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October 15, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-15

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

EM46F t


Mostly cloudy, with a
chance of morning
showers, highs in the mid-

Vol. XCII, No. 31

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 15, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Hal's house
Curious college kids
call on the Shapiros



Ever try to get a carrel on the south
side of the Graduate Library just to
peer in to President Shapiro's win-
An open house at the president's
house yesterday afternoon gave
students a chance to get a good look -
and possibly provided a deterrent to
all potential (yet harmless) peeping
The flapping flags of the United
States and the University of Michigan
on the front porch gave all guests and
ambassador's welcome. Nervous
giggles and muffled whispers of
"What do I say to him?" preceeeded
shaking hands with Vivian and Harold
TO MOST,, President Shapiro's
greetings were sincere and cordial, to
some, his words were anticlimatic.
After students told him their names
and majors, they got no response
from the president such as, "I heard
you got an 'A' on your English paper.
Keep it up,".
Any disappointment was quickly
forgotten. Visitors soon were enticed
by the aromas and tastes of
homemade goodies in surrounding
The focal point of the soft blue
dining room was a long wood table

dressed with a -delicate, white cloth.
Blue- and red-flowered china plates
rested smugly in the corner. Fresh
apple cider sparkled in a crystal
bowl. Carrot cake, fresh donut holes
and rich, fudge brownies lined the
table in elegant serving trays.
GUESTS TO THE president's home
- dressed in everything from tweed
blazers, skirts and corduroys to Izod
shirts and white shorts - politely
filled their plates. "I wonder if Mrs.
Shapiro cooked all this," an ap-
preciative visitor marveled.
As long as students avoided the
blue-carpeted stairs leading to the
bedrooms, they had freedom to ex-
plore the intricacies of the president's
A warm family room with comfor-
table blue and red couches, cable
television and wall-to-wall wooden;
bookshelves drew the attention of the
curious and the intellectual. Vivian
Shapiro said all the books in this room
belong to the family, except those
stampede with the University of
Michigan Press logo. Books about
Cezanne and American politics lined
the shelves.
"I BET THIS is why you can't find
any books in the library," an admirer
See CURIOUS, Page 2

AWACS sale
as Reagan
woos Senate

Doily Photo by KIM HILL'a

overwhelmingly rejected the proposed
sale of AWACS radar planes to Saudi
Arabia yesterday, but. President
Reagan apparently won a couple of
Senate converts in a round of lobbying
at the White House.
"Well that was expected," the
president said of the 301-111 House vote.
"We knew that. But it takes both
houses to say no."
REAGAN referred to the fact that the
sale goes through unless the Senate also
votes to block it in a vote scheduled next
Leaving a ceremony in the Rose
Garde, the president said,"I have to go
back to work and what I have to go back
to work on is AWACS."
Asked if he would win in the Senate,
where the administrationhas been con-
centrating its efforts, Reagan gave his
now-standard reply: "I'm cautiously
THE LATEST Associated Press
count shows 55 senators committed or
leaning against the sale and 33 commit-
ted or leaning in favor of it, including
the two who switched yesterday after
meeting with Reagan. Senate
Republican Leader Howard Baker says
he's confident that by the time the
Senate votes there willbe nomore than
45 votes against the sale.
House opponents called the record
$8.5 billion arms sale, which includes
several other items in addition to the
radar planes,a threat to Israel and to

the AWACS technology itself if the
Saudi royal family is overthrown.
But supporters of the sale said a
congressional veto of the sale would.
embarrass Reagan in the eyes of the
world and undermine U.S. influence in
defending Middle East oil fielis and
achieving peace in the region.
ALL THE WHILE, Reagan was
working his charm in face-to-face
meetings with ninepsenators at the
White House and apparently won over
two opponents - Sens. Dan Quayle (R-
Ind.) and Mack Mattingly (R-Ga.) with
promises of a letter answering their
In addition, Sen. Charles H. Percy
(R-Ill.) chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, raised the
possibility Reagan could go ahead with
the sale even if Congress vetoes it.
Percy said the president could use his
executive powers to either declare that
an "emergency exists" or that "the
national security interest of the United
States" requires him to make the sale
without Congress' consent.
"IF THE president's position is not
sustained," Percy said, "the president
has an obligation to look at the law."
Percy's committee is to vote on the
sale today and Percy, who has come out
in support of the sale, said Reagan has
a better chance of winning in the full
Senate than in the committee.

