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October 13, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-13

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Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom

I t t4iW 1au


Partly cloudy and breezy, highs in
the mid-60s.
Fourteen Pages

Vol. XCII, N

'. 74 nnvrint 1481'.JI h I I W ! i nfII .JII l.'.IyA._A LI

NO. 7

%-Qpyul j, nT i yo i, i ne micrngtan uoi iy

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 13, 1981


Ten Cents

with low
GPAs get
*he nine RAs and RDs who do not meet the 2.5 grade point
average requirement will have until the end of the term to
bring up their grades before being fired, housing officials
decided yesterday.
Shortly before officials met, about 50 students and dorm
staff members gathered in front of the Student Activities
Building to support the RAs and RDs and to give the housing
office a petition signed by 2,000 University dorm residents.
THE RALLY AND petition organized by Markley RAs andU
RDs last Saturday, included a proposal for -a grace period
with the agreement that those still below the 2.5 in January
should be fired. One of the Markley RDs,Judy Howe, said she .
also turned in 20 personal letters written by students.
The students' petition contended that "the loss of a resident
staff member would be detrimental to the academic and
emotional well-being of the residents" and "would be disrup-
tive to the unity and performance of the resident staff."
Bursley Director Caroline Gould said "concern about the
impact on people on the floors" was a major factor in the
probation decision. Housing Director Robert Hughes said the'
decision was also made "because of all the confusion and the _
difficulty implementing the policy." Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
HOWEVER, THE petition was not a major tactor in the MARKLEY RA ANDY Baum leads a crowd in front of the Student Activities Building with chants of 'We
ecision, said Housing Director Robert Hughes and Bursley love our RAs.' The crowd of about 50 students gathered in support of nine RAs and RDs whose jobs were
*eciion sad Husig Drecor Rber HuhesandBurleyin jeopardy.
See RAs, Page 6........................................... . . . . ... ..

'U study finds
state's high
lablor costs
slow economy

Special to the Daily

killers face,
public trial

CAIRO, Egypt (AP)- Egypt's defense minister
said yesterday he expects a speedy public court mar-
tial and hanging of the alleged chief assassin of
President Anwar Sadat.
"I hope'they will let me leave him hanging in the
open air for a week or so," the embittered minister,
Lt. Gen. Abdel Halim Abu Ghazala, told. The
Associated Press.
IN A 45 MINUTE interview, Abu Ghazala vividly
recalled the terrifying moments of last Tuesday's
assassination, when the killers stormed up to a
reviewing stand and fired directly into a fallen clump
of people who included Sadat and himself, the last
rounds flying past Abu Ghazala's face.
The minister said he still has a bullet inhis arm.
In other disclosures, he contradicted earlier official

reports and said all four alleged assassins survived
the attack and were under arrest. The government
first said as many as three assassins were killed an
up to six had taken part, and later revised that to one
slain assassin among four participants, with the
other three wounded.
ABU GHAZALA said the suspected ringleader, 1st
Lt. Khaled Ahmed Shawky el-Islambouly, had
awakened from a coma earlier yesterday.
"He is OK," Abu Ghazala said. "Today he started
talking and he told the whole story,"
The investigation will take "not more than four or
five more days," he said. After that, he expects a
public trial and execution.
ASKED WHETHER El-Islambouly would be put
See SADAT'S, Page 7

LANSING- Citing the high cost of
labor as the primary restraint on
economic expansion in the state, a
University economist presented
yesterday a massive report on
Michigan's troubled financial picture.
Among its other findings, the 1000-
plus-page report said educational
programs have been the most con-
spicuous losers in the competition for
state resources during the past decade.
"Typically, a one-point increase in the
Michigan unemployment rate has tran-
slated into a five percent cut in four-
year college funding," the report said.
IN ADDITION, the study said high
technology industries, such as those
located in Ann 4rbor, may ease the
state's troubled economy by providing
more jobs.
University President Harold Shapiro
said 85 percent of the $250,000 study was
paid for by the University through
private donations, not from the general
Economics Prof. Harvey Brazer
headed a team of economists in
preparing the report which also said the
state's tax structure is not overly bur-
densome on Michigan's residents and
the majority of taxpayers are not
looking toward sweeping reforms.
EXPLAINING HOW the cost of labor
has inhibited the state's economic
development, the report stated that
high wages in the auto industry tend to
keep wages high in other sectors of the
SBrazer, unveiling the study at a news
conference here yesterday, said the,
state's economy is still "heavily tied to
the auto industry and we see a less than
rosy picture with respect to the
prospects for'rapid expansion of that

... presents Michigan
financial study
Compiled by 15 University professors
and other academics from Michigan
State University, Wayne State Univer-
sity, Hope College, and the University
of Rochester, the study said, "There is
concern that in the longer run the
state's employment mix may ill suit it
to participate fully in future economic
auto industry will be "very difficult to
achieve with regard to the wage struc-
ture," Brazer said.
.nThe report also cited Michigan's ex-
p nsive social insurance programs as
b ing a deterrent to economic expan-
sion in the state.
One researcher found that the high
cost to business of Workmen's Compen-
sation may lead firms to locate
elsewhere. The report also said the
state's method of determining benefits

