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September 20, 1981 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-20

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 20, 1981-Page 7
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aimed at gays
could cut Fla.
"college funds

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - A state budget
amendment that would cut off funds to schools that
host groups advocating sex between unmarried
people is constitutional, a Florida judge has ruled.
"In the present case, the Legislature has not
prohibited speech," Circuit Judge John Rudd ruled
Friday. "It has come to a decision that educational
funds are to be used to educate students, not to
provide recognition for, assistance to, or meeting
facilities for groups to advocate sexual relations."
THE AMENDMENT was quietly tacked onto the
state's $9.3 billion budget, which went into effect-July
1. It withholds funds from any university or com-
munity college that "charters or gives official
recognition or knowingly gives assistance to or
provides meeting facilities for any groups or
organizaton that recommends or advocates sexual
relations between persons not married to each
A major backer, state Rep. Tom Bush, said the
amendment was specifically aimed at homosexuals.
"I recognize the First Amendment guarantee of
freedom of speech and I think it should be protected. I

just don't think taxpayers' money or student fees or
university buildings should be used to promote or en-
courage homosexuality," Bush said.
THE PROVISO in the state budget had caught
education officials by surprise.
"When we were working on it, the indications were
that the governor was going to veto it," said Board of
Regents Chairman Debose Ausley. "I'd forgotten
about it."
Gov. Bob Graham at the time called the amen-
dment "constitutionally suspect," but said a 1980
Supreme Court decision prevented him from vetoing
the entire bill and cutting off all funds to the state
university system.
Commissioner of Education Ralph Turlington, who.
brought the suit, declined comment'on the ruling,
saying he would have to talk to his attorneys before
deciding whether to appeal.
It is not clear how the decision will affect college
organizations or if it will cancel a lawsuit filed by the
Florida Task Force, a coalition of gay rights
organizations. A hearing on that suit is set for Sept. 24.

Offenbach' s Operetta
General Meeting
MONDAY, SEPT. 21-7:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Public Library
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*Brzez*pinski*,, lands U.S. defense bul"Idup

(Continued from Page l)
him in competition with former
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Vance
resigned his post before Carter's term
ended, reportedly because Carter
relied on Brzezinski's advice over Van-
"Every president has his own style so
the duties of the national security ad-
visor aren't the same under each
president," Brzezinski said, adding
that Carter and he worked "very
Brzezinski said that when Carter oc-
cupied the White House he would brief
the president "one on one" each mor-
ning for about half an hour on national
security topics and "the decisions the

president would have to make in the
course of the day, meetings on foreign
policy, and so forth."
Brzezinski, who could walk in on the
president without an appointment,
criticized Reagan's reluctance to
delegate more authority to Secretary of
State Alexander Haig.
"As a result we've a system today in
which neither the secretary of state nor
the assistant for national security af-
fairs is productive."
Currently a political science
professor and director of the Institute
on International Change at Columbia
University, Brzezinski shared some of
his views on foreign affairs. -
He said he thinks there is a growing

pacifist wave in Europe now which
"could be a serious problem for U.S.
security" but he thinks the Reagan ad-
ministration should not overact. In the
early 1970s he said Europe contributed
more to NATO's defense than did the
Unites States.
The Eastern Bloc moving away from
Soviet influence, as illustrated in the
rise of Poland's Solidarity, is a long
range trend, he said. "I'm sure Eastern
Europe wants to emancipate itself from
the Soviets whenever ;t can."
Brzezinski said if the United States
was not careful "we could drive coun-
tries into the Soviet orbit. Policies like
excessive support of South Africa, lack
of progress in the Middle East peace

process, and insensitivity to the need
for reform in Latin America, will push
countries toward the Soviets, Brzezin-
ski said.
"The question really depends on what
we do, or do not do," he said, and not on
the Soviets, who are "not very popular
in the Third World."
Brzezinski, who was once offered an
assistant professorship at the Univer-
sity, said he was happy to return to Ann
"Michigan put on a very spectacular
performance and I was happy to see the
game. I have to admit Michigan was
very lucky to eke out that narrow vic-
tory," he joked.

*.The Blimp: More than just a big balloon

(Continued from Page 1)
Goodyear had to decline the requests.
Instead, Goodyear's blimps, which can,
carry no more than five persons each,
spend most of the fall traveling from
football game to fo6tball game across
the country, usually covering one
collegiate game and one professional
game each week.
CONTRARY TO popular belief,
however, the blimp does not afford a
very good view of the game, said John
Moran, who piloted the Goodyear
,blimp, America, at yesterday's
Michigan-Notre Dame game. In fact,
sitting in the end zone in a seat directly
behind the goalpost might prove to offer
a better view.
"For the pilot, it is not a very good
seat," Moran said. "My TV monitor
only shows what the high altitude
camera (stationed on the blimp) sees.
For watching a race, like the Indy 500, a
Three beers,

blimp is a much better seat."
Goodyear allows ABC-TV to operate
the cameras aboard the blimps for
televised sporting events in exchange
for free promotion on the television
GOODYEAR'S BLIMP fleet plays
another important role in the com-
pany's promotion work. In between foot-
ball games and auto races, the blimps
often travel from city to city. Goodyear
executives, hoping to persuade a
manufacturer or retailer to use or
market Goodyear products, often take
prospective clients for rides in the
Goodyear executives say the blimp
fleet has been an invaluable
promotional tool for the company.
"People tend to remember the name of
Goodyear through the identification of
the blimp, more than any other symbol
in advertising," Scherer said.

"Goodyear gets national exposure."
The American blimps each cost
Goodyear between $1 mi llon and $2
million to operate each year. The com-
pany's blimp, Europa, stationed in
Rome, covers sporting events and
other festivals in Western Europe and
runs up an annual bill of between $2.5
million and $4 million.
Goodyear's three American blimps
are stationed across the country-in
Houston, in Los Angeles, and Pompano
Beach, Fla. Goodyear has blimp
homebases in various regions of the
country because the dirigibles cannot
travel more than 250 miles in an
average day, and thus would be unable
to, make a complete cross-country trip
in time for weekly sports events.
"The (ABC) hetwork calls our New
York office on the Monday afternoon
before each game (telling us which
game will be televised) and invites us to

attend the game," Stherer said. "After
that, a phone call goes out to Goodyear
world headquarters in Akron, Ohio to
see which of the three blimps floating
around is in the vicinity of the game."
Each blimp travels with a ground
crew of about 16, a technician, and a

Rebate offered nly.
See the Jostens' Display at
Mon. thru Fri
Sept. 21-Sept. 25
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Li 1



(Continued from Page 1)
Dame since 1927" said they would not
enter the premises "even though the
people seem friendly as hell, because
we're senior citizens."
While most partiers came and went, a
select group prepared for the infamous
beer guzzling contests. The first ac-
tivity, the team-chugging-relay,
brought a dozen teams of four to the
balcony of the house to test their speed
and endurance.
The object: To finish four bottles of
beer before any other team finished.
Some teams chanted ad-lib fight
cheers, while more serious participan-
ts nervously licked their lips and eyed
their opponents.
Winners of one heat-Freshmen
Michael Hunt, Mike Woods, Kirk Lar-
son, and Bill Phunn-attributed their
success to rigorous practice in high
University student John Stewart, a
member of the "Dead Dogs" team, said
he had prepared for the contest by
drinking steadily since 7 that evening.
Even a few Notre Dame fans showed
up, lurking ominously in green and
yellow jackets. Some had to
acknowledge Michigan's superiority . .
in beer drinking, that is.
"The supremacy for beer drinking
goes to U of M," admitted Irish fan
Jim Daly..

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