aS OPINION- Page 4 Thursday, September 24, 1981 The Michigan Daily 0 it a taten fMa r Edited and rnanaged by students at The University of Michigan An end to Iran mullah rule? Vol. XCII, No 13 420 Moynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Conflict of what? A TTENTION ALL employees of the University: If you are involved in a conflict of interest-stop it. We really can't define "conflict of interest" other than a vague generalization; we can't tell you why we decided to issue this warning, other than the University Auditor requested it, but if you're thinking of having a 'conflict of in- terest, don't. It's against Michigan law and the University doesn't go along with it either, you know. That, essentially, is the message University President Harold Shaprio sent to all University employees earlier this month. Unfortunately, the president has been unable to explain the necessity for this cryptic memo-leaving many questions unan- swered. First of all, why was this letter issued? Have there been several violations recently? If so, why does no one know about them? If not, why send a letter to all the employees? Secondly, what exactly is a conflict of interest? In his letter Shapiro defines it as "the use of official position and influence to further personal gain or that of families or associates . . The president said he can't come up with something more specific because each case must be examined in- dividually. So now, University em- ployees must refrain from doing something-even though they don't know what that something is. Both Shapiro and University General Counsel Roderick Daane have main- tained that this is no big issue. But it has caused something of an unroar: more than 30 employees have repor- tedly .called the president's office to find out what's going on. Several questions have been raised, it's up to the author of the letter-University President Harold Shapiro-to provide some answers. Theparallels between the governments of the Islamic Republic or Iran and the empire of ex-Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi are beginning to pile up alarmingly. Following the two latest extraor- dinary bombings in which Iran's president, prime minister and prosecutor general were all killed, the solid front of Iran's clergy has begun to show the same kind of fissures that spelled the end for the shah. THE RUMOR mill among Iranian emigres has been grin- ding out reports of a massive Sep- tember action designed to finish off the regime. If the mullahs panic, the offensive may well prove successful. The first sign is an obvious break between the Ayatollah Khomeini and the ruling clergy. Following the fatal bombing, Khomeini counseled caution and moderation, stating clearly that the government "must not lose control and not act more harshly than what is prescribed by God and Islamic law." For the first time in the history of the Islamic Republic, his pronouncements seem to be going publicly unheeded as a vengeful crackdown against all elements of the political op- position has accelerated. KHOMEINI undoubtedly remembers the turning point in his own campaign against the shah. The Pahlavi government retained its control over, the nation until another September three years ago, when gover- nment troops led by panicky colonels opened fire on a group of unarmed citizens in a public square in Teheran. At that time, the shah, too, urged caution. He was accused of being spineless by his military advisors, and according, to some accounts, by his own twin sister, Princess Ashraf. She reportedly engaged him in a loud and bitter argument over the need'for quick and violent action to quell the rising tide of revolt. Some of the shah's generals are said to have coolly discussed the best way to kill the million people or more they felt would have to be sacrificed before the population could be stunned into submission. THE SHAH lapsed into a cour- se of half-way measures which both enraged and emboldened' those in rebellion against him. The young men dying in the streets only gave courage to others still fighting. As the deadly toll-shocking in its own right-grew tenfold in the retelling, the resistance became. even more daring. Indeed, its members, seemed blessed: saved somehow from the massacre they had come to expect on hearing By William Beeman Don't cut Amtrak further A SLEEK, orange passenger train pulled out of a Paris train station Tuesday morning. In a little more than two-and-one-half hours, the train was in Lyon; it had covered the 300 miles between the two French cities at speeds of up to 156 miles per hour. For France, the inaugural trip of the world's fastest, train marked yet another improvement in what is already - an exceptional national railway system. But the trip had im- plications for the United States as well. It shows something of just how neglec- ted American train service is. The new express service in France will enable French travelers to reach Lyon in less time on the train than it would take on an airplane, when travel time to and from airports is included. In many cities of the United States, travelers are fortunate if passenger rail service is even offered. For years, France-indeed most European countries-has been willling to commit substantial resources to the development of intercity rail transpor- tation facilities. The development has made a great deal of sense; trains can, after all, carry more passengers fur- ther using less fuel than any other mode of transportation. The result of the European commitment to rail ser-- vice is a highly efficient and well-used rail network that serves the needs of the population admirably. However, the United States, which at one time had excellent rail service in most parts of the nation, has lagged behind. At the expense of its rail system, the United States has en- couraged the growth of motorcoach and airline travel. It is ironic that, just as the French are inaugurating the fastest passenger rail service in the world, the Reagan administration is pondering further cuts in Amtrak's subsidy. Amtrak, which operates virtually all of the passenger trains in the United States, would have been forced to shut down as much as 90 percent of its routes if the original Reagan budget plan had been passed intact. Amtrak supporters in Congress were able to save most of the rail system then, but there is a real question of how much of the system will survive the next onslaught of budget cuts. More reductions in Amtrak service can only put the United States further behind the Europeans in railway development. Considering the tremen- dous potential for high speed, energy efficient train travel, cutting Amtrak further can only be shortsighted. exaggerated accounts of mass death elsewhere. Now the Religious Sciences Circle of the holy city of Qum, a group of hard-line clergy, has issued a declaration that might have been authored by the worst of the shah's generals, calling on the government to increase its intelligence efforts and disarm everyone except "reliable religious individuals." THEY ALSO praised the effor- ts of chief prosecutor General Rabbani Amlashi, who seems ready at this point to order the mass execution of some 4,000 im- prisoned "dissidents." 