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October 01, 1981 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-01

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Page 10-Thursday, October 1, 1981-The Michigan Daily

Freshman spiker rules net game
By CHUCK HARTWIG hesitation at all in starting a freshman. the University helped influence her run more systems than here," said

Diane Ratnik is an exception at
Michigan in several ways. First of all,
she is a freshman starting on a varsity
team. Secondly, she comes to the}
University from a foreign country.
. And with the season still young, Rat-
nik, a native of Canada, has already
established herself as an important
part of the women's volleyball squad.
"Diane is quite different," said head
cpach Sandy Vong. "She dominates the
net game. "
Vong is quick to stress, however, that
"4, volleyball team cannot have any
s" because all the -players must
ction within a system and not as in,
'THE COACH explained that because
af. his team concept, he had no

"We have two groups of players," he
commented. "One group who comes in
with great talent, and one group whose
technique is not quite where it should
be." The latter group, he explained,
develops after they arrive at Michigan..
He said Ratnik fell in the first group
and was ready to play right away.
Ratnik is one of four Canadian
players on the team, joining Sue
Rogers, Alison Noble, and Julie
Stotesbury. Ratnik, along with
sophomores Noble and Rogers, played
on the Scarborough Titans Volleyball
Club which won the Canadian national
championships in 1980..
Vong explained how they were
recruited. "In this case, they all played
on the same team, and I know the
coach," he said. "I know how he
coaches and he teaches the fundamen-
tals well."
RATNIK SAID she came to Michigan
because "I heard it was a good school
academically." She added that the fact
that Noble and Rogers were already at

decision as well.
Ratnik said that there is a difference
between the style of volleyball played in
the U.S. and that played in Canada. "I
guess in the volleyball we (Canadians)

Ratnik. "I think (the systems) are
more advanced in Canada. There's
more interest in it (volleyball) at an
early age, in the high schools."
As for the future, Ratnik is uncertain
about her academic plans. "I's still un-
decided about my major," said the LSA
student. But on the volleyball court,
Ratnik is decided about her future
goals. "I want to try out for the
Canadian Senior (National) Team in a
few years," she said.
As far as the present goes, the
volleyball team has a big weekend of
action coming up, with a match tonight
against Schoolcraft Community
College, and a big two-day, 12-team
tournament at Michigan State on
Friday and Saturday.
American League
Oakland 3. Toronto 0
Kansas City 5, Minnesota 2
New York at Cleveland (ppd. by rain)
- National League
Cincinnati 5, Houston 2
Atlanta 9, San Francisco 2
Montreal 3, Pittsburgh 2
New York 2. Chicago 1
Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 5

Band a halftime hit;
hot dogs put on hold
Bang! There's the gun to end the first half. But wait, don't head for the hot
dogs yet. You might miss something good. It's halftime and time for the
Michigan Marching Band show.
Last week's performance during the Navy game featured theme songs
from current adventure movies. The show was a big success and was one
reason many fans didn't immediately head for the concession stands at half-
time. Some of the themes featured were those of the Lone Ranger, Popeye,
James Bond, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Superman.
BAND DIRECTOR Eric Becher and his assistants started working on the
show this summer and kept improving it until the day of the game. Normally
the band practices more than two hours a day, five days a week; first in sec-
tionals, then as a group. But last week's unusual show required special
preparation. "The past week we put in a lot of extra time preparing the
props and practicing the routines for the various characters," said Becher.
Becher, who has had seven years experience in the band as both a player
and director, coordinates the shows with help from assistants John Stout,
who wrote the arrangements for last Saturday's game and Guy Bordo, a
former drum major for the band.
Adding to the pagaentry of the game is the fanfare band, a group con-
sisting of the top members of the brass section. The ensemble is selected by
Becher and circles the inside of the stadium during the third quarter. This
group, led by trumpet player Dan Meyers, plays to individual sections of the
crowd. Everything from "Let's Go, Blue!" to the theme from the cartoon
Bullwinkle is in the group's repertoire.
In addition to playing for all of Michigan's home games, the band will also
appear at one Detroit Lions game as well as the annual Bandarama.
So the next time you get set to leave your seat, at halftime, remem-
ber-Michigan's football team may be good, but the band also puts on quite a


The Office of Career
Planning and Plecement
Mr. Robert M. Cooperman
National Security Agency
OCTOBER 5, 1981 - 10:00 a.m.
3545 SAB
This is a pre-recruiting visit, National Security Agency will recruit
in Career Planning and Placement on October 14, 1981. Contact Career
Planning and Placement for sign-up procedure information.


... Canadian spiker

rillock shoots for studies first

In this age of academic probations
and athletic scandals, it has become in-
creasingly difficult to find someone who
fits the label of student-athlete. But if
you went looking on the Michigan golf
course, you could find such a person in
Wolverine golfer Linda Drillock.
To Drillock, academics are more im-
7;30 p.m.
Coalition against
The Family
Protection Act
Wekler Room
Discussion of Legal, Social,
and Political aspects of The
Family Protection Act.

portant than winning a tournament or
making a hole-in-one. "Academics
come first to me, golf second," she said.
"My goal in life is to be an attorney, not
to go on the pro tour."
ALTHOUGH Drillock concentrates
mainly on academics, it is obvious that
she has not entirely neglected her
golfing. The political science major is
one of the top three players on the
Michigan squad, and as a freshman
played in the Lady Strohs Pro tour-
nament as an amateur.
"It (playing in the tournament) was a
great experience for me. It was like
being able to experience what a pro
golfer goes through without being one,"
said Drillock. "It can be compared to a
baseball player wanting to see what the
pros are like and being able to pitch one
night for the Yankees."
Drillock fared quite well in the tour-
nament, shooting 80 and 82. On the first
day, she was only one over par after 13
holes and leading the other pros in her
group before "falling apart." "The ex-
citement was really in theair with all
the big name players and people'
treated me as if I was a pro player,"
said Drillock.
DRILLOCK SAID that she never

dreamed of playing in a pro tournament
when she first picked up a golf club 14
years ago. "I lived in a small town and
one of the few things there was to do
was to play on the town course," she
said. "Also, since the first tee was only
150 yards from my house, it was easy
for me to start playing."
Drillock didn't really start to play
seriously until the age of 12, when she
shot a 39 for nine holes. Soon after she
started competing in tournaments,
playing four times in the Michigan
State Championships and twice
qualifying for the state PGA Chevrolet
"Only the winners of the state tour-
nament could qualify for the nationals
at Disney World and the first year I
came in second and the second year I
finished third," she said.
DRILLOCK HAS had to share the
good times with the bad in her golfing
career. Being the only woman on her
high school team had quite an effect on
her game, she said. "The attitude
toward me was quite cold. Guys don't
get caught on the idea of being beaten
by a girl," said Drillock. "Playing with

just men had an effect on my game.
couldn't hit the ball as far as they could,
so I would try to hit the ball harder,
which often times made me play wor-
Drillock, who never competed again-
st other women until she came to
Michigan, sees an increased interest in
women's golf. "There are more women
junior tournaments which will mean
more collegiate players," she said.
Despite this, Drillock does not foresee
Michigan ever becoming a national
power in women's golf. "No matter how
good the program is here, Michigan will
never be a powerhouse simply because
of the location," she said. "The weather
is much colder than places like
Oklahoma, Florida, or California,
where all the powerhouses are."
That, along with Michigan's rigorous
academic requirements, help explain
Drillock's feeling that golf comes
second in her life. "In a way I'm
cheating myself because I haven't per-
formed as well," said Drillock. "My
goals in life are centered around
academics. If my priorities -were dif-
ferent I know I would be playing much

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