OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, September 22, 1981 The Michigan Daily - --..___ I -_ -__...... .. r Edite a dse an Mi Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCII, No. 11 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 For thi Hebrew 201. The course description says, "No previous knowledge of Hebrew is assumed." It ought to add: "It is taken for granted." On a lark, I decided to try Hebrew this semester. I had never learned it as a child-my family is not at all religious-and I figured, what the hell, if there is a God, it couldn't hurt to speak one of His languages. Besides, I thought, after seven years of German and two years of French, how hard could Hebrew be? I learned the answer to that naive question Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Safety at the stadium I took T WAS AN unnerving situation. Throngs of people jammed several section entrances at Michigan Stadium as they tried to get to the seats for which they held tickets-jeopardizing their safety and well-being in the process. Once the game began, some crowds, still outside the stadium, began to get somewhat violent as people pushed and shoved and started "rushing" the various entrances. Fortunately, no one was injured, although the potential for being trampled was certainly evident. Allan Renfrew, Athretic Department ticket manager, said one reason for the problem was the late starting time of the game. "People, tailgated too long and came later to the stadium," he said. P OLITICS IN Britain took a hopeful turn last week when the Liberal Party voted overwhelmingly to form an alliance with the Social Democrats. For the Liberals, the pact may mark an end to nearly 60 years of political obscurity. But for the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher, the pact may mark the beginning of the end. The Thatcher government has very nearly brought Britain to its knees economically, and the emergence of the Social Democrat-Liberal coalition could prove to be a formidable menace to the government's continued rule. Bitter infighting had left the Labor party opposition severely divided, and had put the militant leftists in control of the party machinery. The Social Democratic Party, in fact, was formed last March by a group of dissident Laborites. Before the Social Democrat-Liberal Unfortunately, the situation inside the stadium was not much better. The aisles were filled with people who could or would not go to their seats. Had an emergency arisen in any sec- tion, it would have been virtually im- possible to get an emergency crew through the waves of people. Whatever the reason, the athletic department should not allow such a problem to arise again. The depar- tment should make every effort to monitor the flow of people into the stadium so that there is no need for crowds to be stuck outside the stadium when the game begins and so that people will not be cluttering the aisles. It's fine to be part of the "largest audience watching a footballgame in America," but not when it endangers people's lives. ~ftward shift pact was formed, the infighting ap- peared to have dramatically increased the difficulty in fighting the Conser- vatives. With the new alliance, however, prospects for unseating the present government seem to have im- proved considerably. A public opinion poll last week in- dicated that more than 40 percent of Britons questioned expressed support for the Social Democrat-Liberal alliance, compared to 31 percent for Labor and 25 percent for the conser- vatives. Although the next elections will not come until sometime in 1984, the changes in Britain are encouraging. They seem to point to the possibility of replacing the anachronistic That- cherites with a more progressive government. The events might even of- fer a glimmer of hope for American liberals-who are having their own problems with an archconservative administration. Howard Witt. didn't know much about the subject matter. Last term, for instance, I took Bio 123-Human Sexuality. I passed with a C- minus. But this is the first time I've been ab- solutely, positively the worst student in a class. And I don't like the feeling. EVERYONE FALLS three or four weeks behind in a course now and then. But have you ever been three or four years behind? I knew I was in trouble that first day when the instructor asked everyone for his or her Hebrew name. "Moshe," said one guy. "Rivka," said a woman. One large, bearded fellow in a peasant cap sang out, "Tevye." (Just kidding.) Then it was my turn. Hmmm ... Hebrew name .. Hebrew