Ninety- Two Years ofr Editorial Freedom 41!3UU 1 IaiIt Vol. XCII, N Jo. 18 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 30, 1981 Ten Cents TenPages - . .,,: , ,Y Stat cut less funds to 'U, $4 million; than feared, official'says Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS Breaking away Perched in the center of the Diag this week, the Cessna 152R looks almost ready for take-off. The plane is promoting the University Flyers Club, which has nine aircraft available for instruction ins all pilot ratings and for cross country flying. M U calendar men By JANET RAE The state will cut back its funds to the University this year by $4 million - significantly brighter news than the $6 million cutback originally planned, ac- .cordin'g to Fred Whims, director of the education division of the State Budget Office. Whims said state officials have scheduled a press conference for 11 a.m. today at which they plan to an- nounce legislative approval of a plan to cut back state funds to schools and colleges by only three percent rather than the 4.5 percent proposed earlier. THIS MEANS that the state - if it lives up to its promises - will give the University 9.5 percent more money this fiscal year than it did the year before. The state had originally promised a 12.5 percent increase, but both state and University officials have said they ex- pect that increase to be further eroded by additional state cutbacks in the coming year. ' University officials, however, were reluctant to speculate whether the new cutback - which is smaller than ad- ministrators had counted on - will allow the University to increase its general fund budget, including the possibility of granting larger raises to faculty members than currently plan- ned. BOB SAUVE, who serves as budget adviser to Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye, said he doubts that the newly-announced smaller cutback will result in any major adjustments in the University's budget, which was ap- proved by the Regents earlier this mon- th. "The cut we're really worried about is the one just down the road a few mon- ths," Sauve said. That cutback is ex- pected to come when the state begins to finalize its fiscal 1982 budget, perhaps as early as next month. The reduction of the 'planned $6 million cutback was made possible by the legislature's transfer of $20 million from an account for delinquent railroad funds into the state's general budget. "We recommended that (the tran- sfer) a year ago and the legislature rejected it then," Whims said. He said the legislature's main purpose in trying to find other ways to eliminate the state's $135 million deficit was. to protect education from further cut- backs. "It's good news for the time being un- til we find out how much they're going to take from their 1982 appropriation," said: Ralph Nichols, assistant to Vice- President for State Relations Richard Kennedy. "It's all speculation at this point. I've given up guessing." coming for pinup pleasure By JULIE HINDS For those eagerly anticipating the arrival of the calendar featuring male University students announced last week, there is more good news - there will be even more cheesecake to choose from. Jugt one week after the NBK Promotion Cd.\ revealed plans for its calendar featuring revealing shots of male University students, Detroit en- trepreneur Steven Jacob said his firm plans to release "The Men of the University of Michigan" 1981-82 calen- dar to local bookstores by mid-October. JACOB, A University alumnus, said the calendar will feature students, in bathing suits, bathrobes, towels - out- fits similar to those of NBK's calendar. Jacob said the calenda- will be used at the University as "a test base for spreading it to at least all the Big Ten schools." Jacob, who started calendar produc- tion in July, had "no idea" why a wave of male calendars was hitting the University and Michigan State Univer- sity, but said all-male student calen- dars go over better than comparable all-female ones because there are "lots of other places men can go to buy calendars of that sort." SOME OF the potential female market for this local flood of cheesecake is less than pleased with the new trend. Marti Bombyk, teaching assistant for Women's Studies 350, feels the calendars represent a "mass- market ripoff" that "makes a mockery of sexual liberation." "Some people say women are liberated because they can look at these pictures," Bombyk said, adding that this misrepresents the curfent situation of "the Reagan administration backlash against women's liberation." Bombyk said the calendars are part of a disturbing trend of "objectifying men, or making them sex objects for mass consumption." Magazines such as Playgirl typify this trend, according to Bombyk. WHETHER OR not these semi-clad pictures should be considered por- nographic is a controversial issue, Bombyk said, but they are "impersonal pictures of men a§ objects trying to get some response from women." "Some women say it's great that now women get to lust after men. But is it good to turn anyone, into an object?" Bombyk-said. Psychology Prof. Jacquelynne Par- sons felt the calendars were relatively harmless, saying, "I don't think it's really a new phenomenon." "It's no different from looking at pic- tures of male movie stars," Parsons said. "We'd be kidding ourselves to say that women don't look at men out there on the streets." See U', Page 2 Minn. prof fails to inform school officials of classified research ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - A Univer- sity /of Minnesota professor who analyzed plant -samples for -suspected Soviet biological warfare chemicals says he did not inform university of- ficials because he was not aware of the tests' purpose, a published report says. "I think I would owe it to my gover- nment" to conduct the study, said Chester Mirocha, a professor of plant - pathology. MIROCHA'S WORK was guarded so. closely that lab workers were not aware until recently they were analyzing plant samples collected by intelligence agen- ts from sites in Southeast Asia, accor- ding to a copyright story Monday in the St. Paul Dispatch. The newspaper said the research began under tight security about two months ago in the plant pathology laboratory at the university's campus here. University officials said they had no inkling of the project, although univer- sity policies forbid classified or secret research. STAN KEGLER, vice president of in- stitutional relations for the university, said he was "totally unaware of this." He said the department head and the college dean should have been infor- med. Robert Hexter, chairman of the university research committee, said the university would be reluctant to get involved in work relating to biological warfare. "Universities don't wage SeeMINN., Page 2 <)...... ............ ....:a.4........ .................................... 2... .............................. .. . . . . . . . ...J ~. . . .. . . . . . . ..........................,i. T .: .l,,............ ..........., .x..i.... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . ...................v , T . ..,v ., , .'. .. ......:. . . . . . . ..........^ u: ... .....~03,a. . .. ,.. E.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . .. ,.E . ..... : .t ). ... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .........n ,...r .. .g..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Y, Dissident recounts life in Rusi By JOHN ADAM Lev Kopelev is a towering, gray bearded, weatherbeaten Russian, almost in the Tolstoyan mold. When asked yesterday why he was recently expelled from the Soviet Union, he paused and simply replied: "I can only guess; they don't like people who try to think independently." Kdpelev,. who is visiting Ann Arbor with his'wife Raya, is a literary figure wholhas befriended such famous Soviet dissidents as Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Andrei Sakharov. But he said that he was once like many other Soviets; a "true believer," infact, a member of the Communist Party. "WE FELT VERY closely related to the state," Kopelev said, speaking of himself and his generation. "We iden- tified ourselves with the state; its faults were our faults." The Russian author portrayed this same thought in his non-fictional book To Be Preserved Forever, which begins, with Kopelev as a Soviet major on the Nazi front. "With the rest of my generation, I firmly believed that the ends justified 'e tried to be free people in an unfree country' -Lev Kopelev,, Soviet dissident the means. Our great goal was the universal truth of communism, and for the sake of that goal everything was possible - to lie, to steal, to destroy hundreds of thousands and even millions of people," Kopelev wrote. BUT NOW everything has changed, he said yesterday. "There's no one that felt as we did 20 years ago." Kopelev said his disenchantment with communism was a gradual change; that took many years. He said the roots of his questioning began even before World War II, when he was a major in the Soviet army. After four years on the front, Kopelev was sent to a prison camp where he remained for almost 10 years. His disillusionment, however, did not occur in prison. "In prison one feels to be too subjec- tive. You can't think too objectively. You are unjustly imprisoned," so you can't think of things in an objective fashion. WITH'KHRUSHCHEV there came reforms which still allowed the people some hope in the system, Kopelev said. But that hope also soon gave way. In 1968, Kopelev wrote that there was a danger of reStalinization in the Soviet Union. He explained how it was possible that his generation believed Stalin but that now it was very dangerous to believe in these measures. "Stalinism is fascism and it is dangerous for Russia and other coun- tries," he said. "I said very simple things but in our country such things are dangerous." Kopelev said that it was not until the 1970s that he finally could resolutely declare that "I am no more either a Communist or a Marxist." He said he thinks this is a common feeling in the Soviet Union but because there are no public polls and no free press, it is dif- ficult to actually pinpoint the problems. IN THE Soviet Union today he said he believes there. is a greater feeling of despair, and drunkenness is a "national epidemic." There are also problems with corruption, indifferenceand poverty, the Russian author said. But the most unpleasant quality of Soviet life is the dividing of society into stratas, Kopelev said. The positive side of the situation, Kopelev contends, is the fact that nobody believes in official ideology anymore. Nobody feels "organically related to the state."' Today the ubiquitous murals and monuments of Lenin and Brezhnev See RUSSIAN, Page 2 Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS LEV KOPELEV, A controversial Russian literary figure who was once a member of the Communist Party, sAid yesterday there is a current feeling of disillusionment inside the SovietjUnion. . ... . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . ... .. . ... :a.. . . . . . ............ .x.... ............ . f $'ik? ::' l . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... . .. .:.. . . . . . . . . .............. ......5:.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......R:.;.,.,,..."................3..r.f..,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <: m. ... . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . a. ", ...< ",... . . . . .:,.... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .'r.. . .«..:.. l ob,..,.. . ..h.. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time is up F YOU THfNK it's rough getting through CRISP try changing your schedule after today's drop/add deadline. Today is absolutely the last and final day for LSA students to drop/add or make any schedule changes relatively hassle-free. After 4 p.m. today a student who wishes to drop a cpurse will receive a "W" on his or her P vertising director for Jovan,the fragrance manufacturer that's sponsoring the rock group's 28-city tour. Jovan plans to inundate local radio, stations with T-shirts and Jovan- designed Rolling Stones. posters before each concert. The poster is "a picture of five tongues flyingacross America, to symbolize their national tour " Miller said. "When Jagger saw it, he loved it." The Rolling Stones say Jovan's sponsorship does not mean they endorse any of its products. El . Miniature Mount St. Helens erupts symbolizes the volcanic activity on the mountain. And when it burns down, the sugar and cream harden up like lava." Simmons struggled through several failures in perfecting his drink. There was one near explosion, too. "I was trying to add more rum while the drink was on fire. " E From the mountain top If you don't think you can get to the top of the ladder in your job, one successful job holder says you should get off and find a new job. President Reagan, in an article published in 1942 in a now-defunct movie fan magazine, said to succeed in the business world you have to believe in your Peaches, pears, and $500 The suffering of a female elephant in a Baltimore Zoo has bee) eased-thanks to donations from people in Maryland. The elephant has a fatal arthritis-like disease that has caused it to lose 700 pounds. "Gunni," a 12-year-old African elephant, received 15 bushels of peaches and pears and $500 in cash. One of the disease's effects is constant thirst. $200 of the donated money has been used to install a pump which brigs water into its cage 24 hours a day. "She's holding her own, but it still doesn't look very good," said assistant zoo director, Brian Rutledge. The disease causes the animal's antihodies to attack itsawn svstem .F I I I