Ninety- Two Years of Editorial Freedom cl Sin U1 :4aiti RELAXING Partly cloudy, breezy, highs in the mid-60s. Vol. XCII, No. 23 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 6, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages Higher ed in jeopardy, Shapiro warns *LSA area centers to undergo r eview' By ANDREW CHAPMAN The LSA executive committee is reviewing the status of the college's six area studies centers, Dean Peter Steiner told LSA faculty yesterday. An area studies center is an inter- disciplinary center which focuses its studies on a particular part of the world. The centers, such as the Center for Chinese Studies, do not belong to a *specific LSA department, but draw their professors from several disciplines. STEINER SAID REVIEW of the cen- ters was an "urgent" consideration because the status of the centers is par- ticularly vulnerable during the Univer- sitys budget crisis. A faculty member in an area center holds a professorship in his or her department such as political science or anthropology. The department, not the center, pays the professor's salary. Area studies centers are hit hard by. University financial woes because some are low on the priority lists of the departments that supply them with professors, said Madhav. Deshpande, director of the South and Southeast Asian studies center. Robert Cole, director of the Center for Japanese Studies, said often a faculty member works in an area cen- ter will retire and either be replaced through his original department by someone who is in no way related to the area center, or may not be replaced at all. "SOME CENTEI ARE being hurt more than others," Cole said. Steiner ADld the LSA faculty yester-. day that the executive committee will look at the overall function of the area studies centers and will examine which are having difficulties and which are strong. We do not expect that we will discon- tinue any area centers," Steiner said. "THERE IS NO clue as to the out- come of the review," Steiner continued. Steiner also told faculty that four LSA departments will be reviewed during the coming year; the Coalition for the Use of, Learning Skills, the geology department, the physics department and the psychology department. The executive committee reviews all LSA departments at regular intervals of four to six years, Steiner said. Federal spending cuts could endanger 'U' byANDREW CHAPMAN and JULIE HINDS Federal policies that take effect next year may have a staggering effect on the future of higher education, Univer- sity President Harold Shapiro warned yesterday evening in his annual State of the University address. The decline of federal and state ap- propriations to higher education has lead to an "urgent" need for new funds at the University, Shapiro told the crowd at Rackham auditorium, which was filled nearly to capacity. "GENERATING CREATIVE responses to these external factors (budget cuts) will require us to make further decisions about reallocation and redeployment of resources," Shapiro said. The President claimed that current federal support for various aspects of the activities of higher education will be under 'severe stress." It is apparently the (Reagan) ad- ministration's view that education is not a federal function; that it is not even a federal purpose, and that, specific educational outcomes do not effect the federal interest,"Shapiro said. SHAPIRO ADDED THAT if the academic community stands passively by as the federal government drastically restructures its policy toward higher education, the Univer- sity will "not have met our responK sibilities to ourselves, to our stedents; and to America's future" Shapiro said the University com- munity can expect more reductions and coming retrenchment than it has un- dergone to date. "In general terms, we might seek the reallocation or redeployment of ap- proximately 10 to 15 percent of our General Fund budget," Shapiro said. THIS 10 TO 15 PERCENT shift com- pares to a reduction of less than 5 per- cent through various program cutbacks achieved last year by the ad- ministration. . Shapiro said that the lack of funds from the state has forced the University administration to critically undersup- port important programs such as See SHAPIRO, Page 5 Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCKI PRESIDENT SHAPIRO reveals tentative plans for further budget reallocations to fight declining state and federal funding during last night's state of the University address. Congress examines Taiwanese spy issue summer By JOHN ADAM terrogati A closed congressional hearing will security p be held today in Washington to at Carneg examine the issue of Taiwanese in- tsburgh,i telligence operations in the United in Taiwan States. Many p The hearing, in which members of members the FBI, state and justice departmen- ficials, c ts will participate, was spurred by the dered b alleged murder of a former Univer- Chinese ( sity student in Taiwan last July. of his al . while in ti CHEN WEN-CHEN, a 1978 Univer- Taiwan' sity graduate, was found dead last that Chen 'U' employee By JOHN ADAM professor By JHN DAMsity in Pit In late August, Alice Ti, a Univer- Taipei, las sity staff member, and her husband 'to see his George received a letter threatening just hou their lives. terrogati4 The letter said the Ti family was police (se suspected of providing information to The lett Taiwan's Nationalist Chinese gover- signed an nment (KMT) that may have led to Pittsburg the death of University graduate Chen living at ti Wen-Chen. The Tis were under in- The lett( vestigation, the letter said, and if found guilty, might be "executed." CHEN, WHO