name.. * Gosh, mom and dad never told me I had a Hebrew name. No, wait a minute ... my parents always used to call me "schlemiel." Maybe that was it. Or "schmuck." I get called that a lot. I finally-had to concede that I didn't think I had a Hebrew name. But I promised to think of one. The next morning, pulling on my jeans and pondering my middle name (Louis), I decided on "Levi." AND THIS HEBREW alphabet-you'd think it was based on hieroglyphics. (It is based on hieroglyphics, I've been told.) At first, when I heard there were only 22 let- ters (instead of the usual 26), I thought I was in for a bargain. Oh 'goody, I said to myself-an easy A. Oh ho. Not so fast there, a voice from above intoned. First you have to learn what the 22 letters look like in print (a mass of confusing lines and curves and squiggles). Then you have to learn what the 22 letters look like in cursive (a second mass of confusing lines and curves and squiggles that bears absolutely no resemblance to the first). Then you learn there are two different ways to get the "v" sound, two ways to get the "t'" sound, and three ways to get the "k" sound: And no rules governing when to use which. (AT LEAST GERMAN had rules. Lots of, rules. So did French-but you could talk real fast and slur the words together so no one would know if you were following them.) Then comes the big surprise-sometimes you use vowels and sometimes you don't. How do you know if you are reading something with vowels? If you see a speckling of ran- domly placed dots and dashes-those are the * vowels. To top it all off, everything is written back- wards. Right to left. No wonder they wouldn't believe me at Ulrich's when I told them my Hebrew book was defective. Talk about being behind-here I am just trying to learn my alef, bet, gimels (that's abg's for you uninitiated) while the rest of the class is drafting bills for the Knesset. Oy vey. (That, by the way, is Yiddish, not Hebrew. The two have little in common, which means my intensive study of The Joys of Yiddish this past summer was for naught.) Well, I have to be getting off to the language lab now, so I bid you "Shalom." Which means both "hello" and "goodbye." Great. Just great. Witt's column appears every Tuesday. on the first day of class. Everyone was speaking, like, aforeign language! OUT OF SOME 16 students there, only two of us had never had any Hebrew before. That afternoon, one of us dropped. Express. That left me somewhere near the bottom of the class. An astute observer might say last. Everyone else had gone to Hebrew school as a kid; they were all bar- or bas mitzvahed. Most of them have been to Israel. Twice. They're taking the class "just to brush up." Or "because Hebrew 202 might be too hard." Or "because I need a gut." Now I've taken courses before where I I Weasel. By Robert Lence Ol No! NOT o ro "o WALKt4A / \V ';) ( , \.,N< f " r ... .} )' -- i r AOUR MIS'" S 4..&'( L4M6 US AN...T IN tf A PISr taANb t-l*T.6 7£t TN 11}5E)Z- TW 50NP /r u ANIf.-. M5SN6I g;Y wf~urJ HAT TI- e 1 t W;kAT Wf YoV 5R rNC , WE. SE -? s.! 7 01 Y S V / , t _al f f .'( °\ ,,,: < ' 1 r -- I- Qrivl v. Stocking American prisons "H ERE IS THE ANSWER- WHAT ARE YOUR QUESTIONS? ,/ ~ i rr f r In9 Co4'JkO r1/P If the proposals of a special advisory com- mittee to the Reagan administration are ac- ted on, a simple remedy will be tested on the problem of crime in America: More people will go to prison. Among other things, the Attorney General's Task Force on Crime has recommended a $2 billion prison federal program to help states construct prisons, the elimination of parole in' federal cases, and new limitations on habeas. corpus petitions from state prisoners. THE UPSHOT IS not only the likelihood of more Americans winding up in and remaining in prison, but also the aggravation of a problem which already beleaguers prisons and prisoners alike. In ever greater numbers, prisoners are suing their keepers to gain relief from over- crowded conditions, guard brutality, medical neglect, racial discrimination, and mail cen- sorship. Yet, with rare exceptions, their at- tempts to air their complaints through the legal process-as opposed to bloody riots-are doomed to frustration. Before the Supreme Court's landmark criminal procedure decisions of the 1960s, the courts took a "hands off" attitude toward prisoner complaints. In practice, prisoners had no rights enforceable in court; the rule of law did not penetrate prison walls. Ar- bitrariness, corruption, and occasional brutality by prison officials simply went unquestioned. THE WARREN COURT'S