Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom
ol be
Increasing cloudiness with
a chance of showers.
Today's -high will be in-the
Vol. XCII, No. 26 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 9, 1981 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages
Special to the Daily
r EAST LANSING - While everyone
seems to be talking about the apathy'
pervading here prior to tomorrow's-
gridiron tussle versus intra-state rival,
Michigan, MSU partisans attempted to-
dispel that image with a "Blow Blue".
pep rally last night at Dooley's.
With the Wolverine-Michigan
State kickoff slightly more than 24 hours
away, Spartan head coach Muddy
Waters and several MSU players added
fuel to the students' fight songs and
various melodies directed at their Ann
Arbor counterparts. The scene was
reminiscent of Michigan-Michigan*
State pre-game festivities of the past.
But more importantly, it was a
refreshing change of attitude.
atmosphere around Michigan State was
See MSU, Page 11
The word
Preachers provide
between-class gospel
It's 2:30 p.m.
About 50 people are standing in a
slow drizzle on the Diag. Some are
studying, others are gossiping. But
over near one of the stone benches
about 15 students are listening to an
evangelical debate.
"THE BEST thing I can do for these
guys," says the preacher standing on
the bench and pointing to two seedy
looking street people, "is not to give.
them $15, but a new heart."
"I got a big heart, I don't need one,"
shouts back 30-year-old Wayne Allen,
waering a huge cowboy hat and
holding a bottle of Popov Vodka,
which he comically refers to as God.
"The basic problem is . . ." the
preacher starts.
"THE BASIC problem is that
everyday you come out and preach,"
Allen interrupts.
"The problem is that everyone is
doing their own thing," the minister
The man preaching in the black
leather blazer from atop the park
bench is not Jerry Falwell, but
Michael Caulk, co-director of the
Maranatha Campus Ministries Inter-
national. Caulk and his co-director,
Hunter Fite, a senior at Eastern
Michigan University, are out on the
Diag everyday, wielding their Bibles,
preaching the word of God and fen-
ding off the relentless heckling of
Allen and his 47-year-old sidekick,
Charlie Wade.
"WAYNE'S BEEN yelling at us
since the very first day we've been
sharing," says Caulk, who came to
Ann Arbor about three months ago af-
ter helping to establish ministries at
several other universities.
Daily rPoto by KIM MILL
DIAG PREACHER HUNTER Fite (left) and heckler Wayne Allen exchange words over Allen's interruption of Fite's
performance. Both Fite and-Allen appear in the diag daily where their evangelical debates have become commonplace.
'U' stargazers probe unknown
The discovery of the largest void ever
found in outer space has focused
renewed attention on the field of
astronomy and its practical ap-
While conducting a survey of the
galaxies, University Associate
Professor Robert Kirshner and three
colleagues recently discovered a region
of space about 200-300 million light
years in diameter that contains vir-
tually no detectable matter.
THE GALAXY survey, originally
done to study the clustering of galaxies,
-is-only one part of the involvement of
University personnel and University
facilities in current astronomy resear-
Initial stages of the survey were done
using the McGraw-Hill Observatory on
Kitt Peak in Arizona, Kirshner said.
McGraw-Hill is partially owned by the
University and is one of three.
telescopes currently owned or operated
by the University, he added. Kirshner is
the director of McGraw-Hill.
Another of the University's
telescopes is located beside the Cerro
Tololo Inter-American Observatory on
a mountain 300 miles north of Santiago,
Chile. The telescope is a 24-inch Curtis-
Schmidt camera useful for making sur-
veys of space. It is used extensively by
Astronomy Professor Gordon McAlpine
in the research of quasars.
"QUASARS ARE 160,000 times fain-
ter than the naked eye can see,"
McAlpine said. Quasars are easy to find
with the Schmidt telescope, he said.
Quasars are believed to be the
forerunners of galaxies and further
study could have "universe-shaking"
implications, McAlpine said.
"The laws of physics are at stake and
the understanding of black holes is at
stake," he said. Black holes are
believed to be collapsed stars with
gravity so strong that even light cannot
"The universe is a giant physics lab,"
McAlpine said.
BECAUSE THE University owns the
telescope in Chile, it gets one third of
the time assigned for researchers to use
the telescope, Kirshner said. "I wish we
had more people" to send down and get
experience, he said.
The other of the University's three
telescopes is a radiotelescope located
on Peach Mountain outside Dexter,
Michigan. Hugh Eller, a professor
working at Peach Mountain is doing
projects nobody else in the world is
doing, Kirshner said.
The Peach Mountain observatory is
the only one specializing in watching
extragalactic objects over time, Eller
said. The 85-foot telescope was one of
the forerunners of the radiotelescopic
'field, and its discoveries surprised
many of its former critics.
