OPINION S,^ . , * 4 Page 4 Sunday, October 11, 1981 The Michigan Daily 0 University tenure practices off balance-.i r- w By Andrew Chapman The University needs to retain a strong and vigorous faculty to keep itself among the ranks of the nation's most competitive schools, yet its current approach to the tenure system could result in more damage than benefit. Cutting the University's payroll costs is a legitimate concern for the administration in its efforts to meet shortfalls passed on from the state. This concern, however, may lead the administration to take measures that will, given time, threaten the center of what makes this University a top quality institution. THE UNIVERSITY faculty is nervous, and it has a right to be. Tenure, a system once con- sidered sacred, has suddenly become just as vulnerable to crisis as everything else at this university. But, by the same token, if the University faculty assumes that their own tenure is en- dangered by Michigan's current financial crisis, then they assume 'too much. The ad- ministration would surely never be so rash as to fire tenured professors, regardless of the University's financial situation. This would prove to be too drastic a gamble for the Univer- sity to take, and the administration realizes it. Yet tenure is s'till not safe. There are ways in. which the University can and will side-step the outright firing of tenured faculty to cut costs. THIS SUMMER the University's medical school promoted four assistant professors to the associate professor level, but told these four professors specifically that their. promotions were "promotions without tenure." It is common practice at the University, although it is not an absolute rule, that the promotion from assistant professor to associate professor is accompanied by the status of tenure. Tenure review usually comes after seven years of teaching at this University, although it can before that time. Tenure review is man- datory after eight years, unless specifically stated otherwise. THE PROMOTIONS in the Medical School were of this latter category. They were thus not violations of any Regental by-laws or guidelines. Other schools of the University have also engaged in this practice of conditional promotion, though not in such large numbers, an April 1981 SACUA tenure subcommittee reported. The idea of promoting University professors to the associate level without tenure is a dangerous one. It could, if given the chance, comletely undermine the. tenure system at the University. TENURE WAS created to guarantee professors at an institution academic freedom. To promote professors to a supposedly secure position and then deny them that security would negate tenure's basic purpose. Tenure allows a University professor to say whatever he pleases about the government or the administration or anything else for that matter and still keep his job. Tenure allows a faculty researcher to study whatever he thinks is interesting, without worrying that the ad- ministration believes he should do otherwise. Promotion to associate professor without tenure gives the administration a vice-like grip over the lives of the people it employs. It allows the administration to fire, without explanation or excuse, any non-tenured professor they so desire. An administrator can thus rule with an iron fist, terminating the employment of any objectors without causing intense objections. THE UNIVERSITY administration can use this promotion policy to make some subtle-but very far-reaching-changes in the University tenure policy. Dr. Robert Reed, Associate Dean of the Medical School, took a less sympathetic view of the promotion issue when he said, "You can either be out of the University altogether or in with a job that doesn't have tenure security. You'd have to make the decision as to which you'd rather have." To assume such a "take it or leave it" at- titude can only cause the University harm. There are plenty of other univesities around the nation that are willing to grant tenure, or at least the possibility of tenure, to a qualified teaching candidate. A QUALIFIED graduate student who is looking for a teaching job at a highly regarded university may very well look elsewhere if he knew that The University of Michigan might not even give him the chance to attain a tenured status. But tenure should not be a consideration for a bright graduate student looking for a teaching job at a university. If tenure has to play a part in his decision on a place of employment, then this university will lose out. There are other, less practiced ways for the administration to by-pass the tenure system at the University. THE UNIVERSITY can, as it is doing now, reduce the amount of people it puts on the tenure track. A tenure track professor has, from the beginning of his appointment, the ability to at some time achieve a tenured status. A non- tenure track professor is given this title because at no time during his employment may he be considered for tenured promotion. LSA Dean Steiner announced at the Septem- ber LSA faculty meeting that there would only be 14 tenure track professors hired this year, down 23 from the year before. In seven years the incoming professorial class of 1981 will have only 14 members to present for tenure review. The incoming professorial class of 1979 will have more than 50. THE LESS TENURE track people the University hires, the less productive, sym- pathetic teaching will go on. A non-tenure track professor has no job security .goal toward which he can work. Tenure track professors can, with time, build a loyalty and dedication to the students of.