STUDENT LEN PERNA shakes hands
Shapiro at yesterday's open house.

with University President Harold

. Students fight
financia dl
funding1 cut s

Two student groups fighting pending cuts in finan-
cial aid are encouraging students to contact their
legislators to protest proposed cuts in financial aid
funds by the government.
Members of the financial aid task force of the
Publich Interest Research Group in Michigan and the
Legislative Relations"Committee of the Michigan
Student Assembly have been lobbying in Washington
to stop further aid cuts, but the two groups plan to use
different methods to promote more favorable finan-
cial aid legislation.
PIRGIM TASK force coordinator Donavan Mack
said his group's effort began last June when the task
force sponsored a panel discussion of University ad-
ministrators, financial aid officers, legislators and

bankers to discuss the proposed Reagan budget.
Mack said the panel was not well attended, and the
group has turned its emphasis to collecting infor-
mation on state and national budget proposals and
encouraging students to write letters to legislators,
The task force has been keeping its eye on a House
Appropriations bill for Labor, Education, and Human
Services, which passed the House'of Representatives
Oct. 7. The bill calls for a 12 percent cut in financial
aid and would affect the Pell/Basic Education Oppor-
tunity Grant, the National Direct Student Loan and
the Supplemental Equal Opportunity Grant, Mack
MACK SAID THE situation "could be worse"
because financial aid might have suffered deeper
cuts if the House had voted to send the bill back to the
See STUDENTS, Page 7

On a clear- day
you can see
the Ren Cen

They can take you from'central cam-
pus to north campus in less than a
minute and give you a view of Detroit's
Renaissance Center from Ann Arbor.
If you don't mind watching the
Wolverines from 2,000 feet, this student
organization also can deliver seats on
the 50-yard line.
ANYONE affiliated with the Univer-
sity can join the Michigan Flyers. The
student-run organization offers many
-levels of flying instruction, from basic
lessons for the novice to aerobatie
lessons for the brave and daring. One
member is currently training to be the
captain of 747 jet.
The flyers carge $26 an hour for ren-
ting a plan. The flat fee includes in-
surance, gas and maintenance costs.
Instructors charge an additional $15 an
"I would suggest having $1,500 to
$1,800 if one plans on obtaining a
private license," said Flyers Vice
President Dan King. Costs to obtain a
pilot's license run $2,000 and more at

commercial establishments, King said.
THE FLYERS ARE curently offering
an introductory hour-long lesson for
Beginners learn to fly in the club's
three Cessna 152s. The planes have
dual controls, so the beginner gets a
chance to actually "fly" the plane for a
while during his or her first lesson.
On ground instruction is self-
administered. Individuals watch film-
strips and complete workbooks on their
own, and then take block quizzes.
obtain a license he or she must take an
Federal Aviation Administration writ-
ten and oral test and then a flight test.
The first time in the air can be a ner-
ve-wracking experience, but members
warn that after the first flight it's easy to
get hooked.
"My first time up, I was very ner-
vous," said student Jerry Froelich.
"I thought the plane might fall out of the
See AT, Page 7

AT 2,000 FEET, the Michigan Flyers have an omnipresent view of the campus.

Made in New Jersey
An exhibit to lure foreign manufacturers to New York
with the slogan, "Make It in New York," was unveiled at

A hefty donation
Bill Saxon read a standard form letter asking alumni for
contributions to the University of Oklahoma's new energy
center. So he donated $30 million. Saxon, founder, and
majority shareholder of Saxon Oil Co., gave the $30 million,
Tuesday for the establishment of a geophysical and geology
research center. "It was just like a bolt of lightning that ap-
peared to me - the whole thing locked into one," said
Saxon. "Whatever I did with my money, I knew I couldn't
spend it all. I don't mean to sound bragadocious, but it does
not~ ctr ,vim n hrvmP ohranit " The nrnnnseid Saxn n-

Earl Henwood stands apart from the rest-he wants his
bosses to cut his salary by up to $7,750. In a memorandum to
the Board of Freeholders, Henwood said he was overpaid
and that there was just "no justification" for his $19,250-a-
year salary. He recommended it be reduced to the $11,500 to
$15,000 range. He said Wednesday he is just plain overpaid
for the work he does. In the past 10 years the clerk's salary
has doubled, said Henwood, as each clerk received a "step
up" in wages. "It was ridiculous. It really wasn't
necessary," he said. Di

magazine. She claimed Penthouse officials failed to tell her
she had been chosen Pet of the Year until moments before
the ceremony, and that she was tricked into attending. But
Justice Richard Wallach ruled that her actions were
"maliciously calculated to inflict the maximum em-
barrassment and injury on the magazine and. . . to
generate the widest possible publicity and profit for herself.
. If any party was defrauded here, it was in fact the
defendant" Penthouse. Miss Lanza's fine was to cover the
cost of the 1980 party.





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