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October 14, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-14

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sir ~t


Increasing cloudiness today
with a chance of rain. Lows
and highsin the50s.


Vol. XCII, No. 30

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 14, 1981

Are the Stones rolling in

Although rumors persist that the Rolling
Stones might play'a surprise concert at a local
nightdlub next month, no one in the music
business is confirming any plans.
Instead, a lot of guarded "don't knows" are
floating around.
The Rolling Stones are scheduled to play two
major concerts at the Pontiac Silverdome
November 30 and December 1. But the group
s announced that its current U.S. tour-its
rst in three years-will feature surprise per-
formances in small local clubs as well as con-
certs in larger arenas, fueling speculation that
a stop in Ann Arbor might be planned.
THE GROUP made its first surprise ap-
pearance on September 14, 11 days before -its
first scheduled concert in Philadelphia. The
announcement of the secret concert, in a small
Worcester, Mass.nightclub, was withheld until
the day of the performance, when a Boston
radio station leaked the news.

Promoters doubt rumors

Locally, word of "something big" at the
Second Chance nightclub has been leaked by
promoters, prompting some Rolling Stones
fans to surmise that the group will perform
But Tom Stachler, president of the produc-
tion company that books acts for the popular
Liberty Street club, said recently that the
"something big" is "definitely not the Rolling
STACHLER SAID he "hasn't heard
anything" about plans by the group to play any
small locations in the Detroit area.
Neither has Joan Meyers, an assistant to the
band's press agent in New York.
"All I have on my itinerary are the Silver-
dome dates," Meyers said. "We don't know
anything about small hall dates."

Jeff Elwood of Brass Ring Productions, the
company responsible for the Rolling Stones'
Silverdome appearances, said he believes the
group would not announce any small club dates
-so far in advance.
"They wait until they come into the town to
decide," Elwood said. "They wouldn't even tell
us; they would just come into town and do it."
WHEN THE group came into town and did it
in Worcester, nearly 4,000 people mobbed the
300-seat nightclub to catch a glimpse of the
legendary rock stars. Several arrests were
made for disorderly conduct, but police said
overall the crowd was "a very well-behaved
That was fortunate, because Worcester
police were notified of the surprise concert only
a dozen hours before it was staged. Had there

Ten CentsPages
ble, the police might not have
for it.
olice appear to have adopted a
' attitude toward any potential
concert here. Captain Kenneth
sterday he is not familiar with
the group planned for the area.
)uld be the responsibility of the
aid, adding that "only if public
jeopardy would the department
o insure that public safety
ts by the Rolling Stones to
se concerts at small nightclubs
ur officially began were thwar-
ws leaks prompted security-
rities to cancel them. Those MICK JAGGER
to have been held in Boston and

_ _ _ __

University Cellar
may be forced
out of Union

Caravan arrives
The Caravan for Human Survival stops in Ann Arbor for a rally on the Diag before moving on to a national rally to be
held in New York on United Nations Day (Oct. 24). The Caravan, sponsored by the World Federalists Association,
Planetary Citizens, and Campaign for U.N. reform, wants to raise public consciousness on anti-war issues and is cir-
-.culating a petition to be delivered to the U.N. asking for worldwide disarmament regulations and the creation of an
agency to insure compliance to the regulations.
New law library bars undergrads

The University Cellar may be forced to
move out of the Michigan Union if
negotiations between bookstore of-
ficials and the director of the Union do
not result in a settlement by day's end
Student government leaders staged
emergency meetings with U Cellar per-
sonnel Monday night and yesterday in a
last ditch effort to form counter-
proposals to those prepared by
Michigan Union Director Frank Cian-
ciola. Cianciola, who has declared cer-
tain key points as no longer negotiable,
hads given the U-Cellar board of direc-
tors until tomorrow to make a legal
commitment to remain in the Union.
Caballero, president of the U-Cellar
board of directors, the provisions
demanded by Cianciola for a new lease
would make it financially impossible
for the bookstore to remain in the Union
without substantially increasing prices.
"The administrators (Cianciola and
Vice President for Student Services
Henry Johnson) are telling us, to raise
our prices in order to stay alive,"
Caballero said. "We feel as students
that that would be stabbing our fellow
students in the back."
Caballero said that Cianciola had
warned U-Cellar officials several times
that local merchants-including U-
Cellar's rival Ulrich's Bookstore-had
shown interest in moving into
U-Cellar's space in the Union were it to

U-CELLAR board members are
protesting the combination of a 65 per-
cent rent hike- effective upon the
signing of a new lease- and their
responsibility to pay for a quarter of a
million dollars in renovations for a new
location in the Union. The move into a
more spacious store had been
scheduled as part of the over-all Union
renovation project approved by the
Regents last April.
Under Cianciola's proposals, the
bookstore's square foot rental rate
would rise from $5.48 to $9.07, an in-
crease amounting to $85,000 annually.
Board members said that when they
originally agreed to foot most of the bill
for renovation of the new site they were
unaware the rent increase would be so
"We didn't expect both costs to be
dumped on us at the same time,"
Caballero said. "Even (Johnson)
thought we wouldn't have to start
paying the $9.07 figure until we moved
into the new location."
CIANCIOLA SAID he imposed the
deadline for an agreement when U-
Cellar officials first told him they were
considering relocating to a site outside
the Union. He said the schedule for the
overall Union renovation project had
been largely planned around U-Cellar
needs. If U-Cellar decides to move out
of the Union, he said, that could place
the project behind schedule, a situation
that would affect the entire Univer-
"If they're not going to be there, we