-4; University and should be encouraged to do so. Another way in which the University ad-. ministration can by-pass the tenure issue is by refusing to grant a tenure review, which is what happened in the Jonathan Marwil case'of 1979. This type of occurrence is rare though;' and could never become a regular practice. The publicity and court battles would prove too costly. THE MARWIL case was a fluke. One hopis'- that it had nothing to do with normal University' policy and never will. ' The American Association of University Professors guidelines state that a University can fire tenured faculty if the faculty meft ber's department has been discontinued or'if ' the University has declared a state of 'financiAl. exigency.' The university may, without realizing it, di considerable harm to the quality and substance,; of its faculty by side-stepping the existing tenure system. Following a policy that' maneuvers around the guidelines of the tenure system will undermine the strength and growth' potential of the University's faculty. Chapman covers University faculty f'r the Daily. Edited and managed by students at-The University of Michigan - - . a,. ° f Seeking justice in Vol. XCII, No. 28 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Meeechigan's return EVEN WITH Michigan down 17-16 at the half, listeners all across the Michigan Football Network somehow had a feeling there was no way the Wolverines would lose. Why .?Not because University P s1dent Harold Shapiro was to be the guest on the half-time show, but because the exuberant voice of Bob Ufer had returned to the radio waves for the game's play-by-play analysis. And with what seemed to be some slightly toned-down yelling but loud as ever blasts of the air horn after every Michigan score, Ufer brought to those of us who didn't travel to East Lansing another big Blue win. We heartily welcome the Voice of Michigan Football for more than 35 years back to the air waves. His ailing health this season had prevented him from announcing the first four games. Despite advice from his physicians, Ufer just couldn't stay away from his command post high above the stands any longer. And Maize and Blue devotees across the state, beginning to suffer signs of withdrawal from constantly being in- formed of the correct score of the game, were saved as Ufer declared it - was Michigan State 24, Michigan 20, in the third quarter. (Note than the Spar- tans never reached a score of 24.) But Ufer's errors and overen- thusiasm for the game don't really detract from the listeners enjoyment; they just make trying to figure out what's going on down on the field a lit- tle more fun. Bob Ufer adds to the uncertainties involved in Meechigan football. But he also adds to the excitement surroun- ding our perennial contenders. And as the Wolverines try for another Big 10 championship, we hope Bob Ufer at least will be a certainty behind the microphone. By Frank Browning NEW ORLEANS, LA.-"The jungle," President Reagan war- ned, "is always there ... waiting ... ready to take us over." The jungle of which the president spoke before the Inter- national Association of Chiefs of Police was not the dark tangle of bureaucratic regulation, not even the jungle of global superpowers where only the mighty survive. This was the secret jungle, he warned, that dwells within the human heart, that place where; "the darker impulses of human nature" reside. UNDERLYING the details of his address-which were little different from the recommen- dations of the Attorney General's Task Force on Violent Crime-there was a profound and clearly articulated philosophical expression of the ad- ministration's social policy. Of- fered at the beginning of the fall congressional session, it may well signal the launching of a socially conservative program which many of his fundamen- talist New Right supporters had feared was being neglected. For Reagan's criminal justice objective is not merely to strengthen the nation's police forces, but to reformulate the en- tire public discussion of crime and to see it-like terrorism-as the direct result of evil forces stalking the earth. "From (the) statistics about youthful offenders and the im- pact of drug addiction on crime rates," he told the 6,000 assem- bled chiefs, "the portrait emerges. The portrait is that of a stark, staring face, a face that belongs to a frightening reality of our time: the face of a human predator, the face of the habitual offender, the career criminal. Nothing in nature is more cruel or more dangerous." AND FURTHER, he con- tinued: "The solution of the crime problem will not be found in the social worker's files, the psychiatrist's notes or the bureaucrat's budget. It is a problem of the human heart, and it is there we must look for an- swers. We can begin by acknowledging some of those permanent things, those absolute' truths I mentioned before. Two of these truths are: Men are basically good but prone to evil; some men are very prone to evil .. and society has a right to be protected from them." Like his Moral Majority sup- porters and the fundamentalist adherents of the biblical version of creation, the president was arguing that crime-evil made manifest-is a fundamental part of the human spirit, and that if it is not suppressed it will consume cJ C o ~ l RICHARD WOLK , Rit.nr%1\V vv-- ® MtCHW[AN ¢AIL4 z X1 'IT'S STILL THE WAR