Facing up to ard times

Nationwide, ed schools
feel strain of budget cuts

ducation schools around the country
seem to be falling on hard times.
Duke University's chancellor Ken-
neth Pye recommended that the
University discontinue its education
department. ,
At the University of California at
Berkeley a review commitee set up by
the '.University's president recom-
°°j vended that their school of education
Wbndergo a major reorganization.
TWO YEARS AGO at the University
of Bridgeport in Connecticut, the
College of Education was discontinued
and made into a department of
In the past few years schools and
colleges of education across the nation
have suffered from dropping
enrollment, a smaller market for their
graduates, and tighter University
But, while Duke, Berkeley, and
ridgeport all had to restructure their
education schools because of these
nationwide problems, professors at the
University of Michigan's education
school are optimistic they will be able
to weather the storm of Michigan's
current financial crisis.
THE CONSENSUS among School of
Education professors is that though the

school has been hurt by recent across
the board budget cuts, it is still strong
enough to withstand any possible ad-
ministration review.
"We will bare up pretty well under
any type of scrutiny," Frederick
Goodman, School of Education
professor, said.
Goodman claimed that the School of
Education would look better the more
reviews it underwent. "It is hard for
me to feel too pessimistic" Goodman
EVERY SCHOOL is vulnerable ex-
plained education school Professor
Charles Lehmann. "But we're not
especially weak." Lehmann explained
that all schools at the University have
to be responsive to market demands.
This is the reason that the engineering
school is thriving at the moment, Leh-
mann said.
"We can't make the same selling put-
ch as the engineering school," Leh-
mann said of the current slack market
fOr teachers.
EDUCATION schools are often the
first places to be cutback during times
of economic crisis, said Robert Kosma,
assistant dean of the educatie, school.
The University . of Bridgeport's
College of Education, which employed
See ED SCHOOLS, Page 6

' 'enrollment drops
this year to 35,223

Although total University enrollment
declined this fall, schools providing
solid job opportunities after graduation
showed an enrollment increase, accor-
ding to figures released by the Univer-
sity yesterday.
Total current enrollment for the
University is 35,223, down 447 from last
year. Eleven, schools. and colleges
registered drops in enrollment, while
five showed increases; among them,.
business, law, and engineering.
THE OVERALL decrease in
enrollment is somewhat larger than the
University expected, according to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Billy
This year's decline is not part of a
University-wide effort to reduce num-
bers, but instead is part of a slow
downward trend that has been seen
over the past 5 years, said Ernest Zim-
merman, an assistant to Billy Frye.
The downward trend is due to the
decreasing pool of high school
graduates, cutbacks in financial aid

resources, which will not allow some
students to return to school, and an in-
creasing number of students opting not
to further their graduate education in
unmarketable fields, Zimmerman said.
As an example, Zimmerman noted
students may not choose to enroll in a
doctoral program in the School of
Education because the .number of
teaching jobs is dropping. The School of
Education showed the largest decrease
in enrollment this year, down to 1492
from 1753 a year ago.
ZIMMERMAN SAID the enrollment
increases this fall are in schools that
allow students to compete successfully
in the job market after graduation.
Of the total enrollment this year at
the University, 22,314 (63.4 percent) are
undergraduates; 12,909 (36.6 percent)
are graduates.
Below are the present graduate and
undergraduate figures for individual
colleges and schools. Last fall's figures
are in brackets.
College of Architecture and Urban.
See 'U' ENROLLMENT, Page 8

Can football players
Twrite resumes?
NNE RICHTER, a student servies associate from
Career Planning and Placement, has a lot of
guts. How else would you describe a woman who
had the nerve to insult five Michigan football
players (Ed Muransky (6-7, 275), BubbaParis(6-6, 270),

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM

tle chagrined no doubt. At the next class meeting, Prof.
Colburn said he had known Richter for a long time but felt
that remark was uncalled for. I'm sure Colburn was
speaking for the football team too.
Jed returns
Jed is back. Yesterday the renowned preacher, wearing
a sharp three-piece suit, wowed a student audience of 100 on
the Diag with his stories of his delinquent days as a sinner

Work study deadline nears
Fall Work Study awards will be cancelled for those
students who have not picked up Work Study hiring forms
by Thursday, October 15th. Hiring forms are available in
the Student Employment Office, 2503 SAB, from 8:30 a.m.-
12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fall Work Study awards
of students who have begun working but neglected to com-
plete hiring forms by October 15th will also be cancelled.
Only three categories of students will be allowed to look for
Work Study jobs after October 15th: students who have
hired for a Work Study job and want to change jobs;


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