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September 10, 1981 - Image 29

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-10

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The Michigpn Daily-Thursday, September 10, 1981-Page 9

Even Ann Arbor not
immune to violent crime

G ood luck Doily Photo by KIM HILL
New students and late enrollees wait in line Tuesday for their last chance to pick courses before the general student
population begins the drop/add ritual today.

Last April's killing of two University
students at Bursley dormitory on North
Campus was not, much to the distress
of the University community, the only
such incident to plague the area during
the past year.
The previous September, a Univer-
sity graduate student was found stab-
bed to death outside of her west Ann
Arbor apartment. Rebecca Huff, 30,
was the third local resident in five mon-
ths to die under similar circumstances.
Shirley Small, 17, was found dead on
April 20, 1980 near her home in the
Georgetown Townhouses, an Ann Ar-
bor subdivision. On july 13, the body of
Glenda Richmond, 23, was discovered
outside the front door of her University
Townhouse Apartment, also in Ann Ar-
Ann Arbor Police Chief William Cor-
bett said there were several
similarities in the murders which lead
police to suspect the possibility of one
RAPE IS ANOTHER problem to
which the city is not immune, and last
summer a special community program
was organized to help combat it.
The most recent reported rape oc-
curred last July when an intruder, en-
tered a home on the city's east side. The
victim was reportedly sleeping down-
stairs when he. entered. The suspect
allegedly dragged her upstairs, blin-
dfolded her, gagged and tied her up,
and then raped her, police said.
That incident was the second repor-
ted in less than two months in Ann Ar-
bor. In May, a University Hospital em-
ployee was abducted at gunpoint and
raped near hospital property.
The victim had reportedly been war-
ned by her assailant that she would be
killed if she tried to scream for help.
She attempted to resist once, police

said, and was choked "nearly to uncon-
AT THE BEGINNING of last Winter
term, a 36-year-old woman was ac-
costed in one of the music practice
rooms of the Michigan Union. When
she was practicing, two men in their
late teens entered, pulled a gun on her
and told her to remove her clothes.
When she refused, the assailants
allegedly knocked her down and hit her
in the head several times.
Later on in the term, a man from
Eastern Michigan University was
arraigned on charges of arson in con-
nection with a rash of trash fires at the
University Towers apartment complex
on South University and South Forest
There were 14 minor fires in 19 days
at the apartment building, according to
one source who lived in the building.
THE SUSPECT, Mehrdad Mohyi,
was a resident of the 14th floor of the
complex, where most of the fires had
been set. Ann Arbor Detective Robert
Lavansler said Mohyi gave police a
statement admitting responsibility for
the latest fire that had been set, but
Lavansler did not, rule out the
possibility that the other fires were set
by someone else.
A few weeks before the fires, a fight
at a Bursley Hall party ended in a gun

shot and one arrest for assault with in-
tent to commit less than murder and for
carrying a concealed weapon.
On March 8th, a Bursley security
guard discovered 20-year-old Billy
Jackson and another man fighting in a
second floor bathroom. As the security
guard was escorting Jackson out the
door, he allegedly pulled out a .32
caliber handgun and fired one shot,
before fleeing to his car.
POLICE AND security officials agree
that the most problems students have is
with break-ins, especially during
vacation breaks.
Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Harold Tinsey
said the best way for people to avoid
thefts during the breaks is to simply
take the usual precautions, making
sure the doors and windows are
securely locked. He added that taking
home valuables and finding out if a
neighbor can keep an eye on things can
help thwart would-be burglars during
"Use common sense," he said.
The Ann Arbor police department has
a special unit devoted to crime preven-
tion. The unit is headed by its sole
member, Detective Bernie Price. The
idea behind the crime prevention is
community awareness. "A lot of crime
prevention is just educationg the
public," Price said.