need to know that,"he said. "It's just not
fair to the campus community not to
meet the deadline.
"There is an extremely favorable
bidding situation right now," he said of
other merchants' interest in the space.
"We're talking about the entire Union
renovation project."
CABALLERO SAID that, under
Cianciola's present proposals, U-Cellar
would have to find other sources of
revenue in order to remain in the
Union. -Board members believe that in-
signia items-the popular 'M'and 'Go
Blue' souvenier items sold in other
stores - could provide enough profit
for U-Cellar to stay afloat. But Cian-
ciola will not allow a change in the
store's 12-year agreement not to
sell such items, maintaining the Union
store's monopoly on the popular
sou eniers.
"This income from the sale of in-
signia souveniers is a significant por-
tion of the Union's. current operation,
and is expected to increase in amount
and importance in the future," Cian
ciola told the board members in a
memo outlining what he considered
"negotiable" and "not negotiable".
"These revenues are necessary for the
overall operation of the Union, in-
cluding providing services to the
student body as a whole."
ASSUMING Cianciola sticks to his
policy of preventing U-Cellar to sell in-
signia items, Caballero said, the U-
Cellar could afford a rental rate of $6.63
See ELLJ.AR_ Page 5

Attempting to guarantee law students
n atmosphere conducive to studying,
aw school library officials have barred
non-law students who are not using
library materials from using the new
library as a reading room.
The policy, which has been in effect
since Sunday, applies only to the new
facility, which was funded by $9.5
million in law school alumni donations
The old library is still open to non-law

"THE LAW library is the sole
depository of legal material at the
University, and law students need this
facility in the course of their everyday
studies," said Dr. Beverly Pooley,
director of the law library. "We just
can't provide (the much-needed) study
space for undergrads and other
graduate students."
. The rule was implemented in respon-
se to the overcrowding problem caused
by non-law students who came to the
library to study, often making it im-

possible for the law students to find a
seat, Pooley said.
"It was like a zoo down there," said
second-year law student Ron Klein
"They (the undergraduates) don't
have to use the law library, but the law
students can't go anywhere else for
research material," said second-year
law student Paul Hamburger." Law
students use the library as a tool, every
day, not just as a place to study."

See NON-LAW, Page 7

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By JULIE HINDS In the Spring, the completed thesis is submitted to a tment is in the process of creating a more systematic
board of readers made up of department faculty. The method of picking advisors, he added.
Many students may think that doing the research board reads the thesis and awards either "highest Once an adviser is chosen, problems may crop up
Manybar concrnin the roei ofd therd advisor Studntscomlai
" and the writing are the hardest steps in completing honors," "honors," or "no honors" based on the thnerecivgte itle dieofro hei advisor dnsmi.,
" an Honors thesis. But for second-year law student average of reader evaluations. they receive little direction from their advisors.
SJustinP , dgn srth But Perl, who was unable to start his research until WILLIAM BOYD, a senior in the political science
biggest headache. the second term of his senior year because of his honors program, said the thesis program "isn't
Perl was turned down by five political science problem finding an advisor, said he felt rushed. "I structured very well; it's a self-initiative thing."
professors two years ago after asking each one to be polemhfindnglaned sy he feted I Without frequent consultation between the student
his thesis advisor. Only after he quit the Honors could have developed my arguments better with and the advisor "the thesis can turn out to be a
program in frustration did the Political Science mo OERALL, I don't have any regrets. It helped my disaster," said Art History Prof. Clifton Olds.
Honors advisor apologize and find a professor for writing abilities and analytical skills," Perl said. Boyd feels professors should set guidelines "on how
Perl. far along you should be,", to help students gauge'
Per".1"But I think I could have gotten more out of it if I had fraogyusol e"t epsuet ag
d THE THESIS-WRITING process usually begins ,,tth ould whether they're falling behind, a common reason
1 a n a i1 1 s o r during the first term of the student's senior year, Although no political science honors students have given for dropping the thesis.
when honors students pick a thesis topic and ask a been denied an advisor this year, the department has, ACTUAL REQUIREMENTS for the honors thesis
faculty member to serve as their advisor, according had some problems assigning thesis advisors due to vary widely among departments, from a recommen-
to Harold McCulloch, academic counselor in the overcrowding caused by grade inflation, according to ded 30 to 40 pages in English to a whopping 120-page
Honors Program. Political Science Prof. William Pang-Tu. The depar- average for the political science department.
Poliica ScincePro. P ~ e dparSee THESIS, Page 2
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Copyright, copycat
T'S NOT THE Michigan Daily but it contains some
of your favorite Daily features-with a twist. And it's
the only place in town you can find out why President
Harold Shapiro wants to cut the English Department.
What, you ask? It's the Michigan Diddly, the most recent
version of the campus humor magazine-the Gargoyle. The
Gargoyle staff members put their creative juices to work

line between the Fairfield County, Connecticut towns of
Easton and Weston. He wants to dredge a pond that is on the
Easton side of his property and deposit the muck and silt on
the Weston side. But Weston's Conservation Commission
has balked at the idea. The commission says it wants more
information on the project before allowing the dumping. O
'New girls' club
Warning men that "the new girls network is going to sur-

Song Jr 3acat
Stevie Wonder couldn't make it to the funeral of Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat, to which he was invited as part of
the-delegation from the United States, but he has written a
song commemorating the slain leader's efforts for world
peace. The songwriter, singer, and instrumentalist was
unable to accept the invitation from the Egyptian am-
bassador to the United States because of a family emergen-
cy. His song, in memory of Sadat, and "others who have
lived and died in the name of world peace and freedom," is

other industrial users in the Midwest, said the sheik, whose
name was not disclosed, wanted a filtering system to
recycle the limited water available for his pool. He settled
on a high-quality filter made by another Chardon firm for
which Best regularly sup plies the sand. Best officials said
the 9 tons of sand will be shipped in 100-pound bags for more
convenient handling poolside and should last the sheik
about three years. .




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