rulings opened federal courthouse doors to prisoners trying not only to reverse invalid convictions, but also to sue state officials over uncon- stitutionally oppressive conditions. The result has been a relentless upsurge in prisoner cases in the federal courts: Civil rights cases alone grew from 218 in 1966 to 12,397 last year. Prisoner petitions are not the largest single category of federal civil litigation. Some say this volume threatens both ef- ficient judicial administration and the possibility of justice in individual cases. In- deed, it is difficult to identify meritorious cases in a wordy sea of prisoner-drafted pleadings. IN THEORY, nevertheless, even the least favored persons in our society have access to the courts to complain of unconstitutional behavior by state officials. But increasingly, the theory is not tran- By William Bennet Turner IN AN OHIO overcrowding suit, the court declared that "prisons cannot be free of discomfort" and decided that it was per- missible to confine two prisoners in a cell designed for one. By outlawing double-celing the court would have condemned conditions in a majority of state prisons, compelling some serious reconsideration of the need to incar- cerate bad check artists, car thieves, drug possessors, and other non-violent offenders at tremendous taxpayer expense. Most recently, the court exempted state pardon and parole officials from disclosing any reasons whatsoever for their decisions. Expanding on a doctrine it had developed in other cases solely for the purpose of denying relief to prisoners, the court in this case denied prisoners any due process protections unless they are about to lose a liberty or property interest "rooted in state law." This new doctrine creates an unfortunate paradox: The more a state legally limits the behavior of its officials, the more prisoners may invoke due process to require fair treat- ment. But if the state gives wide and unregulated discretion to the officials, it completely escapes judicial review. MOREOVER, EVEN when the validity of prisoner claims is acknowledged, they often meet a dead end in the trial courts. Such cases are generally not heard by judges and juries. There are seldom trials, with witnesses and arguments. Instead, prisoner complaints are screened at the outset by court clerks, and the overwhelming majority are rejected sum- marily. A prisoner who believes he is sending his petition off to a judge for his day in court is hopelessly naive. A major problem is that states generally provide no legal assistance to prisoners. Those which do not offer legal services programs find that fewer suits are filed, as lawyers resolve many prisoner problems administratively and advise against frivolous litigation. Elsewhere, prisoners fend for themselves as best they can, against the opposition of resourceful and well-financed state attorney general's offices. Cases that survive initial screening languish on the court's docket. The4 prisoners have neither the knowledge nor the means to move their cases to trial. Having a lawyer is the key to the courthouse door, for there is no effective judicial review of. prisoner complaints without one. There are other, and doubtless better, ways- to resolve at least some prison disputes. In- prison grievance arbitration is a promising- alternative, provided that outside impartial-, arbitrators are used. But 'prison systems resist this idearperhaps because officials fear the introduction of outsiders might unsettle existing guard-prisoner power relationships. Thus, cumbersome and sporadic as it is, judicial review provides virtually the only outside scrutiny of what goes on behind the walls. The prison reform movement of the early 1970s has now largely disintegrated. Prisons absorbed early court rulings upholding prisoner rights simply by bureaucratizing. Rules and regulations replaced seat-of-the-pants decision-making, adding to the depersonalization of imprison- ment while making little dent on prison reality. In the meantime, the new conservatism, together with fear of crime and criminals, discourages citizens from taking an interest in what happens to people after conviction. The prison remains a closed world, with har- dly any inquiry into unspeakable crowded conditions or the broad exercise of power by state bureaucrats. Turner, a San Francisco-based attorney ' and former Harvard Law School instruc- tor, wrote this article for Pacific News Service. .:..:. .. .... .:::s. :.nr.........+.... 5.... . n.: .. . . . Letters and columns represent the opinions of the individual l J