ON POVERTY, ONLY THE TARGET'S SEEN CHANGED' IT IS THE faith of the Scarlet Letter, the belief in fallen souls which, gripped by evil intention, choose to spread fear, violence and chaos in the world-the ethnic of' the jungle-rather than live within the bounds of traditional morality. The president lashed out specifically at "the social thinkers of the 1950s and 1960s who discussed crime only in the context of disadvantaged childhood and poverty-stricken neighborhoods" and who were committed to "a belief that there was nothing permanent or ab- solute about any man's nature." Yet in his philosophical attack on the notion that crime results from social causes-and the con- sequent belief that social justice is the only real solution to public crime-Reagan's assault goes far beyond modern liberal reformers of the last generation. It was a forthright and total at- tack on the key ideas of crime control that have dominated law enforcement since the founding of the Republic when the court replaced the church as the ar- biter of social order. 'IT IS FROM ignorance, wret- chedness or corrupted manners of a people that crime proceeds," William Bradford of Philadelphia wrote. in 1793. "In a country where these do not prevail, moderate punishment, strictly enforced, will be a curb as effec- tual as the greatest severity." Bradford, like most of the framers of the Constitution and the inventors of the modern penitentiary who came a few years later, believed profoundly that the amount of violent crime in society was a direct measure of the amount of justice and equity that exists in society. Evil, they argued, was a reflection of the relations between men, not of their inherent nature. No one would have charac- tedized the nation's founders as evil as a conditio that indeed is whi development of t in the 1820s and country experienc wave of profess criminals. The penitentiar of Philadelphia Q be a plain, well- confinement whet citizen might re penitently, upon h thereby be reforn That prisons an in fact became ant graduate schools crime-places ti police agree tough and provide nev illicit opportunity which has brough the reformers or t whose chief propo trol of crime seer expansion of the p CRIME AND IT however, is only o fabric of evil w Reagan has o broadly, he and t] to whom he spoke ted his address so applause-cast th4 into a universe of g More even than chword for that evi of flaming terroris Terrorism in ti order has taken on of a wild demon across the moun plains of the earth the evil corner of the jungle. already grown large by the collapse of moral authority. It. spawns publid disorder and. leaves us all trembling in the jungle of rape, murder and mayhem. That was the broad message brought not only by the president but also by the half-dozen speakers who led workshops for the police chiefs on the likelihood of increased terrorism within the coming months here in the United States. "Nineteen-eighty-two will be the Year of the Terrorist here," warned former CIA "terrorism" expert Zach Fuentes, 'in *:cot 1 cluding session. Worse,:hea predicted,-the likely hard timfs brought on by economie' recession and spending cutbacks will bring a union of terrorism, and violent street crime. THE WEB of evil which theses speakers portray extends stiill further to the social reformers n of being, and whom the president charged are at underlay the most responsible for the nation's he penitentiary moral decay, people whose! 30's when the "utopian presumptions about ced its first real human nature (have) hindered' sional career the swift adm'nistration 'of .justice (and) have also helped, y, an invention fuel the expansion of gover- Quakers, was to nment." ordered hall of Such people include the re the wayward American Civil Liberties Union, eflect silently, the American Friends Service his failures and, Committee and the Nationi Zed. Lawyer's Guild, said the Loi d penitentiaries Angeles Police Chief DatW d continue to be Gates. These and others, he ad- of professional ded, have entered into a 'coh- hat nearly all si)piracy with the criminals and hen the criminal terrorists of the world. w networks of '"That," Gates told the chieft;' y-is an irony "is the kind of terrorism yoYlF t little solace to find is spreading across they o the president, nation. You can see is right be'. sal for the con- in New York, in Chicago, in Seat= ns to be a huge tie, where new laws and lawsuits rison system. have left the police with the rS containment, hands tied." ne thread in the These are the people who both' hich President Chief Gates and the presid'edf utlines. More regard as their principal b"- he police chiefs stacles-as their philosophical -who interrup- enemies as well as their liviAg me 30 times for opponents-in their campaiga to e entire planet contain the jungle of evil. The good and evil. coming months may well reveal crime, the wat- who is to be made the bait of the il is the spectre lions. Sm. his new moral n the characted seed blowing Bro stains and the Brwning wrote this article. . It takes rot in for Pacific News Service. f men's hearts, "_', ".4 - " p . Ft -Ia y« k' y" k }, C' ,1 Letters to the Daily: A WA CS: To the Daily: That AWACS and arms equi- ment sales may threaten the military secrets of the United States and the security of Israel is not thef onndation of the awaring target areas of strategic impor- tance to the U.S., such as Iraqi oil fields, than to protect the Middle East from Soviet invasion. Americans workingfor world-