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September 23, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-23

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom



Mostly sunny today with a
high around 60.

Vol. XCII, No.12 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 23, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Polish leader
warns that
Soviets may
cut supplies

Out on a limb
In celebration of the first day of Ann Arbor's majestic fall season, LSA sophomore Buzz Yancich lets it all hang loose from a Diag tree.
Shapiro letter befuddles faculty

From AP and UPI
WARSAW, Poland - A leading Polish
Communist warned yesterday that the
Kremlin may cut vital raw material
supplies to quell anti-Soviet agitation
sparked by the independent union
He also warned that anyone who wan-
ted to push Poland out of the socialist
system should realize "he is pushing
the nation into the abyss of chaos, whose
end he does not and cannot know.
"ONE HAS TO say clearly that all an-
ti-Soviet action or agitation will bring
about is that our closest ally . .. may
begin to reconsider whether to continue
helping us or maintain only economic
relations to an extent balancing our
supplies," Politburo member Stefan
Olszowski said in a nationwide TV ad-
"The Soviet Union can manage
without Polish supplies, but Poland
cannot manage without Soviet sup-
plies," he said.
In New York, Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko told the U.N. General
Assembly that the West was making
"no small effort to shake loose the
socialist foundations of the Polish
state" and reaffirmed that other War-
saw Pact states will provide "fraternal
solidarity and support to Poland."
agency said the Soviet delegation in
Warsaw was held by Deputy Premier
Nikolai Baibakov, the Soviet state

planning chief, and that his talks with
Premier Wojciech Jaruzelski and
others concentrated on economic
cooperation during 1982 and the
following years.
Saying the talks aimed at setting a
volume of trade exchange next year,
PAP added, "that would be tantamount
to obtainng further important economic
aid from the Soviet Union."
During a meeting between Soviet
President Leonid Brezhnev and Polish
Communist Party chief Stanislaw
Kania and Jaruzelski in the Crimea in
August, the Soviets agreed to defer
repayment of Poland's debts for a five-
year period.
POLAND'S multibillion-dollar
foreign debt has been aggravated by
year-long strife fueled by Solidarity,
the first union free of Communist Party
control in the Soviet bloc.
Meanwhile, confronted by mounting
Soviet criticism and adament Polish
authorities, the leadership of the
Solidarity labor union yesterday of-
fered to compromise on one of its most
controversial demands-worker self-
Meeting in Gdansk to prepare for the
crucial opening session of the union's
first national congress, Solidarity's 10-
member executive presidium modified
a demand that factory workers be
allowed to elect their own bosses, an
issue that had promised another con-
frontation with the government.

President Harold Shapiro surprised
University employees Friday when he
sent them a letter regarding the
University's policy on conflict of in-
The letter was "not in response to
anything specific," Shapiro said
yesterday. It was written "Simply.
*because the University auditors said
that things like this (conflict of interest
policy) should be issued periodically"
to all University employees, Shapiro
THE PROBLEM is that nobody
seems to know exactly what conflict of
interest means.
"I don't even know what conflict of
interest is," said business Prof. Her-
bert Hildebrandt. "This puts all of us in
an uncomfortable position."'
Neither did 30 of the University em-
ployees who called Shapiro's office
Monday, many of whom were won-
dering if the letter was directed Oer-

sonally at them, according to an em-
ployee who works in the president's of-
THE LETTER defines conflict of in-
terest as a University employee using
his or her position for personal gain or
that of his or her family or associates.
"I can't define it simply," Shapiro
said. "We must look at each individual
case itself," adding that one must use
his own common sense in judging what
is a conflict of interest and what is not.
Shapiro also said in the letter that "In
a community as diverse and complex
as that of the University, there Is
always the possibility that the pursuit
of individual interests may result in
conflicts with those of the University.
Some of them could be serious in nature
and could be predicted and prevented. I
ask that every individual develop a sen-
sitivity to this issue and seek guidance
from your unit administrative office or
the Office of General Counsel when ap-
"THERE'S nothing scandalous about

it (the letter)," said Roderick Daane,
general counsel to the University. "It
was done merely to comply with
auditor's requirement. If you're looking
for a skeleton, you won't find one."
According to University Controller
Chandler Matthews, "Anyone who
works for a public institution has the
opportunity to become involved in a
conflict of interest problem."
But "There are no hard and fast
guidelines as to what constitutes con-
flict of interest," said Engineering
Prof. Andrew Nagy.
AN EMPLOYEE from the
president's office offered: "If I were to
send out a letter on the President's
stationary for my own private use, this
would be a conflict of interest."
"Does ,someone using a University
car to pick up something for himself
represent a conflict of interest?" asked,
Hildebrandt. "There is a feeling of
guilt" among faculty members, he