ORIGINALLY located on Peach
Mountain, the McGraw-Hill obser-
vatory was moved to Kitt Peak in
Arizona in 1975.
The observatory is currently co-
ovned by three universities-Dar-
tmough College, the Massachusetts In-
stitute of .Technology and the Univer-
sity, William Hiltner, chairman of the
astronomy department, said. The three
institutions were originally cooperating
See 'U', Page 9
Doily Photo by KIM HILL
Twirling toddler
Kimberly Donahue, 14 months old, tries out her baton routine during the
Michigan Marching Band practice at Elbel Field, in hopes of twirling at a
Rose Bowl game someday.
WILLIAM HILTNER, astronomy department chairman, displays a
photographed model of a new telescope he hopes to have financed by the
time he retires. He said that if the telescope is constructed, grants to the
.-University will increase.
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Reagan policies
.may bring war,
admiral says
Present U.S. defense policies will
lead to nuclear war with the Soviet
Union unless the two superpowers
begin negotiations on limiting arms,
retired Rear Admiral Eugene Carroll
told an audience of more than 200 last
Carroll, the deputy director for the
Center for Defense Information, a
private agency in Washington, said
Reagan's support of the MX Missile and
B-1 Bomber, and the president's
belligerence toward the Soviet Union
demonstrates a willingness on the part
of the U.S. to fight and win a nuclear
war, rather than deter it.
"IF THERE'S ONE way to get out of
this trap, it's through negotiations on
limitations of arms," Carroll said.
For practical purposes, Carroll said,
the U.S. should focus its efforts on
achievable goals, such as establishing a
comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty,
rahter than total nuclear disarmament.
The Reagan administration, he said,
believes it should "Talk tough and
spend a lot of money." Carroll, who
was commissioned as a naval officer in
World War 11, said he cannot recall a
time when an administration has been'
more belligerent with the Soviets. He
added that the Reagan administration's
tendence to blame the Soviets for all the
worlds problems creates world ten-
speaker in a' two-day forum entitled
"What is National Security," sponsored
by LSA Student Government, the
Michigan Student Assembly, and other
local groups
About 15 members of the Spartacus
Youth League picketed last night's
speech outside Rackham Auditorium.
SYL spokesman Jeff Shomer said SYL
believes the forum is "basically a
cynical public relations front" and that
the military doesn't have any place on
this campus.
Carroll also said the Reagan ad-
ministration has not formulated or
defined its foreign policy objectives
REAGAN'S PLANS to deploy the MX
missile in silos around the country and
to build the B-1 Bomber, a long-range
aircraft capable of carrying nuclear
payloads anywhere in the world, are
costly and unnecessary, Carroll said.
In an interview earlier in the day;
Carroll said the MX missile project was
a "poor solution made for political
reasons" and it had no clearcut
military validity because the project
See ADMIRAL, Page 6
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Charity run
T 4:30 SATURDAY morning members of the
Sigma fraternity of the University and Michigan
State University will start their third annual
run from Ann Arbor to East Lansing. The mem-
bers of the fraternity will run, one at a time, 72 miles to the
and shoot every TV news spot on us. Why? Because they're
all the same," the 38-year-old English rock star said in an
interview with the Los Angeles Herald Examiner prior to a
concert in Denver this week. The Stones are on a two-month
tour of the United States and will be in Detroit in early
December. "If I had to be on stage for 365 days a year, I
would go really mad. The personal attention is too much,"
he said. He said the qudstions he gets from reporters are the
same, the coverage is full of cliches and his bad-boy image,
especially in America, persists. "He's bad, he's the devil,
that growling," said Mitchell Brown of the state Depar-
tment of Justice. "We don't normally run into tigers on this
job." The cats were found caged outside a farmhouse. Four
dogs, two Doberman pinschers and two German shepherds
lurked among the 12-foot marijuana plants, and one of them
bit Brown on the leg. Officials spotted the plants while
flying over the San Mateo County coastline, Brown said. Of-
ficers used mountaineering equipment to reach the steep
ravines where the pot was growing. The cats, which were
registered with the state department of Fish and Game,
provide live coverage of the Sadat assassination Tuesday.
And that didn't sit well with those who have a daily soap
habit. "The ones who called about the soap operas wanted
to know why we had something on that didn't pertain to our
country," Lana Minor, a receptionist for NBC affiliate WV-
TM-TV said Wednesday. "They were asking, 'Who was
Sadat?' Two or three didn't even call him by his right
name." Minor said the station received about 25 calls. At
WBRC, Birmingham's ABC afffiliate, a receptionist said
about 40 soap opera addicts called. At WMBG, the CBS