P - Page 28-Saturday, September 19, 1981-The Michigan Daily 0 Ci 0 a 0 m mmmmmm lw w mw qw w Visit our new ELECTRONICS Store for your Hewlett-Packard Personal Computer .. ... .. - - -o .. We've opened a new store to meet your calculator and personal computer needs: featuring the complete HP Series 80 family of personal computers, peripherals, and software. And we've staffed it with people to help you select the configuration that will fill your specific requirements. Stop in for a hands-on demonstration. -A- , qV Hewlett -Packard's Series 80 for business, engineering, or research. One-on-one Computing Systems for Professionals. "S Electronics Store 1110 S. University, 662-3201 Main Store 549 E. University, 662-3201 Mon. -Fri. 8:30-5:30, Sat. 9:30-5:00 Supplement to The Michigan Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan--September 19, 1981 Twe