was an assistant to exam only hours after being in- cident or ed by Taiwan's national SU-JE police. A statistics professor first to te gie-Mellon University in Pit- committe Chen was visiting relatives fairs toda at the time of his death. The heE ersons-including congress after Su and some university of- classified ontent that Chen was mur- ted and ay Taiwan's Nationalist that Am KMT) government because Chen's de lleged anti-KMT activities Here in he United States. ministrat s government has insisted 's death was either an ac- gets death at Carnegie-Mellon Univer- Michigan ittsburgh, was found dead in EliminatA st July, on a visit to Taiwan trse relatives. His death came terested rs after an extensive in- contribut on by Taiwan's national Dr. Chen ~eabove story) of the cl ter sent to the Tis was not Arbor C d carried a postmark from h, Pa. where Chen was not perso he time of his death ted an op er read : case. If 1 Candidate: I am assigned nine the University of suicide. N, CHEN'S widow, will be the estify before the House Sub- e on Asian and Pacific Af- y. arings, which wilbe closed -jen's testimony because I information will be presen- discussed, is only one way ericans have reacted to ath. Ann Arbor, University ad- ors have been, reluctant to ee CONGRESS, Page 7 letter cases of the Roaches on Program. We are in- in those who may have ed most to the death of n. Due to the complexity rcumstances in the Ann ampus which (sic) I have nally been, you are gran- portunity to defend your we don 't hear from you AP Photo Su-jen, the widow of former University Ph.D student Chen Wen-Chen, will speak this afternoon at a Congressional hearing examining the alleged illegal activities of Taiwan agents in the United States. Chen was found dead early in July while he and his family were vacationing in Taiwan. Former U.N. ambassador criticizes de ense build-up B MINDY LAYNE his obsession with achieving military tinue to stockpile more weapons. superiority. This preoccupation with military McHenry summarized the major problems of Insisting that weapons "never brought strength, McHenry continued, will only speed international political affairs as remnants of security to any country," former U.S. Am- the spread of nuclear weapons to other coun- colonialism, the gap between wealthy and bassador to the United Nations Donald tries and promote further militarization developing countries, and historical and McHenry said President Reagan's plan to around the world. strategical conflicts in the Middle East. dramatically increase defense spending is needless and dangerous. Speaking to more than 106 students at the University's law school yesterday, McHenry said, "Mr. Reagan should stop, look, and listen. The United States is no, window of vulnerability, but Reagan opened it wide in his decision to operate the MX missile." MCHENRY SAID Reagan's increases in defense spending will only encourage other nations, especially the Soviet Ur:-n, to enter into a dangerous and expensive arms race. McHenry charged that Reagan's desire for a "margin of safety" is only a thin disguise for "The problem with superiority is that no guy will be content to be in second place. This sets a distance between your power and his ... He'll increase his weapons and you'll increase yours," McHenry said. THE HOPE FOR lasting world peace, McHenry argued, rests with careful and determined negotiations between all nations, not with greater military power. As the United States puts a greater emphasis on military strength so will other nations. Some countries that do not have nuclear arms will begin to seek them, he said, and those countries which already have nuclear power will con- HE SAID THE major obstacle facing the United States in U.N. negotiations today is a growing anti-American sentiment abroad. "European nations feel we are too tied up in our own domestic problems that we can't see others' problems," McHenry said. Since any military conflict will probably take place on European soil and not in the United States, they are forced to bear the brunt of NATO's defenses, McHenry said. "They believe we'd think more carefully if we were in their position," he said. Daily Photo by BRIAN MASC DONALD McHENRY, FORMER ambassador to the United Nations, tells more than 100 law students last night that the outlook for limited proliferation of nuclear power is bleak. TODAY- Faculty directory is here, IT SEEMS AS though nothing will escape the Univer- sity's budget cutting axe this year, not even the new 1981-82 University directory, released yesterday, Television stress People who talk about "relaxing" in front of the television set may be deluding themselves, a stress specialist says. Dr. Dan Costley, who conducts public stress seminars sponsored by New Mexico State University, said television is among the least effective methods of taking a person's mind off his worries. "When people watch television, they get emotionally involved in the program and start taking sides," Costley said, citing pro football as a prime example. He said exercise would be a much better has set a date for another jump. "It's going to me March 3, my birthday," Lewis said. "And id it's a nice enough day, I may even try it from 5,000 or 6,000 feet." Lewis, 33, of Columbus, went home from the hospital last week after being seriously injured in a parachuting accident near Can- ton last June 28. His main chute failed to open, and his reserve chute became entangled with the main chute as he fell into a soybean field. "My fall did nothing to lessen my love for parachuting," said Lewis, who now uses crutches and wears a back brace. Q I i ~ - I i