'The mullahs clearly are'scared to death, and are beginning to break under the pressure. Dozens of them have been assassinated by urban guerrillas- in recent weeks; most of the survivors' travel about Teheran surrounded by bodyguards. The mere sight of the mullah's turban and cloak has begun to serve as a license to shoot. The second sign of fissure is a profound tactical shift. Minister for Executive Affairs Behzad Nabavi has directly blamed the bombing of the prme ministry Qn the "Monafegin." This term can be translated as "hypocrites," but it is, in fact, a political code name for the Mujahideen e- Khalq, the leftist organization headed by Massoud Rajavi, now serving as prime minister in exile under the shadow presidency of Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. NABAVI'S accusation is the first official admission that the nation is faced with deep internal divisions, rather than beset ex- clusively by outside forces and their Iranian puppets. Perhaps unwittingly, Nabavi thus has acknowledged and legitimized the internal opposition, and the Islamic Republican Party almost certainly will pay dearly for his error. Such slips did not occur before the deaths of former IRP head Ayatollah Beheshti, who had a far better sense of political tac- tics than any of the surviving religious power elite. The very fact that strategic lapses such as Nabavi's now are occurring makes it clear just how sorely dependent the mullahs were on Beheshti. HENCE, THE time once again appears ripe for a climactic blowup. The Mujahideen are ready-they know how it was done the last time, and their methods are likely to be repeated. The pattern was first to goad the government into a paranoid frenzy, then to arrange for defiant public demonstrations at which innocent people were killed. The public outrage at such acts fed into other demonstrations, escalating the death toll and sub- sequent public anger until the government no longer could sustain itself. The test, of the Islamic Republic may well be whether it can avoid plunging fully into a similar maelstrom of death. Thus far, the general public has stayed clear of the shooting. The fight for that public's loyalty will be the crucial factor in determining who will win. IN THE meantime, Iran's in- ternal problems are beginning to affect its external affairs. Iraq once again has become aggressive and now claims that its army killed 5,000 Iranians in a recent offensive. Since no one can accurately test this assertion, it may simply be taken 't face value even in Iran, lowering the stock of the Iranian government in the eyes of its own citizenry. Earlier this month, moreover, Japan announced its intention of. canceling its oil contracts with 'Iran, due to high prices and un- certainty about Iran's internal stability. Tokyo currently pur- chases more than one-third of all Iran's crude exports, providing foreign reserves badly needed for the purchase of imported food. The Japanese may well sense a major political change in the wind. They don't want to be ac- cused of supporting the present regime by any new government which might replace it. In any case, the withdrawal of confiden- ce by one of the staunchest of Iran's trading partners is a very ominous sign indeed. TO BE SURE, the IRP's op- position itself is horribly divided, vague in its philosophy and un- clear what it would do if it did gain power. In this game, however, the question is not one of absolutes but of relativities. The victory will fall to whichever side has the greatest unity and sense of purpose relative to the other. The opposition will gain mightily even if it remains in its present ambiguous state while the IRP sinks into frenzy. Iranians look for inner strength and will follow it. By contrast, irresolute bluster and power- mongering, particularly when coupled with heavy-handed bullying, only invites their con- tempt. Inner strength, finally, is precisely what separated the Ayatollah from so many -of the ruling clergy in the eyes of the public. If he becomes estranged from the IRP, the people may see no good reason to continue their support of the mullahs. Thus, before they begin loading up for an all-out war on their op- ponents, the IRP leaders should reflect long and hard. Bullets have a strange ability to ricochet and destroy those who pull the triggers. Beeman is an anthropologist at Brown University and lived in Iran for more than seven years. He wrote this article for Pacific News Service. i Weasel WELL FRESNMANI COMES ONE MOW! LET ME 'DO iw- 1ALKv4 W. of a , NOI M PE8BIE IM A KAPPA PE.TA! WAR ARE. You You -PONT? WELL TEN IS YOUR FAT4ER~. VERY WXAJH( m~ SoiEZtNIN&? UN... NO, NOT PARTI COLARLY. 4 11 l t ( .. .< / f Mf /N , , r l r THEN WHY AM T TALKiN& To You? s° By Robert Lence &N A, KAPPA IELTA!1 co,* o 06 Al1 fA 'I l "I , k~/ 1 f I LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Pro-life bill may undermine judiciary V r v Ii /' To the Daily: Congress is presently debating on the "Human Life Statute" (S- 158), which would in effect make abortion illegal in the United States. The crux of the bill is its definition of conception as the beginning of human life. By so doing, Congress would alter the limits of the Fourteenth Amendment so that fetuses would be within its scope. If implemented, the bill would stitution states: "The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Although ruling that the amen- dment was not intended to in- clude fetuses, the Court did recognize that the state had a vested interest in protecting the unborn. However, the Court also found that the right to privacy of majority in each House. The framers of the Constitution in- tended this lengthy process to avoid transient changes in the protections of the Constitution. Once the courts have inter- preted the constitutional protec- tions, a precedent is formed upon which one can depend. If Congress succeeds in subverting this system, the positive effects of the stability of the court would be negated. Should a more liberal before Congress, which purport to weaken the federal court system and make its decisions unenfor- ceable. One such bill would forbid federal courts from hearing cases involving prayer in public schools. Another, S-528, would similarly forbid federal courts from hearing busing cases. Regardless of one's position on these issues, we feel that this in- fringement upon the authority of the court system contradicts the I