business.
The University dismissed Burton
Tpwer's chief carillonneur, the person
in charge of ringing the bells, last year
after the School of Music decided it
could no longer afford to pay his salary.
Bt the bell tower has a new part-time
person upstairs who is back to ringing
tole bells and who has high hopes for
making Burton Tower once again a cen-"
ter of campus attention.
THE NEW carillonneur, William De
Turk, said he wants to regenerate cam-
pus interest in the carillon by playing
the bells more often and encouraging
more music students to learn to play
the instrument.
"Due to all the bad publicity (about
former University Carillonneur Hud-
son Ladd's dismissal), there were
rumors that the carillon would be silen-
ced for good," De Turk said. "There is
no truth to this."
But, far from allowing the bells to go
unplayed, De Turk plans to make him-
self known in his position at the top of
Burton Tower. He said he will continue
the tradition of playing "Victors" and
other popular "pep" music on the mor-
nings of football Saturdays and will
give concerts every Wednesday after-
noon during the spring and summer.
IN FACT, De Turk said he hopes to
persuade the University to commit the
funds so that the campus can host the
World Congress of Carillonneurs in
"I would like to rekindle interest in
the carillon and get the word out that
we are teaching how to play the in-
strument again," De Turk said. "I
really want people to have good feelings
about the carillon again.
"We need good talent to write music
for the carillon as well as those who are
interested in playing it," De Turk ad-
ded. "We need composers who want to
compose specifically for the carillon."
ASIDE FROM playing and teaching
in the carillon, De Turk, who received
his masters degree at the University
and who studied under the University's
former long-time Carillonneur Percival
Price, is the president of the Guild of
Carillonneur's of North America.
Burton Tower was built in 1936 to
house the set of 53 bronze bells donated
to the University by Charles Baird. The
bells range from a small four pounds to
a massive 12% tons. It is De Turk's
responsibility not only to play and teach
in the carillon, but also to maintain the
elaborate set of bells.
The Michigan Daily
The United Mime Workers, a touring ensemble from Champaign-Urbana,
Ill., will perform their original mime-drama, "Mime is No Object: The
Reproduction of the Working Day." The piece, a combination of humor and
social comment on work, economics and daily life, will be performed Friday
at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m. at the Canterbury Loft, 332S. State St.
Admission is $3.50 at the door.
Alternative Action Film Schedule-Blonde Venus, MLB 4; 7 and 10:30
p.m.; Morocco, 8:45 p.m.
Mediatrics-Excalibur, MLB 3,7 and 9:30 p.m.
Public Health - Noontime Film Fest, In the Mainstream; Those Other
Kids, School of Public Health Aud., 12:10 p.m.
AAFC-Where the Buffalo Roam, Nat. Sci. 7 & 9 p.m.
Cinema II-The Long Voyage Home, Aud. A, Angell, 7 p.m.; They Were
Expendible, 9 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Atlantic City, Lorch Hall Aud., 7 & 9:12 p.m.
Gargoyle Films-Paper Chase, Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall, 7 & 9 p.m.
Saturday, October 24
8:00pm Hill Auditorium
$6.50,7.50,8.50 re served
Tickets on sale now at the Michigan Union Box Office
and all CTC outlets. For more information, call 763-
6922. For a complete listing of the Ann Arbor music
scene, dial 99-MUSIC.
Wholistic Health Council-Lec., Cory Sea, M.A., "Biokinesiology." Wesley
Foundation Lounge, 602 E. Huron St., 7:30 p.m.
Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies-Lec.,a Judith Berman,
"Some Secret languages of the Hmong," Lane Hall Commons Rm., noon;
Russell Fifielf, "Forces Toward Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia," 4
Guild House - noon luncheon, Marti Bombyk, Women's Studies: "Tbe
Meaning of the Family Protection Act," 802 Monroe.
Center, for West European Studies & The Netherlands America Univ.
League-Poetry Reading, F. de Vree, "The Influence of French Roman-
ticism on Flemish Literature," Rackham, 4th floor Conf. Rm., 8 p.m.
Chemistry - Special Physical Chemistry Seminar, Prof. John Muenter,
"Laser Detected RF Spectroscopy," Rm. 1300, Chem., 4 p.m.
Program on Workers' Culture/American Studies-Brown bag, Sven Lin-
dquist, discussion of North European Workers' grass-rrots movement, 3602-
A Lorch Hall, noon.
School of Art-Brown bag, Prof. Grant Hildebrand, "The Use of Function
in American Architecture," noon, Art & Arch. aud.
Organization of Arab Students-Mohamed Sid-Ahmed, "Recent Develop-
ments in Egypt," Nat. Sci. Aud., 3p.m.
The LSA Internship Program
Will Be Accepting Applications
for Summer and Fall Internships, 1982
October 12-Applications Available
October 30-Applications Due
Juniors in Natural Science, Math, CCS, Social Science, Humanities,
BGS, and ICP, are-encouraged to apply.
A Chinese Bible Class-Mtg., Univ. Reformed Church, 7:30 p.m. (For
questions or rides, call 996-4297 or 764-9431.).
Int'l Student Fellowship Mtg., 4100 Nixon Rd., 7 p.m. (For info. call 994-
4669), open to all foreign students.
Univ. Duplicate Bridge Club-open gaTe. Inexperienced players
welcome, Mich. League, 7:30 p.m.
Society of Women Engineers-Pre-interview program, Mobil Oil, 144 West
Eng.,;8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
A' Libertarian League - "Libertarian Week" open house and member-
ship drive, 228 Crest, 8 p.m. (For info or rides, call 662-7158 or 763-1451.)
Interdept. Program in Medicinal Chem. and College of Pharmacy -R. F.
Blicke Symposium, Rackham Amphitheater, Rackham Grad. School,
Registration 8:15 a.m.; Morning session, 8:45 a.m.; Afternoon session, 2
School of Music - Double Bass recital, Timothy Meyer, Recital Hall, 8
p.m.; Univ. Choir/Detroit Symphony Orchestra-Antal Dorati, conductor:
Mahler Symphony No. 2, Ford Aud., Detroit, 8:30 p.m. (Ticket info. call 962-
Professional Theatre Program-"Blood Knot," Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, 8 p.m.
Univ. Musical Society-Zagreb Philharmonic, Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
Ark-Michael Cooney, 1421 Hill, 9 p.m.
Cello and Piano recital-Steven Isserlis and Peter Evans, Unitarian Chur-
ch, 1917 Washtenaw, 8:30 p.m. Program includes Brahms Sonata in E minor,
Schumann's Fantasiestucke.
Hillel-Shabbat, Orthodax services at 6:30 p.m., Reform and Conservative
services at 6:45 p.m. Dinner at 7:45 p.m. Reserve by Friday noon.
Dept. of Recreation-International Recreation Program, Intramural
Bldg., featuring open swim, 6-7 p.m. and slide show, 7-8 p.m.
Human Sexuality Advocates Office-a coffeehouse for gay students,
faculty and staff, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
University Club-Happy Hour, 4-7 p.m.; Lively Fridays, 8:30 p.m.,
.featuring dance bands and special drink prices.
DeGraaf Forsythe Galleries, Inc.-Stefan Davidek, artist reception, 6:30-
8:30 p.m., 201 Nickels Arcade.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI., 48109.