State colleges cooperate
amid financial problems

Daily News Analysis
As Michigan's public colleges and
universities grapple with declining
state subsidies, most will have to carry
out severe cutbacks and discontinue.
some programs.
But because these institutions are
'U' tition-
i cra18 percent.
.or '8 1-82
(Continued from Page 1)
universities and colleges both in
Michigan and out of state.
According to a study in the Lansing
State Journal, tuition and fees at
Michigan's 15 public colleges and
universities will increase by an average
of 16.6 percent this fall. Increases range
from 6.8 percent at Wayne State
University to 33.9 percent at Saginaw
Valley, Frye said. Michigan State
University anticipates an increase in
tuition and fees of about 11 percent.
' FRYE SUGGESTED that MSU's hike
is so much smaller than the Univer-
sity's because MSU officials instituted
a mid-year increase between
semesters, while the University did not.
However, -a mid-year increase is a
possibility for this University's future if
badly-needed state appropriations do
not materialize, officials said.
Legislation recommending a 12.2
percent increase in state funds to the
University for the 1981-82 academic
year was approved by the state Senate
and House and signed by Gov. William
Milliken last April.
HOWEVER, Bob Sauve, assistant to
Frye, said that "nobody believes (the
promised 12 percent) is there, and the
chances are 99 to 1" the governor will
issue an executive order reducing the
Frye said he and the rest of the ad-
ministration favor raising tuition
rather than cutting back academic
programs. Proper reviews to select
weak departments for reduction takes a
lot of time, Frye said. "We can't reduce
too fast," he said.
SHOULD STATE aid continue to
dwindle, Shapiro said, "we'll have to
start reducing programming rather
rapidly." If disaster does occur, "we
may have to go back to hiring freezes
and across-the-board cuts," Shapiro
Daily staff w'riter Mark Gin din:
.:tfle~d a report/for this story.

part of a state system of higher
education that is autonomous and
decentralized, there's little guarantee
that cuts won't be made in the same
academic programs at each institution,
thus crippling the state-wide university
DURING THE 1970's Gov. William
Milliken and other state officials at-
tempted unsuccessfully to establish a
much-needed central governing body
for Michigan's systerA of highter
education to coordinate education
across the state. University officials
opposed the plan because they feared
bureaucracy and increased politics in
resource allocations.
As these same officials face state
cutbacks now, they are becoming in-
creasingly responsive to the concept of
some sort of state control body.
"I think I'm hearing more recep-
tiveness to this idea (as a result of cut-
backs) but we still don't have active
support," said Doug Smith, higher
education consultant to Milliken.
PRESIDENTS AND academic vice
presidents of state colleges and univer-
sities do meet to discuss program plan-
ning in their respective universities,
but, for representatives of one univer-
sity to suggest changes for another

"I don't think that (discussing'
programming) has been all that suc-
cessful," Smith said. "It's like the fox
watching the hen coop. You have one
school challenging another. It's not the
best process."~
Another problem with interaction
between state educaitonal institutions,
Smith said, is that representatives of
smaller colleges, such as Saginaw
Valley State College, may feel vic-
timized by larger institutions which
have greater clout with the legislature.
PROF. MARVIN Peterson, director
of the University's Cneter for the Study
of Higher Educaion, said that if state
universities don't hake plans to deal
together with the current crisis, the
legislature and governor will have to
become more involved.
"Ultimately the rational decison is to
make a choice that certain institutions
and departments aren't needed and
then close them," he said. "If nobody
will close these places, then they'll
starve and eventually have to close. But
no legislator will vote to cut back the
pipeline in another (colleague's) area,"
Peterson siad, because that lawmaker
might then turn around and vote again-
st the first legislator.
See BUDGET, Page 18

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ing to learn more about acne and its treatment. We are
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Many times the developer will pay you up to $100 to try their
.new medication for a few months.
For more info, call (313) 763-5519, 8 am-4 pm, M-F. Please
call when you arrive on campus, or a few days before.




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