Efforts to aid schools
result in, budget delay

w warns faculty
of conflicts of interest

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If you think it's cold now, don't look
forward to winter.
Temperatures for the Southeastern
part of the state are expected to be
below normal this fall and other at-
mospheric indicators hint at a colder
than usual winter, according to Bob
Dickerson, a meteorologist from the
Climate Analysis Center of the National
Weather Service.
THE AVERAGE city temperature on
Sept. 23 from the period between 1940 to
1971 has been 61 degrees, with a high of
73 degrees and a low of 50 degrees. In
the same 30-year period, the average
temperature for the month of Septem-
ber was 63.6 degrees.

As for rain, the weather service can-
not predict the amount of precipitation
for this fall.
Today, a partly cloudy day.is expec-
ted, with a high around 60. But tonight

temperatures make the city seem like
Florida by comparison. In Sault Ste.
Marie, the mercury, dipped to 27
degrees yesterday, breaking by one
degree a record low set in 1973.

LANSING (UPI)- Gov. William
Milliken's second attempt to win ap-
proval for a $126 million budget reduc-
tion plan will be delayed about a week
while efforts to spare schools and
colleges from the cuts continue,
lawmakers said yesterday.
And state Budget Director Gerald
Miller and legislative leaders are
hoping to tap newly discov~ered sources
of funds, including an old railroad tax
account and the state's land trust ac-
count, to help close up the state's $135
million budget deficit for the current
1980-81 fiscal year which ends Sept. 30.
A NEW BUDGET cutting executive
order must be approved before the
fiscal year ends.
UniversityRegents recently passed a
sharply curtailed general fund budget
for the 1981-82 fiscal year based on
estimations of proposed cuts in state
LAST WEEK, the House and Senate
Appropriations Committees
'unanimously rrejected the governor's
executive order to cut the budget. Many
lawmakers argued education would
take the worst of the budget ax.
Miller at that time said he saw no way
to juggle the figures to alleviate some of
the burden from education-which was
slated to take about $51 million!of the

Temperatures for the Southeastern part
of the state are expected to be below nor-

mal this fall

and other atmospheric

dicators hint at a colder than usual winter.

there is a slight chance of showers, with
a low around 40. Thursday will be war-
mer, with highs in the 70s.
BUT IF THINGS seem chilly around
here, the northern half of the state's

As for football Saturday, when
Michigan takes on the Midshipmen of
Navy, the weather looks good, with
temperatures up around 60.

....seeks legislative approval
of executive order
"We're trying hard to find the dollars
that Jerry Miller says he needs and at
the same time trying to have the least
possible impact on education
programs," said House Republican
Leader William Bryant of Grosse Poin-
te Farms.

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WKRP in Fresno
THE HOST OF THE Fresno, Calif., radio talk show
found.little disagreement with his caller. But time
was getting short, and the host said he had
to move on to other people phoning in. Even so,
Gov. Jerry Brown was polite in telling his caller, former
Vice President Walter Mondale, that he had to get to other
blinking phones during the program on radio station KMJ.

Winnebago of the year
Cooperstown, N.Y., has its Baseball Hall of Fame. Can-
ton, Ohio has the pigskin counterpart. Now it's Elkhart, In-
diana's turn. To honor what is billed as Indiana's fastest-
growing industry, people here are promoting this town as
the site of the nation's Recreational Vehicle-Mobile Home
Hall of Fame. "Indiana now is the largest producer of RV's
in the nation and the third-largest producer of mobile
homes after Texas and Georgia," said Bud Lachman of the
Indiana Manufactured Housing Association. The kick-off
for a $1 million drive for the project was announced last

the homeless teen-ager from Stafford, England, who took a
$46,000 Rolls-Royce from its showroom to put a "roof over
his head." After taking the car from the auto showroom,
Stephen Douglas went on a 400-mile joyride that lasted two
days. Police found him asleep on the back seat of the car. In
addition to the probationary two-year jail sentence,
Douglas was disqualified from driving for six months for
taking the car without authority, for burglary, for driving
while disqualified and for driving without insurance. Next
time try the YMCA . ...
Time for taps

clack" of the heels of her shoes as she wandered in and out
of the courthouse distracted him. "This is a public cour-
troom and you are welcome, but you don't get up and walk
out until court has recessed," he told her. "A judge and at-
torneys cannot concentrate when people are walking
around here like it's a poolroom." Kramer said the woman
could have been held in jail for 10 days on contempt of court
charges, but released her after she had time to "cool her
On the inside
A photo-feature on the dedication of the Gerald Ford
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